def handleCmd(srvObj, reqPropsObj, httpRef): """ Handle STATUS command. srvObj: Reference to NG/AMS server class object (ngamsServer). reqPropsObj: Request Property object to keep track of actions done during the request handling (ngamsReqProps). httpRef: Reference to the HTTP request handler object (ngamsHttpRequestHandler). Returns: Void. """ status = ngamsStatus.ngamsStatus() status.setDate(toiso8601()).\ setVersion(getNgamsVersion()).setHostId(srvObj.getHostId()).\ setStatus(NGAMS_SUCCESS).\ setMessage("Successfully handled command STATUS").\ setState(srvObj.getState()).setSubState(srvObj.getSubState()) reqPropsObjRef = reqPropsObj # Get the information requested. diskId = "" fileId = "" fileVersion = "" configurationFile = "" fileAccess = "" hostId = "" requestId = "" dbTime = "" dbTimeReset = "" fileList = "" fileListId = "" maxElements = 100000 if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("disk_id")): diskId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("disk_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_id")): fileId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_version")): fileVersion = int(reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_version")) if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("configuration_file")): configurationFile = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("configuration_file") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_access")): fileAccess = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_access") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("host_id")): hostId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("host_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("max_elements")): maxElements = int(reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("max_elements")) if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("request_id")): requestId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("request_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("db_time")): dbTime = True if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("db_time_reset")): dbTimeReset = True if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("flush_log")): # in the past this called flushLog() # do we really want to keep that functionality? I doubt it pass if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_list")): fileList = int(reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_list")) if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_list_id")): fileListId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_list_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("dump_object_info")): # Dump status of all objects allocated into file specified. targFile = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("dump_object_info") rmFile(targFile) fo = open(targFile, "w") fo.write(_genObjectStatus()) fo.close() # Handle request for file info. genCfgStatus = 0 genDiskStatus = 0 genFileStatus = 0 genStatesStatus = 1 genRequestStatus = 0 msg = "" help = 0 if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("help")): global _help msg = _help help = 1 elif hostId and hostId != srvObj.getHostId(): host, port = srvObj.get_remote_server_endpoint(hostId) cfgObj = srvObj.getCfg() if not cfgObj.getProxyMode(): httpRef.redirect(host, port) return else: try: httpRef.proxy_request(hostId, host, port) except Exception as e: ex = re.sub("<|>", "", str(e)) errMsg = genLog("NGAMS_ER_COM", [host, port,ex]) raise Exception(errMsg) return elif (fileList): if (not fileListId): # It's a new STATUS?file_list request. fileListId = _handleFileList(srvObj, reqPropsObj, httpRef) # Send back data from the request. _handleFileListReply(srvObj, reqPropsObj, httpRef, fileListId, maxElements) elif (diskId): diskObj = ngamsDiskInfo.ngamsDiskInfo(), diskId) status.addDiskStatus(diskObj) genDiskStatus = 1 elif (fileId): if (not fileVersion): fileVersion = -1 try: fileObj = ngamsFileInfo.ngamsFileInfo(), srvObj.getDb(), fileId, fileVersion) diskObj = ngamsDiskInfo.ngamsDiskInfo() try:, fileObj.getDiskId()) except: