def get_everything(self, q=None, sources=None, domains=None, exclude_domains=None, from_param=None, to=None, language=None, sort_by=None, page=None, page_size=None): """ Search through millions of articles from over 5,000 large and small news sources and blogs. Optional parameters: (str) q - return headlines w/ specified coin! Valid values are: 'bitcoin', 'trump', 'tesla', 'ethereum', etc (str) sources - return headlines of news sources! some Valid values are: 'bbc-news', 'the-verge', 'abc-news', 'crypto coins news', 'ary news','associated press','wired','aftenposten','australian financial review','axios', 'bbc news','bild','blasting news','bloomberg','business insider','engadget','google news', 'hacker news','info money,'recode','techcrunch','techradar','the next web','the verge' etc. (str) domains - A comma-seperated string of domains (eg,, to restrict the search to. (str) exclude_domains - A comma_seperated string of domains to be excluded from the search (str) from_parameter - A date and optional time for the oldest article allowed. (e.g. 2018-03-05 or 2018-03-05T03:46:15) (str) to - A date and optional time for the newest article allowed. (str) language - The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you want to get headlines for. Valid values are: 'ar','de','en','es','fr','he','it','nl','no','pt','ru','se','ud','zh' (str) sort_by - The order to sort the articles in. Valid values are: 'relevancy','popularity','publishedAt' (int) page_size - The number of results to return per page (request). 20 is the default, 100 is the maximum. (int) page - Use this to page through the results if the total results found is greater than the page size. """ # Define Payload payload = {} # Keyword/Phrase if q is not None: if type(q) == str: payload['q'] = q else: raise TypeError('keyword/phrase q param should be of type str') # Sources if sources is not None: if type(sources) == str: payload['sources'] = sources else: raise TypeError('sources param should be of type str') # Domains To Search if domains is not None: if type(domains) == str: payload['domains'] = domains else: raise TypeError('domains param should be of type str') if exclude_domains is not None: if isinstance(exclude_domains, str): payload['excludeDomains'] = exclude_domains else: raise TypeError('exclude_domains param should be of type str') # Search From This Date ... if from_param is not None: if type(from_param) == str: if (len(from_param)) >= 10: for i in range(len(from_param)): if (i == 4 and from_param[i] != '-') or ( i == 7 and from_param[i] != '-'): raise ValueError( 'from_param should be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD' ) else: payload['from'] = from_param else: raise ValueError( 'from_param should be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD') else: raise TypeError('from_param should be of type str') # ... To This Date if to is not None: if type(to) == str: if (len(to)) >= 10: for i in range(len(to)): if (i == 4 and to[i] != '-') or (i == 7 and to[i] != '-'): raise ValueError( 'to should be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD') else: payload['to'] = to else: raise ValueError( 'to param should be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD') else: raise TypeError('to param should be of type str') # Language if language is not None: if type(language) == str: if language not in const.languages: raise ValueError('invalid language') else: payload['language'] = language else: raise TypeError('language param should be of type str') # Sort Method if sort_by is not None: if type(sort_by) == str: if sort_by in const.sort_method: payload['sortBy'] = sort_by else: raise ValueError('invalid sort') else: raise TypeError('sort_by param should be of type str') # Page Size if page_size is not None: if type(page_size) == int: if 0 <= page_size <= 100: payload['pageSize'] = page_size else: raise ValueError( 'page_size param should be an int between 1 and 100') else: raise TypeError('page_size param should be an int') # Page if page is not None: if type(page) == int: if page > 0: payload['page'] = page else: raise ValueError( 'page param should be an int greater than 0') else: raise TypeError('page param should be an int') # Send Request r = requests.get(const.EVERYTHING_URL, auth=self.auth, timeout=30, params=payload) # Check Status of Request if r.status_code != raise NewsAPIException(r.json()) return r.json()
def get_sources(self, category=None, language=None, country=None): """ Returns the subset of news publishers that top headlines... Optional parameters: (str) category - The category you want to get headlines for! Valid values are: 'business','entertainment','general','health','science','sports','technology' (str) language - The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you want to get headlines for. Valid values are: 'ar','de','en','es','fr','he','it','nl','no','pt','ru','se','ud','zh' (str) country - The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country you want to get headlines! Valid values are: 'ae','ar','at','au','be','bg','br','ca','ch','cn','co','cu','cz','de','eg','fr','gb','gr', 'hk','hu','id','ie','il','in','it','jp','kr','lt','lv','ma','mx','my','ng','nl','no','nz', 'ph','pl','pt','ro','rs','ru','sa','se','sg','si','sk','th','tr','tw','ua','us' (str) category - The category you want to get headlines for! Valid values are: 'business','entertainment','general','health','science','sports','technology' """ # Define Payload payload = {} # Language if language is not None: if type(language) == str: if language in const.languages: payload['language'] = language else: raise ValueError('invalid language') else: raise TypeError('language param should be of type str') # Country if country is not None: if type(country) == str: if country in const.countries: payload['country'] = country else: raise ValueError('invalid country') else: raise TypeError('country param should be of type str') # Category if category is not None: if type(category) == str: if category in const.categories: payload['category'] = category else: raise ValueError('invalid category') else: raise TypeError('category param should be of type str') # Send Request r = requests.get(const.SOURCES_URL, auth=self.auth, timeout=30, params=payload) # Check Status of Request if r.status_code != raise NewsAPIException(r.json()) return r.json()
def get_top_headlines(self, q=None, sources=None, language='en', country=None, category=None, page_size=None, page=None): """ Returns live top and breaking headlines for a country, specific category in a country, single source, or multiple sources.. Optional parameters: (str) q - return headlines w/ specific keyword or phrase. For example: 'bitcoin', 'trump', 'tesla', 'ethereum', etc. (str) sources - return headlines of news sources! some Valid values are: 'bbc-news', 'the-verge', 'abc-news', 'crypto coins news', 'ary news','associated press','wired','aftenposten','australian financial review','axios', 'bbc news','bild','blasting news','bloomberg','business insider','engadget','google news', 'hacker news','info money,'recode','techcrunch','techradar','the next web','the verge' etc. (str) language - The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you want to get headlines for. Valid values are: 'ar','de','en','es','fr','he','it','nl','no','pt','ru','se','ud','zh' (str) country - The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country you want to get headlines! Valid values are: 'ae','ar','at','au','be','bg','br','ca','ch','cn','co','cu','cz','de','eg','fr','gb','gr', 'hk','hu','id','ie','il','in','it','jp','kr','lt','lv','ma','mx','my','ng','nl','no','nz', 'ph','pl','pt','ro','rs','ru','sa','se','sg','si','sk','th','tr','tw','ua','us' (str) category - The category you want to get headlines for! Valid values are: 'business','entertainment','general','health','science','sports','technology' (int) page_size - The number of results to return per page (request). 20 is the default, 100 is the maximum. (int) page - Use this to page through the results if the total results found is greater than the page size. """ # Define Payload payload = {} # Keyword/Phrase if q is not None: if type(q) == str: payload['q'] = q else: raise TypeError( 'keyword/phrase q param should be a of type str') # Sources if (sources is not None) and ((country is not None) or (category is not None)): raise ValueError( 'cannot mix country/category param with sources param.') # Sources if sources is not None: if type(sources) == str: payload['sources'] = sources else: raise TypeError('sources param should be of type str') # Language if language is not None: if type(language) == str: if language in const.languages: payload['language'] = language else: raise ValueError('invalid language') else: raise TypeError('language param should be of type str') # Country if country is not None: if type(country) == str: if country in const.countries: payload['country'] = country else: raise ValueError('invalid country') else: raise TypeError('country param should be of type str') # Category if category is not None: if type(category) == str: if category in