def compute_BSA_ipmi(domain, lbeta, dmax, thq=0.5, smin=5, ths=0, theta=3.0,
                     bdensity=0, model="gam_gauss", verbose=0):
    Compute the  Bayesian Structural Activation patterns
    with approach described in IPMI'07 paper

    domsin: StructuredDomain instance,
            Description of the spatial context of the data
    lbeta: an array of shape (nbnodes, subjects):
           the multi-subject statistical maps
    thq = 0.5 (float): posterior significance threshold should be in [0,1]
    smin = 5 (int): minimal size of the regions to validate them
    theta = 3.0 (float): first level threshold
    bdensity=0 if bdensity=1, the variable p in ouput
               contains the likelihood of the data under H1 
               on the set of input nodes
    model: string,
           model used to infer the prior p-values
           can be 'gamma_gauss' or 'gauss_mixture'
    verbose=0 : verbosity mode
    crmap: array of shape (nnodes):
           the resulting group-level labelling of the space
    LR: instance of sbf.LandmarkRegions,
        that describes the ROIs found in inter-subject inference
    bf: list of  nipy.neurospin.spatial_models.hroi.Nroi instances
        representing individual ROIs
    p: array of shape (nnodes):
       likelihood of the data under H1 over some sampling grid
    This is historically the first version,
    but probably not the  most optimal
    It should not be changed for historical reason
    nbsubj = lbeta.shape[1]
    nvox = domain.size

    bf, gf0, sub, gfc = compute_individual_regions(
        domain, lbeta, smin, theta, 'gam_gauss', verbose)
    crmap = -np.ones(nvox,
    u = []
    AF = sbf.LandmarkRegions(bf[0].domain, 0, [], [])
    p = np.zeros(nvox)
    if len(sub)<1:
        return crmap, AF, bf, u, p

    # inter-subject analysis
    # use the DPMM (core part)
    dim = domain.em_dim
    sub = np.concatenate(sub).astype( 
    gfc = np.concatenate(gfc)
    gf0 = np.concatenate(gf0)
    p = np.zeros(np.size(nvox))
    g0 = 1./(np.sum(domain.local_volume))
    g1 = g0
    dof = 1000
    prior_precision =  1./(dmax*dmax)*np.ones((1,dim))

    if bdensity:
        spatial_coords = domain.coord
        spatial_coords = gfc

    p,q =  dpmm(gfc, 0.5, g0, g1, dof, prior_precision,
                  1-gf0, sub, 100, spatial_coords, nis=300)

    # inference
    valid = q>thq

    # remove non-significant regions
    for s in range(nbsubj):
        bfs = bf[s]
        if bfs.k>0: # is not None
            valids = -np.ones(bfs.k).astype('bool')
            valids[bfs.isleaf()] = valid[sub==s]
            valids = bfs.make_forest().propagate_upward_and(valids)
        if bfs.k>0: # is not None
            bfs.make_feature('position', domain.coord)
            pos = bfs.representative_feature('position', 'cumulated_mean')
            bfs.set_roi_feature('position', pos)

    # compute probabilitsic correspondences across subjects
    gc = _hierarchical_asso(bf, np.sqrt(2)*dmax)

    if gc == []:
        return crmap,AF,bf,p

    # make hard clusters through clustering
    u, cost = average_link_graph_segment(gc, 0.2, gc.V*1.0/nbsubj)

    q = 0
    for s in range(nbsubj):
        if bf[s].k>0: # is not None
            bf[s].set_roi_feature('label', u[q:q+bf[s].k])
            q += bf[s].k
    LR, mlabel = sbf.build_LR(bf, ths=ths)
    if LR is not None:
        crmap = LR.map_label(domain.coord, pval=0.95, dmax=dmax)
    return crmap, LR, bf, p
Exemple #2
def Compute_Amers (Fbeta, Beta, xyz, affine, shape, coord,  dmax=10.,
                   thr=3.0, ths=0, pval=0.2,verbose=0):
    This is the main function for building the BFLs