errMsg = "Illegal Disk ID found: {0} for file with ID: {1}".format(fileObj.getDiskId(), fileId) raise Exception(errMsg) diskObj.addFileObj(fileObj) status.addDiskStatus(diskObj) except: # The file was not found in the database. Check if it is available # on a remote partner site. host, port, status_info, disk_info, file_info = \ ngamsFileUtils.lookup_partner_site_file_status(srvObj, fileId, fileVersion, reqPropsObj) # Update status reply using the disk status and file status # information retrieved from the partner site status.addDiskStatus(disk_info) genDiskStatus = 1 genFileStatus = 1 elif (requestId): logger.debug("Checking status of request with ID: %s", requestId) reqPropsObjRef = srvObj.getRequest(requestId) if (not reqPropsObjRef): errMsg = genLog("NGAMS_ER_ILL_REQ_ID", [requestId]) raise Exception(errMsg) genRequestStatus = 1 elif (configurationFile): msg = "configuration_file=" + srvObj.cfg_fname genCfgStatus = 1 # Hidden feature to return complete Cfg!! try: genCfgStatus = int(configurationFile) except ValueError: genCfgStatus = 1 status.setNgamsCfgObj(srvObj.getCfg()) elif (fileAccess): if (not fileVersion): fileVersion = -1 fileId = fileAccess msg = _checkFileAccess(srvObj, reqPropsObj, httpRef, fileId, fileVersion, diskId) elif (dbTime): logger.debug("Querying total DB time") msg = "Total DB time: %.6fs" % srvObj.getDb().getDbTime() elif (dbTimeReset): msg = "Resetting DB timer" logger.debug(msg) srvObj.getDb().resetDbTime() else: msg = "Successfully handled command STATUS" if (reqPropsObjRef == reqPropsObj): reqPropsObj.setCompletionTime() srvObj.updateRequestDb(reqPropsObj) if (genCfgStatus or genDiskStatus or genFileStatus or genRequestStatus): status.setReqStatFromReqPropsObj(reqPropsObjRef) # Generate XML reply. logger.debug("Status requests: " + str([genCfgStatus, genDiskStatus, genFileStatus, genStatesStatus])) xmlStat = status.genXmlDoc(genCfgStatus, genDiskStatus, genFileStatus, genStatesStatus) xmlStat = ngamsHighLevelLib.addStatusDocTypeXmlDoc(srvObj, xmlStat) httpRef.send_data(six.b(xmlStat), NGAMS_XML_MT) elif not httpRef.reply_sent: httpRef.send_status(msg) if (msg and (not help)): else:"Successfully handled command STATUS")
def runAllTests(notifEmail=None, skip=None): """ Run all tests in ngasUtils/test. notifEmail: List of email recipients that should be notified about the test results (list/email addresses). skip: Test Suites or Test Cases to skip. Comma separated list (string). Returns: Void. """ skipDic = {} if (skip): for test in skip.split(","): skipDic[test] = 1 testModList = getTestList() startTime = time.time() failModDic = {} noOfTests = len(testModList) testCount = 0 format = "Running Test Suite: %-32s %-8s" line = "\nNGAS UTILITIES FUNCTIONAL TESTS - TEST REPORT\n" print line testRep = line + "\n" line = "Date: %s" % PccUtTime.TimeStamp().getTimeStamp() print line testRep += line + "\n" line = "Host: %s" % getHostName() print line testRep += line + "\n" line = "NG/AMS Version: %s\n" % getNgamsVersion() print line testRep += line + "\n" for mod in testModList: if (skipDic.has_key(mod)): continue testCount += 1 line = format % (mod, ("(#%d/%d)" % (testCount, noOfTests))) testRep += line sys.stdout.write(line) sys.stdout.flush() suiteStartTime = time.time() stat, stdout, stderr = ngamsCore.execCmd("python " + mod + ".py", NGAMS_TEST_MAX_TS_TIME) testTime = (time.time() - suiteStartTime) if (testTime >= NGAMS_TEST_MAX_TS_TIME): failModDic[mod] = "TIME-OUT" stat = " - %-5.1fs - TIME-OUT!!\n" % testTime elif (stdout.find("FAILED") != -1): failModDic[mod] = stdout + " --- " + stderr stat = " - %-5.1fs - FAILURE!!\n" % testTime else: stat = " - %-5.1fs - SUCCESS\n" % testTime sys.stdout.write(stat) sys.stdout.flush() testRep += stat execTime = (time.time() - startTime) line = "\n\nExecuted %d Test Suites in %.3f seconds\n\n" %\ (len(testModList), execTime) print line testRep += line if (failModDic): line = 80 * "=" print line testRep += line line = "\n\nFAILED TEST SUITES:\n\n" print line testRep += line failMods = failModDic.keys() failMods.sort() for failMod in failMods: line = "\n%s:\n%s\n" % (failMod, failModDic[failMod]) print line testRep += line + "\n" line = 80 * "-" print line testRep += line line = 80 * "=" print line testRep += line # Send out email with test report if requested. if (notifEmail): notifEmail = notifEmail.split(",") par = "NgamsCfg.Server[1].MountRootDirectory" ngamsCfgObj = ngamsConfig.ngamsConfig().storeVal(par, "/NGAS") ngamsHighLevelLib.sendEmail(ngamsCfgObj, "localhost", "NGAS UTILITIES FUNCTIONAL TESTS REPORT", notifEmail, "ngas@%s" %\ ngamsLib.getCompleteHostName(), testRep)
