Exemple #1
y_var = 0.7
xy_cov = 0.4
cov = np.array([[x_var, xy_cov],
                [xy_cov, y_var]])


We can calculate the spectral matrix analytically, based on the known
coefficients, for 1024 frequency bins:


n_freqs = 1024

w, Hw = alg.transfer_function_xy(am, n_freqs=n_freqs)
Sw_true = alg.spectral_matrix_xy(Hw, cov)


Next, we will generate 500 example sets of 100 points of these processes, to analyze:


#Number of realizations of the process
N = 500
#Length of each realization:
L = 1024

order = am.shape[0]
def test_MAR_est_LWR():

    Test the LWR MAR estimator against the power of the signal

    This also tests the functions: transfer_function_xy, spectral_matrix_xy,
    coherence_from_spectral and granger_causality_xy

    # This is the same processes as those in doc/examples/ar_est_2vars.py: 
    a1 = np.array([ [0.9, 0],
                [0.16, 0.8] ])

    a2 = np.array([ [-0.5, 0],
                [-0.2, -0.5] ])

    am = np.array([ -a1, -a2 ])

    x_var = 1
    y_var = 0.7
    xy_cov = 0.4
    cov = np.array([ [x_var, xy_cov],
                     [xy_cov, y_var] ])

    n_freqs = 1024
    w, Hw = tsa.transfer_function_xy(am, n_freqs=n_freqs)
    Sw = tsa.spectral_matrix_xy(Hw, cov)

    # This many realizations of the process:
    N = 500
    # Each one this long
    L = 1024

    order = am.shape[0]
    n_lags = order + 1

    n_process = am.shape[-1]

    z = np.empty((N, n_process, L))
    nz = np.empty((N, n_process, L))

    for i in xrange(N):
        z[i], nz[i] = utils.generate_mar(am, cov, L)

    a_est = []
    cov_est = []

    # This loop runs MAR_est_LWR:
    for i in xrange(N):
        Rxx = (tsa.MAR_est_LWR(z[i],order=n_lags))

    a_est = np.mean(a_est,0)
    cov_est = np.mean(cov_est,0)

    # This tests transfer_function_xy and spectral_matrix_xy: 
    w, Hw_est = tsa.transfer_function_xy(a_est, n_freqs=n_freqs)
    Sw_est = tsa.spectral_matrix_xy(Hw_est, cov_est)

    # coherence_from_spectral:
    c = tsa.coherence_from_spectral(Sw)
    c_est = tsa.coherence_from_spectral(Sw_est)

    # granger_causality_xy:

    w, f_x2y, f_y2x, f_xy, Sw = tsa.granger_causality_xy(am,

    w, f_x2y_est, f_y2x_est, f_xy_est, Sw_est = tsa.granger_causality_xy(a_est,

    # interdependence_xy

    i_xy = tsa.interdependence_xy(Sw)
    i_xy_est = tsa.interdependence_xy(Sw_est)
    # This is all very approximate:
Exemple #3
a2[0, 1] = -0.2

b = np.array([a1.copy(), a2.copy()])

def extract_ij(i, j, m):
    m_ij_rows = m[[i, j]]
    return m_ij_rows[:, [i, j]]


We calculate the transfer function based on the coefficients:


w, Haw = alg.transfer_function_xy(a)
w, Hbw = alg.transfer_function_xy(b)


Generate 500 sets of 100 points


N = 500
L = 100

def test_MAR_est_LWR():

    Test the LWR MAR estimator against the power of the signal

    This also tests the functions: transfer_function_xy, spectral_matrix_xy,
    coherence_from_spectral and granger_causality_xy


    # This is the same processes as those in doc/examples/ar_est_2vars.py:
    a1 = np.array([[0.9, 0], [0.16, 0.8]])

    a2 = np.array([[-0.5, 0], [-0.2, -0.5]])

    am = np.array([-a1, -a2])

    x_var = 1
    y_var = 0.7
    xy_cov = 0.4
    cov = np.array([[x_var, xy_cov], [xy_cov, y_var]])

    n_freqs = 1024
    w, Hw = tsa.transfer_function_xy(am, n_freqs=n_freqs)
    Sw = tsa.spectral_matrix_xy(Hw, cov)

    # This many realizations of the process:
    N = 500
    # Each one this long
    L = 1024

    order = am.shape[0]
    n_lags = order + 1

    n_process = am.shape[-1]

    z = np.empty((N, n_process, L))
    nz = np.empty((N, n_process, L))

    for i in range(N):
        z[i], nz[i] = utils.generate_mar(am, cov, L)

    a_est = []
    cov_est = []

    # This loop runs MAR_est_LWR:
    for i in range(N):
        Rxx = (tsa.MAR_est_LWR(z[i], order=n_lags))

    a_est = np.mean(a_est, 0)
    cov_est = np.mean(cov_est, 0)

    # This tests transfer_function_xy and spectral_matrix_xy:
    w, Hw_est = tsa.transfer_function_xy(a_est, n_freqs=n_freqs)
    Sw_est = tsa.spectral_matrix_xy(Hw_est, cov_est)

    # coherence_from_spectral:
    c = tsa.coherence_from_spectral(Sw)
    c_est = tsa.coherence_from_spectral(Sw_est)

    # granger_causality_xy:

    w, f_x2y, f_y2x, f_xy, Sw = tsa.granger_causality_xy(am,

    w, f_x2y_est, f_y2x_est, f_xy_est, Sw_est = tsa.granger_causality_xy(
        a_est, cov_est, n_freqs=n_freqs)

    # interdependence_xy
    i_xy = tsa.interdependence_xy(Sw)
    i_xy_est = tsa.interdependence_xy(Sw_est)

    # This is all very approximate:
    npt.assert_almost_equal(Hw, Hw_est, decimal=1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(Sw, Sw_est, decimal=1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(c, c_est, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(f_xy, f_xy_est, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(f_x2y, f_x2y_est, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(f_y2x, f_y2x_est, 1)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(i_xy, i_xy_est, 1)
Exemple #5
b = np.array([a1.copy(), a2.copy()])

def extract_ij(i, j, m):
    m_ij_rows = m[[i, j]]
    return m_ij_rows[:, [i, j]]


We calculate the transfer function based on the coefficients:


w, Haw = alg.transfer_function_xy(a)
w, Hbw = alg.transfer_function_xy(b)

Generate 500 sets of 100 points


N = 500
L = 100

Generate the instances of the time-series based on the coefficients:

Exemple #6
xy_cov = 0.4
cov = np.array([ [x_var, xy_cov],
                 [xy_cov, y_var] ])


Calculate the spectral matrix analytically ( z-transforms evaluated at
z=exp(j*omega) from omega in [0,pi] )



w, Hw = alg.transfer_function_xy(am, Nfreqs=Nfreqs)
Sw_true = alg.spectral_matrix_xy(Hw, cov)


generate 500 sets of 100 points


#Number of realizations of the process
N = 500
#Length of each realization:
L = 1024

order = am.shape[0]
n_lags = order + 1