def deg2sex(value,coord): '''Convert degrees to sexagesimal, unless it is already in sexagesimal''' try: tmp = map(float,str(value).split(':')) except ValueError: nlclib.error('Invalid string given for conversion to sexagesimal: %s' %value) n = len(tmp) if n == 1: # assume it was in degrees junk = tmp[0] if coord == 'ra': junk = junk/15.0 hours = int(junk) junk = 60*(abs(junk) - abs(hours)) minutes = int(junk) if abs(minutes - 60) < 1e-7: minutes = 0 hours += 1 junk = 60*(junk - minutes) seconds = float(junk) if abs(seconds - 60) < 1e-7: seconds = 0 minutes += 1 if abs(minutes - 60) < 1e-7: minutes = 0 hours += 1 tmp[0] = hours tmp.append(minutes) tmp.append(seconds) elif n == 2: # assume it was already sexagesimal, but no seconds given tmp.append(0.0) return tmp
def makeout(outroot,diridx): """Make output directory with error checking for pre-existing files""" outdir = '%s%d' %(outroot,diridx) if os.path.exists(outdir): nlclib.error('Fatal Error! Output directory %s already exists!' %outdir) os.mkdir(outdir) return outdir
def getstepoffset(offset,coord): """Get stepdec and declabel given the range in declination plotted""" # label steps in arcseconds offlabel = array([1 ,5,10,15,20,30,60,300,600,900,1200,1800,3600,18000,36000]) offstep = array([0.5,1, 5, 5, 5,10,20, 60,300,300, 300, 600,1200, 3600,18000]) tmp = abs(offset[1] - offset[0]) if coord == 'so': # arcsecond offset tmp = 3600*tmp elif coord == 'mo': # arcminute offset offlabel = offlabel/60. offstep = offsetep/60. tmp = 60*tmp elif coord == 'do': # degree offset offlabel = offlabel/3600. offstep = offstep/3600. else: nlclib.error("getstepoffset(): coord keyword must be one of: so, mo, do!") guess = tmp/6. # aim for about 6 labels diff = [abs(guess-a) for a in offlabel] idx = diff.index(min(diff)) return offstep[idx],offlabel[idx]
def deg2sex(value, coord): '''Convert degrees to sexagesimal, unless it is already in sexagesimal''' try: tmp = map(float, str(value).split(':')) except ValueError: nlclib.error('Invalid string given for conversion to sexagesimal: %s' % value) n = len(tmp) if n == 1: # assume it was in degrees junk = tmp[0] if coord == 'ra': junk = junk / 15.0 hours = int(junk) junk = 60 * (abs(junk) - abs(hours)) minutes = int(junk) if abs(minutes - 60) < 1e-7: minutes = 0 hours += 1 junk = 60 * (junk - minutes) seconds = float(junk) if abs(seconds - 60) < 1e-7: seconds = 0 minutes += 1 if abs(minutes - 60) < 1e-7: minutes = 0 hours += 1 tmp[0] = hours tmp.append(minutes) tmp.append(seconds) elif n == 2: # assume it was already sexagesimal, but no seconds given tmp.append(0.0) return tmp
def deg2sex(value, coord): '''Convert degrees to sexagesimal, unless it is already in sexagesimal Returns a tuple of HMS or DMS, depending on if coord is 'ra' or not.''' try: tmp = map(float, str(value).split(':')) except ValueError: nlclib.error('Invalid string given for conversion to sexagesimal: %s' % value) n = len(tmp) if n == 1: # assume it was in degrees junk = tmp[0] if coord == 'ra': junk = junk / 15.0 hours = int(junk) junk = 60 * (numpy.abs(junk) - numpy.abs(hours)) minutes = int(junk) junk = 60 * (junk - minutes) seconds = float(junk) tmp[0] = hours tmp.append(minutes) tmp.append(seconds) elif n == 2: # assume it was already sexagesimal, but no seconds given tmp.append(0.0) return tmp
def deg2sex(value,coord): '''Convert degrees to sexagesimal, unless it is already in sexagesimal Returns a tuple of HMS or DMS, depending on if coord is 'ra' or not.''' try: tmp = map(float,str(value).split(':')) except ValueError: nlclib.error('Invalid string given for conversion to sexagesimal: %s' %value) n = len(tmp) if n == 1: # assume it was in degrees junk = tmp[0] if coord == 'ra': junk = junk/15.0 hours = int(junk) junk = 60*(numpy.abs(junk) - numpy.abs(hours)) minutes = int(junk) junk = 60*(junk - minutes) seconds = float(junk) tmp[0] = hours tmp.append(minutes) tmp.append(seconds) elif n == 2: # assume it was already sexagesimal, but no seconds given tmp.append(0.0) return tmp
