Exemple #1
def plot_spectral_estimate(f, sdf, sdf_ests, limits=None, elabels=()):
    Plot an estimate of a spectral transform against the ground truth.

    Utility file used in building the documentation
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax_limits = (sdf.min() - 2 * np.abs(sdf.min()),
                 sdf.max() + 1.25 * np.abs(sdf.max()))
    ax.plot(f, sdf, 'c', label='True S(f)')

    if not elabels:
        elabels = ('', ) * len(sdf_ests)
    colors = 'bgkmy'
    for e, l, c in zip(sdf_ests, elabels, colors):
        ax.plot(f, e, color=c, linewidth=2, label=l)

    if limits is not None:
                        color=(1, 0, 0, .3),

    return fig
Exemple #2
def plot_spectral_estimate(f, sdf, sdf_ests, limits=None, elabels=()):
    Plot an estimate of a spectral transform against the ground truth.

    Utility file used in building the documentation
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax_limits = (sdf.min() - 2*np.abs(sdf.min()),
                 sdf.max() + 1.25*np.abs(sdf.max()))
    ax.plot(f, sdf, 'c', label='True S(f)')

    if not elabels:
        elabels = ('',) * len(sdf_ests)
    colors = 'bgkmy'
    for e, l, c in zip(sdf_ests, elabels, colors):
        ax.plot(f, e, color=c, linewidth=2, label=l)

    if limits is not None:
        ax.fill_between(f, limits[0], y2=limits[1], color=(1, 0, 0, .3),

    return fig
Exemple #3
def subcolormap(xmin, xmax, cmap):
    '''Returns the part of cmap between xmin, xmax, scaled to 0,1.'''
    assert xmin < xmax
    assert xmax <= 1
    cd = cmap._segmentdata.copy()
    colornames = ('red', 'green', 'blue')
    rgbmin, rgbmax = rgb_to_dict(xmin, cmap), rgb_to_dict(xmax, cmap)
    for k in cd:
        tmp = [x for x in cd[k] if x[0] >= xmin and x[0] <= xmax]
        if tmp == [] or tmp[0][0] > xmin:
            tmp = [(xmin, rgbmin[k], rgbmin[k])] + tmp
        if tmp == [] or tmp[-1][0] < xmax:
            tmp = tmp + [(xmax, rgbmax[k], rgbmax[k])]
        #now scale all this to (0,1)
        square = list(zip(*tmp))
        xbreaks = [(x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) for x in square[0]]
        square[0] = xbreaks
        tmp = list(zip(*square))
        cd[k] = tmp
    return colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('local', cd, N=256)
Exemple #4
def subcolormap(xmin, xmax, cmap):
    '''Returns the part of cmap between xmin, xmax, scaled to 0,1.'''
    assert xmin < xmax
    assert xmax <= 1
    cd = cmap._segmentdata.copy()
    colornames = ('red', 'green', 'blue')
    rgbmin, rgbmax = rgb_to_dict(xmin, cmap), rgb_to_dict(xmax, cmap)
    for k in cd:
        tmp = [x for x in cd[k] if x[0] >= xmin and x[0] <= xmax]
        if tmp == [] or tmp[0][0] > xmin:
            tmp = [(xmin, rgbmin[k], rgbmin[k])] + tmp
        if tmp == [] or tmp[-1][0] < xmax:
            tmp = tmp + [(xmax, rgbmax[k], rgbmax[k])]
        #now scale all this to (0,1)
        square = list(zip(*tmp))
        xbreaks = [(x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) for x in square[0]]
        square[0] = xbreaks
        tmp = list(zip(*square))
        cd[k] = tmp
    return colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('local', cd, N=256)
Exemple #5
def mkgraph(cmat, threshold=0.0, threshold2=None):
    """Make a weighted graph object out of an adjacency matrix.

