Exemple #1
def kscan(dev, start, step, numpoints, speed=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """Kinematic scan over device(s).

    The syntax is to give start, step and number of points:

    >>> kscan(dev, 3, 2, 4)     # kinematic scan starting at 3 oscillate by 2
                                # 4 times with default speed
    >>> kscan(dev, 3, 2, 4, 1)  # same scan as above with speed 1.

    oscillates between 3 and 5 during exposure for each interval of (3, 5)
    respectively (5, 3).

    def mkpos(starts, steps, numpoints):
        startpositions = []
        endpositions = []
        for i in range(numpoints):
            for start, step in zip(starts, steps):
                startpositions.append([start + (i % 2) * step])
                endpositions.append([start + ((i + 1) % 2) * step])
        return startpositions, endpositions

    scanargs = (start, step, numpoints) + args
    scanstr = _infostr('kscan', (dev, ) + scanargs, kwargs)
    devs, values, restargs = _fixTypeNPoints(dev, scanargs, mkpos)
    _preset, scaninfo, detlist, envlist, move, multistep = \
        _handleScanArgs(restargs, kwargs, scanstr)
    KScan(devs, values[0], values[1], speed, move, multistep, detlist, envlist,
Exemple #2
def msingle(settings, *args, **kwargs):
    """Single MIEZE counting.

    First argument is a list of MIEZE settings or -1 to scan all setings.

    All other arguments are handled like for `count`.
    scanstr = _infostr('msingle', (settings, ) + args, kwargs)
    preset, scaninfo, detlist, envlist, move, multistep = \
        _handleScanArgs(args, kwargs, scanstr)
    MiezeScan(settings, [], [], move, multistep, detlist, envlist, preset,
Exemple #3
def sscan(dev, *args, **kwargs):
    """Scan over device(s) and count detector(s).

    The general syntax is either to give start, step and end:

    >>> sscan(dev, 0, 1, 10)   # scans from 0 to 10 in steps of 1.

    or a list of positions to scan:

    >>> sscan(dev, [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10])  # scans at the given positions.

    For floating point arguments, the length of the result is
    ``int(round((end - start) / step + 1)``. Because of floating point
    overflow, this rule may result in the last element being greater than
    ``end``, e.g.

    >>> sscan(dev, 30, .1, 30.19)   # scans from 30 to 30.2 in steps of 0.1.

    def mkpos(starts, steps, ends):
        def mk(starts, steps, numpoints):
            return [[start + i * step for (start, step) in zip(starts, steps)]
                    for i in range(numpoints)]

        # use round to handle floating point overflows
        numpoints = [
            int(round((end - start) / step + 1))
            for (start, step, end) in zip(starts, steps, ends)
        if all(n == numpoints[0] for n in numpoints):
            if numpoints[0] > 0:
                if numpoints[0] > 1:
                    return mk(starts, steps, numpoints[0])
                    raise UsageError("invalid number of points. At least two "
                                     "points are necessary to define a range "
                                     "scan. Please check parameters.")
                raise UsageError("negative number of points. Please check "
                                 "parameters. Maybe step parameter has wrong"
            raise UsageError("all entries must generate the same number of "

    scanstr = _infostr("sscan", (dev, ) + args, kwargs)
    devs, values, restargs = _fixType(dev, args, mkpos)
    preset, scaninfo, detlist, envlist, move, multistep = \
        _handleScanArgs(restargs, kwargs, scanstr)
    Scan(devs, values, None, move, multistep, detlist, envlist, preset,
Exemple #4
def walltimecount(numpoints, walltime, *args, **kwargs):
    """Count a number of times for the given amount of time on wall.

    "numpoints" can be -1 to scan for unlimited points (break using Ctrl-C or
    the GUI to quit).

    "walltime" provides the time in seconds


    >>> walltimecount(500, 10)  # counts 500 times, every count for 10 seconds

    A special "delay" argument is supported to allow time delays between two

    >>> walltimecount(500, 2, delay=5)
    scanstr = _infostr('walltimecount', (
    ) + args, kwargs)
    preset, scaninfo, detlist, envlist, move, multistep = \
        _handleScanArgs(args, kwargs, scanstr)

    # Get AMOR detector
    if not detlist:
        detlist = session.experiment.detectors

    detector = None
    for det in detlist:
        if isinstance(det, SinqDetector):
            detector = det

    if not detector:
        session.log.error('Detector not found in the detector list')

    # Set the beam threshold to 0
    oldthreshold = detector.threshold

    # Complete the scan
    scan = WallTimeScan([], [], numpoints, walltime, move, multistep, detlist,
                        envlist, preset, scaninfo)

    # Reset the beam threshold to oldvalue
    detector.threshold = oldthreshold
Exemple #5
def mscan(settings, dev, *args, **kwargs):
    """MIEZE scan over device(s).

    First argument is a list of MIEZE settings or -1 to scan all settings.

    All other arguments are handled like for `scan`.
    def mkpos(starts, steps, numsteps):
        return [[start + i * step for (start, step) in zip(starts, steps)]
                for i in range(numsteps)]

    scanstr = _infostr('mscan', (settings, dev) + args, kwargs)
    devs, values, restargs = _fixType(dev, args, mkpos)
    preset, scaninfo, detlist, envlist, move, multistep = \
        _handleScanArgs(restargs, kwargs, scanstr)
    MiezeScan(settings, devs, values, move, multistep, detlist, envlist,
              preset, scaninfo).run()
Exemple #6
def atscan(time, *args, **kwargs):
    """A timescan that has an adjustable running time."""
    time = parseDuration(time, 'atscan')

    scanstr = _infostr('vartimescan', (time, ) + args, kwargs)
    target = kwargs.pop('target', 'eta')

    preset, scaninfo, detlist, envlist, move, multistep = \
        _handleScanArgs(args, kwargs, scanstr)

    scan = VariableTimeScan([], [],
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, settings, args, kwargs):  # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
     scanstr = _infostr('mmanualscan', (settings, ) + args, kwargs)
     preset, scaninfo, detlist, envlist, move, multistep = \
         _handleScanArgs(args, kwargs, scanstr)
     self.scan = MiezeManualScan(settings, move, multistep, detlist,
                                 envlist, preset, scaninfo)