Exemple #1
 def test_count_other_values_two(self):
     expected = {
         'Harry': 1,
         'Simon': 2,
         'Peter': 1,
         'Betty': 0,
         'Louise': 0
     nexus = NexusReader()
     Begin data;
     Dimensions ntax=5 nchar=3;
     Format datatype=standard symbols="01" gap=-;
     Harry              0A0  [No missing]
     Simon              0AB  [one missing]
     Peter              0-B  [one gap]
     Betty              ?-1  [one gap and one missing = 2 missing]
     Louise             ???  [three missing]
     count = count_site_values(nexus, ['A', 'B'])
     for taxon in count:
         assert count[taxon] == expected[taxon]
def print_site_values(nexus_obj, characters=['-', '?']):
    Prints out counts of the number of sites with state in `characters` in a

    (Wrapper around `count_site_values`)

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader
    count = count_site_values(nexus_obj, characters)
    print ("Number of %s in %s" % (",".join(characters), nexus_obj.filename))
    for taxon in sorted(count):
        prop = (count[taxon] / nexus.data.nchar) * 100
            "%s: %d/%d (%0.2f%%)" %
            (taxon.ljust(20), count[taxon], nexus.data.nchar, prop)
    print('-' * 76)
    total_count = sum([x for x in count.values()])
    total_data = nexus.data.nchar * nexus.data.ntaxa
    prop = (total_count / total_data) * 100
    print('TOTAL: %d/%d (%0.2f%%)' %
        (total_count, total_data, prop)
def print_site_values(nexus_obj, characters=None):
    Prints out counts of the number of sites with state in `characters` in a

    (Wrapper around `count_site_values`)

    :param nexus_obj: A `NexusReader` instance
    :type nexus_obj: NexusReader
    characters = characters if characters is not None else ['-', '?']
    count = count_site_values(nexus_obj, characters)
    print("Number of %s in %s" % (",".join(characters), nexus_obj.filename))
    for taxon in sorted(count):
        prop = (count[taxon] / nexus.data.nchar) * 100
            "%s: %d/%d (%0.2f%%)" %
            (taxon.ljust(20), count[taxon], nexus.data.nchar, prop)
    print('-' * 76)
    total_count = sum([x for x in count.values()])
    total_data = nexus.data.nchar * nexus.data.ntaxa
    prop = (total_count / total_data) * 100
    print('TOTAL: %d/%d (%0.2f%%)' %
        (total_count, total_data, prop)
def test_count_missing_two():
    expected = {'Harry': 0, 'Simon': 1, 'Peter': 1, 'Betty': 2, 'Louise': 3}
    nexus = NexusReader.from_string("""#NEXUS
    Begin data;
    Dimensions ntax=5 nchar=3;
    Format datatype=standard symbols="01" gap=-;
    Harry              010  [No missing]
    Simon              0?0  [one missing]
    Peter              0-0  [one gap]
    Betty              ?-1  [one gap and one missing = 2 missing]
    Louise             ???  [three missing]
    missing = count_site_values(nexus)
    for taxon in missing:
        assert missing[taxon] == expected[taxon]
 def test_count_other_values_two(self):
     expected = {"Harry": 1, "Simon": 2, "Peter": 1, "Betty": 0, "Louise": 0}
     nexus = NexusReader()
     Begin data;
     Dimensions ntax=5 nchar=3;
     Format datatype=standard symbols="01" gap=-;
     Harry              0A0  [No missing]
     Simon              0AB  [one missing]
     Peter              0-B  [one gap]
     Betty              ?-1  [one gap and one missing = 2 missing]
     Louise             ???  [three missing]
     count = count_site_values(nexus, ["A", "B"])
     for taxon in count:
         assert count[taxon] == expected[taxon]
 def test_count_other_values_one(self):
     expected = {
         'Harry': 1, 'Simon': 1, 'Peter': 0, 'Betty': 0, 'Louise': 0
     nexus = NexusReader()
     Begin data;
     Dimensions ntax=5 nchar=3;
     Format datatype=standard symbols="01" gap=-;
     Harry              0A0  [No missing]
     Simon              0A0  [one missing]
     Peter              0-0  [one gap]
     Betty              ?-1  [one gap and one missing = 2 missing]
     Louise             ???  [three missing]
     count = count_site_values(nexus, 'A')
     for taxon in count:
         assert count[taxon] == expected[taxon]
 def test_count_missing_one(self):
     nexus = NexusReader(os.path.join(EXAMPLE_DIR, "example.nex"))
     missing = count_site_values(nexus)
     for taxon in missing:
         assert missing[taxon] == 0
Exemple #8
 def test_count_missing_one(self):
     nexus = NexusReader(os.path.join(EXAMPLE_DIR, 'example.nex'))
     missing = count_site_values(nexus)
     for taxon in missing:
         assert missing[taxon] == 0
def test_errorcheck_characters(nex):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        count_site_values(nex, None)
def test_count_missing_one(nex):
    missing = count_site_values(nex)
    for taxon in missing:
        assert missing[taxon] == 0