Exemple #1
def test_autocorr():
    N = 128
    ar_seq, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq)
    npt.assert_(rxx[0] == rxx.max(), "Zero lag autocorrelation is not maximum autocorrelation")
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq, all_lags=True)
    npt.assert_(rxx[127] == rxx.max(), "Zero lag autocorrelation is not maximum autocorrelation")
Exemple #2
def test_autocorr():
    N = 128
    ar_seq, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq)
    yield nt.assert_true, rxx[0] == 1, "Zero lag autocorrelation is not equal to 1"
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq, all_lags=True)
    yield nt.assert_true, rxx[127] == 1, "Zero lag autocorrelation is not equal to 1"
Exemple #3
def test_autocorr():
    N = 128
    ar_seq, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=N)
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq)
    nt.assert_true(rxx[0] == rxx.max(), \
          'Zero lag autocorrelation is not maximum autocorrelation')
    rxx = utils.autocorr(ar_seq, all_lags=True)
    nt.assert_true(rxx[127] == rxx.max(), \
          'Zero lag autocorrelation is not maximum autocorrelation')
def ar_nitime(x, order=1, center=False):
    """Derive a model of the noise present in the functional timeseries for 
    the calculation of the standardized DVARS.

    - Borrowed from nipy.algorithms.AR_est_YW. aka "from nitime import
      algorithms as alg".

    :type x: Nibabel data
    :param x: The vector of one voxel's timeseries.
    :type order: int
    :param order: (default: 1) Which lag of the autocorrelation of the
                  timeseries to use in the calculation.
    :type center: bool
    :param center: (default: False) Whether to center the timeseries (to
                   demean it).
    :rtype: float
    :return: The modeled noise value for the current voxel's timeseries.

    from nitime.lazy import scipy_linalg as linalg
    import nitime.utils as utils
    if center:
        x = x.copy()
        x = x - x.mean()
    r_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]
    Tm = linalg.toeplitz(r_m[:order])
    y = r_m[1:]
    ak = linalg.solve(Tm, y)
    return ak[0]
def ar_nitime(x, order=1, center=False):
    """Derive a model of the noise present in the functional timeseries for 
    the calculation of the standardized DVARS.

    - Borrowed from nipy.algorithms.AR_est_YW. aka "from nitime import
      algorithms as alg".

    :type x: Nibabel data
    :param x: The vector of one voxel's timeseries.
    :type order: int
    :param order: (default: 1) Which lag of the autocorrelation of the
                  timeseries to use in the calculation.
    :type center: bool
    :param center: (default: False) Whether to center the timeseries (to
                   demean it).
    :rtype: float
    :return: The modeled noise value for the current voxel's timeseries.

    from nitime.lazy import scipy_linalg as linalg
    import nitime.utils as utils
    if center:
        x = x.copy()
        x = x - x.mean()
    r_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]
    Tm = linalg.toeplitz(r_m[:order])
    y = r_m[1:]
    ak = linalg.solve(Tm, y)
    return ak[0]
Exemple #6
def AR_est_YW(x, order, rxx=None):
    r"""Determine the autoregressive (AR) model of a random process x using
    the Yule Walker equations. The AR model takes this convention:

    .. math::

      x(n) = a(1)x(n-1) + a(2)x(n-2) + \dots + a(p)x(n-p) + e(n)

    where e(n) is a zero-mean white noise process with variance sig_sq,
    and p is the order of the AR model. This method returns the a_i and

    The orthogonality property of minimum mean square error estimates
    states that

    .. math::

      E\{e(n)x^{*}(n-k)\} = 0 \quad 1\leq k\leq p

    Inserting the definition of the error signal into the equations above
    yields the Yule Walker system of equations:

    .. math::

      R_{xx}(k) = \sum_{i=1}^{p}a(i)R_{xx}(k-i) \quad1\leq k\leq p

    Similarly, the variance of the error process is

    .. math::

