Exemple #1
    def test_copy02(self):
        Test the copy() function some more
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.copy', '1MB.rar')
        # File should not already exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create our file
        assert(self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content_a = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # We want to make a copy of it
        content_b = content_a.copy()

        # Our content should be the same
        assert(len(content_a) == len(content_b))
        assert(content_a.md5() == content_b.md5())

        # Because we made a copy, we're working with a different file however
        # we share the exact same content and filename identifier.
        assert(content_a == content_b)

        # Our paths are not the same though; this is what makes us a official
        # copy
        assert(content_a.path() != content_b.path())
Exemple #2
    def test_writes(self):
        More overhead then a normal write() but none the less, using the
        write() in this class keeps things simple since the file is
        automatically opened if it was otherwise closed

        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.write', 'tmp.file')
        # File should not already exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)

        # Now we want to create our NNTPContent() object surrouding this
        # file that does not exist.
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=dirname(tmp_file))
        # It's worth noting that this file will 'still' not exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # we'll write data

        data = 'hello\r\n'

        # It's worth noting that this file will ''STILL'' not exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)

        # Save content
        assert (content.save() is True)

        # Now the file 'will' exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Open our file and verify it is the data we saved.
        with open(tmp_file) as f:
            data_read = f.read()
        assert (data == data_read)
Exemple #3
    def test_copy02(self):
        Test the copy() function some more
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.copy', '1MB.rar')
        # File should not already exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create our file
        assert (self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content_a = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # We want to make a copy of it
        content_b = content_a.copy()

        # Our content should be the same
        assert (len(content_a) == len(content_b))
        assert (content_a.md5() == content_b.md5())

        # Because we made a copy, we're working with a different file however
        # we share the exact same content and filename identifier.
        assert (content_a == content_b)

        # Our paths are not the same though; this is what makes us a official
        # copy
        assert (content_a.path() != content_b.path())
Exemple #4
    def test_with(self):
        Test the use of the with clause
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.with', '1MB.rar')
        # File should not already exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create our file
        assert (self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content_a = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Create a second object
        content_b = NNTPContent(work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        with content_a as fp:
            while 1:
                # Read our data
                buf = fp.read(1024)
                if not buf:

                # Write our content to disk

        # At this point we should have a duplicate of our original object
        assert (len(content_a) == len(content_b))
        assert (content_a.md5() == content_b.md5())
Exemple #5
    def test_writes(self):
        More overhead then a normal write() but none the less, using the
        write() in this class keeps things simple since the file is
        automatically opened if it was otherwise closed

        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.write', 'tmp.file')
        # File should not already exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)

        # Now we want to create our NNTPContent() object surrouding this
        # file that does not exist.
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=dirname(tmp_file))
        # It's worth noting that this file will 'still' not exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # we'll write data

        data = 'hello\r\n'

        # It's worth noting that this file will ''STILL'' not exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)

        # Save content
        assert(content.save() is True)

        # Now the file 'will' exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Open our file and verify it is the data we saved.
        with open(tmp_file) as f:
            data_read = f.read()
        assert(data == data_read)
Exemple #6
    def test_from_bestguess(self):
        test from_bestguess()

        bestguess() does the best of both worlds: from_file() and
        from_filename().  It never returns None unless you give it
        bad data.

        # Initialize our mime object
        m = Mime()

        # Empty content just gives us an empty response
        assert(m.from_bestguess(None) is None)
        assert(m.from_bestguess("") is None)
        assert(m.from_bestguess(u"") is None)

        # First we take a binary file
        image = join(self.var_dir, 'joystick.jpg')
        c = NNTPContent(image, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)
        copy = c.copy()

        # since we have a filename, we can pick it up from that
        assert(m.from_bestguess(copy.filename).type() == 'image/jpeg')
        # We can also get it from_file() because even though our temporary
        # file does not have an extension at all, we can still
        assert(m.from_bestguess(copy.path()).type() == 'image/jpeg')
Exemple #7
    def test_with(self):
        Test the use of the with clause
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.with', '1MB.rar')
        # File should not already exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create our file
        assert(self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content_a = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Create a second object
        content_b = NNTPContent(work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        with content_a as fp:
            while 1:
                # Read our data
                buf = fp.read(1024)
                if not buf:

                # Write our content to disk

        # At this point we should have a duplicate of our original object
        assert(len(content_a) == len(content_b))
        assert(content_a.md5() == content_b.md5())
Exemple #8
    def test_checksum(self):
        """Test the assorted checksums supported

        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(
            self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.checksum', 'tmpa.tmp')
        # File should not already exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create a random file
        assert(self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        md5 = content.md5()
        sha1 = content.sha1()
        sha256 = content.sha256()

        assert(md5 is not None)
        assert(sha1 is not None)
        assert(sha256 is not None)

        tmp_file_2 = join(
            self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.checksum', 'tmp2.rar')
        # File should not already exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file_2) is False)
        # We'll create a copy of our file
        assert(content.save(filepath=tmp_file_2, copy=True) is True)
        # Now it should
        assert(isfile(tmp_file_2) is True)
        # Now we'll open the new file we created
        content_2 = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file_2, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        md5_2 = content_2.md5()
        sha1_2 = content_2.sha1()
        sha256_2 = content_2.sha256()

        assert(md5_2 is not None)
        assert(sha1_2 is not None)
        assert(sha256_2 is not None)

