def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): nick = kwargs.pop('nick', None) super(ProductionCreditedNickForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if nick: self.fields['nick'] = NickField(initial=nick) else: self.fields['nick'] = NickField()
class GroupSubgroupForm(forms.Form): subgroup_nick = NickField(groups_only=True, label='Subgroup name') is_current = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label='Current subgroup?', initial=True) def log_edit(self, user, member, group): # build up log description descriptions = [] changed_fields = self.changed_data if 'subgroup_nick' in changed_fields: descriptions.append(u"changed subgroup to %s" % member) if 'is_current' in changed_fields: if self.cleaned_data['is_current']: descriptions.append("set as current subgroup") else: descriptions.append("set as ex-subgroup") if descriptions: description_list = u", ".join(descriptions) Edit.objects.create( action_type='edit_subgroup', focus=member, focus2=group, description=u"Updated %s's status as a subgroup of %s: %s" % (member, group, description_list), user=user)
class AffiliationForm(forms.Form): group_nick = NickField(label='Group', groups_only=True) role = forms.ChoiceField(label='Role', choices=[('', '')] + AFFILIATION_TYPES, required=False) def log_edit(self, user, affiliation): # build up log description descriptions = [] changed_fields = self.changed_data if 'group_nick' in changed_fields: descriptions.append(u"changed group to %s" % if 'role' in changed_fields: descriptions.append("changed role to %s" % (affiliation.get_role_display() or 'None')) if descriptions: description_list = u", ".join(descriptions) Edit.objects.create( action_type='edit_bbs_affiliation',, focus2=affiliation.bbs, description=( u"Updated %s's affiliation with %s: %s" % (, affiliation.bbs, description_list)), user=user)
class OperatorForm(forms.Form): releaser_nick = NickField(label='Staff member', sceners_only=True) role = forms.ChoiceField(label='Role', choices=OPERATOR_TYPES) is_current = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label='Current member?', initial=True) def log_edit(self, user, releaser, bbs): # build up log description descriptions = [] changed_fields = self.changed_data if 'releaser_nick' in changed_fields: descriptions.append(u"changed staff member to %s" % releaser) if 'is_current' in changed_fields: if self.cleaned_data['is_current']: descriptions.append("set as current staff") else: descriptions.append("set as ex-staff") if 'role' in changed_fields: descriptions.append("changed role to %s" % self.cleaned_data['role']) if descriptions: description_list = u", ".join(descriptions) Edit.objects.create( action_type='edit_bbs_operator', focus=releaser, focus2=bbs, description=u"Updated %s as staff member of %s: %s" % (releaser, bbs, description_list), user=user)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): nick = kwargs.pop('nick', None) production = kwargs.pop('production', None) if production: # get the list of groups who made the production, and tell the NickField to # prioritise members of those groups authoring_groups = [ group_nick.releaser for group_nick in production.author_nicks.filter(releaser__is_group=True) ] else: authoring_groups = [] super(ProductionCreditedNickForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if nick: self.fields['nick'] = NickField(initial=nick, prefer_members_of=authoring_groups) else: self.fields['nick'] = NickField(prefer_members_of=authoring_groups)
class PartyOrganiserForm(forms.Form): releaser_nick = NickField(label='Organiser') role = forms.CharField(required=False, label='Role', max_length=50) def log_edit(self, user, releaser, party): # build up log description descriptions = [] changed_fields = self.changed_data if 'releaser_nick' in changed_fields: descriptions.append(u"changed organiser to %s" % releaser) if 'role' in changed_fields: descriptions.append("changed role to %s" % (self.cleaned_data['role'] or 'none')) if descriptions: description_list = u", ".join(descriptions) Edit.objects.create( action_type='edit_party_organiser', focus=releaser, focus2=party, description=u"Updated %s as organiser of %s: %s" % (releaser, party, description_list), user=user)
class NickForm(forms.Form): nick = NickField(required=False)
class RequiredNickForm(forms.Form): nick = NickField()