Exemple #1
    def test_WakeUpStatus_1(self):
        Test that suspended server is woken up when
        STATUS?host_id=<Sub-Node> specifying that node is sent.

        If a STATUS Command is send to a node requesting status from another
        node (Proxy Mode), and the target is suspended, the contacted node
        must wake up the suspended target node. The purpose of this test
        is to verify this use case.

        Expected Result:
        The contacted node should identify the target node as suspended,
        and should wake it up prior to forwarding the STATUS Command acting
        as proxy.

        Test Steps:
        - Start simulated cluster specifying that one node can suspend itself.
        - Wait till sub-node has suspended itself.
        - Send STATUS Command to the simulated master requesting status from
          the suspended sub-node.
        - Check the response to the STATUS Command.
        - Cross check that the suspended node is now woken up by sending
          a STATUS Command directly to the sub-node.

        cfgParDic = {"8001": [["%s.IdleSuspensionTime" % SUSP_EL, "5"]]}
        dbConObj = prepSimCluster(self, cfgParDic=cfgParDic)[masterNode][1]
        self.waitTillSuspended(dbConObj, subNode1, 30, susp_nodes)

        # 1. Send STATUS Command to sub-node using master as proxy.
        statObj = sendPclCmd(port=8000, auth=AUTH).\
                      get_status(NGAMS_STATUS_CMD, pars = [["host_id", subNode1]])
        statBuf = filterOutLines(statObj.dumpBuf(), ["Date:", "Version:"])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, statBuf)
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsIdleSuspensionTest_test_WakeUpStatus_1_1_ref"
        refStatFile = saveInFile(None, loadFile(refStatFile) % getHostName())
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile,
                          "Sub-node not woken up as expected")

        # 2. Double-check that sub-node is no longer suspended.
        statObj = sendPclCmd(port=8001, auth=AUTH).status()
        statBuf = filterOutLines(statObj.dumpBuf(), ["Date:", "Version:"])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, statBuf)
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile,
                          "Sub-node not woken up as expected")

        # Clean up.
        self.markNodesAsUnsusp(dbConObj, susp_nodes)
Exemple #2
    def test_ChangeLocLogLev_1(self):
        Change the Local (Log File) Log Level Online.

        The purpose of this Test Case is to test that the Local Log Level
        can be changed while the NG/AMS Server is Online.

        Expected Result:
        The Log Level should be increased and more logs produced in the Local
        Log File.

        Test Steps:
        - Start normal NG/AMS Server (Log Level=3).
        - Send a CONFIG Command to the server changing the Log Level to 4.
        - Check the response to the CONFIG Command is correct.

        TODO: Check in Log File that low level logs are produced.
        statObj = sendPclCmd().get_status(NGAMS_CONFIG_CMD,
                                          pars=[["log_local_log_level", "4"]])
        tmpStatFile = "tmp/ngamsConfigCmdTest_test_ChangeLocLogLev_1_1_tmp"
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsConfigCmdTest_test_ChangeLocLogLev_1_1_ref"
            filterOutLines(statObj.dumpBuf(), ["Date", "Version", "HostId"]))
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect info in " +\
                          "CONFIG Command XML Status " +
Exemple #3
    def test_ArchiveCmd_Err_1(self):
        Issue ARCHIVE Command/request times out.

        The purpose of the test is to check that a request that times out
        is handled properly by the C-Client/API and a proper error message
        is produced.

        Expected Result:
        After the given timeout, the C-Client/API should generate a timeout
        error message.

        Test Steps:
        - Start speciel instance of server where Archive Requests blocks.
        - Issue Archive Request (small file) specifying a timeout of 10s.
        - Capture the output from the ngamsCClient, filter this, and
          check that the proper error message has been generated.

        saveInFile("tmp/reqCallBack_tmp", "reqCallBack_BlockCmds1")
        out = _execCClient(unpackXmlStat=0,
                           pars=[["-port", "8888"], ["-cmd", "ARCHIVE"],
                                 ["-fileUri", "src/SmallFile.fits"],
                                 ["-timeOut", "5"]])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, filterOutLines(out, ["Host"]))
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_ArchiveCmd_Err_1_ref"
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect handling " +\
                          "of timeout of Archive Request in C-Client/API")
Exemple #4
    def test_ArchiveCmd_Err_4_1(self):
        Correct HTTP response, but illegal NG/AMS XML status document.

        The purpose of the test is to verify that the C-Client/API handles
        correctly the situation where an incorrectly formatted XML status
        response is contained in the response from the server and the
        proper error code generated by the C-API.

        Expected Result:
        The C-API detects the wrongly formatted NG/AMS XML status document,
        and produces the appropriate error code.

        Test Steps:
        - Start special instance of the server which generates an HTTP
          response with a corrupt XML NG/AMS status document.
        - Issue an Archive Request via the ngamsCClient.
        - Compare the output from ngamsCClient to check that the invalid
          response was correctly handled.


        # TODO: From V4.0, this test case produces the error:
        #  Error Code:     -103
        #  Message:        Invalid reply from data server
        # - and not:
        # Error Code:     -4
        # Message:        Problem communicating with server
        # Status:         FAILURE
        # - as for previous version.
        # This should be investigated and resolved.

        saveInFile("tmp/reqCallBack_tmp", "reqCallBack_IllegalResp")
        httpResp = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\015\012" +\
                   "Server: NGAMS/v2.3/2004-07-12T11:39:39\015\012" +\
                   "Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 16:20:28 GMT\015\012" +\
                   "Expires: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 16:20:28 GMT\015\012" +\
                   "Content-Type: text/xml\015\012" +\
                   "Content-Length: 36\015\012" +\
                   "\015\012" +\
        saveInFile("tmp/ngamsServerTestIllegalResp_tmp", httpResp)
        out = _execCClient(unpackXmlStat=0,
                           pars=[["-port", "8888"], ["-cmd", "ARCHIVE"],
                                 ["-fileUri", "src/SmallFile.fits"]])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, filterOutLines(out, ["Host"]))
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_ArchiveCmd_Err_4_1_ref"
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect handling " +\
                          "of corrupt server HTTP response in C-Client/API")
Exemple #5
    def test_StatusCmd_5(self):
        Issue STATUS Command/disk_id.

        Test that the C-Client/API can handle STATUS Command with -diskId.

        Expected Result:
        The STATUS Command requesting for info about a specified disk,
        should be properly transferred via the C-Client/API and executed
        on the server.

        Test Steps:
        - Start server.
        - Issue STATUS Command requesting for info about a certain disk.
        - Compare the returned XML disk info with a reference file.

        cfgObj, dbObj = self.prepExtSrv(port=8111)
        diskId = "tmp-ngamsTest-NGAS-FitsStorage1-Main-1"
        statObj = _execCClient(pars=[["-cmd", "STATUS"], ["-diskId", diskId],
                                     ["-port", "8111"]])[0]
        tmpStatFile = "tmp/ngamsCClientTest_test_StatusCmd_5_1_tmp"
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_StatusCmd_5_1_ref"
                   filterOutLines(statObj.dumpBuf(), STD_DISK_STAT_FILT))
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect info in " +\
                          "STATUS Command XML Status Document/disk_id")
Exemple #6
    def test_StatusCmd_1(self):
        Issue STATUS Command/basic (no parameters).

        Issue a STATUS Command via the C-Client (on the shell).

        Expected Result:
        The STATUS Command should be accepted and executed by the C-Client
        and the server.

        Test Steps:
        - Start standard server.
        - Execute the ngamsCClient tool on the shell.
        - Capture the output from the ngamsCClient and compare this with the
          expected output.


        cfgObj, dbObj = self.prepExtSrv(port=8000)
        statObj = _execCClient(pars=[["-port", "8000"], ["-cmd", "STATUS"]])[0]
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_StatusCmd_1_1_ref"
        refStatFile = saveInFile(
            loadFile(refStatFile) % (getHostName() + ":8000"))
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(
            None, filterOutLines(statObj.dumpBuf(), ["Date", "Version"]))
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect info in " +\
                          "STATUS Command XML Status Document")
Exemple #7
    def test_ArchiveCmd_Err_3_1(self):
        Handling of corrupted HTTP response.

        The purpose of the test is test that a corrupted HTTP response is
        properly handled by the C-Client/API.

        The response is corrupted such that it only contains a '\015\012'
        ({Slash r}{Slash n}).

        Expected Result:
        The corrupt HTTP response cannot be unpacked/interpreted as an
        XML document. This should be detected by the C-API and a proper
        error message returned.

        Test Steps:
        - Start special instance of the server class, which produces
          an illegal response.
        - Issue an ARCHIVE Command via the ngamsCClient.
        - Check that the output produced on stdout refers to the appropriate
          error message.