    Fbeta :  nipy.neurospin.graph.field.Field instance
          an  describing the spatial relationships
          in the dataset. nbnodes = Fbeta.V
    Beta: an array of shape (nbnodes, subjects):
           the multi-subject statistical maps
    xyz array of shape (nnodes,3):
        the grid coordinates of the field
    affine=np.eye(4), array of shape(4,4)
         coordinate-defining affine transformation
    shape=None, tuple of length 3 defining the size of the grid
        implicit to the discrete ROI definition   
    coord array of shape (nnodes,3):
          spatial coordinates of the nodes
    dmax=10.: spatial relaxation allowed in the preocedure
    thr = 3.0: thrshold at the first-level
    ths = 0, number of subjects to validate a BFL
    pval = 0.2 : significance p-value for the spatial inference

    crmap: array of shape (nnodes):
           the resulting group-level labelling of the space
    AF : a instance of Landmark_regions that describes the ROIs found
        in inter-subject inference
        If no such thing can be defined LR is set to None
    BFLs:  List of  nipy.neurospin.spatial_models.hroi.Nroi instances
        representing individual ROIs
    Newlabel: labelling of the individual ROIs
    BFLs = []
    LW = [] 
    nbsubj = Beta.shape[1]
    nvox = Beta.shape[0]
    for s in range(nbsubj):
        beta = np.reshape(Beta[:,s],(nvox,1))
        bfls = hroi.NROI_from_watershed(Fbeta, affine, shape, xyz,
                                        refdim=0, th=thr)
        if bfls!=None:

    # _clean_density(BFLs,dmax,coord,pval,verbose=1,dev=0,nrec=5)
    Gc = _hierarchical_asso(BFLs,dmax)
    Gc.weights = np.log(Gc.weights)-np.log(Gc.weights.min())
    if verbose:
        print Gc.V,Gc.E,Gc.weights.min(),Gc.weights.max()
    # building cliques
    #u = segment_graph_rd(Gc,1)
    u,cost = average_link_graph_segment(Gc,0.1,Gc.V*1.0/nbsubj)

    # relabel the BFLs
    q = 0
    for s in range(nbsubj):
        q += BFLs[s].k
    LR,mlabel = build_LR(BFLs,ths)
    if LR!=None:
        crmap = LR.map_label(coord,pval = 0.95,dmax=dmax)
    return crmap, LR, BFLs 
def compute_BSA_dev (Fbeta, lbeta, coord, dmax,  xyz, affine=np.eye(4), 
                    shape=None, thq=0.9,smin=5, ths=0, theta=3.0, g0=1.0,
                     bdensity=0, verbose=0):
    Compute the  Bayesian Structural Activation paterns

    Fbeta :   nipy.neurospin.graph.field.Field instance
          an  describing the spatial relationships
          in the dataset. nbnodes = Fbeta.V
    lbeta: an array of shape (nbnodes, subjects):
           the multi-subject statistical maps
    coord array of shape (nnodes,3):
          spatial coordinates of the nodes
    xyz array of shape (nnodes,3):
        the grid coordinates of the field
    affine=np.eye(4), array of shape(4,4)
         coordinate-defining affine transformation
    shape=None, tuple of length 3 defining the size of the grid
        implicit to the discrete ROI definition  
    thq = 0.5 (float): posterior significance threshold should be in [0,1]
    smin = 5 (int): minimal size of the regions to validate them
    theta = 3.0 (float): first level threshold
    g0 = 1.0 (float): constant values of the uniform density
       over the (compact) volume of interest
    bdensity=0 if bdensity=1, the variable p in ouput
               contains the likelihood of the data under H1 
               on the set of input nodes
    verbose=0 : verbosity mode

    crmap: array of shape (nnodes):
           the resulting group-level labelling of the space
    LR: a instance of sbf.Landmrak_regions that describes the ROIs found
        in inter-subject inference
        If no such thing can be defined LR is set to None
    bf: List of  nipy.neurospin.spatial_models.hroi.Nroi instances
        representing individual ROIs
    p: array of shape (nnodes):
       likelihood of the data under H1 over some sampling grid

    This version is probably the best one to date
    the intra subject Gamma-Gaussian MM has been replaces by a Gaussian MM
    which is probably mroe robust
    bf = []
    gfc = []
    gf0 = []
    sub = []
    gc = []
    nsubj = lbeta.shape[1]
    nvox = lbeta.shape[0]

    # intra-subject analysis: get the blobs,
    # with their position and their significance
    for s in range(nsubj):       
        # description in terms of blobs
        beta = np.reshape(lbeta[:,s],(nvox,1))
        nroi = hroi.NROI_from_field(Fbeta, affine, shape, xyz, refdim=0,
        if nroi!=None:
            bfm = nroi.discrete_to_roi_features('activation','average')

            # compute the region position
            bfc = nroi.discrete_to_roi_features('position',

            # compute the prior proba of being null
            beta = np.squeeze(beta)
            beta = beta[beta!=0]
            alpha = 0.01
            prior_strength = 100
            fixed_scale = True
            bfp = en.three_classes_GMM_fit(beta, bfm, alpha,
            bf0 = bfp[:,1]
    crmap = -np.ones(nvox,
    u = []
    AF = []
    p = np.zeros(nvox)
    if len(sub)<1:
        return crmap,AF,bf,u,p