    The values in the original matrix cmat can be thresholded out.  If only one
    threshold is given, all values below that are omitted when creating edges.
    If two thresholds are given, then values in the th2-th1 range are
    ommitted.  This allows for the easy creation of weighted graphs with
    positive and negative values where a range of weights around 0 is omitted.

    cmat : 2-d square array
      Adjacency matrix.
    threshold : float
      First threshold.
    threshold2 : float
      Second threshold.

    G : a NetworkX weighted graph object, to which a dictionary called
    G.metadata is appended.  This dict contains the original adjacency matrix
    cmat, the two thresholds, and the weights

    # Input sanity check
    nrow, ncol = cmat.shape
    if nrow != ncol:
        raise ValueError("Adjacency matrix must be square")

    row_idx, col_idx, vals = threshold_arr(cmat, threshold, threshold2)
    # Also make the full thresholded array available in the metadata
    cmat_th = np.empty_like(cmat)
    if threshold2 is None:
    cmat_th[row_idx, col_idx] = vals

    # Next, make a normalized copy of the values.  For the 2-threshold case, we
    # use 'folding' normalization
    if threshold2 is None:
        vals_norm = minmax_norm(vals)
        vals_norm = minmax_norm(vals, 'folding', [threshold, threshold2])

    # Now make the actual graph
    G = nx.Graph(weighted=True)
    # To keep the weights of the graph to simple values, we store the
    # normalize ones in a separate dict that we'll stuff into the graph
    # metadata.

    normed_values = {}
    for i, j, val, nval in zip(row_idx, col_idx, vals, vals_norm):
        if i == j:
            # no self-loops
        G.add_edge(i, j, weight=val)
        normed_values[i, j] = nval

    # Write a metadata dict into the graph and save the threshold info there
    G.metadata = dict(threshold1=threshold,
    return G
Exemple #6
def draw_graph(G,
    """Draw a weighted graph with options to visualize link weights.

    The resulting diagram uses the rank of each node as its size, and the
    weight of each link (after discarding thresholded values, see below) as the
    link opacity.

    It maps edge weight to color as well as line opacity and thickness,
    allowing the color part to be hardcoded over a value range (to permit valid
    cross-figure comparisons for different graphs, so the same color
    corresponds to the same link weight even if each graph has a different
    range of weights).  The nodes sizes are proportional to their degree,
    computed as the sum of the weights of all their links.  The layout defaults
    to circular, but any nx layout function can be passed in, as well as a
    statically precomputed layout.

    G : weighted graph
      The values must be of the form (v1,v2), with all v2 in [0,1].  v1 are
      used for colors, v2 for thickness/opacity.

    labels : list or dict, optional.
      An indexable object that maps nodes to strings.  If not given, the
      string form of each node is used as a label.  If False, no labels are

    node_colors : list or dict, optional.
      An indexable object that maps nodes to valid matplotlib color specs.  See
      matplotlib's plot() function for details.

    node_shapes : list or dict, optional.
      An indexable object that maps nodes to valid matplotlib shape specs.  See
      matplotlib's scatter() function for details.  If not given, circles are

    node_scale : float, optional
      A scale factor to globally stretch or shrink all nodes symbols by.

    edge_style : string, optional
      Line style for the edges, defaults to 'solid'.

    edge_cmap : matplotlib colormap, optional.
      A callable that returns valid color specs, like matplotlib colormaps.
      If not given, edges are colored black.

    colorbar : bool
      If true, automatically add a colorbar showing the mapping of graph weight
      values to colors.

    vrange : pair of floats
      If given, this indicates the total range of values that the weights can
      in principle occupy, and is used to set the lower/upper range of the
      colormap.  This allows you to set the range of multiple different figures
      to the same values, even if each individual graph has range variations,
      so that visual color comparisons across figures are valid.

    layout : function or layout dict, optional
      A NetworkX-like layout function or the result of a precomputed layout for
      the given graph.  NetworkX produces layouts as dicts keyed by nodes and
      with (x,y) pairs of coordinates as values, any function that produces
      this kind of output is acceptable.  Defaults to nx.circular_layout.