def main(): """ Entry point for the ngamsPClient script """ DUMP_TO_STDOUT = object() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="ngamsPClient [-h] <options> cmd") parser.add_argument('cmd', nargs='?', help='Command to issue') gparser = parser.add_argument_group('General options') gparser.add_argument('-L', '--license', help='Show the license information', action='store_true') gparser.add_argument('-V', '--version', help='Show the version and exit', action='store_true') gparser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='Increase verbosity. More -v is more verbose', action='count', default=3) gparser.add_argument( '-s', '--status', metavar="FILE", nargs='?', const=DUMP_TO_STDOUT, help= 'Display the XML status document of the command. If FILE is given the document written to disk', ) cparser = parser.add_argument_group('Connection options') cparser.add_argument('-H', '--host', help='Host to connect to', default="") cparser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help='Port to connect to', default=7777, type=int) cparser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', help='Connection timeout, in sec.', default=None, type=float) cparser.add_argument( '--servers', help='A comma-separated list of host:server addresses') parser.add_argument( '-P', '--param', help= 'Additional HTTP parameters in the form of param=value, can be specified more than once', action='append', default=[]) parser.add_argument('-r', '--reload', help='Reload the module implementing the command', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mime-type', help='The mime-type', default='application/octet-stream') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', help='File/directory where to store the retrieved data') parser.add_argument('-a', '--async', help='Run command asynchronously', action='store_true', dest='asynchronous') parser.add_argument('-A', '--auth', help='BASIC authorization string (user:password)') parser.add_argument('-F', '--force', help='Force the action', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-f', '--file-id', help='Indicates a File ID') parser.add_argument('--file-version', help='A file version', type=int, default=-1) parser.add_argument('--file-id-list', help='A list of File IDs') parser.add_argument('--file-uri', help='A File URI') parser.add_argument('--file-info-xml', help='An XML File Info string') parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-versioning', help='Do not increase the file version', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-d', '--disk-id', help='Indicates a Disk ID') parser.add_argument('-e', '--execute', help='Executes the action', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--path', help='File path') parser.add_argument('--slot-id', help='The Slot ID for the label') parser.add_argument('--host-id', help='The Host ID') parser.add_argument( '--p-plugin', help='Processing plug-in to apply before retrieving data') parser.add_argument( '--p-plugin-pars', help= 'Parameters for the processing plug-in, can be specified more than once', action='append') sparser = parser.add_argument_group('Subscription options') sparser.add_argument('-u', '--url', help='URL to subscribe/unsubscribe') sparser.add_argument('--priority', help='Priority used for subscription', type=int, default=None) sparser.add_argument('--f-plugin', help='Filtering plug-in to use for this subscription') sparser.add_argument( '--f-plugin-pars', help= 