Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, position):
     super(_DelegateCtor, self).__init__(
                 Parameter(position, 'obj', util.getNineType(System.Object)),
                 Parameter(position, 'ftn', util.getNineType(System.IntPtr))
Exemple #2
    def emitAssign(self, rhs, gen):
        from nine import util
        from CLR import System

        object = util.getNineType(System.Object)
        value = util.getNineType(System.ValueType)

        assert self.builder is not None

        if self.type == object and value.isDescendant(rhs.getType()):
            gen.ilGen.Emit(gen.opCodes.Box, rhs.getType().builder)

        gen.ilGen.Emit(gen.opCodes.Stloc, self.builder)
    def getMethod(self, name, paramList, returnType):
        from ast.functiondecl import FunctionDecl
        from CLR import System

        for decl in self.body.decls:
            if decl.name != name or not isinstance(decl, FunctionDecl): continue

            # compare argument lists
            for param, arg in zip(decl.params, paramList):
                atype = arg.getType()
                ptype = param.getType()

                if atype != ptype:
                    return None

            # compare return types
            returnType = util.getNineType(returnType)
            if returnType != decl.returnType:
                return None # FIXME? no test coverage for this line

            return decl

            for base in self.bases:
                m = base.getMethod(name, paramList, returnType)
                if m is not None:
                    return m

        return None
    def emitLoad(self, gen):

        object = util.getNineType(System.Object)
        value = util.getNineType(System.ValueType)

        ilType = self.type.builder
        assert ilType is not None, self.type


        if self.type == object and value.isDescendant(self.arg.getType()):      #box
            gen.ilGen.Emit(gen.opCodes.Box, self.arg.getType().builder)
        elif self.type.builder.IsValueType and self.arg.getType() == object:    #unbox
            gen.ilGen.Emit(gen.opCodes.Unbox, ilType)
            if self.type == util.getNineType(System.Int32):
            elif self.type == util.getNineType(System.Single):
                assert False, "oh shit! dinosaurs!. Actually we've got some not-primitive value types not getting unboxed."
            #cast to primitive types
            if self.type == util.getNineType(System.Int32):
            elif self.type == util.getNineType(System.Single):
            elif self.type == util.getNineType(System.Double):
                #cast to a class
                gen.ilGen.Emit(gen.opCodes.Castclass, ilType)
    def semantic(self, scope):
        self.type = self.type.semantic(scope)

        if not util.getNineType(System.Exception).isParentClass(self.type):
            raise error.SyntaxError(self.position, "Except argument must be a subclass of System.Exception")

        if self.name is not None:
            if self.name in scope:
                raise error.NameError(self.position, "Identifier %s already declared at %r" % (self.name, scope[self.name].position))

            self.variable = vardecl.VarDecl(self.name, self.position, self.type, _ExceptionThingie(self.type))

        return self
    def semantic(self, scope):
        lhs = self.base.semantic(scope)
        rhs = self.exp.semantic(scope)

        ltype = lhs.getType()
        rtype = rhs.getType()

        dbl = util.getNineType(System.Single)

        if ltype not in legalTypes or rtype not in legalTypes:
            raise error.TypeError, "exponentiation valid only between %s, not %s and %s" % (legalTypes, ltype, rtype)

        return ExponentExpression(lhs, rhs)
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, position, name, params, returnType):
        flags = MemberFlags(sealed = True, public = True)

        self.params = params
        self.returnType = returnType

        bases = [util.getNineType(System.MulticastDelegate)]

        body = classdecl.ClassBody([
            _InvokeMethod(position, params, returnType)
        ]) # create func Invoke

        super(DelegateDecl, self).__init__(position, name, bases, body, flags)
    def semantic(self, scope):
        arg = self.arg.semantic(scope)
        type = self.type.semantic(scope)

        argType = arg.getType()

        # If the arg type and the cast type are the same, the cast is a no-op
        # Remove it from the code
        if argType == type:
            return arg

        # make sure that arg can be coerced into the type
        if not type.isDescendant(argType) and not argType.isDescendant(type) and not util.getNineType(System.ValueType).isDescendant(argType):
            raise error.TypeError(self.position, "Cannot cast expression %r from type %r to %r" % (arg, argType, type))

        return CastExpression(self.position, arg, type)
    def __checkBases(self, scope):
        '''If the object doesn't explicitly extend a class, make sure it
        extends System.Object.