const.categories: payload['category'] = category else: raise ValueError('invalid category') else: raise TypeError('category param should be of type str') # Page Size if page_size is not None: if type(page_size) == int: if 0 <= page_size <= 100: payload['pageSize'] = page_size else: raise ValueError( 'page_size param should be an int between 1 and 100') else: raise TypeError('page_size param should be an int') # Page if page is not None: if type(page) == int: if page > 0: payload['page'] = page else: raise ValueError( 'page param should be an int greater than 0') else: raise TypeError('page param should be an int') # Send Request r = requests.get(const.TOP_HEADLINES_URL, auth=self.auth, timeout=30, params=payload) # Check Status of Request if r.status_code != raise NewsAPIException(r.json()) return r.json()
def get_sources(self, category=None, language=None, country=None): # noqa: C901 """Call the `/sources` endpoint. Fetch the subset of news publishers that /top-headlines are available from. :param category: Find sources that display news of this category. See :data:`newsapi.const.categories` for the set of allowed values. :type category: str or None :param language: Find sources that display news in a specific language. See :data:`newsapi.const.languages` for the set of allowed values. :type language: str or None :param country: Find sources that display news in a specific country. See :data:`newsapi.const.countries` for the set of allowed values. :type country: str or None :return: JSON response as nested Python dictionary. :rtype: dict :raises NewsAPIException: If the ``"status"`` value of the response is ``"error"`` rather than ``"ok"``. """ payload = {} # Language if language is not None: if is_valid_string(language): if language in const.languages: payload["language"] = language else: raise ValueError("invalid language") else: raise TypeError("language param should be of type str") # Country if country is not None: if is_valid_string(country): if country in const.countries: payload["country"] = country else: raise ValueError("invalid country") else: raise TypeError("country param should be of type str") # Category if category is not None: if is_valid_string(category): if category in const.categories: payload["category"] = category else: raise ValueError("invalid category") else: raise TypeError("category param should be of type str") # Send Request r = self.request_method.get(const.SOURCES_URL, auth=self.auth, timeout=30, params=payload) # Check Status of Request if r.status_code != raise NewsAPIException(r.json()) return r.json()
def get_top_headlines( # noqa: C901 self, q=None, qintitle=None, sources=None, language="en", country=None, category=None, page_size=None, page=None): """Call the `/top-headlines` endpoint. Fetch live top and breaking headlines. This endpoint provides live top and breaking headlines for a country, specific category in a country, single source, or multiple sources. You can also search with keywords. Articles are sorted by the earliest date published first. :param q: Keywords or a phrase to search for in the article title and body. See the official News API `documentation <>`_ for search syntax and examples. :type q: str or None :param qintitle: Keywords or a phrase to search for in the article title and body. See the official News API `documentation <>`_ for search syntax and examples. :type q: str or None :param sources: A comma-seperated string of identifiers for the news sources or blogs you want headlines from. Use :meth:`NewsApiClient.get_sources` to locate these programmatically, or look at the `sources index <>`_. **Note**: you can't mix this param with the ``country`` or ``category`` params. :type sources: str or None :param language: The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you want to get headlines for. See :data:`newsapi.const.languages` for the set of allowed values. The default for this method is ``"en"`` (English). **Note**: this parameter is not mentioned in the `/top-headlines documentation <>`_ as of Sep. 2019, but *is* supported by the API. :type language: str or None :param country: The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country you want to get headlines for. See :data:`newsapi.const.countries` for the set of allowed values. **Note**: you can't mix this parameter with the ``sources`` param. :type country: str or None :param category: The category you want to get headlines for. See :data:`newsapi.const.categories` for the set of allowed values. **Note**: you can't mix this parameter with the ``sources`` param. :type category: str or None :param page_size: Use this to page through the results if the total results found is greater than the page size. :type page_size: int or None :param page: The number of results to return per page (request). 