        # files should be the same
        assert(md5 == md5_2)
        assert(sha1 == sha1_2)
        assert(sha256 == sha256_2)
    def test_password_protection(self):
        Tests the un-raring of content
        # Generate temporary folder to work with
        work_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'CodecRar_Test.rar.pwd', 'tmp')

        # Now we want to prepare a work folder
        source_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'CodecRar_Test.rar.pwd', 'source')

        # Initialize Codec
        cr = CodecRar(work_dir=work_dir, password='******')

        # create some dummy file entries
        file_list = []
        for i in range(0, 10):
            # Create some temporary files to work with in our source
            # directory
            tmp_file = join(source_dir, 'DSC_IMG%.3d.jpeg' % i)
            self.touch(tmp_file, size='100K', random=True)
            # Add our file to the encoding process

        # Now we want to compress this content
        content = cr.encode(name="mystuff", content=file_list)
        assert isinstance(content, sortedset)
        assert len(content) == 1

        # Our content should be password protected at this point; so if i
        # create another CodecRar item (without a password), i should fail to
        # extract the content.
        tmp_cr = CodecRar(work_dir=work_dir)

        decoded = tmp_cr.decode(content)
        # Bad Password means no results
        assert decoded is None

        # We could have saved ourselves time in determining this because
        # testing doesn't have as much overhead and allows us to check for any
        # passwords associated with the data
        assert tmp_cr.test(content) is False

        # But simply applying a password would have done wonders
        assert tmp_cr.test(content, password='******') is True

        # We can extract the contents by passing in the password
        content = tmp_cr.decode(content, password='******')
        assert isinstance(content, sortedset) is True
        assert len(content) == 1
        assert isinstance(content[0], NNTPBinaryContent) is True
        # Content is always attached
        assert content[0].is_attached() is True
Exemple #10
    def test_directory_support(self):
        NNTPContent objects can wrap directories too

        my_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent', 'my_dir')
        assert (isdir(my_dir) is False)
        assert (mkdir(my_dir) is True)
        assert (isdir(my_dir) is True)

        #  Now create our NNTPContent Object against our directory
        obj = NNTPContent(

        # Directories are never attached by default
        assert (obj.is_attached() is False)

        # Deleting the object means the directory remains behind
        del obj
        assert (isdir(my_dir) is True)

        # However
        obj = NNTPContent(
        assert (obj.is_attached() is False)
        assert (obj.is_attached() is True)

        # Now we've attached the NNTPContent to the object so deleting the
        # object destroys the directory
        del obj
        assert (exists(my_dir) is False)
        assert (isdir(my_dir) is False)
Exemple #11
    def test_directory_support(self):
        NNTPContent objects can wrap directories too

        my_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent', 'my_dir')
        assert(isdir(my_dir) is False)
        assert(mkdir(my_dir) is True)
        assert(isdir(my_dir) is True)

        #  Now create our NNTPContent Object against our directory
        obj = NNTPContent(

        # Directories are never attached by default
        assert(obj.is_attached() is False)

        # Deleting the object means the directory remains behind
        del obj
        assert(isdir(my_dir) is True)

        # However
        obj = NNTPContent(
        assert(obj.is_attached() is False)
        assert(obj.is_attached() is True)

        # Now we've attached the NNTPContent to the object so deleting the
        # object destroys the directory
        del obj
        assert(exists(my_dir) is False)
        assert(isdir(my_dir) is False)
Exemple #12
    def encode(self, content, mem_buf=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
        Encodes an NNTPContent object passed in

        if isinstance(content, NNTPContent):
            # Create our ascii instance
            _encoded = NNTPAsciiContent(
                # We want to ensure we're working with a unique attached file

            # If we reach here, we presume our content is a filename

            # Create our ascii instance
            _encoded = NNTPAsciiContent(
                # We want to ensure we're working with a unique attached file

            # Convert our content object into an NNTPContent object
            content = NNTPContent(

        # yEnc (v1.3) begin
        fmt_ybegin = '=ybegin part=%d total=%d line=%d size=%d name=%s' % (

        # yEnc part
        fmt_ypart = '=ypart begin=%d end=%d' % (
            content.begin() + 1,

        if isinstance(content._parent, NNTPContent):
            # yEnc end
            fmt_yend = '=yend size=%d part=%d pcrc32=%s crc32=%s' % (

