def url_to_sentiment(url):
    """Takes a URL from the user, """
    from newspaper import Article
    a = Article(url)
    article = a.text[:]
    r = str(article)
    r = r.splitlines()
    analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
    a = [
    ]  #initialize the empty list 'a', where we will store the polarity scores of the individual lines
    for i in range(0, len(r)):
    letter_list = [
    ]  #initialize the list where we will store all the letters of the list of polarity scores
    #loop through the list of polarity scores and turn the whole thing into one long string called 'my_string'
    for j in range(0, len(a)):
        for k in range(0, len(a[j])):
    my_string = ''.join(map(str, letter_list))

    #remove some punctuation from 'my_string', leaving } to be used to split into a list later
    my_string = my_string.replace("'", '')
    my_string = my_string.replace("{", '')
    my_string = my_string.replace(",", '')
    my_string = my_string.replace('  ', ' ')
    my_string = my_string.replace(': ', ':')

    #split back into a list of strings with punctuation removed
    url_list_inp = my_string.split("}")

    #initialize my lists of values for the four sentiments, neg, neu, pos, and comp
    neg = []
    neu = []
    pos = []
    comp = []

    #scrapes 'my_list' for the values that correspond to each of the sentiments
    #and sorts them into their respective lists.
    for g in range(0, len(url_list_inp)):
        for h in range(0, len(url_list_inp[g])):
            if (url_list_inp[g][h] == ".") and (url_list_inp[g][h - 5:h - 1]
                                                == "neg:"):
                neg.append(url_list_inp[g][h - 1:h + 3])
            if (url_list_inp[g][h] == ".") and (url_list_inp[g][h - 5:h - 1]
                                                == "neu:"):
                neu.append(url_list_inp[g][h - 1:h + 3])
            if (url_list_inp[g][h] == ".") and (url_list_inp[g][h - 5:h - 1]
                                                == "pos:"):
                pos.append(url_list_inp[g][h - 1:h + 3])
            if (url_list_inp[g][h] == ".") and (url_list_inp[g][h - 5:h - 1]
                                                == "und:"):
                comp.append(url_list_inp[g][h - 1:h + 3])
            if (url_list_inp[g][h - 2] == '-'):
                comp.append(url_list_inp[g][h - 2:h + 3])

    #initialize a new group of lists, which will store the values of neg, neu, pos,
    #after their values are tranformed to floats
    neg_float = []
    neu_float = []
    pos_float = []
    comp_float = []
    index = []

    #creates an index
    for i in range(0, 7211):
        index.append(i + 1)

    #scrapes the respective lists, converts them to floats, deposits them
    #into their respective _float lists.
    for eins in range(0, len(neg)):
    for zwei in range(0, len(neu)):
    for drei in range(0, len(pos)):
    for vier in range(0, len(comp)):

    #initialzes a new list which will only include from instances where
    #comp_float i != 0.0
    neg_float_new = []
    neu_float_new = []
    pos_float_new = []
    comp_float_new = []
    index_new = []

    #create an index
    for i in range(0, 7211):
        index_new.append(i + 1)

    #scrape comp_float looking for 0.0 values. if this index value has no
    #corresponding comp_float value, remove corresponding neg,neu,float vals
    for i in range(0, len(comp_float)):
        if (comp_float[i] == 0.0):

    #calculates the mean of each list, rounding the results to 3 decimal places
    neg = stat.mean(neg_float_new)
    neu = stat.mean(neu_float_new)
    pos = stat.mean(pos_float_new)
    comp = stat.mean(comp_float_new)
    x = pos
    y = neu
    z = neg
    url_list_inp = [x, y, z, comp]
    #print (str(url_list_inp))
    return url_list_inp