def getTickLocs(pixels,coords,stepsize,wcsrange=(0,360)): """Get tickmark locations in pixel coordinates.""" if not all(diff(coords) > 0): nlclib.error("coords passed to getTickLocs() must be monotonically increasing!") minval = amin(coords) maxval = amax(coords) tickmark = arange(wcsrange[0],wcsrange[1]+stepsize,stepsize) mask = where((tickmark >= minval) & (tickmark <= maxval)) tickmark = tickmark[mask] tickpix = interp(tickmark,coords,pixels) return tickpix,tickmark
def _initialTemp(flux1,flux2,wave1,wave2,beta): """Estimate of initial temp based on where changes sign""" start = 1000 for t in range(1,1000): f = _func(t,flux1,flux2,wave1,wave2,beta) if isfinite(f): sign = f/abs(f) start = t break for t in range(start,10000): f = _func(t,flux1,flux2,wave1,wave2,beta) s = f/abs(f) if sign*s == -1: return t nlclib.error('Could not estimate initial temperature for wavelengths %f,%f!' %(wave1,wave2))
def apply(self): """Action to take when user clicks on 'Show' button""" global _circsize,_circlecolor _circsize = self.size.get() _circlecolor = self.color.get() os.system('xpaset -p %s regions format ds9' %self.window) blah = nlclib.createtempname() try: fp = open(blah,'w') ds9.makeRegion(fp,_all.ra,_all.dec,self.color.get(),float(self.size.get()), self.number.get()) fp.close() except IOError, value: if "Permission denied" in value: nlclib.error('You do not have write permissions for %s' %os.getcwd()) else: nlclib.error('Unknown problem with opening temp. region file!')
def findExt(fname, extname): """Try to match extname, which is a either an integer or string, with the extension in fname (the filename as a string) returns the extension number as an integer (starting from zero)""" if isinstance(fname, str): # string with filename, so open img = elif isinstance(fname, pyfits.HDUList): img = fname else: nlclib.error("findExt(): fname must be a string or pyfits.HDUList") n = len(img) # number of HDUs # first check if string of a integer, e.g. '1' try: ext = int(extname) except: ext = extname if isinstance(ext, int): if 1 <= ext <= n: tmp = ext - 1 else: img.close() nlclib.error("Extension number must be in range %d-%d for %s!" % (1, n, img.filename())) elif isinstance(ext, str): ext = ext.lower() junk = [img[i].header['extname'].strip().lower() for i in xrange(1, n)] if 'EXTNAME' in img[0].header.keys(): junk.insert(0, img[0].header['extname'].strip().lower()) else: junk.insert(0, 'primary') if ext in junk: tmp = junk.index(ext) else: img.close() nlclib.error("Extension name '%s' not found in %s!" % (ext, img.filename())) elif isinstance(ext, (list, tuple)): tmp = [] for tmpext in ext: blah = findExt(img, tmpext) tmp.append(blah) else: img.close() nlclib.error("Extension must be an integer or string!") if isinstance(fname, str): # string with filename, so close img.close() return tmp
def findExt(fname,extname): """Try to match extname, which is a either an integer or string, with the extension in fname (the filename as a string) returns the extension number as an integer (starting from zero)""" if isinstance(fname,str): # string with filename, so open img = elif isinstance(fname,pyfits.HDUList): img = fname else: nlclib.error("findExt(): fname must be a string or pyfits.HDUList") n = len(img) # number of HDUs # first check if string of a integer, e.g. '1' try: ext = int(extname) except: ext = extname if isinstance(ext,int): if 1 <= ext <= n: tmp = ext - 1 else: img.close() nlclib.error("Extension number must be in range %d-%d for %s!" %(1,n,img.filename())) elif isinstance(ext,str): ext = ext.lower() junk = [img[i].header['extname'].strip().lower() for i in xrange(1,n)] if 'EXTNAME' in img[0].header.keys(): junk.insert(0,img[0].header['extname'].strip().lower()) else: junk.insert(0,'primary') if ext in junk: tmp = junk.index(ext) else: img.close() nlclib.error("Extension name '%s' not found in %s!" %(ext,img.filename())) elif isinstance(ext,(list,tuple)): tmp = [] for tmpext in ext: blah = findExt(img,tmpext) tmp.append(blah) else: img.close() nlclib.error("Extension must be an integer or string!") if isinstance(fname,str): # string with filename, so close img.close() return tmp
