Exemple #1
    def test_width(self, simple_mesh: Mesh):
        num_val_0 = H_s(0)
        param_res_0 = H_s(Parameter(0))
        param_val_0 = _val_from_coeff(param_res_0, simple_mesh)[0]

        num_val_1 = H_s(0.1)
        param_res_1 = H_s(Parameter(0.1))
        param_val_1 = _val_from_coeff(param_res_1, simple_mesh)[0]

        assert isclose(num_val_0, 0, atol=0.0001)
        assert isclose(param_val_0, 0, atol=0.0001)
        assert isclose(num_val_1, 1, atol=0.0001)
        assert isclose(param_val_1, 1, atol=0.0001)
Exemple #2
    def TimeSlider_DrawDC(cf1,cf2,cf3,mesh,*args,**kwargs):
Draw a (reference) time-dependent function that is discontinuous across an 
interface described by a level set function. Change reference time through
widget slider.

            cf1 (CoefficientFunction): level set function
            cf2 (CoefficientFunction): function to draw where lset is negative
            cf3 (CoefficientFunction): function to draw where lset is positive
            mesh (Mesh): Mesh

            widget element that allows to vary the reference time. 
        DrawDC = MakeDiscontinuousDraw(Draw)
        if not isinstance(cf1,CoefficientFunction):
        if not isinstance(cf2,CoefficientFunction):
        if not isinstance(cf3,CoefficientFunction):
        ts = Parameter(0)
        scene = DrawDC(fix_tref(cf1,ts),fix_tref(cf2,ts),fix_tref(cf3,ts),mesh,*args,**kwargs); 
        def UpdateTime(time): 
            ts.Set(time); scene.Redraw()
        return interact(UpdateTime,time=FloatSlider(description="tref:", 
Exemple #3
    def test_neg_inf(self, simple_mesh: Mesh):
        num_val = tanh(-1e30)
        param_res = tanh(Parameter(-1e30))
        param_val = _val_from_coeff(param_res, simple_mesh)[0]

        assert isclose(num_val, -1)
        assert isclose(param_val, -1)
Exemple #4
    def test_0(self, simple_mesh: Mesh):
        num_val = tanh(0)
        param_res = tanh(Parameter(0))
        param_val = _val_from_coeff(param_res, simple_mesh)[0]

        assert isclose(num_val, 0)
        assert isclose(param_val, 0)
Exemple #5
    def test_0(self, simple_mesh: Mesh):
        num_val = H_s(0.05)
        param_res = H_s(Parameter(0.05))
        param_val = _val_from_coeff(param_res, simple_mesh)[0]

        assert isclose(num_val, 0.5)
        assert isclose(param_val, 0.5)
Exemple #6
    def test_pos_inf_num(self, simple_mesh: Mesh):
        num_val = H_s(1e30)
        param_res = H_s(Parameter(1e30))
        param_val = _val_from_coeff(param_res, simple_mesh)[0]

        assert isclose(num_val, 1)
        assert isclose(param_val, 1)
Exemple #7
    def test_neg_inf_num(self, simple_mesh: Mesh):
        num_val = H_t(-1e30)
        param_res = H_t(Parameter(-1e30))
        param_val = _val_from_coeff(param_res, simple_mesh)[0]

        assert isclose(num_val, 0)
        assert isclose(param_val, 0)
Exemple #8
 def TimeSlider_Draw(cf,mesh,*args,**kwargs):
     ts = Parameter(0)
     if not isinstance(cf,CoefficientFunction):
         cf = CoefficientFunction(cf)
     scene = Draw(fix_tref(cf,ts),mesh,*args,**kwargs); 
     def UpdateTime(time): 
         ts.Set(time); scene.Redraw()
     return interact(UpdateTime,time=FloatSlider(description="tref:", 
Exemple #9
    def test_shift(self, simple_mesh: Mesh):
        t = Parameter(0)

        result_0 = H_s(t - 1)
        result_1 = H_s(t + 1)

        result_0 = _val_from_coeff(result_0, simple_mesh)
        result_1 = _val_from_coeff(result_1, simple_mesh)

        assert isclose(result_0, 0)
        assert isclose(result_1, 1)
Exemple #10
    def test_time_varying(self, simple_mesh: Mesh):
        t = Parameter(-1)

        h = H_s(t)

        result_0 = _val_from_coeff(h, simple_mesh)

        t.Set(t.Get() + 1.05)
        result_05 = _val_from_coeff(h, simple_mesh)

        t.Set(t.Get() + 0.95)
        result_1 = _val_from_coeff(h, simple_mesh)

        assert isclose(result_0, 0)
        assert isclose(result_05, 0.5)
        assert isclose(result_1, 1)
def sol_to_vtu(output_dir_path: str,
               config_file_path: str,
               model: Union[Model, None] = None,
               delete_sol_file: bool = False) -> None:
    Function to take the output .sol files and convert them into .vtu for visualization.

        output_dir_path: The path to the folder in which the .sol files are, and where the .vtu files will be saved.
        config_file_path: The path to the config file used by the model.
        model: The model that generated the .sol files.
        delete_sol_file: Bool to indicate whether or not to delete the original .sol files after converting to .vtu,
                         Default is False.
    # Create config parser
    config = ConfigParser(config_file_path)

    # Being run outside of run.py, so have to create model
    if model is None:
        # Load model
        model_name = config.get_item(['OTHER', 'model'], str)
        model_class = get_model_class(model_name)
        model = model_class(config, Parameter(0.0))

    # Number of subdivisions per element
    subdivision = config.get_item(['VISUALIZATION', 'subdivision'], int)
    # NOTE: -1 is the value used whenever an int default is needed.
    if subdivision == -1:
        subdivision = model.interp_ord

    # Generate a list of all .sol files
    sol_path_generator = Path(output_dir_path + 'sol/').rglob('*.sol')
    sol_path_list = [str(sol_path) for sol_path in sol_path_generator]

    # Number of files to convert
    n_files = len(sol_path_list)
    # Number of cores to use
    # NOTE: No point of starting more threads than files, and also lets us depend on modulo math later.
    n_threads = min(n_files, cpu_count())

    # Create gridfunctions, one per thread
    gfus = [model.construct_gfu() for _ in range(n_threads)]

    # Create a list to contain the .pvd entries
    output_list = ['' for _ in range(n_files)]

    # NOTE: We HAVE to use Pool, and not ThreadPool. ThreadPool causes seg faults on the VTKOutput call.
    with Pool(processes=n_threads) as pool:
        # Create the pool and start it. It will automatically take and run the next entry when it needs it
        a = [
                (gfus[i % n_threads], sol_path_list[i], output_dir_path,
                 model.save_names, delete_sol_file, subdivision, model.mesh))
            for i in range(n_files)

        # Iterate through each thread and get it's result when it's done
        for i in range(len(a)):
            # Grab the result string and insert it in the correct place in the output list
            output_list[i] = a[i].get()

    # Add the header and footer
        '<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<VTKFile type=\"Collection\" version=\"0.1\"\n'

    # Write each line to the file
    with open(output_dir_path + 'transient.pvd', 'a+') as file:
        for line in output_list: