options.max_buddies, options.max_buddy_distance)

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

exceptions_encountered = []

station_num = 0
for station in stations:
    ucanid = station['ucanid']
    station_id = station['sid']
    station_name = station['name']
    if options.datasets == 'all': datasets = station['datasets']
    station_num += 1

    # hourly data file must already exist
    filepath = factory.getFilepathForUcanid(ucanid, 'hours')
    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        print skipmsg % (station_num, total_stations, ucanid, station_id,
        errmsg = 'Hourly data file for station %d does not exist : %s'
        print errmsg % (ucanid, filepath)
        continue  # gotta quit if there is no hourly data
        filepath = factory.getFilepathForUcanid(ucanid, 'statistics')
        if os.path.exists(filepath):
            if not replace_existing:
                print skipmsg % (station_num, total_stations, ucanid,
                                 station_id, station_name)
                errmsg = 'Statistics database for station %d already exists : %s'
                print errmsg % (ucanid, filepath)
factory = ObsnetDataFactory(options)
stations = factory.argsToStationData(args, options, 'all')
total_stations = len(stations)

station_num = 0
for station in stations:
    if 'id' in station:
        station['sid'] = station['id']
        del station['id']
    ucanid = station['ucanid']
    station_id = station['sid']
    station_name = station['name']
    station_num += 1

    # hourly data file must already exist
    filepath = factory.getFilepathForUcanid(ucanid, 'hours')
    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        print skipmsg % (station_num, total_stations, ucanid, station_id,
        errmsg = 'Hourly data file for station %d does not exist : %s'
        print errmsg % (ucanid, filepath)

    if replace_existing:
        stats_filepath = factory.getFilepathForUcanid(ucanid, 'statistics')
        if os.path.exists(stats_filepath): os.remove(stats_filepath)

    # open spike log file
    if not debug:
        log_filepath = factory.getFilepathForUcanid(ucanid, 'spikes')
        log_file = open(log_filepath, 'wt')
max_sample_size = durtions_days * durations_hours
min_sample_size = int(max_sample_size * (1.0 - (percent_missing / 100.)))
rel_hours_cushion = relativedelta(hours=hours_cushion)

# create a factory, then use it to get the list of stations
factory = ObsnetDataFactory(options)
if len(args) > 0:
    ucanids = [int(arg) for arg in args]
    criteria = factory._validCriteria(options, SEARCH_KEYS)
    ucanids = factory.getStationIdsFromArgs(args, criteria)

# apply rule to replace existing data files
if replace_existing:
    for ucanid in ucanids:
        filepath = factory.getFilepathForUcanid(ucanid,'hour-stats')
        if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath)
    ucanids = [uid for uid in ucanids
              if not os.path.exists(factory.getFilepathForUcanid(uid,'hour-stats'))]

# process each station in the list
for ucanid in ucanids:

    hours_manager = factory.getStationFileManager((ucanid,'hours'), 'r')
    if options.elements is None:
        elements = hours_manager.hdf5_file.keys()
        elements = stringToTuple(options.elements)

    stats_manager = factory.getStationFileManager((ucanid,'hour-stats'), 'w')
    factory = ObsnetDataFactory(options)
    stations = factory.argsToStationData(args, options, 'all')
    total_stations = len(stations)
    station_num = 0
    for station in stations:
        station_num += 1
        ucanid = station['ucanid']

        if 'id' in station:
            station['sid'] = station['id']
            del station['id']

        # hourly data file must already exist
        filepath = factory.getFilepathForUcanid(ucanid, 'hours')
        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            print skipmsg % (station_num, total_stations, ucanid,
                             station['sid'], station['name'])
            errmsg = 'Hourly data file for station %d does not exist : %s' 
            print errmsg % (station['ucanid'], filepath)

        # open sequence log file
        if not debug:
            seq_log_filename = '%d_sequences.log' % ucanid
            seq_log_filepath = os.path.join(factory.config.working_dir,
            seq_log_file = open(seq_log_filepath, 'wt')
        else: seq_flog_file = None

        # we're going to process this station
Exemple #5
procmsg = '\nprocessing station %d of %d : %d : %s (%s)'
skipmsg = 'skipping station %d of %d : %d : %s (%s)'

days_per_request = options.days_per_request
replace_existing = options.replace_existing
test_run = options.test
if test_run: debug = True
else: debug = options.debug

station_num = 0

for station in stations:
    station_num += 1
    ucan = UcanConnection(None, days_per_request)

    filepath = factory.getFilepathForUcanid(station['ucanid'], 'hours')
    if os.path.exists(filepath):
        if replace_existing: os.remove(filepath)
            print skipmsg % (station_num, total_stations, station['ucanid'],
                             station['sid'], station['name'])

    # we're going to process this station
    print procmsg % (station_num, total_stations, station['ucanid'],
                     station['sid'], station['name'])

    # get a manager for the new file
    manager = factory.getFileManager(filepath, 'w')
    manager.setFileAttribute('created', manager._timestamp())