    title : string, optional.
      If given, title to put on the main plot.

    font_family : string, optional.
      Font family used for the node labels and title.

    font_size : int, optional.
      Font size used for the node labels and title.

    stretch_factor : float, optional
      A global scaling factor to make the graph larger (or smaller if <1).
      This can be used to separate the nodes if they start overlapping.

    edge_alpha: bool, optional
      Whether to weight the transparency of each edge by a factor equivalent to
      its relative weight

    fig_size: list of height by width, the size of the figure (in
    inches). Defaults to [6,6]

      The matplotlib figure object with the plot.
    if fig_size is None:
        figsize = [6, 6]

    scaler = figsize[0] / 6.
    # For the size of the node symbols
    node_size_base = 1000 * scaler
    node_min_size = 200 * scaler
    default_node_shape = 'o'
    # Default colors if none given
    default_node_color = 'r'
    default_edge_color = 'k'
    # Max edge width
    max_width = 13 * scaler
    min_width = 2 * scaler
    font_family = 'sans-serif'

    # We'll use the nodes a lot, let's make a numpy array of them
    nodes = np.array(sorted(G.nodes()))
    nnod = len(nodes)

    # Build a 'weighted degree' array obtained by adding the (absolute value)
    # of the weights for all edges pointing to each node:
    amat = nx.adj_matrix(G).A  # get a normal array out of it
    degarr = abs(amat).sum(0)  # weights are sums across rows

    # Map the degree to the 0-1 range so we can use it for sizing the nodes.
        odegree = rescale_arr(degarr, 0, 1)
        # Make an array of node sizes based on node degree
        node_sizes = odegree * node_size_base + node_min_size
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        # All nodes same size
        node_sizes = np.empty(nnod, float)
        node_sizes.fill(0.5 * node_size_base + node_min_size)

    # Adjust node size list.  We square the scale factor because in mpl, node
    # sizes represent area, not linear size, but it's more intuitive for the
    # user to think of linear factors (the overall figure scale factor is also
    # linear).
    node_sizes *= node_scale ** 2

    # Set default node properties
    if node_colors is None:
        node_colors = [default_node_color] * nnod

    if node_shapes is None:
        node_shapes = [default_node_shape] * nnod

    # Set default edge colormap
    if edge_cmap is None:
        # Make an object with the colormap API, that maps all input values to
        # the default color (with proper alhpa)
        edge_cmap = (lambda val, alpha:
                     colors.colorConverter.to_rgba(default_edge_color, alpha))

    # if vrange is None, we set the color range from the values, else the user
    # can specify it

    # e[2] is edge value: edges_iter returns (i,j,data)
    gvals = np.array([e[2]['weight'] for e in G.edges(data=True)])
    gvmin, gvmax = gvals.min(), gvals.max()
    gvrange = gvmax - gvmin
    if vrange is None:
        vrange = gvmin, gvmax
    # Now, construct the normalization for the colormap
    cnorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vrange[0], vmax=vrange[1])

    # Create the actual plot where the graph will be displayed
    figsize = np.array(figsize, float)
    figsize *= stretch_factor

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    ax_graph = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

    if layout is None:
        layout = nx.circular_layout
    # Compute positions for all nodes - nx has several algorithms
    if callable(layout):
        pos = layout(G)
        # The user can also provide a precomputed layout
        pos = layout