        # TODO: From V4.0, this test case produces the error:
        # Error Code:     -4
        # Message:        Problem communicating with server
        # - and not:
        # Error Code:     -103
        # Message:        Invalid reply from data server
        # - as for previous version.
        # This should be investigated and resolved.

        saveInFile("tmp/reqCallBack_tmp", "reqCallBack_IllegalResp")
        saveInFile("tmp/ngamsServerTestIllegalResp_tmp", "\015\012")
        out = _execCClient(unpackXmlStat=0,
                           pars=[["-port", "8888"], ["-cmd", "ARCHIVE"],
                                 ["-fileUri", "src/SmallFile.fits"]])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, filterOutLines(out, ["Host"]))
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_ArchiveCmd_Err_3_1_ref"
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect handling " +\
                          "of corrupt server HTTP response in C-Client/API")
Exemple #8
    def test_WakeUpStatus_2(self):
        Test that suspended server is woken up when STATUS?file_access is
        issued, specifying a file on a suspended sub-node.

        The purpose of the test is to verify that a suspended sub-node is
        woken up by a master node acting as proxy if a STATUS?file_id is
        send pointing to a file on the suspended sub-node.

        Expected Result:
        The suspended sub-node should be woken up by the master node which
        after the suspended sub-node has come Online should forward the
        request which is executed on the sub-node and the result send back to
        the client through the master node.

        Test Steps:
        - Prepare simulated cluster with unit, which suspends itself.
        - Archive 3 files onto sub-node.
        - Wait till sub-node has suspended itself.
        - Send a STATUS?file_id request to the Master Node specifying one
          of the files previously archived.
        - Check the result returned from the sub-node via the Master Node.

        cfgParDic = {"8001": [["%s.IdleSuspensionTime" % SUSP_EL, "5"]]}
        dbConObj = prepSimCluster(self, cfgParDic=cfgParDic)[masterNode][1]

        # Archive some files on the two nodes and wait till sub-node
        # has suspended itself.
        sendPclCmd(port=8000, auth=AUTH).archive("src/TinyTestFile.fits")
        sendPclCmd(port=8000, auth=AUTH).archive("src/SmallFile.fits")
        sendPclCmd(port=8001, auth=AUTH).archive("src/SmallFile.fits")
        self.waitTillSuspended(dbConObj, subNode1, 20, susp_nodes)

        # Retrieve information about the file on the suspended sub-node.
        fileId = "TEST.2001-05-08T15:25:00.123"
        statObj = sendPclCmd(port=8000, auth=AUTH).\
                  get_status(NGAMS_STATUS_CMD, pars=[["file_access", fileId]])
        statBuf = filterOutLines(statObj.dumpBuf(), ["Date:", "Version:"])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, statBuf)
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsIdleSuspensionTest_test_WakeUpStatus_2_1_ref"
        refStatFile = saveInFile(None, loadFile(refStatFile) %\
                                 (getHostName(), getHostName()))
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile,
                          "Unexpected reply to STATUS?file_access request")
Exemple #9
    def test_RetrieveCmd_Err_1_2(self):
        Issue RETRIEVE Command/server dies during initial handling.

        Check that the situation where the server dies during the initial
        handling of a Retrieve Request is correctly handled by the C-API.

        Expected Result:
        The C-API should detect that the server died (=broken socket
        connection) and should produce the appropriate error code, which is
        printed on stdout by the ngamsCClient.

        Test Steps:
        - Start a special instance of the server, which kills itself
          when receiving a RETRIEVE Command.
        - Archive a file.
        - Issue a RETRIEVE Command to retrieve the archived file.
        - Verify that the proper output is produced by ngamsCClient indicating
          the problem.

        saveInFile("tmp/reqCallBack_tmp", "reqCallBack_SrvCrash2")
        out =\
            _execCClient(unpackXmlStat = 0,
                         pars = [["-port", "8888"],
                                 ["-cmd", "RETRIEVE"],
                                 ["-fileId", "TEST.2001-05-08T15:25:00.123"],
                                 ["-timeOut", "10"]])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, filterOutLines(out, ["Host"]))
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_RetrieveCmd_Err_1_2_ref"
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect handling " +\
                          "of timeout of Retrieve Request in C-Client/API")
Exemple #10
    def test_RetrieveCmd_Err_1_3(self):
        Issue RETRIEVE Command/server dies (connection broken)
        while the server is sending the data across.

        The purpose of the test is to verify that the C-Client/API handle
        properly the situation where the socket connection where the server
        is writing data to the client breaks.

        Expected Result:
        The C-API should detect the problem, and that the file has been
        received incomplete and should return the proper error code, which
        is written by ngamsCClient on stdout.