      E\{e(n)e^{*}(n)\}   = E\{e(n)x^{*}(n)\} = R_{xx}(0)-\sum_{i=1}^{p}a(i)R^{*}(i)

    x : ndarray
        The sampled autoregressive random process

    order : int
        The order p of the AR system

    rxx : ndarray (optional)
        An optional, possibly unbiased estimate of the autocorrelation of x

    ak, sig_sq: The estimated AR coefficients and innovations variance

    if rxx is not None and type(rxx) == np.ndarray:
        r_m = rxx[: order + 1]
        r_m = utils.autocorr(x)[: order + 1]

    Tm = linalg.toeplitz(r_m[:order])
    y = r_m[1:]
    ak = linalg.solve(Tm, y)
    sigma_v = r_m[0].real - np.dot(r_m[1:].conj(), ak).real
    return ak, sigma_v
Exemple #7
def AR_est_YW(x, order, rxx=None):
    r"""Determine the autoregressive (AR) model of a random process x using
    the Yule Walker equations. The AR model takes this convention:

    .. math::

      x(n) = a(1)x(n-1) + a(2)x(n-2) + \dots + a(p)x(n-p) + e(n)

    where e(n) is a zero-mean white noise process with variance sig_sq,
    and p is the order of the AR model. This method returns the a_i and

    The orthogonality property of minimum mean square error estimates
    states that

    .. math::

      E\{e(n)x^{*}(n-k)\} = 0 \quad 1\leq k\leq p

    Inserting the definition of the error signal into the equations above
    yields the Yule Walker system of equations:

    .. math::

      R_{xx}(k) = \sum_{i=1}^{p}a(i)R_{xx}(k-i) \quad1\leq k\leq p

    Similarly, the variance of the error process is

    .. math::

      E\{e(n)e^{*}(n)\}   = E\{e(n)x^{*}(n)\} = R_{xx}(0)-\sum_{i=1}^{p}a(i)R^{*}(i)

    x : ndarray
        The sampled autoregressive random process

    order : int
        The order p of the AR system

    rxx : ndarray (optional)
        An optional, possibly unbiased estimate of the autocorrelation of x

    ak, sig_sq : The estimated AR coefficients and innovations variance

    if rxx is not None and type(rxx) == np.ndarray:
        r_m = rxx[:order + 1]
        r_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]

    Tm = linalg.toeplitz(r_m[:order])
    y = r_m[1:]
    ak = linalg.solve(Tm, y)
    sigma_v = r_m[0].real - np.dot(r_m[1:].conj(), ak).real
    return ak, sigma_v
Exemple #8
def AR_est_LD(x, order, rxx=None):
    """Levinson-Durbin algorithm for solving the Hermitian Toeplitz
    system R[m]w[m]=r[m+1]: (XXX review this definition for complex)

           [[r(0)  r(1) r(2)    ...     r(m-1)],
    R[m] =  [r*(1) r(0) r(1)    ...     r(m-2)],
            [...                              ],
            [r*(m-1) r*(m-2) r*(m-3)... r(0)  ]]

    r[m+1] = [r(1), r(2), ..., r(m)].T

    r(k) = E{X(t+k)X*(t)}

    and w[m] is the vector of m AR coefficients


    x: ndarray
      the zero-mean stochastic process
    order : int
      the AR model order--IE the rank of the system. 
    rxx : ndarray, optional
      (at least) order+1 samples of the autocorrelation sequence


    ak, sig_sq
      The AR coefficients for 1 <= k <= P, and the variance of the
      driving white noise process

