def ListCommands(): """List all available commands. Example: >>> ListCommands() """'Available commands:') items = [] for name, obj in session.getExportedObjects(): if getattr(obj, 'is_usercommand', False): real_func = getattr(obj, 'real_func', obj) if getattr(real_func, 'is_hidden', False): continue if real_func.__name__ != name: # it's an alias, don't show it again continue if hasattr(real_func, 'help_arglist'): argspec = '(%s)' % real_func.help_arglist else: argspec = formatArgs(real_func) docstring = real_func.__doc__ or ' ' signature = real_func.__name__ + argspec if len(signature) > 50: signature = signature[:47] + '...' if not real_func.__name__.startswith('_'): items.append((signature, docstring.splitlines()[0])) items.sort() printTable(('name', 'description'), items,
def gen_helpindex(self): ret = [ '<p class="menu">' '<a href="#commands">Commands</a> | ' '<a href="#devices">Devices</a> | ' '<a href="#setups">Setups</a></p>' ] ret.append('<p>Welcome to the NICOS interactive help!</p>') cmds = [] for name, obj in session.getExportedObjects(): if not hasattr(obj, 'is_usercommand'): continue real_func = getattr(obj, 'real_func', obj) if real_func.__name__.startswith('_'): continue if getattr(real_func, 'is_hidden', False): continue if real_func.__name__ != name: # it's an alias, don't show it again continue if hasattr(real_func, 'help_arglist'): argspec = '(%s)' % real_func.help_arglist else: argspec = formatArgs(real_func) signature = '<tt><a href="cmd:%s">%s</a></tt><small>' % \ ((real_func.__name__,)*2) + escape_html(argspec) + '</small>' docstring = escape_html(real_func.__doc__ or ' ').splitlines()[0] cmds.append('<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (signature, docstring)) cmds.sort() ret.append(self.gen_heading('NICOS commands', 'commands')) ret.append('<p>These commands are currently available.</p>') ret.append('<table width="100%">' '<tr><th>Name</th><th>Short description</th></tr>') ret.extend(cmds) ret.append('</table>') ret.append(self.gen_heading('Devices', 'devices')) ret.append( '<p>These are the currently loaded high-level devices. Use ' '<a href="cmd:AddSetup">AddSetup()</a> or the "Setup" ' 'window to add more devices.</p>') ret.append('<table width="100%"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th>' '<th>From setup</th><th>Description</th></tr>') setupinfo = session.getSetupInfo() devsetups = {} for sname, info in iteritems(setupinfo): if info is None: continue for devname in info['devices']: devsetups[devname] = sname for devname in sorted(session.explicit_devices, key=lower): dev = session.devices[devname] ret.append( '<tr><td><tt><a href="dev:%s">%s</a></tt></td>' '<td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>' % (dev, dev, dev.__class__.__name__, devsetups.get( devname, ''), escape_html(dev.description))) ret.append('</table>') ret.append(self.gen_heading('Setups', 'setups')) ret.append('<p>These are the available setups. Use ' '<a href="cmd:AddSetup">AddSetup()</a> to load an ' 'additional setup or <a href="cmd:NewSetup">NewSetup()</a>' ' to load one or more completely new ones.</p>') def devlink(devname): if devname in session.devices: return '<a href="dev:%s">%s</a>' % (escape_html(devname), escape_html(devname)) return escape_html(devname) def listsetups(group): setups = [] for setupname, info in sorted(iteritems(session.getSetupInfo())): if info is None or info['group'] != group: continue setups.append( '<tr><td><tt>%s</tt></td><td>%s</td>' '<td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (setupname, setupname in session.loaded_setups and 'yes' or '', escape_html(info['description']), ', '.join( map(devlink, sorted(info['devices'], key=lower))))) ret.append('<table width="100%"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Loaded</th>' '<th>Description</th><th>Devices</th></tr>') ret.extend(setups) ret.append('</table>') ret.append('<h4>Basic instrument setups</h4>') listsetups('basic') ret.append('<h4>Optional setups</h4>') listsetups('optional') ret.append('<h4>Plug-and-play setups</h4>') listsetups('plugplay') return ''.join(ret)