    # Draw nodes
    for nod in nodes:
    # Draw edges
    if not isinstance(G, nx.DiGraph):
        # Undirected graph, simple lines for edges
        # We need the size of the value range to properly scale colors
        vsize = vrange[1] - vrange[0]
        gvals_normalized = G.metadata['vals_norm']
        for (u, v, y) in G.edges(data=True):
            # The graph value is the weight, and the normalized values are in
            # [0,1], used for thickness/transparency
            alpha = gvals_normalized[u, v]
            # Scale the color choice to the specified vrange, so that
            ecol = (y['weight'] - vrange[0]) / vsize
            #print 'u,v:',u,v,'y:',y,'ecol:',ecol  # dbg

            if edge_alpha:
                fade = alpha
                fade = 1.0

            edge_color = [tuple(edge_cmap(ecol, fade))]
            #print u,v,y
                                   edgelist=[(u, v)],
                                   width=min_width + alpha * max_width,
        # Directed graph, use arrows.
        # XXX - this is currently broken.
        raise NotImplementedError("arrow drawing currently broken")

        ## for (u,v,x) in G.edges(data=True):
        ##     y,w = x
        ##     draw_arrows(G,pos,edgelist=[(u,v)],
        ##                 edge_color=[w],
        ##                 alpha=w,
        ##                 edge_cmap=edge_cmap,
        ##                 width=w*max_width)

    # Draw labels.  If not given, we use the string form of the nodes.  If
    # labels is False, no labels are drawn.
    if labels is None:
        labels = map(str, nodes)

    if labels:
        lab_idx = list(range(len(labels)))
        labels_dict = dict(zip(lab_idx, labels))

    if title:
        plt.title(title, fontsize=font_size)

    # Turn off x and y axes labels in pylab

    # Add a colorbar if requested
    if colorbar:
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_graph)
        ax_cb = divider.new_vertical(size="20%", pad=0.2, pack_start=True)
        cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax_cb,
                                    #boundaries = np.linspace(min((gvmin,0)),
                                    #                         max((gvmax,0)),
                                    #                         256),

    # Always return the MPL figure object so the user can further manipulate it
    return fig
Exemple #7
def rgb_to_dict(value, cmap):
    return dict(zip(('red', 'green', 'blue', 'alpha'), cmap(value)))
Exemple #8
def mkgraph(cmat, threshold=0.0, threshold2=None):
    """Make a weighted graph object out of an adjacency matrix.

    The values in the original matrix cmat can be thresholded out.  If only one
    threshold is given, all values below that are omitted when creating edges.
    If two thresholds are given, then values in the th2-th1 range are
    omitted.  This allows for the easy creation of weighted graphs with
    positive and negative values where a range of weights around 0 is omitted.

    cmat : 2-d square array
      Adjacency matrix.
    threshold : float
      First threshold.
    threshold2 : float
      Second threshold.

    G : a NetworkX weighted graph object, to which a dictionary called
    G.metadata is appended.  This dict contains the original adjacency matrix
    cmat, the two thresholds, and the weights

    # Input sanity check
    nrow, ncol = cmat.shape
    if nrow != ncol:
        raise ValueError("Adjacency matrix must be square")

    row_idx, col_idx, vals = threshold_arr(cmat, threshold, threshold2)
    # Also make the full thresholded array available in the metadata
    cmat_th = np.empty_like(cmat)
    if threshold2 is None:
    cmat_th[row_idx, col_idx] = vals

    # Next, make a normalized copy of the values.  For the 2-threshold case, we
    # use 'folding' normalization
    if threshold2 is None:
        vals_norm = minmax_norm(vals)
        vals_norm = minmax_norm(vals, 'folding', [threshold, threshold2])

    # Now make the actual graph
    G = nx.Graph(weighted=True)
    # To keep the weights of the graph to simple values, we store the
    # normalize ones in a separate dict that we'll stuff into the graph
    # metadata.

    normed_values = {}
    for i, j, val, nval in zip(row_idx, col_idx, vals, vals_norm):
        if i == j:
            # no self-loops
        G.add_edge(i, j, weight=val)
        normed_values[i, j] = nval

    # Write a metadata dict into the graph and save the threshold info there
    G.metadata = dict(
    return G
Exemple #9
def draw_graph(G,
    """Draw a weighted graph with options to visualize link weights.

    The resulting diagram uses the rank of each node as its size, and the
    weight of each link (after discarding thresholded values, see below) as the
    link opacity.