    if rxx is not None and type(rxx) == np.ndarray:
        rxx_m = rxx[:order + 1]
        rxx_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]
    w = np.zeros((order+1,), rxx_m.dtype)
    # intialize the recursion with the R[0]w[1]=r[1] solution (p=1)
    b = rxx_m[0].real
    w_k = rxx_m[1]/b
    w[1] = w_k
    p = 2
    while p<=order:
        b *= (1-(w_k*w_k.conj()).real)
        w_k = (rxx_m[p] - (w[1:p]*rxx_m[1:p][::-1]).sum())/b
        # update w_k from k=1,2,...,p-1
        # with a correction from w*_i i=p-1,p-2,...,1
        w[1:p] = w[1:p] - w_k*(w[1:p][::-1].conj())
        w[p] = w_k
        p += 1
    b *= (1 - (w_k*w_k.conj()).real)
    return w[1:], b
Exemple #9
def ar_nitime(x, order=1, center=False):
    Borrowed from nipy.algorithms.AR_est_YW.
    aka from nitime import algorithms as alg.
    We could speed this up by having the autocorr only compute lag1.
    from nitime.lazy import scipy_linalg as linalg
    import nitime.utils as utils
    if center:
        x = x.copy()
        x = x - x.mean()
    r_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]
    Tm  = linalg.toeplitz(r_m[:order])
    y   = r_m[1:]
    ak  = linalg.solve(Tm, y)
    return ak[0]
Exemple #10
def ar_nitime(x, order=1, center=False):
    Borrowed from nipy.algorithms.AR_est_YW.
    aka from nitime import algorithms as alg.
    We could speed this up by having the autocorr only compute lag1.
    from nitime.lazy import scipy_linalg as linalg
    import nitime.utils as utils
    if center:
        x = x.copy()
        x = x - x.mean()
    r_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]
    Tm = linalg.toeplitz(r_m[:order])
    y = r_m[1:]
    ak = linalg.solve(Tm, y)
    return ak[0]
Exemple #11
def AR_est_YW(x, order, rxx=None):
    r"""Determine the autoregressive (AR) model of a random process x using
    the Yule Walker equations. The AR model takes this convention:
    x(n) = a(1)x(n-1) + a(2)x(n-2) + ... + a(P)x(n-P) + e(n)

    where e(n) is a zero-mean white noise process with variance sig_sq,
    and P is the order of the AR model. This method returns the a_i and

    The orthogonality property of minimum mean square error estimates
    yields the Yule Walker equations.

    x : ndarray
        The sampled autoregressive random process

    order : int
        The order P of the AR system

    rxx : ndarray (optional)
        An optional, possibly unbiased estimate of the autocorrelation of x

    ak, sig_sq: The estimated AR coefficients and innovations variance

    if rxx is not None and type(rxx) == np.ndarray:
        r_m = rxx[:order + 1]
        r_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]

    Tm = linalg.toeplitz(r_m[:order])
    y = r_m[1:]
    ak = linalg.solve(Tm, y)
    sigma_v = r_m[0].real - np.dot(r_m[1:].conj(), ak).real
    return ak, sigma_v
Exemple #12
def AR_est_LD(x, order, rxx=None):
    r"""Levinson-Durbin algorithm for solving the Hermitian Toeplitz
    system of Yule-Walker equations in the AR estimation problem

    .. math::

       T^{(p)}a^{(p)} = \gamma^{(p+1)}


    .. math::

       T^{(p)} &= \begin{pmatrix}
          R_{0} & R_{1}^{*} & \cdots & R_{p-1}^{*}\\
          R_{1} & R_{0} & \cdots & R_{p-2}^{*}\\
          \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
          R_{p-1}^{*} & R_{p-2}^{*} & \cdots & R_{0}
       a^{(p)} &=\begin{pmatrix} a_1 & a_2 & \cdots a_p \end{pmatrix}^{T}\\
       \gamma^{(p+1)}&=\begin{pmatrix}R_1 & R_2 & \cdots & R_p \end{pmatrix}^{T}

    and :math:`R_k` is the autocorrelation of the kth lag


    x: ndarray
      the zero-mean stochastic process
    order : int
      the AR model order--IE the rank of the system.
    rxx : ndarray, optional
      (at least) order+1 samples of the autocorrelation sequence


    ak, sig_sq
      The AR coefficients for 1 <= k <= p, and the variance of the
      driving white noise process


