Exemple #1
def test_select_gmm_old_diag(verbose=0):
    # Computing the BIC value for different configurations

    # generate some data
    dim = 2
    x = np.concatenate((nr.randn(100, 2), 3 + 2 * nr.randn(100, 2)))

    # estimate different GMMs of that data
    k = 2
    prec_type = "diag"

    lgmm = gmm.GMM_old(k, dim, prec_type)
    maxiter = 300
    delta = 0.001
    ninit = 5
    kvals = np.arange(10) + 2

    La, LL, bic = lgmm.optimize_with_bic(x, kvals, maxiter, delta, ninit, verbose)

    if verbose:
        # plot the result
        xmin = 1.1 * x[:, 0].min() - 0.1 * x[:, 0].max()
        xmax = 1.1 * x[:, 0].max() - 0.1 * x[:, 0].min()
        ymin = 1.1 * x[:, 1].min() - 0.1 * x[:, 1].max()
        ymax = 1.1 * x[:, 1].max() - 0.1 * x[:, 1].min()
        gd = gmm.grid_descriptor(2)
        gd.getinfo([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], [50, 50])
        gmm.sample(gd, x, verbose=0)

    assert_true(lgmm.k < 5)
Exemple #2
def three_classes_GMM_fit(x, test=None, alpha=0.01, prior_strength=100,
                          verbose=0, fixed_scale=False, mpaxes=None, bias=0, 
                          theta=0, return_estimator=False):
     Fit the data with a 3-classes Gaussian Mixture Model,
    i.e. computing some probability that the voxels of a certain map
    are in class disactivated, null or active

    x array of shape (nvox,1): the map to be analysed
    test=None array of shape(nbitems,1):
      the test values for which the p-value needs to be computed
      by default, test=x
    alpha = 0.01 the prior weights of the positive and negative classes
    prior_strength = 100 the confidence on the prior
                   (should be compared to size(x))
    verbose=0 : verbosity mode
    fixed_scale = False, boolean, variance parameterization
                if True, the variance is locked to 1
                otherwise, it is estimated from the data
    mpaxes=None: axes handle used to plot the figure in verbose mode
                 if None, new axes are created
    bias = 0: allows a recaling of the posterior probability
         that takes into account the thershold theta. Not rigorous.
    theta = 0 the threshold used to correct the posterior p-values
          when bias=1; normally, it is such that test>theta
          note that if theta = -np.infty, the method has a standard behaviour
    return_estimator: boolean, optional
            If return_estimator is true, the estimator object is
    bfp : array of shape (nbitems,3):
        the posterior probability of each test item belonging to each component
        in the GMM (sum to 1 across the 3 classes)
        if np.size(test)==0, i.e. nbitem==0, None is returned
    estimator : nipy.neurospin.clustering.GMM object
        The estimator object, returned only if return_estimator is true.

    Our convention is that
    - class 1 represents the negative class
    - class 2 represenst the null class
    - class 3 represents the positsive class
    nvox = np.size(x)
    x = np.reshape(x,(nvox,1))
    if test==None:
        test = x
    if np.size(test)==0:
        return None
    from nipy.neurospin.clustering.bgmm import VBGMM
    from nipy.neurospin.clustering.gmm import grid_descriptor
    sx = np.sort(x,0)   
    # set the priors from a reasonable model of the data (!)

    # prior means 
    mb0 = np.mean(sx[:alpha*nvox])
    mb2 = np.mean(sx[(1-alpha)*nvox:])
    prior_means = np.reshape(np.array([mb0,0,mb2]),(nclasses,1))
    if fixed_scale:
        prior_scale = np.ones((nclasses,1,1)) * 1./(prior_strength)
        prior_scale = np.ones((nclasses,1,1)) * 1./(prior_strength*np.var(x))
    prior_dof = np.ones(nclasses) * prior_strength
    prior_weights = np.array([alpha,1-2*alpha,alpha]) * prior_strength
    prior_shrinkage = np.ones(nclasses) * prior_strength

    # instantiate the class and set the priors
    BayesianGMM = VBGMM(nclasses,1,prior_means,prior_scale,
                        prior_weights, prior_shrinkage,prior_dof)
    BayesianGMM.set_priors(prior_means, prior_weights, prior_scale,
                           prior_dof, prior_shrinkage)

    # estimate the model
    BayesianGMM.estimate(x,delta = 1.e-8,verbose=verbose)

    # create a sampling grid
    if (verbose or bias):
        gd = grid_descriptor(1) 
        gdm = gd.make_grid().squeeze()
        lj = BayesianGMM.likelihood(gd.make_grid())
    # estimate the prior weights
    bfp = BayesianGMM.likelihood(test)
    if bias:
        lw = np.sum(lj[gdm>theta],0)
        weights = BayesianGMM.weights/(BayesianGMM.weights.sum())
        bfp = (lw/weights)*BayesianGMM.slikelihood(test)
    if verbose>1:

    bfp = (bfp.T/bfp.sum(1)).T
    if not return_estimator:
        return bfp
        return bfp, BayesianGMM