            # yEnc end
            fmt_yend = '=yend size=%d part=%d pcrc32=%s' % (

        # Write =ybegin line
        _encoded.write(fmt_ybegin + EOL)
        # Write =ypart line
        _encoded.write(fmt_ypart + EOL)

        if not content.open():
            return None

        # Prepare our result set
        results = ""

        # Column is used for decoding
        column = 0
        crc = BIN_MASK

        # We need to parse the content until we either reach
        # the end of the file or get to an 'end' tag
        while True:
            # Read in our data
            data = content.stream.read(mem_buf)
            if not data:
                # We're done

            if FAST_YENC_SUPPORT:
                    _results, crc, column = encode_string(data, crc, column)
                    # Append our parsed content onto our ongoing buffer
                    results += _results

                except YencError as e:
                    logger.error("Failed to encode Yenc for %s." % content)
                    logger.debug('Yenc exception: %s' % (str(e)))
                    return None

                # The slow and painful way, the below looks complicated
                # but it really isn't at the the end of the day; yEnc is
                # pretty basic;
                #  - first we translate the all of the characters by adding
                #    42 to their value with the exception of a few special
                #    characters that are explicitly reserved for the yEnc
                #    language (and conflict with the NNTP Server language).
                #  - next, we need to apply our ENCODE_SPECIAL_MAP to be
                #    sure to handle the characters that are reserved as
                #    special keywords used by both NNTP Servers and the yEnc
                #    protocol itself.
                #  - finally we want to prevent our string from going on for
                #    to many characters (horizontally).  So we need to split
                #    our content up

                idx = 0
                while idx < len(data):
                    _byte = (ord(data[idx]) + 42) & 0xff
                    if _byte in YENC_ENCODE_ESCAPED_CHARACTERS:
                        _byte = (_byte + 64) & 0xff
                        # Esape Sequence
                        results += '='

                    # Store our character
                    results += chr(_byte)

                    # Increment Index
                    idx += 1

            # Our offset
            offset = 0

            while offset < (len(results) - self.linelen + 1):
                eol = offset + self.linelen
                if results[offset:eol][-1] == '=':
                    # Lines can't end with the escape sequence (=). If we get
                    # here then this one did. We just adjust our end-of-line
                    # by 1 and keep moving
                    eol -= 1

                _encoded.write(results[offset:eol] + EOL)
                offset = eol

            if offset < len(results):
                results = results[-(len(results) - offset):]

                # reset string
                results = ''

        # We're done reading our data

        if len(results):
            # We still have content left in our buffer
            _encoded.write(results + EOL)

        # Write footer
        _encoded.write(fmt_yend + EOL)

        if _encoded:
            # close article when complete

        # Return our encoded object
        return _encoded
Exemple #13
    def test_append(self):
        Test the split() and then append() function
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.append', '1MB.rar')
        # File should not already exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create our file
        assert (self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content_a = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Attach our content
        assert (content_a.is_attached() is False)

        # We'll split it in 4
        results = content_a.split(strsize_to_bytes('512K'))

        # Tests that our results are expected
        assert (isinstance(results, sortedset) is True)
        assert (len(results) == 2)

        # Create a new content object
        content_b = NNTPContent(work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Our content should be attached
        assert (content_a.is_attached() is True)
        assert (content_b.is_attached() is True)

        # For each of our disassembled items, re-assemble them
        for content in results:
            assert (content_b.append(content) is True)

        # Test that our content is the same again
        assert (len(content_a) == len(content_b))
        assert (content_a.md5() == content_b.md5())
Exemple #14
    def test_invalid_split_cases(self):
        Test errors that are generated out of the split function
        work_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.chunk')
        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(work_dir=work_dir)

        # Nothing to split gives an error
        assert(content.split() is None)

        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.chunk', '5K.rar')
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        assert(self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # No size to split on gives an error
        assert(content.split(size=0) is None)
        assert(content.split(size=-1) is None)
        assert(content.split(size=None) is None)
        assert(content.split(size='bad_string') is None)

        # Invalid Memory Limit
        assert(content.split(mem_buf=0) is None)
        assert(content.split(mem_buf=-1) is None)
        assert(content.split(mem_buf=None) is None)
        assert(content.split(mem_buf='bad_string') is None)
Exemple #15
    def test_copy01(self):
        Test our copy function
        The copy function allows us to duplicate an existing NNTPContent
        object without obstructing the original.  Copied content is
        always attached; so if the object falls out of scope; so does
        the file.
        my_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent', 'test_copy')
        assert (isdir(my_dir) is False)
        assert (mkdir(my_dir) is True)
        assert (isdir(my_dir) is True)

        #  Now create our NNTPContent object witin our directory
        obj = NNTPContent(

        # Content is attached by default
        assert (obj.is_attached() is True)
        assert (obj.is_attached() is False)

        new_dir = join(my_dir, 'copy')
        assert (isdir(new_dir) is False)

        # Create a copy of our object
        obj_copy = obj.copy()

        # Successfully loaded files are never attached reguardless
        # of the original copy
        assert (obj_copy.is_attached() is True)