    if rxx is not None and type(rxx) == np.ndarray:
        rxx_m = rxx[: order + 1]
        rxx_m = utils.autocorr(x)[: order + 1]
    w = np.zeros((order + 1,), rxx_m.dtype)
    # intialize the recursion with the R[0]w[1]=r[1] solution (p=1)
    b = rxx_m[0].real
    w_k = rxx_m[1] / b
    w[1] = w_k
    p = 2
    while p <= order:
        b *= 1 - (w_k * w_k.conj()).real
        w_k = (rxx_m[p] - (w[1:p] * rxx_m[1:p][::-1]).sum()) / b
        # update w_k from k=1,2,...,p-1
        # with a correction from w*_i i=p-1,p-2,...,1
        w[1:p] = w[1:p] - w_k * w[1:p][::-1].conj()
        w[p] = w_k
        p += 1
    b *= 1 - (w_k * w_k.conj()).real
    return w[1:], b
Exemple #13
def dpss_windows(N, NW, Kmax, interp_from=None, interp_kind='linear'):
    Returns the Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences of orders [0,Kmax-1]
    for a given frequency-spacing multiple NW and sequence length N.

    N : int
        sequence length
    NW : float, unitless
        standardized half bandwidth corresponding to 2NW = BW*f0 = BW*N/dt
        but with dt taken as 1
    Kmax : int
        number of DPSS windows to return is Kmax (orders 0 through Kmax-1)
    interp_from: int (optional)
        The dpss will can calculated using interpolation from a set of dpss
        with the same NW and Kmax, but shorter N. This is the length of this
        shorter set of dpss windows.
    interp_kind: str (optional)
        This input variable is passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d and
        specifies the kind of interpolation as a string ('linear', 'nearest',
        'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic, 'cubic') or as an integer specifying the
        order of the spline interpolator to use.

    v, e : tuple,
        v is an array of DPSS windows shaped (Kmax, N)
        e are the eigenvalues

    Tridiagonal form of DPSS calculation from:

    Slepian, D. Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Fourier analysis, and
    uncertainty V: The discrete case. Bell System Technical Journal,
    Volume 57 (1978), 1371430
    Kmax = int(Kmax)
    W = float(NW) / N
    nidx = np.arange(N, dtype='d')

    # In this case, we create the dpss windows of the smaller size
    # (interp_from) and then interpolate to the larger size (N)
    if interp_from is not None:
        if interp_from > N:
            e_s = 'In dpss_windows, interp_from is: %s ' % interp_from
            e_s += 'and N is: %s. ' % N
            e_s += 'Please enter interp_from smaller than N.'
            raise ValueError(e_s)
        dpss = []
        d, e = dpss_windows(interp_from, NW, Kmax)
        for this_d in d:
            x = np.arange(this_d.shape[-1])
            I = interpolate.interp1d(x, this_d, kind=interp_kind)
            d_temp = I(np.arange(0, this_d.shape[-1] - 1,
                                 float(this_d.shape[-1] - 1) / N))

            # Rescale:
            d_temp = d_temp / np.sqrt(np.sum(d_temp ** 2))


        dpss = np.array(dpss)

        # here we want to set up an optimization problem to find a sequence
        # whose energy is maximally concentrated within band [-W,W].
        # Thus, the measure lambda(T,W) is the ratio between the energy within
        # that band, and the total energy. This leads to the eigen-system
        # (A - (l1)I)v = 0, where the eigenvector corresponding to the largest
        # eigenvalue is the sequence with maximally concentrated energy. The
        # collection of eigenvectors of this system are called Slepian
        # sequences, or discrete prolate spheroidal sequences (DPSS). Only the
        # first K, K = 2NW/dt orders of DPSS will exhibit good spectral
        # concentration
        # [see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectral_concentration_problem]

