Exemple #1
 def hrfplot2(in_file, maxT):
     import numpy as np
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     from pylab import figure, axes, pie, title, show
     from nipy.modalities.fmri import hrf
     from nipy.modalities.fmri.utils import T, lambdify_t
     import csv
     with open(in_file) as f:
         reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=str("\t"))
         d = list(reader)
     mat = np.array(d)
     onsets = mat[:, 0]
     int_lst_onsets = [int(float(x)) for x in onsets]
     glover = hrf.glover(T)
     tb = int_lst_onsets
     bb = 1
     nb = bb * sum([glover.subs(T, T - t) for t in tb])
     nbv = lambdify_t(nb)
     t = np.linspace(0, float(maxT), 10000)
     plt.plot(t, nbv(t), c='b', label=in_file)
     for t in tb:
         plt.plot([t, t], [0, bb * 0.1], c='r')
Exemple #2
def test_define():
    expr = sympy.exp(3*t)
    yield assert_equal(str(expr), 'exp(3*t)')
    newf = define('f', expr)
    yield assert_equal(str(newf), 'f(t)')
    f = lambdify_t(newf)
    tval = np.random.standard_normal((3,))
    yield assert_almost_equal(np.exp(3*tval), f(tval))
Exemple #3
def test_spectral_decomposition():
    # mainly to test that the second sign follows the first
    spectral, approx = spectral_decomposition(hrf.glover)
    val_makers = [lambdify_t(def_func(T)) for def_func in spectral]
    t = np.linspace(-15,50,3251)
    vals = [val_maker(t) for val_maker in val_makers]
    ind = np.argmax(vals[1])
    yield assert_true(vals[0][ind] > 0)
    # test that we can get several components
    spectral, approx = spectral_decomposition(hrf.glover, ncomp=5)
    yield assert_equal(len(spectral), 5)
from nipy.modalities.fmri.utils import events, Symbol, lambdify_t
from nipy.modalities.fmri.hrf import glover

# Symbol for amplitude
a = Symbol('a')

# Some event onsets regularly spaced
onsets = np.linspace(0,50,6)

# Make amplitudes from onset times (greater as function of time)
amplitudes = onsets[:]

# Flip even numbered amplitudes
amplitudes = amplitudes * ([-1, 1] * 3)

# Make event functions
evs = events(onsets, amplitudes=amplitudes, g=a + 0.5 * a**2, f=glover)

# Real valued function for symbolic events
real_evs = lambdify_t(evs)

# Time points at which to sample
t_samples = np.linspace(0,60,601)

pylab.plot(t_samples, real_evs(t_samples), c='r')
for onset, amplitude in zip(onsets, amplitudes):
    pylab.plot([onset, onset],[0, 25 * amplitude], c='b')

Exemple #5
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
Plot of the canonical Glover HRF

import numpy as np

from nipy.modalities.fmri import hrf, utils

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# hrf.glover is a symbolic function; get a function of time to work on arrays
hrf_func = utils.lambdify_t(hrf.glover(utils.T))

t = np.linspace(0,25,200)
plt.plot(t, hrf_func(t))
Exemple #6
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
Plot of the canonical Glover HRF

import numpy as np

from nipy.modalities.fmri import hrf, utils

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# hrf.glover is a symbolic function; get a function of time to work on arrays
hrf_func = utils.lambdify_t(hrf.glover(utils.T))

t = np.linspace(0, 25, 200)
plt.plot(t, hrf_func(t))
a = plt.gca()
Exemple #7
from nipy.modalities.fmri.utils import events, Symbol, lambdify_t
from nipy.modalities.fmri.hrf import glover

# Symbol for amplitude
a = Symbol('a')

# Some event onsets regularly spaced
onsets = np.linspace(0, 50, 6)

# Make amplitudes from onset times (greater as function of time)
amplitudes = onsets[:]

# Flip even numbered amplitudes
amplitudes = amplitudes * ([-1, 1] * 3)

# Make event functions
evs = events(onsets, amplitudes=amplitudes, g=a + 0.5 * a**2, f=glover)

# Real valued function for symbolic events
real_evs = lambdify_t(evs)

# Time points at which to sample
t_samples = np.linspace(0, 60, 601)

pylab.plot(t_samples, real_evs(t_samples), c='r')
for onset, amplitude in zip(onsets, amplitudes):
    pylab.plot([onset, onset], [0, 25 * amplitude], c='b')

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from nipy.modalities.fmri import hrf
from nipy.modalities.fmri.utils import T, lambdify_t