        # Reattach the original so it dies when this test is over
        assert (obj.is_attached() is True)

        # Create a copy of our copy
        obj_copy2 = obj_copy.copy()
        assert (obj_copy2.is_attached() is True)
        assert (isfile(obj_copy2.path()))
        _path = obj_copy2.path()
        del obj_copy2
        assert (isfile(_path) is False)

        assert (isfile(obj_copy.path()) is True)
        _path = obj_copy.path()
        del obj_copy
        assert (isfile(_path) is False)

        assert (isfile(obj.path()) is True)
        _path = obj.path()
        del obj
        assert (isfile(_path) is False)

        # now lets do a few more tests but with actual files this time
        tmp_file = join(my_dir, '2MB.zip')
        assert (self.touch(tmp_file, size='2MB', random=True) is True)

        #  Now create our NNTPContent object witin our directory
        obj = NNTPContent(
        assert (isfile(obj.path()) is True)

        obj_copy = obj.copy()
        assert (isfile(obj_copy.path()) is True)
        stats = stat(obj_copy.path())
        assert (bytes_to_strsize(stats['size']) == "2.00MB")

        # Compare that our content is the same
        assert (compare(obj_copy.path(), obj.path()) is True)

        # note that the filenames are NOT the same so we are dealing with 2
        # distinct copies here
        assert (isfile(obj_copy.path()) is True)
        assert (isfile(obj.path()) is True)
        assert (obj.path() != obj_copy.path())
Exemple #16
    def test_split(self):
        Test the split() function
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.chunk', '1MB.rar')
        # File should not already exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create our file
        assert(self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Loaded files are always detached; The following is loaded
        # because the path exists.
        assert(content.is_attached() is False)

        # We'll split it in 2
        results = content.split(strsize_to_bytes('512K'))

        # Tests that our results are expected
        assert(isinstance(results, sortedset) is True)
        assert(len(results) == 2)

        # We support passing the string format directly in too
        results = content.split('512K')
        # Tests that our results are expected
        assert(isinstance(results, sortedset) is True)
        assert(len(results) == 2)

        # Now lets merge them into one again
        content = NNTPContent(work_dir=self.tmp_dir)
        assert(content.load(results) is True)

        # NNTPContent() sets as well as individual objects passed into
        # load are always attached by default
        assert(content.is_attached() is True)

        # Our combined file should be the correct filesize
        assert(len(content) == strsize_to_bytes('1M'))

        # Once we save our object, it is no longer attached
        assert(content.save(filepath=tmp_file) is True)

        # Now our content is no longer attached
        assert(content.is_attached() is False)

        # we'll re-attach it

        # Our file will be gone now if we try to delete it
        assert(content.is_attached() is True)

        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)
        del content
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
Exemple #17
    def test_checksum(self):
        """Test the assorted checksums supported

        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.checksum', 'tmpa.tmp')
        # File should not already exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create a random file
        assert (self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        md5 = content.md5()
        sha1 = content.sha1()
        sha256 = content.sha256()

        assert (md5 is not None)
        assert (sha1 is not None)
        assert (sha256 is not None)

        tmp_file_2 = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.checksum',
        # File should not already exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file_2) is False)
        # We'll create a copy of our file
        assert (content.save(filepath=tmp_file_2, copy=True) is True)
        # Now it should
        assert (isfile(tmp_file_2) is True)
        # Now we'll open the new file we created
        content_2 = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file_2, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        md5_2 = content_2.md5()
        sha1_2 = content_2.sha1()
        sha256_2 = content_2.sha256()

        assert (md5_2 is not None)
        assert (sha1_2 is not None)
        assert (sha256_2 is not None)

        # files should be the same
        assert (md5 == md5_2)
        assert (sha1 == sha1_2)
        assert (sha256 == sha256_2)
Exemple #18
    def test_split(self):
        Test the split() function
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.chunk', '1MB.rar')
        # File should not already exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create our file
        assert (self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Loaded files are always detached; The following is loaded
        # because the path exists.
        assert (content.is_attached() is False)

        # We'll split it in 2
        results = content.split(strsize_to_bytes('512K'))

        # Tests that our results are expected
        assert (isinstance(results, sortedset) is True)
        assert (len(results) == 2)

        # We support passing the string format directly in too
        results = content.split('512K')
        # Tests that our results are expected
        assert (isinstance(results, sortedset) is True)
        assert (len(results) == 2)

        # Now lets merge them into one again
        content = NNTPContent(work_dir=self.tmp_dir)
        assert (content.load(results) is True)

        # NNTPContent() sets as well as individual objects passed into
        # load are always attached by default
        assert (content.is_attached() is True)

        # Our combined file should be the correct filesize
        assert (len(content) == strsize_to_bytes('1M'))

        # Once we save our object, it is no longer attached
        assert (content.save(filepath=tmp_file) is True)

        # Now our content is no longer attached
        assert (content.is_attached() is False)

        # we'll re-attach it

        # Our file will be gone now if we try to delete it
        assert (content.is_attached() is True)

        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)
        del content
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
Exemple #19
    def encode(self, content, mem_buf=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
        Encodes an NNTPContent object passed in

        if isinstance(content, NNTPContent):
            # Create our ascii instance
            _encoded = NNTPAsciiContent(
                # We want to ensure we're working with a unique attached file