20 is the default, 100 is the maximum. :type page: int or None :return: JSON response as nested Python dictionary. :rtype: dict :raises NewsAPIException: If the ``"status"`` value of the response is ``"error"`` rather than ``"ok"``. """ payload = {} # Keyword/Phrase if q is not None: if is_valid_string(q): payload["q"] = q else: raise TypeError("keyword/phrase q param should be of type str") # Keyword/Phrase in Title if qintitle is not None: if is_valid_string(qintitle): payload["qintitle"] = qintitle else: raise TypeError( "keyword/phrase qintitle param should be of type str") # Sources if (sources is not None) and ((country is not None) or (category is not None)): raise ValueError( "cannot mix country/category param with sources param.") # Sources if sources is not None: if is_valid_string(sources): payload["sources"] = sources else: raise TypeError("sources param should be of type str") # Language if language is not None: if is_valid_string(language): if language in const.languages: payload["language"] = language else: raise ValueError("invalid language") else: raise TypeError("language param should be of type str") # Country if country is not None: if is_valid_string(country): if country in const.countries: payload["country"] = country else: raise ValueError("invalid country") else: raise TypeError("country param should be of type str") # Category if category is not None: if is_valid_string(category): if category in const.categories: payload["category"] = category else: raise ValueError("invalid category") else: raise TypeError("category param should be of type str") # Page Size if page_size is not None: if type(page_size) == int: if 0 <= page_size <= 100: payload["pageSize"] = page_size else: raise ValueError( "page_size param should be an int between 1 and 100") else: raise TypeError("page_size param should be an int") # Page if page is not None: if type(page) == int: if page > 0: payload["page"] = page else: raise ValueError( "page param should be an int greater than 0") else: raise TypeError("page param should be an int") # Send Request r = self.request_method.get(const.TOP_HEADLINES_URL, auth=self.auth, timeout=30, params=payload) # Check Status of Request if r.status_code != raise NewsAPIException(r.json()) return r.json()
def get_everything( # noqa: C901 self, q=None, qintitle=None, sources=None, domains=None, exclude_domains=None, from_param=None, to=None, language=None, sort_by=None, page=None, page_size=None, ): """Call the `/everything` endpoint. Search through millions of articles from over 30,000 large and small news sources and blogs. :param q: Keywords or a phrase to search for in the article title and body. See the official News API `documentation <>`_ for search syntax and examples. :type q: str or None :param qintitle: Keywords or a phrase to search for in the article title and body. See the official News API `documentation <>`_ for search syntax and examples. :type q: str or None :param sources: A comma-seperated string of identifiers for the news sources or blogs you want headlines from. Use :meth:`NewsApiClient.get_sources` to locate these programmatically, or look at the `sources index <>`_. :type sources: str or None :param domains: A comma-seperated string of domains (eg,, to restrict the search to. :type domains: str or None :param exclude_domains: A comma-seperated string of domains (eg,, to remove from the results. :type exclude_domains: str or None :param from_param: A date and optional time for the oldest article allowed. If a str, the format must conform to ISO-8601 specifically as one of either ``%Y-%m-%d`` (e.g. *2019-09-07*) or ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S`` (e.g. *2019-09-07T13:04:15*). An int or float is assumed to represent a Unix timestamp. All datetime inputs are assumed to be UTC. :type from_param: str or datetime.datetime or or int or float or None :param to: A date and optional time for the newest article allowed. If a str, the format must conform to ISO-8601 specifically as one of either ``%Y-%m-%d`` (e.g. *2019-09-07*) or ``%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S`` (e.g. *2019-09-07T13:04:15*). An int or float is assumed to represent a Unix timestamp. All datetime inputs are assumed to be UTC. :type to: str or datetime.datetime or or int or float or None :param