def update_flow_ver(process_group, target_version=None): """ Changes a versioned flow to the specified version, or the latest version Args: process_group (ProcessGroupEntity): ProcessGroupEntity under version control to change target_version (Optional [None, Int]): Either None to move to the latest available version, or Int of the version number to move to Returns: (bool): True if successful, False if not """ def _running_update_flow_version(): """ Tests for completion of the operation Returns: (bool) Boolean of operation success """ status = nipyapi.nifi.VersionsApi().get_update_request( u_init.request.request_id) if not status.request.complete: return False if status.request.failure_reason is None: return True raise ValueError("Flow Version Update did not complete successfully. " "Error text {0}".format( status.request.failure_reason)) with nipyapi.utils.rest_exceptions(): vci = get_version_info(process_group) assert isinstance(vci, nipyapi.nifi.VersionControlInformationEntity) flow_vers = list_flow_versions( vci.version_control_information.bucket_id, vci.version_control_information.flow_id) if target_version is None: # the first version is always the latest available ver = flow_vers[0].version else: # otherwise the version must be an int if not isinstance(target_version, int): raise ValueError("target_version must be a positive Integer to" " pick a specific available version, or None" " for the latest version to be fetched") ver = target_version u_init = nipyapi.nifi.VersionsApi().initiate_version_control_update(, body=nipyapi.nifi.VersionControlInformationEntity( process_group_revision=vci.process_group_revision, version_control_information=VciDTO( bucket_id=vci.version_control_information.bucket_id, flow_id=vci.version_control_information.flow_id, group_id=vci.version_control_information.group_id, registry_id=vci.version_control_information.registry_id, version=ver))) nipyapi.utils.wait_to_complete(_running_update_flow_version) return nipyapi.nifi.VersionsApi().get_update_request( u_init.request.request_id)
def deploy_flow_version(parent_id, location, bucket_id, flow_id, reg_client_id, version=None): """ Deploys a versioned flow as a new process group inside the given parent process group. If version is not provided, the latest version will be deployed. Args: parent_id (str): The ID of the parent Process Group to create the new process group in. location (tuple[x, y]): the x,y coordinates to place the new Process Group under the parent bucket_id (str): ID of the bucket containing the versioned flow to deploy. flow_id (str): ID of the versioned flow to deploy. version (Optional [int,str]): version to deploy, if not provided latest version will be deployed. Returns: (ProcessGroupEntity) of the newly deployed Process Group """ assert isinstance(location, tuple) try: # Being pedantic about checking this as API failure errors are terse # Check flow details are valid target_flow = get_flow_version( bucket_id=bucket_id, flow_id=flow_id, version=str(version) ) # check reg client is valid target_reg_client = get_registry_client(reg_client_id, 'id') # Issue deploy statement return nipyapi.nifi.ProcessGroupsApi().create_process_group( id=parent_id, body=nipyapi.nifi.ProcessGroupEntity( revision=nipyapi.nifi.RevisionDTO( version=0 ), component=nipyapi.nifi.ProcessGroupDTO( position=nipyapi.nifi.PositionDTO( x=float(location[0]), y=float(location[1]) ), version_control_information=VciDTO( bucket_id=target_flow.bucket.identifier, flow_id=target_flow.flow.identifier,, version=target_flow.snapshot_metadata.version ) ) ) ) except as e: raise ValueError(e.body)
def deploy_flow_version(parent_id, location, bucket_id, flow_id, reg_client_id, version=None): """ Deploys a versioned flow as a new process group inside the given parent process group. If version is not provided, the latest version will be deployed. Args: parent_id (str): The ID of the parent Process Group to create the new process group in. location (tuple[x, y]): the x,y coordinates to place the new Process Group under the parent bucket_id (str): ID of the bucket containing the versioned flow to deploy. reg_client_id (str): ID of the registry client connection to use. flow_id (str): ID of the versioned flow to deploy. version (Optional [int,str]): version to deploy, if not provided latest version will be deployed. Returns: (ProcessGroupEntity) of the newly deployed Process Group """ assert isinstance(location, tuple) # check reg client is valid target_reg_client = get_registry_client(reg_client_id, 'id') # Being pedantic about checking this as API failure errors are terse # Using NiFi here to keep all calls within the same API client flow_versions = list_flow_versions( bucket_id=bucket_id, flow_id=flow_id, registry_id=reg_client_id, service='nifi' ) if not flow_versions: raise ValueError("Could not find Flows matching Bucket ID [{0}] and" "Flow ID [{1}] on Registry Client [{2}]" .format(bucket_id, flow_id, reg_client_id)) if version is None: target_flow = flow_versions.versioned_flow_snapshot_metadata_set else: target_flow = [x for x in flow_versions.versioned_flow_snapshot_metadata_set if x.versioned_flow_snapshot_metadata.version == version ] if not target_flow: raise ValueError( "Could not find Version [{0}] for Flow [{1}] in Bucket [{2}] on " "Registry Client [{3}]" .format(str(version), flow_id, bucket_id, reg_client_id) ) target_flow = target_flow[0].versioned_flow_snapshot_metadata # Issue deploy statement with nipyapi.utils.rest_exceptions(): return nipyapi.nifi.ProcessGroupsApi().create_process_group( id=parent_id, body=nipyapi.nifi.ProcessGroupEntity( revision=nipyapi.nifi.RevisionDTO( version=0 ), component=nipyapi.nifi.ProcessGroupDTO( position=nipyapi.nifi.PositionDTO( x=float(location[0]), y=float(location[1]) ), version_control_information=VciDTO( bucket_id=target_flow.bucket_identifier, flow_id=target_flow.flow_identifier,, version=target_flow.version ) ) ) )