def dobin(image,offset,bin,unit): """Combine all steps for reading a fits image and binning radially""" junk = nlclib.createtempname() # list of pixel values with distances in arcsecs outdata = nlclib.createtempname() # binned data # read fits header to get crpix and cdelt crpix1 = crpix2 = -1 cdelt1 = cdelt2 = -1 header = iraf.imheader(image,Stdout=1) for line in header: if re.match(r'^CRPIX1',line): crpix1 = float(line.split()[2]) elif re.match(r'^CRPIX2',line): crpix2 = float(line.split()[2]) elif re.match(r'^CDELT1',line): cdelt1 = float(line.split()[2]) elif re.match(r'^CDELT2',line): cdelt2 = float(line.split()[2]) if crpix1 == -1 or crpix2 == -1: nlclib.error("Couldn't read crpix values!") if cdelt1 == -1 or cdelt2 == -1: nlclib.error("Couldn't read cdelt values!") # Add in offsets fac = abs(cdelt1)*3600 # convert pixel distances to arcsecs crpix1 = crpix1 - offset[0]/fac crpix2 = crpix2 + offset[1]/fac # figure out binning if unit == 'step': count = int((bin[1] - bin[0])/bin[2]) elif unit == 'nbin': count = bin[2] if count < 0: nlclib.error('Number of bins is negative!') # get pixel values fp = open(junk,'w') x = iraf.listpixels(image,Stdout=1) for line in x: t = map(float,line.split()) dist = fac*math.sqrt((t[0] - crpix1)**2 + (t[1] - crpix2)**2) fp.write('%f %f\n' %(dist,t[3])) fp.close() # bin data cmd = 'dobin in=%s bin=%f:%f:%d > %s' %(junk,bin[0],bin[1],count,outdata) os.system(cmd) nlclib.remove(junk) return outdata
def _convert(value,coord,precision=0): """Convert a single value in deg to sexagesimal. Use in conjunction with deg2sex() below. Returns sexagesimal value as a string value = sexagesimal or degrees as a string coord = either 'ra' or 'dec' to specify coordinate type precision = number of decimal places for rounding seconds""" negFlag = False # set to true if value is negative try: tmp = map(float,value.split(':')) if tmp[0] < 0: negFlag = True tmp[0] = abs(tmp[0]) except ValueError: nlclib.error('Invalid string given for conversion to sexagesimal: %s' %value) n = len(tmp) if n == 1: # assume it was in degrees junk = tmp[0] if coord == 'ra': junk = junk/15.0 hours = int(junk) try: junk = 60*(junk%hours) minutes = int(junk) except ZeroDivisionError: minutes = int(60*junk) try: seconds = 60*(junk%minutes) except ZeroDivisionError: seconds = 60*junk while seconds >= 60: seconds = seconds - 60 minutes += 1 while minutes >= 60: minutes = minutes - 60 hours += 1 tmp = [hours,minutes,seconds] elif n == 2: # assume it was already sexagesimal, but no seconds given tmp.append(0.0) # now convert to a string seconds = round(tmp[2],precision) if precision == 0: seconds = int(seconds) while seconds >= 60: seconds -= 60 tmp[1] += 1 minutes = tmp[1] while minutes >= 60: minutes -= 60 tmp[0] += 1 if seconds < 10: tmp = "%d:%02d:0%s" %(tmp[0],minutes,str(seconds)) else: tmp = "%d:%02d:%s" %(tmp[0],minutes,str(seconds)) if negFlag: # catch cases where deg. is neg tmp = '-' + tmp return tmp
seterr(over='ignore') # some constants sun_lum = 3.826e33 # solar luminosity in ergs/s parsec = 3.08567802e18 # 1 parsec in cm planck = 6.62618e-27 # Planck's constant in erg s light = 2.99792458e10 # speed of light in cm/s boltz = 1.38066e-16 # Boltzmann's constant in K^-1 hck = planck*light/boltz data = loadtxt(infile) wave = data[:,0]*1e-4 # wavelengths in cm ncol = data.shape[1] nsources = (ncol - 1)/2 if ncol%2 == 0: # even number of columns nlclib.error('You must have an odd number of columns: wave f1 df1...') elif ncol < 3: nlclib.error('You must have at least 3 columns!') print '#id Luminosity (L_solar)' for i in range(nsources): flux = data[:,2*i+1] dflux = data[:,2*i+2] wtemp = wave mask = where(flux != 0) flux = flux[mask] dflux = dflux[mask] wtemp = wtemp[mask] flux1 = flux[:-1]
