Exemple #1
def test_physical_processor_count():
    processors_count, cores_count = physical_processor_count()
    assert processors_count is None or processors_count >= 0
    assert cores_count is None or cores_count >= 0
Exemple #2
def environment_settings():
    """Returns an array of arrays of environment settings


    env = []

    # Agent information.

    env.append(('Agent Version', '.'.join(map(str, newrelic.version_info))))

    # System information.

    env.append(('Arch', platform.machine()))
    env.append(('OS', platform.system()))
    env.append(('OS version', platform.release()))

    env.append(('Total Physical Memory (MB)', total_physical_memory()))
    env.append(('Logical Processors', logical_processor_count()))

    physical_processor_packages, physical_cores = physical_processor_count()

    # Report this attribute only if it has a valid value.

    if physical_processor_packages:
            ('Physical Processor Packages', physical_processor_packages))

    # Report this attribute only if it has a valid value.

    if physical_cores:
        env.append(('Physical Cores', physical_cores))

    # Python information.

    env.append(('Python Program Name', sys.argv[0]))

    env.append(('Python Executable', sys.executable))

    env.append(('Python Home', os.environ.get('PYTHONHOME', '')))
    env.append(('Python Path', os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '')))

    env.append(('Python Prefix', sys.prefix))
    env.append(('Python Exec Prefix', sys.exec_prefix))

    env.append(('Python Runtime', '.'.join(platform.python_version_tuple())))

    env.append(('Python Implementation', platform.python_implementation()))
    env.append(('Python Version', sys.version))

    env.append(('Python Platform', sys.platform))

    env.append(('Python Max Unicode', sys.maxunicode))

    # Extensions information.

    extensions = []

    if 'newrelic.core._thread_utilization' in sys.modules:

    env.append(('Compiled Extensions', ', '.join(extensions)))

    # Dispatcher information.

    dispatcher = []

    if not dispatcher and 'mod_wsgi' in sys.modules:
        mod_wsgi = sys.modules['mod_wsgi']
        if hasattr(mod_wsgi, 'process_group'):
            if mod_wsgi.process_group == '':
                dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'Apache/mod_wsgi (embedded)'))
                dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'Apache/mod_wsgi (daemon)'))
                ('Apache/mod_wsgi Process Group', mod_wsgi.process_group))
            dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'Apache/mod_wsgi'))
        if hasattr(mod_wsgi, 'version'):
            dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher Version', str(mod_wsgi.version)))
        if hasattr(mod_wsgi, 'application_group'):
            env.append(('Apache/mod_wsgi Application Group',

    if not dispatcher and 'uwsgi' in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'uWSGI'))
        uwsgi = sys.modules['uwsgi']
        if hasattr(uwsgi, 'version'):
            dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher Version', uwsgi.version))

    if not dispatcher and 'flup.server.fcgi' in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'flup/fastcgi (threaded)'))

    if not dispatcher and 'flup.server.fcgi_fork' in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'flup/fastcgi (prefork)'))

    if not dispatcher and 'flup.server.scgi' in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'flup/scgi (threaded)'))

    if not dispatcher and 'flup.server.scgi_fork' in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'flup/scgi (prefork)'))

    if not dispatcher and 'flup.server.ajp' in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'flup/ajp (threaded)'))

    if not dispatcher and 'flup.server.ajp_fork' in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'flup/ajp (forking)'))

    if not dispatcher and 'flup.server.cgi' in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'flup/cgi'))

    if not dispatcher and 'gunicorn' in sys.modules:
        if 'gunicorn.workers.ggevent' in sys.modules:
            dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'gunicorn (gevent)'))
        elif 'gunicorn.workers.geventlet' in sys.modules:
            dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'gunicorn (eventlet)'))
            dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'gunicorn'))
        gunicorn = sys.modules['gunicorn']
        if hasattr(gunicorn, '__version__'):
            dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher Version', gunicorn.__version__))

    if not dispatcher and 'tornado' in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(('Dispatcher', 'tornado'))
        tornado = sys.modules['tornado']
        if hasattr(tornado, 'version_info'):
                ('Dispatcher Version', str(tornado.version_info)))


    # Module information.

    plugins = []

    # Using six to create create a snapshot of sys.modules can occassionally
    # fail in a rare case when modules are imported in parallel by different
    # threads. This is because list(six.iteritems(sys.modules)) results in
    # list(iter(sys.modules.iteritems())), which means sys.modules could change
    # between the time when the iterable is handed over from the iter() to
    # list().
    # TL;DR: Do NOT use six module for the following iteration.

    for name, module in list(sys.modules.items()):
        if name.startswith('newrelic.hooks.'):

        elif name.find('.') == -1 and hasattr(module, '__file__'):
            # XXX This is disabled as it can cause notable overhead in
            # pathalogical cases. Will be replaced with a new system
            # where have a whitelist of packages we really want version
            # information for and will work out on case by case basis
            # how to extract that from the modules themselves.

