Exemple #1
    def embed_n_np(self, t: nltk.Tree):

        # RB - Adverb
        # RBR - Adverb, comparative
        # RBS - Adverb, superlative

        except AttributeError:
            # print(t)

            for child in t:
                #t = nltk.ParentedTree.convert(t)
                if child.label() == child.right_sibling().label() == "NN":
                    # noun = child
                    noun = nltk.ParentedTree("NN", [child[0]])

                    np = nltk.ParentedTree("NP", [noun])
                    child_pos = self.get_position(child, t)
                    t.insert(child_pos, np)

                    t = nltk.ParentedTree.convert(t)
                    parent = t.parent()
                    parent = nltk.ParentedTree.convert(parent)
        except Exception:
            #print("swallow hard!")

        for child in t:
Exemple #2
def flatten_tree(x: Tree):
    assert (x.label() == "@START@")
    assert (len(x) == 1)
    xstr = tree_to_lisp_tokens(x[0])
    nodes = [Tree(xe if xe not in "()" else "|" + xe, []) for xe in xstr]
    y = Tree(x.label(), nodes)
    return y
Exemple #3
def tree_to_lisp_tokens(x: Tree, brackets="()"):
    if len(x) > 0:
        children = [tree_to_lisp_tokens(xe, brackets=brackets) for xe in x]
        return [brackets[0], x.label()
                ] + [childe for child in children
                     for childe in child] + [brackets[1]]
        return [x.label()]
Exemple #4
 def restore_reverse(t:Tree)->Tree:
     tchildren = [restore_reverse(te) for te in t]
     t[:] = tchildren
     if t.label().startswith("arg:~") and not t.label() == "arg:~type":
         newt = Tree("SW:reverse", [t])
         return newt
         return t
Exemple #5
 def _reorder_rec(self, x: Tree):
     if x.label() in self.orderless:
         children = None
         if len(x) > 0:
             children = [self._reorder_rec(child) for child in x[:]]
         ret = Tree(x.label(), children=children)
         ret = Tree(x.label(),
                    children=[self._reorder_rec(child) for child in x[:]])
     return ret
Exemple #6
def tree2toks(tree: Tree):
    if len(tree) == 0:
        return [tree.label()]
        children = [tree2toks(x) for x in tree]
        ret = [tree.label()] if tree.label() != "@NAMELESS@" else []
        ret.insert(0, "(")
        for child in children:
            ret += child
        return ret
Exemple #7
 def remap_reverse_labels_blocks(t:Tree):
     mapd = {
         "arg:~left": "arg:right",
         "arg:~right": "arg:left",
         "arg:~below": "arg:above",
         "arg:~above": "arg:below"
     if t.label() in mapd:
     [remap_reverse_labels_blocks(te) for te in t]
     return t
Exemple #8
    def enforce_cpc(self, t: nltk.Tree):
        except AttributeError:
            # print(t)

        if t.label() == "CP":

        for child in t:
Exemple #9
def tree_to_lisp_tokens(x: Tree, brackets="()", _bracketize_leafs=False):
    if len(x) > 0 or _bracketize_leafs:
        children = [
            for xe in x
        return [brackets[0], x.label()
                ] + [childe for child in children
                     for childe in child] + [brackets[1]]
        return [x.label()]
def find_lhs_grammar_rule(first: Tree, second: Tree, grammar: CFG) -> Nonterminal:
    Finds the LHS of a grammar rule contained in the input CFG grammar.

    :param first: first half of the grammar rule's RHS
    :param second: latter half of the grammar rule's RHS
    :param grammar: input CFG grammar
    :return: the LHS of a grammar rule, if it exists
    grammar_rules = list((prod for prod in grammar.productions()
                          if len(prod.rhs()) == 2
                          and first.label() == prod.rhs()[0] and second.label() == prod.rhs()[1]))

    if grammar_rules:
        return grammar_rules[0].lhs()
Exemple #11
def remove_literals(x:Tree, literalparents=("placeid", "countryid", "riverid", "cityid", "stateid")):
    if x.label() in literalparents:
        del x[:]
        return x
        x[:] = [remove_literals(xe, literalparents) for xe in x]
        return x
    def transform(self, node, new_tree):
        if isinstance(node, Tree):
            new_node = None