'Parameters for the filtering plug-in, can be specified more than once', action='append') sparser.add_argument('-S', '--start-date', help='Start date for subscription') cparser = parser.add_argument_group('Container options') cparser.add_argument('-c', '--container-id', help='Specifies a Container ID') cparser.add_argument('--container-name', help='Specifies a Container name') cparser.add_argument( '--container-hierarchy', help='Specifies a Container Hierarchy as an XML document') cparser.add_argument('--parent-container-id', help='Specifies a Parent Container ID') cparser.add_argument('-C', '--close', help='Closes the container after appending a file', action='store_true') cparser.add_argument('--recursive', help='Recursively remove containers', action='store_true') opts = parser.parse_args() setup_logging(opts) if opts.version: print(getNgamsVersion()) return elif opts.license: print(getNgamsLicense()) return elif not opts.cmd: parser.error('cmd required but none given') if opts.servers: servers = [ (parts[0], int(parts[1])) for parts in (server.split(':') for server in filter(None, opts.servers.split(','))) ] client = ngamsPClient(servers=servers, timeout=opts.timeout, auth=opts.auth, reload_mod=opts.reload) else: client = ngamsPClient(, opts.port, timeout=opts.timeout, auth=opts.auth, reload_mod=opts.reload) # Invoke the proper operation. cmd = opts.cmd mtype = opts.mime_type pars = [p.split('=') for p in opts.param] if cmd in [NGAMS_ARCHIVE_CMD, 'QARCHIVE']: if not opts.file_uri: msg = "Must specify parameter --file-uri for a ARCHIVE/QARCHIVE commands" raise Exception(msg) pars += [('file_version', opts.file_version)] if opts.file_version is not None else [] stat = client.archive(opts.file_uri, mtype, opts.asynchronous, opts.no_versioning, cmd=cmd, pars=pars) elif cmd == "CARCHIVE": stat = client.carchive(opts.file_uri, mtype) elif cmd == "CAPPEND": stat = client.cappend(opts.file_id, opts.file_id_list, opts.container_id, opts.container_name, opts.force, opts.close) elif cmd == "CCREATE": stat = client.ccreate(opts.container_name, opts.parent_container_id, opts.container_hierarchy) elif cmd == "CDESTROY": stat = client.cdestroy(opts.container_name, opts.container_id, opts.recursive) elif cmd == "CLIST": stat = client.clist(opts.container_name, opts.container_id) elif cmd == "CREMOVE": stat = client.cremove(opts.file_id, opts.file_id_list, opts.container_id, opts.container_name) elif cmd == 'CRETRIEVE': stat = client.cretrieve(opts.container_name, opts.container_id, opts.output) elif (cmd == NGAMS_CACHEDEL_CMD): pars.append(("disk_id", opts.disk_id)) pars.append(("file_id", opts.file_id)) pars.append(("file_version", str(opts.file_version))) stat = client.get_status(cmd, pars=pars) elif (cmd == NGAMS_CLONE_CMD): stat = client.clone(opts.file_id, opts.disk_id, opts.file_version, opts.asynchronous) elif (cmd == NGAMS_EXIT_CMD): stat = client.exit() elif (cmd == NGAMS_INIT_CMD): stat = client.init() elif (cmd == NGAMS_LABEL_CMD): stat = client.label(opts.slot_id, opts.host_id) elif (cmd == NGAMS_OFFLINE_CMD): stat = client.offline(opts.force) elif (cmd == NGAMS_ONLINE_CMD): stat = elif (cmd == NGAMS_REARCHIVE_CMD): if not opts.file_info_xml: msg = "Must specify parameter -fileInfoXml for a REARCHIVE Command" raise Exception(msg) stat = client.rearchive(opts.file_uri, opts.file_info_xml, pars) elif (cmd == NGAMS_REGISTER_CMD): stat = client.register(opts.path, opts.asynchronous) elif (cmd == NGAMS_REMDISK_CMD): stat = client.remDisk(opts.disk_id, opts.execute) elif (cmd == NGAMS_REMFILE_CMD): stat = client.remFile(diskId=opts.disk_id, fileId=opts.file_id, fileVersion=opts.file_version, execute=opts.execute) elif (cmd == NGAMS_RETRIEVE_CMD): stat = client.retrieve(opts.file_id, opts.file_version, pars=pars, targetFile=opts.output, processing=opts.p_plugin, processingPars=opts.p_plugin_pars) elif (cmd == NGAMS_STATUS_CMD): stat = client.status(pars, opts.output) elif (cmd == NGAMS_SUBSCRIBE_CMD): if not opts.url: raise Exception( "Must specify parameter --url for a SUBSCRIBE commands") stat = client.subscribe(url=opts.url, priority=opts.priority, startDate=opts.start_date, filterPlugIn=opts.f_plugin, filterPlugInPars=opts.f_plugin_pars, pars=pars) elif (cmd == NGAMS_UNSUBSCRIBE_CMD): stat = client.unsubscribe(opts.url) else: stat = client.get_status(cmd, pars=pars) if opts.verbose > 3 or stat.getStatus() == NGAMS_FAILURE: printStatus(stat) if opts.verbose > 4 and stat.getData(): print(stat.getData()) if opts.status: xml = stat.genXml(0, 1, 1, 1).toprettyxml(' ', '\n')[0:-1] if opts.status == DUMP_TO_STDOUT: print(xml) else: with open(opts.status, 'w') as f: f.write(xml) if stat.getStatus() == NGAMS_FAILURE: sys.exit(1)
def handleCmd(srvObj, reqPropsObj, httpRef): """ Handle STATUS command. srvObj: Reference to NG/AMS server class object (ngamsServer). reqPropsObj: Request Property object to keep track of actions done during the request handling (ngamsReqProps). httpRef: Reference to the HTTP request handler object (ngamsHttpRequestHandler). Returns: Void. """ T = TRACE() status = ngamsStatus.ngamsStatus() status.\ setDate(toiso8601()).\ setVersion(getNgamsVersion()).setHostId(srvObj.getHostId()).\ setStatus(NGAMS_SUCCESS).\ setMessage("Successfully handled command STATUS").\ setState(srvObj.getState()).setSubState(srvObj.getSubState()) reqPropsObjRef = reqPropsObj # Get the information requested. diskId = "" fileId = "" fileVersion = "" configurationFile = "" fileAccess = "" hostId = "" requestId = "" dbTime = "" dbTimeReset = "" fileList = "" fileListId = "" maxElements = 100000 if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("disk_id")): diskId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("disk_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_id")): fileId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_version")): fileVersion = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_version") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("configuration_file")): configurationFile = "-" if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_access")): fileAccess = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_access") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("host_id")): hostId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("host_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("max_elements")): maxElements = int(reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("max_elements")) if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("request_id")): requestId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("request_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("db_time")): dbTime = True if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("db_time_reset")): dbTimeReset = True if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("flush_log")): # in the past this called flushLog() # do we really want to keep that functionality? I doubt it pass if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_list")): fileList = int(reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_list")) if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("file_list_id")): fileListId = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("file_list_id") if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("dump_object_info")): # Dump status of all objects allocated into file specified. targFile = reqPropsObj.getHttpPar("dump_object_info") rmFile(targFile) fo = open(targFile, "w") fo.write(_genObjectStatus()) fo.close() # Handle request for file info. genCfgStatus = 0 genDiskStatus = 0 genFileStatus = 0 genStatesStatus = 1 genRequestStatus = 0 msg = "" help = 0 if (reqPropsObj.hasHttpPar("help")): global _help msg = _help help = 1 elif hostId and hostId != srvObj.getHostId(): host, port = srvObj.get_remote_server_endpoint(hostId) cfgObj = srvObj.getCfg() if not cfgObj.getProxyMode(): httpRef.redirect(host, port) return else: try: httpRef.proxy_request(hostId, host, port) except Exception, e: ex = re.sub("<|>", "", str(e)) errMsg = genLog("NGAMS_ER_COM", [host, port,ex]) raise Exception, errMsg return