            # If we reach here, we presume our content is a filename

            # Create our ascii instance
            _encoded = NNTPAsciiContent(
                # We want to ensure we're working with a unique attached file

            # Convert our content object into an NNTPContent object
            content = NNTPContent(

        # yEnc (v1.3) begin
        fmt_ybegin = '=ybegin part=%d total=%d line=%d size=%d name=%s' % (
            content.part, content.total_parts, self.linelen,
            len(content), content.filename,

        # yEnc part
        fmt_ypart = '=ypart begin=%d end=%d' % (
            content.begin() + 1,

        if isinstance(content._parent, NNTPContent):
            # yEnc end
            fmt_yend = '=yend size=%d part=%d pcrc32=%s crc32=%s' % (
                len(content), content.part,
                content.crc32(), content._parent.crc32(),

            # yEnc end
            fmt_yend = '=yend size=%d part=%d pcrc32=%s' % (
                len(content), content.part, content.crc32(),

        # Write =ybegin line
        _encoded.write(fmt_ybegin + EOL)
        # Write =ypart line
        _encoded.write(fmt_ypart + EOL)

        if not content.open():
            return None

        # Prepare our result set
        results = ""

        # Column is used for decoding
        column = 0
        crc = BIN_MASK

        # We need to parse the content until we either reach
        # the end of the file or get to an 'end' tag
        while True:
            # Read in our data
            data = content.stream.read(mem_buf)
            if not data:
                # We're done

            if FAST_YENC_SUPPORT:
                    _results, crc, column = encode_string(data, crc, column)
                    # Append our parsed content onto our ongoing buffer
                    results += _results

                except YencError as e:
                    logger.error("Failed to encode Yenc for %s." % content)
                    logger.debug('Yenc exception: %s' % (str(e)))
                    return None

                # The slow and painful way, the below looks complicated
                # but it really isn't at the the end of the day; yEnc is
                # pretty basic;
                #  - first we translate the all of the characters by adding
                #    42 to their value with the exception of a few special
                #    characters that are explicitly reserved for the yEnc
                #    language (and conflict with the NNTP Server language).
                #  - next, we need to apply our ENCODE_SPECIAL_MAP to be
                #    sure to handle the characters that are reserved as
                #    special keywords used by both NNTP Servers and the yEnc
                #    protocol itself.
                #  - finally we want to prevent our string from going on for
                #    to many characters (horizontally).  So we need to split
                #    our content up

                idx = 0
                while idx < len(data):
                    _byte = (ord(data[idx]) + 42) & 0xff
                    if _byte in YENC_ENCODE_ESCAPED_CHARACTERS:
                        _byte = (_byte + 64) & 0xff
                        # Esape Sequence
                        results += '='

                    # Store our character
                    results += chr(_byte)

                    # Increment Index
                    idx += 1

            # Our offset
            offset = 0

            while offset < (len(results)-self.linelen+1):
                eol = offset+self.linelen
                if results[offset:eol][-1] == '=':
                    # Lines can't end with the escape sequence (=). If we get
                    # here then this one did. We just adjust our end-of-line
                    # by 1 and keep moving
                    eol -= 1

                _encoded.write(results[offset:eol] + EOL)
                offset = eol

            if offset < len(results):
                results = results[-(len(results) - offset):]

                # reset string
                results = ''

        # We're done reading our data

        if len(results):
            # We still have content left in our buffer
            _encoded.write(results + EOL)

        # Write footer
        _encoded.write(fmt_yend + EOL)

        if _encoded:
            # close article when complete

        # Return our encoded object
        return _encoded
    def test_rar_errors(self):
        Test that we fail under certain conditions

        # Generate temporary folder to work with
        work_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'CodecRar_Test.rar.fail', 'work')

        # Now we want to prepare a folder filled with temporary content
        # Note: this directory is horrible because it's 'within' our work_dir
        # as a result, adding content should not succeed
        source_dir = join(work_dir, 'test')

        # Initialize Codec (without volume_size disables it)
        cr = CodecRar(work_dir=work_dir)

        # No files
        assert len(cr) == 0

        tmp_file = join(source_dir, 'temp_file_non-existant')
        assert isfile(tmp_file) is False
        # We can't add content that does not exist
        assert cr.add(tmp_file) is False

        # Still No files
        assert len(cr) == 0

        # However directories can not cross into our work directory
        tmp_dir = dirname(work_dir)

        # We intentionally pick a directory that has the work_dir
        # as a child within it
        assert isdir(tmp_dir)

        # Denied adding the file because it would include the work_dir
        # if we did
        assert cr.add(tmp_file) is False

        # Temporary file (within directory denied in previous check)
        tmp_file = join(tmp_dir, 'temp_file')
        assert isfile(tmp_file) is False

        # Create our temporary file now
        self.touch(tmp_file, size='120K', random=True)
        assert isfile(tmp_file) is True

        # This file is within our work_dir but we're still okay because
        # it's accessing the file explicitly and the fact it's a file
        # and not a directory
        assert cr.add(tmp_file) is True