# HRFs as functions of (symbolic) time
glover = hrf.glover(T)
afni = hrf.afni(T)

ta = [0,4,8,12,16]; tb = [2,6,10,14,18]
ba = 1; bb = -2
na = ba * sum([glover.subs(T, T - t) for t in ta])
nb = bb * sum([afni.subs(T, T - t) for t in tb])

nav = lambdify_t(na)
nbv = lambdify_t(nb)

t = np.linspace(0,30,200)
plt.plot(t, nav(t), c='r', label='Face')
plt.plot(t, nbv(t), c='b', label='Object')
plt.plot(t, nbv(t)+nav(t), c='g', label='Combined')

for t in ta:
for t in tb:
plt.plot([0,30], [0,0],c='#000000')

def make_bold(fname, stim_onset=None):
    Convert raw model output to BOLD signal

    fname : str
        File-name (including path if not in working directory) of HDF5 container that was generated 
        by `run_model`. 
    stim_onset : float
        Time (in seconds) of stimulus onset. By default, onset/offset timings of 
        stimuli are stored in the HDF5 container generated by `run_model`. Only override 
        this setting, if you know what you are doing. 

    Nothing : None
        The computed BOLD signal is stored as dataset `BOLD` at the top level of the HDF5 container 
        specified by `fname`. 

    Regional neural voltages are converted to BOLD time-series using the linear hemodynamic response 
    function proposed by Glover [1]_. For details consult the supporting information of our 
    paper [2]_. 

    .. [1] Glover G. Deconvolution of Impulse Response in Event-Related BOLD FMRI. 
           NeuroImage 9: 416-429, 1999.

    .. [2] S. Fuertinger, J. C. Zinn, and K. Simonyan. A Neural Population Model Incorporating 
           Dopaminergic Neurotransmission during Complex Voluntary Behaviors. PLoS Computational Biology, 
           10(11), 2014. 
    # Make sure container exists and is valid
    f = checkhdf(fname, peek=True)
        V = f['V'].value
        raise ValueError("HDF5 file " + fname +
                         " does not have the required fields!")

    # Compute cycle length based on the sampling rate used to generate the file
    N = f['params']['names'].size
    s_rate = f['params']['s_rate'].value
    n_cycles = f['params']['n_cycles'].value
    len_cycle = f['params']['len_cycle'].value
    cycle_idx = int(np.round(s_rate * len_cycle))

    # Make sure `stim_onset` makes sense
    if stim_onset != None:
        scalarcheck(stim_onset, 'stim_onset', bounds=[0, len_cycle])

    # Get task from file to start sub-sampling procedure
    task = f['params']['task'].value

    # Compute cycle length based on the sampling rate used to generate the file
    N = f['params']['names'].size
    n_cycles = f['params']['n_cycles'].value
    len_cycle = f['params']['len_cycle'].value
    cycle_idx = int(np.round(s_rate * len_cycle))

    # Compute step size and (if not provided by the user) compute stimulus onset time
    dt = 1 / s_rate
    if stim_onset == None:
        stim_onset = f['params']['stimulus'].value

    # Use Glover's Hemodynamic response function as convolution kernel (with default length 32)
    hrft = utils.lambdify_t(hrf.glover(utils.T))
    hrf_kernel = np.hstack((np.zeros(
        (int(s_rate * stim_onset), )), hrft(np.arange(0, 32, dt))))

    # Convolve the de-meaned model time-series with the kernel
    convV = ndimage.filters.convolve1d((V.T - V.mean(axis=1)).T,

    # Allocate space for BOLD signal
    BOLD = np.zeros((N, n_cycles))

    # Sub-sample convoluted data depending on task to get BOLD signal
    if task == 'speech':

        # Get interval to be considered for boldification
        start = int(np.round(f['params']['speechoff'].value * s_rate))
        stop = start + int(np.round(f['params']['acquisition'].value * s_rate))

    elif task == 'rest':

        # Get interval to be considered for boldification
        start = 0
        stop = int(np.round(f['params']['stimulus'].value * s_rate))

        raise ValueError("Don't know what to do for task " + task)

    # Compute BOLD signal for all time points
    for j in xrange(n_cycles):
        BOLD[:, j] = convV[:, start:stop].mean(axis=1)
        start += cycle_idx
        stop += cycle_idx

    # Re-scale the the signal
    BOLD = BOLD * 0.02

    # Save it to the file
        f.create_dataset('BOLD', data=BOLD)