    It maps edge weight to color as well as line opacity and thickness,
    allowing the color part to be hardcoded over a value range (to permit valid
    cross-figure comparisons for different graphs, so the same color
    corresponds to the same link weight even if each graph has a different
    range of weights).  The nodes sizes are proportional to their degree,
    computed as the sum of the weights of all their links.  The layout defaults
    to circular, but any nx layout function can be passed in, as well as a
    statically precomputed layout.

    G : weighted graph
      The values must be of the form (v1,v2), with all v2 in [0,1].  v1 are
      used for colors, v2 for thickness/opacity.

    labels : list or dict, optional.
      An indexable object that maps nodes to strings.  If not given, the
      string form of each node is used as a label.  If False, no labels are

    node_colors : list or dict, optional.
      An indexable object that maps nodes to valid matplotlib color specs.  See
      matplotlib's plot() function for details.

    node_shapes : list or dict, optional.
      An indexable object that maps nodes to valid matplotlib shape specs.  See
      matplotlib's scatter() function for details.  If not given, circles are

    node_scale : float, optional
      A scale factor to globally stretch or shrink all nodes symbols by.

    edge_style : string, optional
      Line style for the edges, defaults to 'solid'.

    edge_cmap : matplotlib colormap, optional.
      A callable that returns valid color specs, like matplotlib colormaps.
      If not given, edges are colored black.

    colorbar : bool
      If true, automatically add a colorbar showing the mapping of graph weight
      values to colors.

    vrange : pair of floats
      If given, this indicates the total range of values that the weights can
      in principle occupy, and is used to set the lower/upper range of the
      colormap.  This allows you to set the range of multiple different figures
      to the same values, even if each individual graph has range variations,
      so that visual color comparisons across figures are valid.

    layout : function or layout dict, optional
      A NetworkX-like layout function or the result of a precomputed layout for
      the given graph.  NetworkX produces layouts as dicts keyed by nodes and
      with (x,y) pairs of coordinates as values, any function that produces
      this kind of output is acceptable.  Defaults to nx.circular_layout.

    title : string, optional.
      If given, title to put on the main plot.

    font_family : string, optional.
      Font family used for the node labels and title.

    font_size : int, optional.
      Font size used for the node labels and title.

    stretch_factor : float, optional
      A global scaling factor to make the graph larger (or smaller if <1).
      This can be used to separate the nodes if they start overlapping.

    edge_alpha: bool, optional
      Whether to weight the transparency of each edge by a factor equivalent to
      its relative weight

    fig_size: list of height by width, the size of the figure (in
    inches). Defaults to [6,6]

      The matplotlib figure object with the plot.
    if fig_size is None:
        figsize = [6, 6]

    scaler = figsize[0] / 6.
    # For the size of the node symbols
    node_size_base = 1000 * scaler
    node_min_size = 200 * scaler
    default_node_shape = 'o'
    # Default colors if none given
    default_node_color = 'r'
    default_edge_color = 'k'
    # Max edge width
    max_width = 13 * scaler
    min_width = 2 * scaler
    font_family = 'sans-serif'

    # We'll use the nodes a lot, let's make a numpy array of them
    nodes = np.array(sorted(G.nodes()))
    nnod = len(nodes)

    # Build a 'weighted degree' array obtained by adding the (absolute value)
    # of the weights for all edges pointing to each node:
    amat = nx.adj_matrix(G).A  # get a normal array out of it
    degarr = abs(amat).sum(0)  # weights are sums across rows

    # Map the degree to the 0-1 range so we can use it for sizing the nodes.
        odegree = rescale_arr(degarr, 0, 1)
        # Make an array of node sizes based on node degree
        node_sizes = odegree * node_size_base + node_min_size
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        # All nodes same size
        node_sizes = np.empty(nnod, float)
        node_sizes.fill(0.5 * node_size_base + node_min_size)