        # Now we'll have 1 entry in our list
        assert len(cr) == 1

        # You can't add duplicates
        assert cr.add(tmp_file) is False

        # We still have 1 entry
        assert len(cr) == 1

        # Empty NNTPContent() can not be added
        content = NNTPContent(unique=True, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Can't do it
        assert cr.add(content) is False

        # Store some data
        content.write('some data\r\n')

        # Now we can add it because it has data in it
        assert cr.add(content) is True

        # We now have 2 entries
        assert len(cr) == 2

        # We can't add duplicates
        assert cr.add(content) is False

        # We still have 2 entries
        assert len(cr) == 2

        # Empty NNTPArticle() can not be added
        article = NNTPArticle(work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Can't do it
        assert cr.add(article) is False

        # If we add content that's already been added, nothing
        # new will happen either
        assert article.add(content) is True

        # Still can't do (only because it was already added)
        assert cr.add(article) is False

        # We still have 2 entries
        assert len(cr) == 2

        # New Empty NNTPContent() can not be added
        content = NNTPContent(unique=True, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # We'll add our new content to our article
        assert article.add(content) is True

        # Our new content has no data associated with it, so this should
        # still fail
        assert cr.add(article) is False

        # We still have 2 entries
        assert len(cr) == 2

        # Store some new data
        content.write('some new data\r\n')

        # Our new content within our article now has data so this will work
        assert cr.add(article) is True

        # We now have 3 entries
        assert len(cr) == 3
Exemple #21
    def test_append(self):
        Test the split() and then append() function
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.append', '1MB.rar')
        # File should not already exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create our file
        assert(self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content_a = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Attach our content
        assert(content_a.is_attached() is False)

        # We'll split it in 4
        results = content_a.split(strsize_to_bytes('512K'))

        # Tests that our results are expected
        assert(isinstance(results, sortedset) is True)
        assert(len(results) == 2)

        # Create a new content object
        content_b = NNTPContent(work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Our content should be attached
        assert(content_a.is_attached() is True)
        assert(content_b.is_attached() is True)

        # For each of our disassembled items, re-assemble them
        for content in results:
            assert(content_b.append(content) is True)

        # Test that our content is the same again
        assert(len(content_a) == len(content_b))
        assert(content_a.md5() == content_b.md5())
Exemple #22
    def test_copy01(self):
        Test our copy function
        The copy function allows us to duplicate an existing NNTPContent
        object without obstructing the original.  Copied content is
        always attached; so if the object falls out of scope; so does
        the file.
        my_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent', 'test_copy')
        assert(isdir(my_dir) is False)
        assert(mkdir(my_dir) is True)
        assert(isdir(my_dir) is True)

        #  Now create our NNTPContent object witin our directory
        obj = NNTPContent(

        # Content is attached by default
        assert(obj.is_attached() is True)
        assert(obj.is_attached() is False)

        new_dir = join(my_dir, 'copy')
        assert(isdir(new_dir) is False)

        # Create a copy of our object
        obj_copy = obj.copy()

        # Successfully loaded files are never attached reguardless
        # of the original copy
        assert(obj_copy.is_attached() is True)

        # Reattach the original so it dies when this test is over
        assert(obj.is_attached() is True)

        # Create a copy of our copy
        obj_copy2 = obj_copy.copy()
        assert(obj_copy2.is_attached() is True)
        _path = obj_copy2.path()
        del obj_copy2
        assert(isfile(_path) is False)

        assert(isfile(obj_copy.path()) is True)
        _path = obj_copy.path()
        del obj_copy
        assert(isfile(_path) is False)

        assert(isfile(obj.path()) is True)
        _path = obj.path()
        del obj
        assert(isfile(_path) is False)

        # now lets do a few more tests but with actual files this time
        tmp_file = join(my_dir, '2MB.zip')
        assert(self.touch(tmp_file, size='2MB', random=True) is True)

        #  Now create our NNTPContent object witin our directory
        obj = NNTPContent(
        assert(isfile(obj.path()) is True)

        obj_copy = obj.copy()
        assert(isfile(obj_copy.path()) is True)
        stats = stat(obj_copy.path())
        assert(bytes_to_strsize(stats['size']) == "2.00MB")

        # Compare that our content is the same
        assert(compare(obj_copy.path(), obj.path()) is True)

        # note that the filenames are NOT the same so we are dealing with 2
        # distinct copies here
        assert(isfile(obj_copy.path()) is True)
        assert(isfile(obj.path()) is True)
        assert(obj.path() != obj_copy.path())
Exemple #23
    def test_7z_errors(self):
        Test that we fail under certain conditions

        # Generate temporary folder to work with
        work_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'Codec7Zip_Test.7z.fail', 'work')

        # Now we want to prepare a folder filled with temporary content
        # Note: this directory is horrible because it's 'within' our work_dir
        # as a result, adding content should not succeed
        source_dir = join(work_dir, 'test')

        # Initialize Codec (without volume_size disables it)
        cr = Codec7Zip(work_dir=work_dir)

        # No files
        assert len(cr) == 0

        tmp_file = join(source_dir, 'temp_file_non-existant')
        assert isfile(tmp_file) is False
        # We can't add content that does not exist
        assert cr.add(tmp_file) is False