        Test Steps:
        - Start special instance of the server class, which terminates itself
          while returned requested data.
        - Archive a file.
        - Retrieve the file.
        - Check that the proper error response is created on stdout by

        out = _execCClient(unpackXmlStat=0,
                           pars=[["-port", "8888"], ["-cmd", "RETRIEVE"],
                                 ["-fileId", "TEST.2001-05-08T15:25:00.123"],
                                 ["-timeOut", "5"]])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, filterOutLines(out, ["Host"]))
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_RetrieveCmd_Err_1_3"
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect handling " +\
                          "of broken read socket in C-Client/API")
Exemple #11
    def test_RetrieveCmd_Err_1_1(self):
        Issue RETRIEVE Command/request times out.

        The purpose of the test is to verify that the situation where a
        Retrieve Request times out is correctly handled by the C-API.

        Expected Result:
        After the specified timeout is reached, the appropriate error code
        is returned to the client.

        Test Steps:
        - Start special instance of the server, which blocks on a Retrieve
          Request (no response send).
        - Issue a Retrieve Request via the ngamsCClient with timeout 10s.
        - Verify that after 10s the correct error code is returned by the
          C-API (printed by ngamsCClient on stdout).

        saveInFile("tmp/reqCallBack_tmp", "reqCallBack_AccArchiveBlock2")
        out =\
            _execCClient(unpackXmlStat = 0,
                         pars = [["-port", "8888"],
                                 ["-cmd", "RETRIEVE"],
                                 ["-fileId", "TEST.2001-05-08T15:25:00.123"],
                                 ["-timeOut", "10"]])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, filterOutLines(out, ["Host"]))
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_RetrieveCmd_Err_1_1_ref"
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect handling " +\
                          "of timeout of Retrieve Request in C-Client/API")
Exemple #12
    def test_ArchiveCmd_Err_5_1(self):
        Issue ARCHIVE Command/socket breaks while writing data on it.

        The purpose of the test is to verify that the C-API handles
        properly the situation where the socket connection breaks while
        data is being written on it (during an Archive Push Request).

        Expected Result:
        The C-API should detect that the write socket connection breaks, and
        should produce the appropriate error message.

        Test Steps:
        - Start special instance of server which terminates itself while
          the client writes the data to the server.
        - Issue Archive Push Request with a big file to the server.
        - Verify that the proper error response is produced by the C-API.

        saveInFile("tmp/reqCallBack_tmp", "reqCallBack_SrvCrash1")
        cpFile("src/WFI-TEST.fits.Z", "tmp/WFI-TEST_tmp.fits.Z")
        subprocess.check_call(['uncompress', 'tmp/WFI-TEST_tmp.fits.Z'])
        out = _execCClient(unpackXmlStat=0,
                           pars=[["-port", "8888"], ["-cmd", "ARCHIVE"],
                                 ["-fileUri", "tmp/WFI-TEST_tmp.fits"]])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, filterOutLines(out, ["Host"]))
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_ArchiveCmd_Err_5_1_ref"
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect handling " +\
                          "of broken write socket in C-Client/API")
Exemple #13
    def test_ArchiveCmd_Err_3_3(self):
        Issue ARCHIVE Command/server sends back a nonsense HTTP response.

        The purpose of the test is test that a corrupted HTTP response is
        properly handled by the C-Client/API.

        The response is corrupted such that it contains 'noise'.

        Expected Result:
        The C-API should detect the illegally formatted response and return
        the correct error code.

        Test Steps:
        - Start special instance of the server that generates a non-sense
          HTTP response.
        - Issue an Archive Request via the ngamsCClient.
        - Check that the proper error message is produced by the ngamsCClient

        saveInFile("tmp/reqCallBack_tmp", "reqCallBack_IllegalResp")
        saveInFile("tmp/ngamsServerTestIllegalResp_tmp", "f-423hcqfe-0")
        out = _execCClient(unpackXmlStat=0,
                           pars=[["-port", "8888"], ["-cmd", "ARCHIVE"],
                                 ["-fileUri", "src/SmallFile.fits"]])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, filterOutLines(out, ["Host"]))
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_ArchiveCmd_Err_3_3_ref"
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect handling " +\
                          "of corrupt server HTTP response in C-Client/API")
Exemple #14
    def test_ArchiveCmd_Err_2(self):
        Issue ARCHIVE Command/server crashes (broken socket connection).

        The purpose of the test is to verify the correct handling/behavior
        of the C-Client/API in the case the socket connection to the server

        Expected Result:
        During the request handling the socket connection is provoked to break
        and the C-Client/API should detect this and shoudl produce the proper
        error message.