    # inter-subject analysis
    # use the DPMM (core part)
    sub = np.concatenate(sub).astype(
    gfc = np.concatenate(gfc)
    gf0 = np.concatenate(gf0)
    p = np.zeros(np.size(nvox))
    g1 = g0
    dof = 0
    prior_precision =  1./(dmax*dmax)*np.ones((1,3),

    if bdensity:
        spatial_coords = coord
        spatial_coords = gfc
    p,q =  fc.fdp(gfc, 0.5, g0, g1, dof,prior_precision, 1-gf0,
                  sub, 100, spatial_coords,10,1000)
    valid = q>thq
    if verbose:
        import matplotlib.pylab as mp
        print np.sum(valid),np.size(valid)

    # remove non-significant regions
    for s in range(nsubj):
        bfs = bf[s]
        if bfs!=None:
            valids = valid[sub==s]
            valids = bfs.propagate_upward_and(valids)
            # re-compute the region position
            bfc = bfs.discrete_to_roi_features('position',
            # Alan's choice
            #beta = np.reshape(lbeta[:,s],(nvox,1))
            #bfsc = coord[bfs.feature_argmax(beta)]

    # compute a model of between-regions associations
    gc = _hierarchical_asso(bf,np.sqrt(2)*dmax)

    # Infer the group-level clusters
    if gc == []:
        return crmap,AF,bf,p

    # either replicator dynamics or agglomerative clustering
    #u = sbf.segment_graph_rd(gc,1)
    u,cost = average_link_graph_segment(gc,0.1,gc.V*1.0/nsubj)

    q = 0
    for s in range(nsubj):
        if bf[s]!=None:
            q += bf[s].k
    LR,mlabel = sbf.build_LR(bf,ths)
    if LR!=None:
        crmap = LR.map_label(coord,pval = 0.95,dmax=dmax)

    return crmap,LR,bf,p
Exemple #4
def Compute_Amers(dom, lbeta, dmax=10., thr=3.0, ths=0, pval=0.2, verbose=0):
    This is the main function for building the BFLs

    dom : StructuredDomain instance,
          generic descriptor of the space domain
    lbeta: an array of shape (nbnodes, subjects):
           the multi-subject statistical maps
    dmax:float, optional, spatial relaxation allowed in the preocedure
    thr: float, optional, threshold at the first-level
    ths: float, optional,  number of subjects to validate a BFL
    pval: float, optional  : significance p-value for the spatial inference

    crmap: array of shape (nnodes):
           the resulting group-level labelling of the space
    AF : a instance of LandmarkRegions that describes the ROIs found
        in inter-subject inference
        If no such thing can be defined LR is set to None
    BFLs:  List of  nipy.neurospin.spatial_models.hroi.Nroi instances
        representing individual ROIs
    Newlabel: labelling of the individual ROIs
    BFLs = []
    nbsubj = lbeta.shape[1]
    nvox = lbeta.shape[0]

    from nipy.neurospin.graph.field import field_from_coo_matrix_and_data 
    Fbeta = field_from_coo_matrix_and_data(dom.topology, lbeta[:, 0])

    for s in range(nbsubj):
        beta = np.reshape(lbeta[:,s],(nvox,1))
        bfls = hroi.HROI_from_watershed(dom, beta, threshold=thr)
        if bfls.k>0:
            bfls.make_feature('position', dom.coord)
            pos = bfls.representative_feature('position', 'mean')
            bfls.set_roi_feature('position', pos)
    _clean_density_redraw(BFLs, dmax, dom.coord, pval, verbose=0,
                          nrec=1, nsamples=10)
    Gc = _hierarchical_asso(BFLs,dmax)
    Gc.weights = np.log(Gc.weights)-np.log(Gc.weights.min())
    if verbose:
        print Gc.V, Gc.E, Gc.weights.min(), Gc.weights.max()
    # building cliques
    u,cost = average_link_graph_segment(Gc, 0.1, Gc.V*1.0/nbsubj)

    # relabel the BFLs
    q = 0
    for s in range(nbsubj):
        q += BFLs[s].k
    LR, mlabel = build_LR(BFLs, ths=ths)
    if LR!=None:
        crmap = LR.map_label(dom.coord, pval=0.95, dmax=dmax)
    return crmap, LR, BFLs 
def compute_BSA_ipmi(Fbeta,lbeta, coord,dmax, xyz, affine=np.eye(4), 
                                  shape=None, thq=0.5,
                     smin=5, ths=0, theta=3.0, g0=1.0, bdensity=0, verbose=0):
    Compute the  Bayesian Structural Activation patterns
    with approach described in IPMI'07 paper

