Exemple #1
    def to_nitime(self,
        """ Export epochs as nitime TimeSeries

        picks : array-like | None
            Indices for exporting subsets of the epochs channels. If None
            all good channels will be used.
        epochs_idx : slice | array-like | None
            Epochs index for single or selective epochs exports. If None, all
            epochs will be used.
        collapse : boolean
            If True export epochs and time slices will be collapsed to 2D
            array. This may be required by some nitime functions.
        copy : boolean
            If True exports copy of epochs data.
        use_first_samp: boolean
            If True, the time returned is relative to the session onset, else
            relative to the recording onset.

        epochs_ts : instance of nitime.TimeSeries
            The Epochs as nitime TimeSeries object
            from nitime import TimeSeries  # to avoid strong dependency
        except ImportError:
            raise Exception('the nitime package is missing')

        if picks is None:
            picks = pick_types(self.info,
        if epochs_idx is None:
            epochs_idx = slice(len(self.events))

        data = self.get_data()[epochs_idx, picks]

        if copy is True:
            data = data.copy()

        if collapse is True:
            data = np.hstack(data).copy()

        offset = self.raw.time_as_index(abs(self.tmin), use_first_samp)
        t0 = self.raw.index_as_time(self.events[0, 0] - offset)[0]
        epochs_ts = TimeSeries(data, sampling_rate=self.info['sfreq'], t0=t0)
        epochs_ts.ch_names = np.array(self.ch_names)[picks].tolist()

        return epochs_ts
Exemple #2
    def to_nitime(self, picks=None, epochs_idx=None, collapse=False, copy=True, use_first_samp=False):
        """ Export epochs as nitime TimeSeries

        picks : array-like | None
            Indices for exporting subsets of the epochs channels. If None
            all good channels will be used.
        epochs_idx : slice | array-like | None
            Epochs index for single or selective epochs exports. If None, all
            epochs will be used.
        collapse : boolean
            If True export epochs and time slices will be collapsed to 2D
            array. This may be required by some nitime functions.
        copy : boolean
            If True exports copy of epochs data.
        use_first_samp: boolean
            If True, the time returned is relative to the session onset, else
            relative to the recording onset.

        epochs_ts : instance of nitime.TimeSeries
            The Epochs as nitime TimeSeries object
            from nitime import TimeSeries  # to avoid strong dependency
        except ImportError:
            raise Exception("the nitime package is missing")

        if picks is None:
            picks = pick_types(self.info, include=self.ch_names, exclude=self.info["bads"])
        if epochs_idx is None:
            epochs_idx = slice(len(self.events))

        data = self.get_data()[epochs_idx, picks]

        if copy is True:
            data = data.copy()

        if collapse is True:
            data = np.hstack(data).copy()

        offset = self.raw.time_as_index(abs(self.tmin), use_first_samp)
        t0 = self.raw.index_as_time(self.events[0, 0] - offset)[0]
        epochs_ts = TimeSeries(data, sampling_rate=self.info["sfreq"], t0=t0)
        epochs_ts.ch_names = np.array(self.ch_names)[picks].tolist()

        return epochs_ts