def test_entity(self):
     coq_sig = ['Parameter base1 : Entity.',
                'Parameter base2 : Prop.']
     nltk_sig = convert_coq_signatures_to_nltk(coq_sig)
     expected_nltk_sig = {'base1' : read_type('e'),
                          'base2' : read_type('t')}
     self.assertEqual(expected_nltk_sig, nltk_sig)
Exemple #2
def resolve_types_in_signature(signature):
    signature = {k : v for k, v in signature.items() if v is not None}
    for predicate, pred_type in signature.items():
        pred_type_str = str(pred_type)
        pred_type_str_resolved = re.sub(r'\?', r't', pred_type_str)
        signature[predicate] = read_type(pred_type_str_resolved)
    return signature
Exemple #3
def convert_coq_to_nltk_type(coq_type):
    Given a coq_type specification such as:
      Parameter _love : Entity -> Entity -> Prop.
    return the equivalent NLTK type specification:
      {'_love' : read_type('<e, <e, t>>')}
    assert isinstance(coq_type, str)
    coq_type_list = coq_type.split()
    assert len(coq_type_list) >= 4, 'Wrong coq_type format: %s' % coq_type
    parameter, surface, colon = coq_type_list[:3]
    assert parameter == 'Parameter' and colon == ':'
    # This list contains something like ['Entity', '->', 'Prop', '->', 'Prop'...]
    type_sig = coq_type_list[3:]
    type_ids = []
    for i, type_item in enumerate(type_sig):
        assert (i % 2 == 1) == (type_item == '->')
        if type_item.startswith('Entity'):
        elif type_item.startswith('Prop'):
        elif type_item.startswith('Event'):
        elif type_item != '->':
            raise(ValueError('Invalid type name: %s in %s' % (type_item, coq_type)))
    assert len(type_ids) > 0
    if len(type_ids) == 1:
        nltk_type_str = type_ids[0]
        # Create a string like "<e, <t, t>>"
        nltk_type_str = '<' + ', <'.join(type_ids[:-1]) \
                      + ', ' + type_ids[-1] + '>' * len(type_ids)
    return {surface : read_type(nltk_type_str)}
 def test_entitypropertyAndpropertyentity(self):
     coq_type = 'Parameter base : (Entity -> Prop) -> Prop.'
     nltk_type = convert_coq_to_nltk_type(coq_type)
     expected_nltk_type = {'base' : read_type('<<e,t>,<t,e>>')}
     self.assertEqual(expected_nltk_type, nltk_type)
 def test_property(self):
     coq_type = 'Parameter base : Prop.'
     nltk_type = convert_coq_to_nltk_type(coq_type)
     expected_nltk_type = {'base' : read_type('t')}
     self.assertEqual(expected_nltk_type, nltk_type)
 def test_entity(self):
     coq_type = 'Parameter base : Entity.'
     nltk_type = convert_coq_to_nltk_type(coq_type)
     expected_nltk_type = {'base' : read_type('e')}
     self.assertEqual(expected_nltk_type, nltk_type)