    Fbeta :   nipy.neurospin.graph.field.Field instance
          an  describing the spatial relationships
          in the dataset. nbnodes = Fbeta.V
    lbeta: an array of shape (nbnodes, subjects):
           the multi-subject statistical maps
    coord array of shape (nnodes,3):
          spatial coordinates of the nodes
    xyz array of shape (nnodes,3):
        the grid coordinates of the field
    affine=np.eye(4), array of shape(4,4)
         coordinate-defining affine transformation
    shape=None, tuple of length 3 defining the size of the grid
        implicit to the discrete ROI definition 
    thq = 0.5 (float): posterior significance threshold should be in [0,1]
    smin = 5 (int): minimal size of the regions to validate them
    theta = 3.0 (float): first level threshold
    g0 = 1.0 (float): constant values of the uniform density
       over the (compact) volume of interest
    bdensity=0 if bdensity=1, the variable p in ouput
               contains the likelihood of the data under H1 
               on the set of input nodes
    verbose=0 : verbosity mode
    crmap: array of shape (nnodes):
           the resulting group-level labelling of the space
    LR: a instance of sbf.Landmrak_regions that describes the ROIs found
        in inter-subject inference
        If no such thing can be defined LR is set to None
    bf: List of  nipy.neurospin.spatial_models.hroi.Nroi instances
        representing individual ROIs
    p: array of shape (nnodes):
       likelihood of the data under H1 over some sampling grid
    This is historically the first version,
    but probably not the  most optimal
    It should not be changed for historical reason
    bf = []
    gfc = []
    gf0 = []
    sub = []
    gc = []
    nbsubj = lbeta.shape[1]
    nvox = lbeta.shape[0]

    # intra-subject part: compute the blobs
    # and assess their significance
    for s in range(nbsubj):
        beta = np.reshape(lbeta[:,s],(nvox,1))
        nroi = hroi.NROI_from_field(Fbeta, affine, shape, xyz, refdim=0,
                                    th=theta, smin=smin)
        if nroi!=None:
            # find some way to avoid coordinate averaging
            bfm = nroi.discrete_to_roi_features('activation','average')
            bfc = nroi.discrete_to_roi_features('position',

            # get some prior on the significance of the regions
            beta = np.reshape(beta,(nvox))
            beta = beta[beta!=0]

            # use a Gamma-Gaussian Mixture Model
            bfp  = en.Gamma_Gaussian_fit(beta,bfm,verbose)
            bf0 = bfp[:,1]

    crmap = -np.ones(nvox,
    u = []
    AF = []
    p = np.zeros(nvox)
    if len(sub)<1:
        return crmap,AF,bf,u,p

    # inter-subject analysis
    # use the DPMM (core part)
    sub = np.concatenate(sub).astype( 
    gfc = np.concatenate(gfc)
    gf0 = np.concatenate(gf0)
    p = np.zeros(np.size(nvox))
    g1 = g0
    dof = 0
    prior_precision =  1./(dmax*dmax)*np.ones((1,3), np.float)

    if bdensity:
        spatial_coords = coord
        spatial_coords = gfc

    p,q =  fc.fdp(gfc, 0.5, g0, g1,dof, prior_precision,
                  1-gf0, sub, 100, spatial_coords,10,1000)
    # inference
    valid = q>thq

    if verbose>1:
        import matplotlib.pylab as mp
        print np.sum(valid),np.size(valid)

    # remove non-significant regions
    for s in range(nbsubj):
        bfs = bf[s]
        if bfs!=None:
            valids = valid[sub==s]
            valids = bfs.propagate_upward_and(valids)
        if bfs!=None:

    # compute probabilitsic correspondences across subjects
    gc = _hierarchical_asso(bf,np.sqrt(2)*dmax)

    if gc == []:
        return crmap,AF,bf,p

    # make hard clusters
    # choose one solution...
    #u = sbf.segment_graph_rd(gc,1)
    u,cost = average_link_graph_segment(gc,0.2,gc.V*1.0/nbsubj)

    q = 0
    for s in range(nbsubj):
        if bf[s]!=None:
            q += bf[s].k
    LR,mlabel = sbf.build_LR(bf,ths)
    if LR!=None:
        crmap = LR.map_label(coord,pval=0.95,dmax=dmax)
    return crmap,LR,bf,p