        # Still No files
        assert len(cr) == 0

        # However directories can not cross into our work directory
        tmp_dir = dirname(work_dir)

        # We intentionally pick a directory that has the work_dir
        # as a child within it
        assert isdir(tmp_dir)

        # Denied adding the file because it would include the work_dir
        # if we did
        assert cr.add(tmp_file) is False

        # Temporary file (within directory denied in previous check)
        tmp_file = join(tmp_dir, 'temp_file')
        assert isfile(tmp_file) is False

        # Create our temporary file now
        self.touch(tmp_file, size='120K', random=True)
        assert isfile(tmp_file) is True

        # This file is within our work_dir but we're still okay because
        # it's accessing the file explicitly and the fact it's a file
        # and not a directory
        assert cr.add(tmp_file) is True

        # Now we'll have 1 entry in our list
        assert len(cr) == 1

        # You can't add duplicates
        assert cr.add(tmp_file) is False

        # We still have 1 entry
        assert len(cr) == 1

        # Empty NNTPContent() can not be added
        content = NNTPContent(unique=True, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Can't do it
        assert cr.add(content) is False

        # Store some data
        content.write('some data\r\n')

        # Now we can add it because it has data in it
        assert cr.add(content) is True

        # We now have 2 entries
        assert len(cr) == 2

        # We can't add duplicates
        assert cr.add(content) is False

        # We still have 2 entries
        assert len(cr) == 2

        # Empty NNTPArticle() can not be added
        article = NNTPArticle(work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # Can't do it
        assert cr.add(article) is False

        # If we add content that's already been added, nothing
        # new will happen either
        assert article.add(content) is True

        # Still can't do (only because it was already added)
        assert cr.add(article) is False

        # We still have 2 entries
        assert len(cr) == 2

        # New Empty NNTPContent() can not be added
        content = NNTPContent(unique=True, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # We'll add our new content to our article
        assert article.add(content) is True

        # Our new content has no data associated with it, so this should
        # still fail
        assert cr.add(article) is False

        # We still have 2 entries
        assert len(cr) == 2

        # Store some new data
        content.write('some new data\r\n')

        # Our new content within our article now has data so this will work
        assert cr.add(article) is True

        # We now have 3 entries
        assert len(cr) == 3
Exemple #24
    def test_saves(self):
        Saving allows for a variety of inputs, test that they all
        check out okay
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.save', 'testfile.tmp')
        # File should not already exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create a random file
        assert (self.touch(tmp_file, size='5MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)
        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)
        # Test our file exists
        assert (len(content) == strsize_to_bytes('5M'))
        # By default our load makes it so our file is NOT attached
        assert (content.is_attached() is False)
        # as we can't make a copy of our current file on top of the old
        _filepath = content.path()
        assert (content.save(copy=True) is True)
        assert (content.path() == _filepath)
        assert (content.path() == tmp_file)

        # File should still be detached
        assert (content.is_attached() is False)
        # Filepath shoul still not have changed
        # Let's attach it
        assert (content.is_attached() is True)

        # If we call save() a copy parameter, there should be no change
        assert (content.save(copy=True) is True)
        # Still no change
        assert (content.is_attached() is True)

        # Now lets actually copy it to a new location
        tmp_file_copy = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.save',
        # File should not already exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file_copy) is False)
        # call save using our copy variable and new filename
        assert (content.save(tmp_file_copy, copy=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert (isfile(tmp_file_copy) is True)
        # Old File should still exist too
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)
        # Path should still be the old path and not the new
        assert (content.path() == tmp_file)
        # Still no change in attachment
        assert (content.is_attached() is True)

        # Create a new file now
        tmp_file_copy2 = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.save',
        assert (isfile(tmp_file_copy2) is False)
        # call save with copy set to false; This performs an official
        # move (adjusting our internal records.
        assert (content.save(tmp_file_copy2, copy=False) is True)
        # Old File should no longer exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Content should be detached
        assert (content.is_attached() is False)
        # New file should exist
        assert (isfile(tmp_file_copy2) is True)
        assert (content.path() != _filepath)
        assert (content.path() == tmp_file_copy2)
Exemple #25
    def test_saves(self):
        Saving allows for a variety of inputs, test that they all
        check out okay
        # First we create a 1MB file
        tmp_file = join(
            self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.save', 'testfile.tmp')
        # File should not already exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Create a random file
        assert(self.touch(tmp_file, size='5MB', random=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)
        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)
        # Test our file exists
        assert(len(content) == strsize_to_bytes('5M'))
        # By default our load makes it so our file is NOT attached
        assert(content.is_attached() is False)
        # as we can't make a copy of our current file on top of the old
        _filepath = content.path()
        assert(content.save(copy=True) is True)
        assert(content.path() == _filepath)
        assert(content.path() == tmp_file)

        # File should still be detached
        assert(content.is_attached() is False)
        # Filepath shoul still not have changed
        # Let's attach it
        assert(content.is_attached() is True)

