Exemple #1
def cm_rk4(F_strings, F_args, x0, N, verbose=True):
    #you should really do this in a decorator
    if verbose:
        fs = sys.stdout # this is default for the print function
        fs = open(os.devnull, 'w') 

    F, X = parse_symbolic(F_strings, F_args)

    print("system parsed successfully...", file=fs)

    J = F.jacobian(X)   # symbolic jacobian matrix

    print("jacobian found", end=" ", file=fs) 

    Jinv = J.inv()  # calculate inverse (method can be specified)

    print("...and inverted!", end=" ", file=fs)

    #Jinv.simplify() # simplify symbolic expression (for logging)
                    # note that this occurs in place!

    #print("...and simplified!", end=" ", file=fs) 
    print("\n", file=fs)

    # get a value for F_0 = F(x0)
    F0 = F.subs(list(zip(X, x0)))

    print("initial system calculated", file=fs)

    # x`(λ) = [J(x(λ)]^(-1) * F0
    # this is an nx1 matrix that describes the set of differential equations
    #   dx_i / dλ = [x`(λ)]_i

    xpl = -Jinv.multiply(F0) # matmul syntax is different within sympy

    print("ODE system x`(λ) calculated", file=fs)
    print("...and simplified", file=fs)
    print("running RK4 with N={}".format(N), file=fs)

    # pass everything to RK4 (including verbosity setting) 
    x_sol = rk4(xpl, X, x0, N, verbose=verbose)
    # do you need to close /dev/null?
    if not verbose:
            pass    # this is bad code

    return x_sol
Exemple #2
args = "x,y,z"

# really sloppy handling, use argparse
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        N = int(sys.argv[1])
        raise Exception("argument must be an integer N (partition size in RK4)")

    N = 4

# just set verbosity based on size of N
v = (N < 5)
x0 = np.array([[1,1,1]]).T

x_sol = cm_rk4(case_one, args, x0, N, verbose=v)

# now just do some data
F, X = parse_symbolic(case_one, args)

# get F value at x*
F1 = F.subs(list(zip(X, x_sol)))

err = F1.norm() # wow, these methods are great
print("||F(x*)|| = ", err)

x_check = nsolve(F, X, (1,1,1))
print("solution according to sympy.solvers.nsolve:")