    # Adjust node size list.  We square the scale factor because in mpl, node
    # sizes represent area, not linear size, but it's more intuitive for the
    # user to think of linear factors (the overall figure scale factor is also
    # linear).
    node_sizes *= node_scale**2

    # Set default node properties
    if node_colors is None:
        node_colors = [default_node_color] * nnod

    if node_shapes is None:
        node_shapes = [default_node_shape] * nnod

    # Set default edge colormap
    if edge_cmap is None:
        # Make an object with the colormap API, that maps all input values to
        # the default color (with proper alhpa)
        edge_cmap = (lambda val, alpha: colors.colorConverter.to_rgba(
            default_edge_color, alpha))

    # if vrange is None, we set the color range from the values, else the user
    # can specify it

    # e[2] is edge value: edges_iter returns (i,j,data)
    gvals = np.array([e[2]['weight'] for e in G.edges(data=True)])
    gvmin, gvmax = gvals.min(), gvals.max()
    gvrange = gvmax - gvmin
    if vrange is None:
        vrange = gvmin, gvmax
    # Now, construct the normalization for the colormap
    cnorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vrange[0], vmax=vrange[1])

    # Create the actual plot where the graph will be displayed
    figsize = np.array(figsize, float)
    figsize *= stretch_factor

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    ax_graph = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

    if layout is None:
        layout = nx.circular_layout
    # Compute positions for all nodes - nx has several algorithms
    if callable(layout):
        pos = layout(G)
        # The user can also provide a precomputed layout
        pos = layout

    # Draw nodes
    for nod in nodes:
    # Draw edges
    if not isinstance(G, nx.DiGraph):
        # Undirected graph, simple lines for edges
        # We need the size of the value range to properly scale colors
        vsize = vrange[1] - vrange[0]
        gvals_normalized = G.metadata['vals_norm']
        for (u, v, y) in G.edges(data=True):
            # The graph value is the weight, and the normalized values are in
            # [0,1], used for thickness/transparency
            alpha = gvals_normalized[u, v]
            # Scale the color choice to the specified vrange, so that
            ecol = (y['weight'] - vrange[0]) / vsize
            #print 'u,v:',u,v,'y:',y,'ecol:',ecol  # dbg

            if edge_alpha:
                fade = alpha
                fade = 1.0

            edge_color = [tuple(edge_cmap(ecol, fade))]
            #print u,v,y
                                   edgelist=[(u, v)],
                                   width=min_width + alpha * max_width,
        # Directed graph, use arrows.
        # XXX - this is currently broken.
        raise NotImplementedError("arrow drawing currently broken")

        ## for (u,v,x) in G.edges(data=True):
        ##     y,w = x
        ##     draw_arrows(G,pos,edgelist=[(u,v)],
        ##                 edge_color=[w],
        ##                 alpha=w,
        ##                 edge_cmap=edge_cmap,
        ##                 width=w*max_width)

    # Draw labels.  If not given, we use the string form of the nodes.  If
    # labels is False, no labels are drawn.
    if labels is None:
        labels = map(str, nodes)

    if labels:
        lab_idx = list(range(len(labels)))
        labels_dict = dict(zip(lab_idx, labels))

    if title:
        plt.title(title, fontsize=font_size)

    # Turn off x and y axes labels in pylab

    # Add a colorbar if requested
    if colorbar:
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_graph)
        ax_cb = divider.new_vertical(size="20%", pad=0.2, pack_start=True)
        cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(
            #boundaries = np.linspace(min((gvmin,0)),
            #                         max((gvmax,0)),
            #                         256),

    # Always return the MPL figure object so the user can further manipulate it
    return fig
Exemple #10
def rgb_to_dict(value, cmap):
    return dict(zip(('red', 'green', 'blue', 'alpha'), cmap(value)))
Exemple #11
def rgb_to_dict(value, cmap):
    return dict(zip(("red", "green", "blue", "alpha"), cmap(value)))