import sys import h5py import numpy segh5 = sys.argv[1] predh5 = sys.argv[2] classifier = sys.argv[3] threshold = float(sys.argv[4]) from neuroproof import Agglomeration # open as uint32 and float respectively seg = numpy.array(h5py.File(segh5)['stack'], numpy.uint32) pred = numpy.array(h5py.File(predh5)['volume/predictions'], numpy.float32) pred = pred.transpose((2,1,0,3)) pred = pred.copy() res = Agglomeration.agglomerate(seg, pred, classifier, threshold) # should be 232 unique labels (including 0) in the resulting segmentation if len(numpy.unique(res)) != 232: exit(1) print "SUCCESS"
def neuroproof_agglomerate(grayscale, predictions, supervoxels, classifier, threshold = 0.20, mitochannel = 2): """Main agglomeration function Args: grayscale = 3D uing8 (z,y,x) -- Not used. predictions = 4D float32 numpy label array (z, y, x, ch) supervoxels = 3D uint32 numpy label array (z,y,x) classifier = file location or DVID (assume to be xml unless .h5 is explict in name) threshold = threshold (default = 0.20) mitochannel = prediction channel for mito (default 2) (empty means no mito mode) Returns: segmentation = 3D numpy label array (z,y,x) """ print("neuroproof_agglomerate(): Starting with label data: dtype={}, shape={}".format(str(supervoxels.dtype), supervoxels.shape)) import numpy # return immediately if no segmentation if len(numpy.unique(supervoxels)) <= 1: return supervoxels #from neuroproof import Classifier, Agglomeration from neuroproof import Agglomeration import os # verify channels assert predictions.ndim == 4 z,y,x,nch = predictions.shape if nch > 2: # make sure mito is in the second channel predictions[[[[2, mitochannel]]]] = predictions[[[[mitochannel, mitochannel]]]] pathname = str(classifier["path"]) tempfilehold = None tclassfile = "" # write classifier to temporary file if stored on DVID if "dvid-server" in classifier: # allow user to specify any server and version for the data dvidserver = classifier["dvid-server"] uuid = classifier["uuid"] # extract file and store into temporary location node_service = retrieve_node_service(str(dvidserver), str(uuid)) name_key = pathname.split('/') classfile = node_service.get(name_key[0], name_key[1]) # create temp file import tempfile tempfilehold = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # open file and write data with open(, 'w') as fout: fout.write(classfile) # move temporary file to have the same extension as provided file if pathname.endswith('.h5'): tclassfile = + ".h5" else: tclassfile = + ".xml" os.rename(, tclassfile) else: # just read from directory tclassfile = pathname # load classifier from file #classifier = loadClassifier(tclassfile) # run agglomeration (supervoxels must be 32 uint and predicitons must be float32) segmentation = Agglomeration.agglomerate(supervoxels.astype(numpy.uint32), predictions.astype(numpy.float32), tclassfile, threshold) if tempfilehold is not None: os.remove(tclassfile) return segmentation