            # try:
            #     if 'pkg_resources' in sys.modules:
            #         version = pkg_resources.get_distribution(name).version
            #         if version:
            #             name = '%s (%s)' % (name, version)
            # except Exception:
            #     pass


    env.append(('Plugin List', plugins))

    return env
def environment_settings():
    """Returns an array of arrays of environment settings"""

    env = []

    # Agent information.

    env.append(("Agent Version", ".".join(map(str, newrelic.version_info))))

    # System information.

    env.append(("Arch", platform.machine()))
    env.append(("OS", platform.system()))
    env.append(("OS version", platform.release()))

    env.append(("Total Physical Memory (MB)", total_physical_memory()))
    env.append(("Logical Processors", logical_processor_count()))

    physical_processor_packages, physical_cores = physical_processor_count()

    # Report this attribute only if it has a valid value.

    if physical_processor_packages:
        env.append(("Physical Processor Packages", physical_processor_packages))

    # Report this attribute only if it has a valid value.

    if physical_cores:
        env.append(("Physical Cores", physical_cores))

    # Python information.

    env.append(("Python Program Name", sys.argv[0]))

    env.append(("Python Executable", sys.executable))

    env.append(("Python Home", os.environ.get("PYTHONHOME", "")))
    env.append(("Python Path", os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "")))

    env.append(("Python Prefix", sys.prefix))
    env.append(("Python Exec Prefix", sys.exec_prefix))

    env.append(("Python Runtime", ".".join(platform.python_version_tuple())))

    env.append(("Python Implementation", platform.python_implementation()))
    env.append(("Python Version", sys.version))

    env.append(("Python Platform", sys.platform))

    env.append(("Python Max Unicode", sys.maxunicode))

    # Extensions information.

    extensions = []

    if "newrelic.core._thread_utilization" in sys.modules:

    env.append(("Compiled Extensions", ", ".join(extensions)))

    # Dispatcher information.

    dispatcher = []

    if not dispatcher and "mod_wsgi" in sys.modules:
        mod_wsgi = sys.modules["mod_wsgi"]
        if hasattr(mod_wsgi, "process_group"):
            if mod_wsgi.process_group == "":
                dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "Apache/mod_wsgi (embedded)"))
                dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "Apache/mod_wsgi (daemon)"))
            env.append(("Apache/mod_wsgi Process Group", mod_wsgi.process_group))
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "Apache/mod_wsgi"))
        if hasattr(mod_wsgi, "version"):
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher Version", str(mod_wsgi.version)))
        if hasattr(mod_wsgi, "application_group"):
            env.append(("Apache/mod_wsgi Application Group", mod_wsgi.application_group))

    if not dispatcher and "uwsgi" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "uWSGI"))
        uwsgi = sys.modules["uwsgi"]
        if hasattr(uwsgi, "version"):
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher Version", uwsgi.version))

    if not dispatcher and "flup.server.fcgi" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "flup/fastcgi (threaded)"))

    if not dispatcher and "flup.server.fcgi_fork" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "flup/fastcgi (prefork)"))

    if not dispatcher and "flup.server.scgi" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "flup/scgi (threaded)"))

    if not dispatcher and "flup.server.scgi_fork" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "flup/scgi (prefork)"))

    if not dispatcher and "flup.server.ajp" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "flup/ajp (threaded)"))

    if not dispatcher and "flup.server.ajp_fork" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "flup/ajp (forking)"))

    if not dispatcher and "flup.server.cgi" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "flup/cgi"))

    if not dispatcher and "gunicorn" in sys.modules:
        if "gunicorn.workers.ggevent" in sys.modules:
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "gunicorn (gevent)"))
        elif "gunicorn.workers.geventlet" in sys.modules:
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "gunicorn (eventlet)"))
        elif "uvicorn.workers" in sys.modules:
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "gunicorn (uvicorn)"))
            uvicorn = sys.modules.get("uvicorn")
            if hasattr(uvicorn, "__version__"):
                dispatcher.append(("Worker Version", uvicorn.__version__))
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "gunicorn"))

        gunicorn = sys.modules["gunicorn"]
        if hasattr(gunicorn, "__version__"):
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher Version", gunicorn.__version__))

    if not dispatcher and "uvicorn" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "uvicorn"))
        uvicorn = sys.modules["uvicorn"]

        if hasattr(uvicorn, "__version__"):
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher Version", uvicorn.__version__))

    if not dispatcher and "tornado" in sys.modules:
        dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher", "tornado"))
        tornado = sys.modules["tornado"]
        if hasattr(tornado, "version_info"):
            dispatcher.append(("Dispatcher Version", str(tornado.version_info)))


    # Module information.

    plugins = []

    # Using any iterable to create a snapshot of sys.modules can occassionally
    # fail in a rare case when modules are imported in parallel by different
    # threads.
    # TL;DR: Do NOT use an iterable on the original sys.modules to generate the
    # list

    for name, module in sys.modules.copy().items():
        # If the module isn't actually loaded (such as failed relative imports
        # in Python 2.7), the module will be None and should not be reported.
        if module is None:

        if name.startswith("newrelic.hooks."):

        elif name.find(".") == -1 and hasattr(module, "__file__"):
            # XXX This is disabled as it can cause notable overhead in
            # pathalogical cases. Will be replaced with a new system
            # where have a allowlist of packages we really want version
            # information for and will work out on case by case basis
            # how to extract that from the modules themselves.

            # try:
            #     if 'pkg_resources' in sys.modules:
            #         version = pkg_resources.get_distribution(name).version
            #         if version:
            #             name = '%s (%s)' % (name, version)
            # except Exception:
            #     pass


    env.append(("Plugin List", plugins))

    return env