from readcmd import ReadCmd spec = """in = ??? # Input FITS file tol = 3 # Round to this many decimal places before NaN conversion""" arg = ReadCmd(spec,__doc__) fitsfile = arg.getstr('in',exist=True) tol = arg.getint('tol') import pyfits,numpy import nlclib fimg =,mode='update') data = fimg[0].data hdr = fimg[0].header if hdr['bitpix'] != -32: fimg.close() nlclib.error("Bitpix is not -32, NaNs will not work!") if hdr['naxis'] == 3: mask = numpy.where(data[0,:,:].round(tol) == 0) data[mask] = numpy.nan elif hdr['naxis'] == 2: mask = numpy.where(data.round(tol) == 0) data[mask] = numpy.nan else: fimg.close() nlclib.error("NAXIS is not 2 or 3. I don't know what to do!") fimg.close()
fp = #,ignore_missing_end=True) data = fp[ext].data header = fp[ext].header fp.close() shape = data.shape if len(shape) == 3: nrows = shape[1] ncols = shape[2] data = data[0,:,:].flatten() # only read first plane of cube elif len(shape) == 2: nrows = shape[0] ncols = shape[1] data = data.flatten() else: nlclib.error("Input file must have 2-D or 3-D data!") points = meshgrid(arange(ncols),arange(nrows)) x,y = (points[0].flatten() + 1, points[1].flatten() + 1) fp = nlclib.nlcopen(outFile,'w') if wcsFlag: wcs = pywcs.WCS(header) ra,dec = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(x,y,1) fp.write("# RA DEC data\n") savetxt(fp,column_stack((ra,dec,data)),fmt='%lf %lf %lf') else: fp.write("#x y data\n") savetxt(fp,column_stack((x,y,data)),fmt='%d %d %lf') fp.close()
errFlag = True if len(errFiles) == 1: errFiles = nimages*errFiles import pyfits from numpy import zeros,isfinite,where,sqrt for i in range(nimages): img =[i]) data = img[0].data if i == 0: # take shape and header from first file header1 = img[0].header shape = data.shape elif data.shape != shape: img.close() nlclib.error("Shape mismatch between %s and %s" %(inFiles[0],inFiles[i])) img.close() if oper == 'avg': if errFlag: img =[i]) junk = img[0].data**2 if i == 0: header2 = img[0].header img.close() else: junk = zeros(shape) mask = where(isfinite(data)) junk[mask] = 1 if i == 0: total = data
outroot = arg.getstr('out') pad = arg.getint('pad') fileidx = 1 # filenumber index diridx = 1 # output directory index count = 0 # number of files moved to outdir f,r = makefiles(inroot,fileidx,pad) outdir = makeout(outroot,diridx) while os.path.exists(f): try: os.rename(f,'%s/%s' %(outdir,f)) os.rename(r,'%s/%s' %(outdir,r)) except OSError: nlclib.error('Problem moving %s and %s to %s' %(f,r,outdir)) count += 1 fileidx += 1 f,r = makefiles(inroot,fileidx,pad) if count == 720: print "moved %d files to %s..." %(count,outdir) diridx += 1 outdir = makeout(outroot,diridx) count = 0 # number of files moved to outdir if count == 0: # empty final directory os.system('rm -r %s' %outdir) else: print "moved %d files to %s..." %(count,outdir)
# all the drag-and-drop code since I didn't need it. Also greatly # simplified the readin module to make it easier to add arbitrary file # formats spec = """# View a source file using DS9 in = None # Input data file window = ds9 # Name of DS9 window nframes = 1 # Number of frames in DS9 window""" from readcmd import ReadCmd import os,ds9 import readin,nlclib try: from Tkinter import * except ImportError: nlclib.error('You need Tkinter installed in python to use') try: from pywip import * _plotFlag = True except ImportError: nlclib.warning('Cannot find module pywip. Plotting is disabled.') _plotFlag = False from tkMessageBox import showwarning from tkMessageBox import askokcancel from tkSimpleDialog import askinteger from mytkinter import genericDialog from mytkinter import inputFile from mytkinter import myOptionMenu from mytkinter import _HIGHLIGHT_COLOR from mytkinter import _THEME_COLOR