Exemple #1
    def test_download_works(self):
        config = Configuration()
        config.memoize_articles = False
        slate_paper = newspaper.build('http://slate.com', config=config)
        tc_paper = newspaper.build('http://techcrunch.com', config=config)
        espn_paper = newspaper.build('http://espn.com', config=config)

        print('Slate has %d articles TC has %d articles ESPN has %d articles' %
              (slate_paper.size(), tc_paper.size(), espn_paper.size()))

        papers = [slate_paper, tc_paper, espn_paper]
        news_pool.set(papers, threads_per_source=2)


        print 'Downloaded Slate mthread len', len(slate_paper.articles[0].html)
        print 'Downloaded ESPN mthread len', len(espn_paper.articles[-1].html)
        print 'Downloaded TC mthread len', len(tc_paper.articles[1].html)
Exemple #2
    def test_download_works(self):
        config = Configuration()
        config.memoize_articles = False
        slate_paper = newspaper.build('http://slate.com', config=config)
        tc_paper = newspaper.build('http://techcrunch.com', config=config)
        espn_paper = newspaper.build('http://espn.com', config=config)

        print ('slate has %d articles tc has %d articles espn has %d articles'
               % (slate_paper.size(), tc_paper.size(), espn_paper.size()))

        papers = [slate_paper, tc_paper, espn_paper]
        news_pool.set(papers, threads_per_source=2)


        print 'Downloaded slate mthread len', len(slate_paper.articles[0].html)
        print 'Downloaded espn mthread len', len(espn_paper.articles[-1].html)
        print 'Downloaded tc mthread len', len(tc_paper.articles[1].html)
__author__ = "Vishal Jasrotia"
__copyright__ = ""
__credits__ = ["Vishal Jasrotia"]
__license__ = ""
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Vishal Jasrotia"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"
__status__ = "Testing"

from newsly.Builder import NewsBuilder
from newspaper.configuration import Configuration

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #pass config = Configuration()
    config = Configuration()
    config.memoize_articles = True  # True in production
    config.MAX_AUTHORS = 2
    config.MIN_WORD_COUNT = 300
    #config.MAX_SUMMARY  = 900 on text .Not on summary . dont use it
    #TODO : Have a separate ArticleConfig and SourceConfig extend this!

    builder = NewsBuilder(config)
Exemple #4
NEWSPAPER_CONFIG = Configuration()
NEWSPAPER_CONFIG.fetch_images = False
NEWSPAPER_CONFIG.memoize_articles = False

class BaseCrawler:
    # Crawler Identifier
    crawler_id = 'com.base'

    # Rate limit configuration
    requests_per_sec = 1

    # robots.txt url
    robots_url = None

    # URLs of pages to crawl
    # start from
    start_url = []