        Also checks various miscellany with respect to base classes, such as
        circular inheritance chains, and inheriting things which are not
        interfaces or classes.
        from CLR import System

        from ast.interfacedecl import InterfaceDecl

        for index, base in enumerate(self.bases):
            self.bases[index] = base.semantic(scope)

        Object = util.getNineType(System.Object)

        for base in self.bases:
            if isinstance(base, ClassDecl):
                if self.baseClass is None:
                    self.baseClass = base

                elif self.baseClass is not base:
                    raise error.OverrideError(self.position, 'Multiple class inheritance is not yet supported')

                if base.isSubClass(self):
                    raise error.CircularInheritanceError(self.position, 'Circular inheritance between "%s" and "%s"' % (self.name, base.name))

            elif isinstance(base, InterfaceDecl):

                raise error.OverrideError(self.position, 'Cannot inherit %r, it is not a class or interface' % base)

        if self.baseClass is None:
            self.baseClass = Object
            self.bases.insert(0, Object)

        if self.baseClass.flags.sealed:
            raise error.OverrideError(self.position, 'Class %s is sealed and cannot be inherited' % base.name)
    def emitCode(self, gen):


        for filter, block in self.exceptBlocks:
            if filter is None:
                filterType = util.getNineType(System.Exception)
                filterType = filter.type


            if filter is None or filter.name is None:


        if self.finallyBlock is not None:

Exemple #11
 def semantic(self, *args):
     from nine import util
     return util.getNineType(self.type)
    def semantic(self, scope):
        Slightly nasty.  We do an AST replacement here, turning the for loop
        into an equivalent while loop using an IEnumerator instance.

        Long story short, this:

            for iterator as T in y:

        becomes this:

            var _e = y.GetEnumerator()
            while _e.MoveNext():
                var iterator = _e.Current as T

        from ast.blockstatement import BlockStatement
        from ast.whilestatement import WhileStatement
        from ast.assignstatement import AssignStatement
        from ast.castexpression import CastExpression
        from ast.arraytype import ArrayType
        from ast.vardecl import VarDecl
        from nine.scope import Scope

        IEnumerator = util.getNineType(System.Collections.IEnumerator)
        Object = util.getNineType(System.Object)
        Boolean = util.getNineType(System.Boolean)

        elementType = Object

        sequence = self.sequence.semantic(scope)
        seqType = sequence.getType()

        if isinstance(seqType, ArrayType):
            elementType = seqType.arrayType
        elif self.iterator.type is not None:
            elementType = self.iterator.type

        enumerator = VarDecl('$$$ secret enumerator 0x%08X $$$' % id(self), self.position, IEnumerator,
            initializer=seqType.getMember(sequence, 'GetEnumerator').apply(())

        miniScope = Scope(parent=scope)

        enumerator = enumerator.semantic(miniScope)

        # var iterator = enumerator.get_Current() as ElementType
        assert self.iterator.initializer is None, self
        self.iterator.initializer = CastExpression(self.position, IEnumerator.getMember(enumerator, 'get_Current').apply(()), elementType)

        # Finally, create the new replacement AST, do the usual semantic
        # testing on it, and return it as a replacement for our ForStatement
        # expression.
        return BlockStatement((
                IEnumerator.getMember(enumerator, 'MoveNext').apply(()),

from ast import vartypes

from nine import lexer
from nine import error
from nine import util
from CLR import System
import clr

legalTypes = [util.getNineType(t) for t in [System.Int32, System.Single, System.Double]]

class ExponentExpression(object):
    def __init__(self, base, exp):
        self.base =base
        self.exp = exp

    def getType(self):
        ltype = self.base.getType()
        rtype = self.exp.getType()
        return legalTypes[max(legalTypes.index(ltype), legalTypes.index(rtype))]

    def parse(tokens):
        from ast.unaryexpression import UnaryExpression

        expr = UnaryExpression.parse(tokens)
        if expr is None:
            return None

        while True:
            pos = tokens.getPosition()
            if tokens.peek() == '**':