language: The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you want to get headlines for. See :data:`newsapi.const.languages` for the set of allowed values. :type language: str or None :param sort_by: The order to sort articles in. See :data:`newsapi.const.sort_method` for the set of allowed values. :type sort_by: str or None :return: JSON response as nested Python dictionary. :rtype: dict :raises NewsAPIException: If the ``"status"`` value of the response is ``"error"`` rather than ``"ok"``. """ payload = {} # Keyword/Phrase if q is not None: if is_valid_string(q): payload["q"] = q else: raise TypeError("keyword/phrase q param should be of type str") # Keyword/Phrase in Title if qintitle is not None: if is_valid_string(qintitle): payload["qintitle"] = qintitle else: raise TypeError( "keyword/phrase qintitle param should be of type str") # Sources if sources is not None: if is_valid_string(sources): payload["sources"] = sources else: raise TypeError("sources param should be of type str") # Domains To Search if domains is not None: if is_valid_string(domains): payload["domains"] = domains else: raise TypeError("domains param should be of type str") if exclude_domains is not None: if isinstance(exclude_domains, str): payload["excludeDomains"] = exclude_domains else: raise TypeError("exclude_domains param should be of type str") # Search From This Date ... if from_param is not None: payload["from"] = stringify_date_param(from_param) # ... To This Date if to is not None: payload["to"] = stringify_date_param(to) # Language if language is not None: if is_valid_string(language): if language not in const.languages: raise ValueError("invalid language") else: payload["language"] = language else: raise TypeError("language param should be of type str") # Sort Method if sort_by is not None: if is_valid_string(sort_by): if sort_by in const.sort_method: payload["sortBy"] = sort_by else: raise ValueError("invalid sort") else: raise TypeError("sort_by param should be of type str") # Page Size if page_size is not None: if type(page_size) == int: if 0 <= page_size <= 100: payload["pageSize"] = page_size else: raise ValueError( "page_size param should be an int between 1 and 100") else: raise TypeError("page_size param should be an int") # Page if page is not None: if type(page) == int: if page > 0: payload["page"] = page else: raise ValueError( "page param should be an int greater than 0") else: raise TypeError("page param should be an int") # Send Request r = self.request_method.get(const.EVERYTHING_URL, auth=self.auth, timeout=30, params=payload) # Check Status of Request if r.status_code != raise NewsAPIException(r.json()) return r.json()
def search(): resultDict = {} keyword = request.args.get('keyword') fromDate = request.args.get('fromDate') toDate = request.args.get('toDate') #category = request.form.get('category') source = request.args.get('sources') try: if (source == "all"): searchResults = newsapi.get_everything(q=keyword, from_param=fromDate, to=toDate, sort_by='publishedAt', page_size=30, language='en') else: searchResults = newsapi.get_everything(q=keyword, from_param=fromDate, to=toDate, sources=source, sort_by='publishedAt', page_size=30, language='en') resultDict['responseCode'] = 1 listOfArticles = searchResults['articles'] validResponses = [] for i in range(len(listOfArticles)): # print(i) # print(listOfArticles) ourdict = listOfArticles[i] if ourdict["author"] == None or ourdict["author"] == "null": continue if ourdict["content"] == None or ourdict["content"] == "null": continue if ourdict["description"] == None or ourdict[ "description"] == "null": continue if ourdict["publishedAt"] == None or ourdict[ "publishedAt"] == "null": continue if ourdict["url"] == None or ourdict["url"] == "null": continue if ourdict["urlToImage"] == None or ourdict["urlToImage"] == "null": continue if ourdict["title"] == None or ourdict["title"] == "null": continue # if ourdict["source"]["id"] == None: # continue if ourdict["source"]["name"] == None or ourdict["source"][ "name"] == "null": continue validResponses.append(ourdict) resultDict['searchResults'] = validResponses response = application.response_class(response=json.dumps(resultDict), status=200, mimetype='application/json') except Exception as e: j = NewsAPIException.get_message(e) resultDict['responseCode'] = 2 resultDict['errorMessage'] = j resultDict['searchResults'] = [] print(resultDict) response = application.response_class(response=json.dumps(resultDict), status=200, mimetype='application/json') print(response) return response