Exemple #1
def simpletsp(seed: tp.Optional[int] = None) -> tp.Iterator[Experiment]:
    """Simple TSP problems. Please note that the methods we use could be applied or complex variants, whereas
    specialized methods can not always do it; therefore this comparisons from a black-box point of view makes sense
    even if white-box methods are not included though they could do this more efficiently."""
    funcs = [STSP(10), STSP(100), STSP(1000), STSP(10000)]
    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    algos = [
        "NaiveTBPSA", "SQP", "Powell", "LargeScrHammersleySearch",
        "ScrHammersleySearch", "PSO", "OnePlusOne", "NGO", "Shiva",
        "DiagonalCMA", "CMA", "TwoPointsDE", "QrDE", "LhsDE", "Zero",
        "StupidRandom", "RandomSearch", "HaltonSearch",
        "RandomScaleRandomSearch", "MiniDE"
    for budget in [25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600]:
        for num_workers in [1]:  # , 10, 100]:
            if num_workers < budget:
                for algo in algos:
                    for fu in funcs:
                        xp = Experiment(fu,
                        if not xp.is_incoherent:
                            yield xp
Exemple #2
def realworld(seed: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterator[Experiment]:
    """Realworld optimization. This experiment contains:
     - a subset of MLDA (excluding the perceptron: 10 functions rescaled or not.
     - ARCoating https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.02907: 1 function.
     - The 007 game: 1 function, noisy.
     - PowerSystem: a power system simulation problem.
     - STSP: a simple TSP problem.
     MLDA stuff, except the Perceptron.
    funcs: List[Union[ExperimentFunction, rl.agents.TorchAgentFunction]] = [
        _mlda.Clustering.from_mlda(name, num, rescale) for name, num in [("Ruspini", 5), ("German towns", 10)] for rescale in [True, False]
    funcs += [
        _mlda.SammonMapping.from_mlda("Virus", rescale=False),
        _mlda.SammonMapping.from_mlda("Virus", rescale=True),
    funcs += [_mlda.Landscape(transform) for transform in [None, "square", "gaussian"]]

    # Adding ARCoating.
    funcs += [ARCoating()]
    funcs += [PowerSystem(), PowerSystem(13)]
    funcs += [STSP(), STSP(500)]
    funcs += [game.Game("war")]
    funcs += [game.Game("batawaf")]
    funcs += [game.Game("flip")]
    funcs += [game.Game("guesswho")]
    funcs += [game.Game("bigguesswho")]

    # 007 with 100 repetitions, both mono and multi architectures.
    base_env = rl.envs.DoubleOSeven(verbose=False)
    random_agent = rl.agents.Agent007(base_env)
    modules = {'mono': rl.agents.Perceptron, 'multi': rl.agents.DenseNet}
    agents = {a: rl.agents.TorchAgent.from_module_maker(base_env, m, deterministic=False) for a, m in modules.items()}
    env = base_env.with_agent(player_0=random_agent).as_single_agent()
    runner = rl.EnvironmentRunner(env.copy(), num_repetitions=100, max_step=50)
    for archi in ["mono", "multi"]:
        func = rl.agents.TorchAgentFunction(agents[archi], runner, reward_postprocessing=lambda x: 1 - x)
        funcs += [func]
    seedg = create_seed_generator(seed)
    algos = ["NaiveTBPSA", "LargeScrHammersleySearch", "ScrHammersleySearch", "PSO", "OnePlusOne",
             "NGO", "Shiva", "DiagonalCMA", "CMA", "TwoPointsDE", "QrDE", "LhsDE", "Zero", "StupidRandom", "RandomSearch", "HaltonSearch",
             "RandomScaleRandomSearch", "MiniDE"]
    for budget in [25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800]:
        for num_workers in [1, 10, 100]:
            if num_workers < budget:
                for algo in algos:
                    for fu in funcs:
                        xp = Experiment(fu, algo, budget, num_workers=num_workers, seed=next(seedg))
                        if not xp.is_incoherent:
                            yield xp