        Test Steps:
        - Start special instance of the server which makes itself crash when
          a request is received (to simulate a broken socket connection).
        - Submit an ARCHIVE Command via the C-Client/API (small file).
        - Check the result produced by the ngamsCClient on stdout that this
          is as expected.


        saveInFile("tmp/reqCallBack_tmp", "reqCallBack_SrvCrash1")
        out = _execCClient(unpackXmlStat=0,
                           pars=[["-port", "8888"], ["-cmd", "ARCHIVE"],
                                 ["-fileUri", "src/SmallFile.fits"]])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, filterOutLines(out, ["Host"]))
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsCClientTest_test_ArchiveCmd_Err_2_ref"
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile, "Incorrect handling " +\
                          "of crash of server in C-Client/API")
Exemple #15
    def test_WakeUpCheckfile_1(self):
        Check that CHECKFILE?file_id&file_version correctly handled
        when the referenced file is stored on a suspended node.

        The purpose of the test is to verify that a CHECKFILE Command is
        properly handled by a Master node acting as a proxy and interacting
        with a suspended sub-node.

        Expected Result:
        The contacted Master Node should identify that the sub-node hosting
        the specified file is suspended, and should wake it up before
        forwarding the request. Subsequently it should forward the request to
        the sub-node and send back the result to the client.

        Test Steps:
        - Start simulated cluster with a sub-node suspending itself after a
          short while.
        - Archive 2 FITS file 2 times each.
        - Wait till the sub-node suspends itself.
        - Send a CHECKFILE Command to the Master node specifying to check
          one of the previously archived files.
        - Check response from the sub-node.
        - Check from the log entries in the Master Node that the CHECKFILE
          Command has been successfully executed.
        - Check from the log entries on the sub-node that  the CHECKFILE
          Command has been successfully executed.

        cfgParDic = {"8001": [["%s.IdleSuspensionTime" % SUSP_EL, "5"]]}
        dbConObj = prepSimCluster(self, cfgParDic=cfgParDic)[masterNode][1]
        sendPclCmd(port=8001, auth=AUTH).archive("src/TinyTestFile.fits")
        sendPclCmd(port=8001, auth=AUTH).archive("src/SmallFile.fits")
        sendPclCmd(port=8000, auth=AUTH).archive("src/TinyTestFile.fits")
        sendPclCmd(port=8000, auth=AUTH).archive("src/SmallFile.fits")
        self.waitTillSuspended(dbConObj, subNode1, 10, susp_nodes)

        # Execute CHECKFILE Command on a file on the suspended sub-node.
        file_id = "TEST.2001-05-08T15:25:00.123"
        cmdPars = [["file_id", file_id], ["file_version", "1"]]
        statObj = sendPclCmd(port=8000, auth=AUTH).\
                  get_status(NGAMS_CHECKFILE_CMD, pars=cmdPars)
        # Check that request response is as expected.
        statBuf = filterOutLines(statObj.dumpBuf(), ["Date:", "Version:"])
        tmpStatFile = saveInFile(None, statBuf)
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsIdleSuspensionTest_test_WakeUpCheckfile_1_1_ref"
        refStatFile = saveInFile(None, loadFile(refStatFile) %\
                                 (subNode1, subNode1))
        self.checkFilesEq(refStatFile, tmpStatFile,"CHECKFILE Command not " +\
                          "executed on sub-node as expected")

        #tstStr = "NGAMS_INFO_FILE_OK:4056:INFO: Checked file with File ID: "+\
        #       "TEST.2001-05-08T15:25:00.123/File Version: 1/Disk ID"
        #if (statObj.getMessage().find(tstStr) == -1):
        #self.fail("CHECKFILE Command not executed on sub-node as expected")

        # Check that expected log entries found in the Master Node Log File.
        refStatFile = "ref/ngamsIdleSuspensionTest_test_WakeUpCheckfile_1_2_ref"
        testTags = loadFile(refStatFile) % (subNode1, )
        sendPclCmd(port=8000, auth=AUTH).status()
        masterLogBuf = loadFile(masterNodeLog)
        self.checkTags(masterLogBuf, testTags, showBuf=0)
        # Check that expected log entries found in the Sub-Node Log File.
        tmpTag = "File list to check: (1: Location:LOCAL, Host:%s, " +\
                 "Version:1) (2: Location:LOCAL, Host:%s, Version:1)"
        testTags = [('CHECKFILE?file_id=' + urllib.quote(file_id) +
                    tmpTag % (subNode1, subNode1)]
        subNodeLogBuf = loadFile(subNode1Log)
        self.checkTags(subNodeLogBuf, testTags, showBuf=0)