        # If we call save() a copy parameter, there should be no change
        assert(content.save(copy=True) is True)
        # Still no change
        assert(content.is_attached() is True)

        # Now lets actually copy it to a new location
        tmp_file_copy = join(
            self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.save', 'testfile.copy.tmp')
        # File should not already exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file_copy) is False)
        # call save using our copy variable and new filename
        assert(content.save(tmp_file_copy, copy=True) is True)
        # File should exist now
        assert(isfile(tmp_file_copy) is True)
        # Old File should still exist too
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is True)
        # Path should still be the old path and not the new
        assert(content.path() == tmp_file)
        # Still no change in attachment
        assert(content.is_attached() is True)

        # Create a new file now
        tmp_file_copy2 = join(
            self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.save', 'testfile.copy2.tmp')
        assert(isfile(tmp_file_copy2) is False)
        # call save with copy set to false; This performs an official
        # move (adjusting our internal records.
        assert(content.save(tmp_file_copy2, copy=False) is True)
        # Old File should no longer exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        # Content should be detached
        assert(content.is_attached() is False)
        # New file should exist
        assert(isfile(tmp_file_copy2) is True)
        assert(content.path() != _filepath)
        assert(content.path() == tmp_file_copy2)
Exemple #26
    def test_get_paths(self):
        Test that we fail under certain conditions

        # Generate temporary folder to work with
        work_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'CodecFile_Test', 'work')

        # Initialize Codec (without volume_size disables it)
        cr = CodecFile(work_dir=work_dir)

        # create some dummy file entries
        tmp_files = set()
        for i in range(0, 10):
            # Create some temporary files to work with in our source
            # directory
            tmp_file = join(work_dir, 'DSC_IMG%.3d.jpeg' % i)
            self.touch(tmp_file, size='120K', random=True)

            # Add a file to our tmp_files list

        # Non-existant file reference
        invalid_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'non-existant-file')
        assert isfile(invalid_file) is False

        content = NNTPContent(
            join(work_dir, 'testfile'),
        content.write('test data')

        # Empty NNTPArticle() can not be added
        article = NNTPArticle(work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # New Empty NNTPContent() can not be added
        article_content = NNTPContent(
            join(work_dir, 'testfile2'),
        # Store some new data
        article_content.write('some more test data')

        # We'll add our new content to our article
        assert article.add(content) is True

        # save path
        sub_dir = join(work_dir, 'subdir')
        assert mkdir(sub_dir) is True
        assert isdir(sub_dir) is True

        # string work
        assert len(cr.get_paths(self.tmp_dir)) == 1
        assert cr.get_paths(self.tmp_dir).pop() == self.tmp_dir

        # Sub-directories that exist within a root directory also included are
        # removed
        assert len(cr.get_paths([self.tmp_dir, sub_dir])) == 1
        assert cr.get_paths([self.tmp_dir, sub_dir]).pop() == self.tmp_dir

        # Invalid files/dirs are not found
        assert len(cr.get_paths(invalid_file)) == 0

        # Create a list of many assorted type of items
        __set = set([
        ]) | set(tmp_files)

        # At the end of the day, the work_dir includes all of the sub-content
        # and the invalid_file is simply just tossed. However because our
        # NNTPContent() and NNTPArticle() files are stored outside of our
        # work_dir, they will also be included in the results
        results = cr.get_paths(__set)
        assert len(results) == 3
        assert work_dir in results
        assert content.filepath in results
        assert article_content.filepath in results

        # Now if we did the same test but without the work_dir directory, then
        # we'd have a much larger list; we'll work with lists this time to
        # show that we support them too
        __list = [

        results = cr.get_paths(__list)
        # +1 for content
        # +1 for sub_dir
        assert len(results) == (len(tmp_files) + len(article) + 2)
        for f in tmp_files:
            # Each file in our tmp_files will be in our results
            assert f in results
        assert content.filepath in results
        assert article_content.filepath in results
        assert sub_dir in results
Exemple #27
    def test_invalid_split_cases(self):
        Test errors that are generated out of the split function
        work_dir = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.chunk')
        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(work_dir=work_dir)

        # Nothing to split gives an error
        assert (content.split() is None)

        tmp_file = join(self.tmp_dir, 'NNTPContent_Test.chunk', '5K.rar')
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is False)
        assert (self.touch(tmp_file, size='1MB', random=True) is True)
        assert (isfile(tmp_file) is True)

        # Now we want to load it into a NNTPContent object
        content = NNTPContent(filepath=tmp_file, work_dir=self.tmp_dir)

        # No size to split on gives an error
        assert (content.split(size=0) is None)
        assert (content.split(size=-1) is None)
        assert (content.split(size=None) is None)
        assert (content.split(size='bad_string') is None)

        # Invalid Memory Limit
        assert (content.split(mem_buf=0) is None)
        assert (content.split(mem_buf=-1) is None)
        assert (content.split(mem_buf=None) is None)
        assert (content.split(mem_buf='bad_string') is None)