def instrument_django_core_handlers_wsgi(module):

    # Wrap the WSGI application entry point. If this is also
    # wrapped from the WSGI script file or by the WSGI hosting
    # mechanism then those will take precedence.

    import django

    framework = ('Django', django.get_version())

    module.WSGIHandler.__call__ = WSGIApplicationWrapper(
        module.WSGIHandler.__call__, framework=framework)

    # Wrap handle_uncaught_exception() of WSGIHandler so that
    # can capture exception details of any exception which
    # wasn't caught and dealt with by an exception middleware.
    # The handle_uncaught_exception() function produces a 500
    # error response page and otherwise suppresses the
    # exception, so last chance to do this as exception will not
    # propogate up to the WSGI application.

    if hasattr(module.WSGIHandler, 'handle_uncaught_exception'):
        module.WSGIHandler.handle_uncaught_exception = (
Exemple #2
    def wrapper_WSGIServer___init__(*args, **kwargs):
        def _bind_params(self, listener, application, *args, **kwargs):
            return self, listener, application, args, kwargs

        self, listener, application, _args, _kwargs = _bind_params(
            *args, **kwargs)

        application = WSGIApplicationWrapper(application)

        _args = (self, listener, application) + _args

        return _args, _kwargs
Exemple #3
def _nr_wrapper_Application_wsgi_(application):
    # Normally Application.wsgi() returns a WSGI application, but in
    # the case of the Tornado worker it can return an Tornado ASYNC
    # application object. Not being a WSGI application object we can
    # not wrap it with a WSGI application wrapper as the prototype
    # mismatch will cause it to fail when called.
    # Having to have this check in this way is a bit annoying, but
    # the only other alternative was to instrument separately all the
    # different worker types which would have been more work. Thus
    # tolerate having the check here.

    if not 'tornado.web' in sys.modules:
        return WSGIApplicationWrapper(application) 

        import tornado.web
    except ImportError:
        return WSGIApplicationWrapper(application) 

    if not isinstance(application, tornado.web.Application):
        return WSGIApplicationWrapper(application) 

    return application
Exemple #4
def _nr_wrapper_Application_wsgi_(application):
    # Normally Application.wsgi() returns a WSGI application, but in
    # some async frameworks a special class or coroutine is returned. We must
    # check for those cases and avoid insturmenting the coroutine or
    # specialized class.

        if 'tornado.web' in sys.modules:
            import tornado.web
            if isinstance(application, tornado.web.Application):
                return application
    except ImportError:

    if not is_coroutine_function(application):
        return WSGIApplicationWrapper(application)

    return application
 def wrap_wsgi_application_entry_point(server, application, **kwargs):
     return ((
         WSGIApplicationWrapper(application, framework='Django'),
     ), kwargs)