        # Here I set up an alternative symmetric tri-diagonal eigenvalue
        # problem such that
        # (B - (l2)I)v = 0, and v are our DPSS (but eigenvalues l2 != l1)
        # the main diagonal = ([N-1-2*t]/2)**2 cos(2PIW), t=[0,1,2,...,N-1]
        # and the first off-diagonal = t(N-t)/2, t=[1,2,...,N-1]
        # [see Percival and Walden, 1993]
        diagonal = ((N - 1 - 2 * nidx) / 2.) ** 2 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * W)
        off_diag = np.zeros_like(nidx)
        off_diag[:-1] = nidx[1:] * (N - nidx[1:]) / 2.
        # put the diagonals in LAPACK "packed" storage
        ab = np.zeros((2, N), 'd')
        ab[1] = diagonal
        ab[0, 1:] = off_diag[:-1]
        # only calculate the highest Kmax eigenvalues
        w = linalg.eigvals_banded(ab, select='i',
                                  select_range=(N - Kmax, N - 1))
        w = w[::-1]

        # find the corresponding eigenvectors via inverse iteration
        t = np.linspace(0, np.pi, N)
        dpss = np.zeros((Kmax, N), 'd')
        for k in xrange(Kmax):
            dpss[k] = utils.tridi_inverse_iteration(
                diagonal, off_diag, w[k], x0=np.sin((k + 1) * t)

    # By convention (Percival and Walden, 1993 pg 379)
    # * symmetric tapers (k=0,2,4,...) should have a positive average.
    # * antisymmetric tapers should begin with a positive lobe
    fix_symmetric = (dpss[0::2].sum(axis=1) < 0)
    for i, f in enumerate(fix_symmetric):
        if f:
            dpss[2 * i] *= -1
    fix_skew = (dpss[1::2, 1] < 0)
    for i, f in enumerate(fix_skew):
        if f:
            dpss[2 * i + 1] *= -1

    # Now find the eigenvalues of the original spectral concentration problem
    # Use the autocorr sequence technique from Percival and Walden, 1993 pg 390
    dpss_rxx = utils.autocorr(dpss) * N
    r = 4 * W * np.sinc(2 * W * nidx)
    r[0] = 2 * W
    eigvals = np.dot(dpss_rxx, r)

    return dpss, eigvals
Exemple #14
def AR_est_LD(x, order, rxx=None):
    r"""Levinson-Durbin algorithm for solving the Hermitian Toeplitz
    system of Yule-Walker equations in the AR estimation problem

    .. math::

       T^{(p)}a^{(p)} = \gamma^{(p+1)}


    .. math::

       T^{(p)} &= \begin{pmatrix}
          R_{0} & R_{1}^{*} & \cdots & R_{p-1}^{*}\\
          R_{1} & R_{0} & \cdots & R_{p-2}^{*}\\
          \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\\
          R_{p-1}^{*} & R_{p-2}^{*} & \cdots & R_{0}
       a^{(p)} &=\begin{pmatrix} a_1 & a_2 & \cdots a_p \end{pmatrix}^{T}\\
       \gamma^{(p+1)}&=\begin{pmatrix}R_1 & R_2 & \cdots & R_p \end{pmatrix}^{T}

    and :math:`R_k` is the autocorrelation of the kth lag


    x : ndarray
      the zero-mean stochastic process
    order : int
      the AR model order--IE the rank of the system.
    rxx : ndarray, optional
      (at least) order+1 samples of the autocorrelation sequence


    ak, sig_sq
      The AR coefficients for 1 <= k <= p, and the variance of the
      driving white noise process


    if rxx is not None and type(rxx) == np.ndarray:
        rxx_m = rxx[:order + 1]
        rxx_m = utils.autocorr(x)[:order + 1]
    w = np.zeros((order + 1, ), rxx_m.dtype)
    # initialize the recursion with the R[0]w[1]=r[1] solution (p=1)
    b = rxx_m[0].real
    w_k = rxx_m[1] / b
    w[1] = w_k
    p = 2
    while p <= order:
        b *= 1 - (w_k * w_k.conj()).real
        w_k = (rxx_m[p] - (w[1:p] * rxx_m[1:p][::-1]).sum()) / b
        # update w_k from k=1,2,...,p-1
        # with a correction from w*_i i=p-1,p-2,...,1
        w[1:p] = w[1:p] - w_k * w[1:p][::-1].conj()
        w[p] = w_k
        p += 1
    b *= 1 - (w_k * w_k.conj()).real
    return w[1:], b