            if self.is_s_with_np_vp(node):
                children = []
                first_NP = False

                for child in node:
                    if child.label() == "NP" and not first_NP:
                        first_NP = True

                    if first_NP:

                node = Tree(node.label, children)

            new_children = []
            for child in node:
                new_child = self.transform(child, new_tree)
                new_node = Tree(node.label(), new_children)

            return new_node

        return node
Exemple #13
    def __count_productions_recursively(self,
                                        node: nltk.Tree) -> nltk.Nonterminal:
        """Recursively parses a tree representation of a sentence."""
        label = node.label()
        # Traverse the tree:
        if (len(node) == 2):
            # Handle non-leaf nodes:
            left = self.__count_productions_recursively(node[0])
            right = self.__count_productions_recursively(node[1])
            production = nltk.Production(
            # Handle leaf node.
            token = node[0]
            self.token_count += 1
            if (token not in self.count_per_token):
                self.count_per_token[token] = 1
                self.count_per_token[token] += 1
            production = nltk.Production(nltk.Nonterminal(label), [token])

        # Update our count of this particular productions.
        if (production not in self.count_per_production):
            self.count_per_production[production] = 1
            self.count_per_production[production] += 1
        # Update our count of all productions with a particular LHS.
        lhs = production.lhs()
        if (lhs not in self.lhs_count):
            self.lhs_count[lhs] = 1
            self.lhs_count[lhs] += 1
        return production
Exemple #14
def translate_nltk_tree(tree: nltk.Tree, tree_def: TreeDefinition, label_map: T.Dict[str, int], normalizer: T.Callable[[str], str], ignore_leaves=False):
    if tree.height() > 2:
        return Tree(node_type_id="NODE",
                    children=list(map(lambda x: translate_nltk_tree(x, tree_def, label_map, normalizer, ignore_leaves), tree)),
        normalized = normalizer(tree.leaves()[0])
        return Tree(node_type_id="PRE_LEAF",
                            value=tree_def.id_map["LEAF"].value_type(abstract_value=label_map.get(normalized,0))  # 0 is oov
                    ] if not ignore_leaves else [],
Exemple #15
 def sorted_tree_tandem(self, x: Tree, y: Tree):
     """ Sort both x and y trees by tree x """
     # sort tree children alphabetically
     xchildren, ychildren = [], []
     rets = [
         self.sorted_tree_tandem(xchild, ychild)
         for xchild, ychild in zip(x[:], y[:])
     if x.label() in self.orderless:
         rets = sorted(rets, key=lambda x: x[0])
     if len(rets) > 0:
         xchildren, ychildren = zip(*rets)
         xchildren, ychildren = list(xchildren), list(ychildren)
     xret = Tree(x.label(), children=xchildren)
     yret = Tree(y.label(), children=ychildren)
     return xret, yret
def simplify_tree_for_eval(x: Tree):  # removes @SLOT@'s and @START@
    children = [simplify_tree_for_eval(xe) for xe in x]
    children = [child for child in children if child is not None]
    x[:] = children
    if x.label() == "@SLOT@":
        return None
        return x
Exemple #17
    def _construct_node_from_actions(self,
                                     current_node: Tree,
                                     remaining_actions: List[List[str]],
                                     add_var_function: bool) -> List[List[str]]:
        Given a current node in the logical form tree, and a list of actions in an action sequence,
        this method fills in the children of the current node from the action sequence, then
        returns whatever actions are left.

        For example, we could get a node with type ``c``, and an action sequence that begins with
        ``c -> [<r,c>, r]``.  This method will add two children to the input node, consuming
        actions from the action sequence for nodes of type ``<r,c>`` (and all of its children,
        recursively) and ``r`` (and all of its children, recursively).  This method assumes that
        action sequences are produced `depth-first`, so all actions for the subtree under ``<r,c>``
        appear before actions for the subtree under ``r``.  If there are any actions in the action
        sequence after the ``<r,c>`` and ``r`` subtrees have terminated in leaf nodes, they will be
        if not remaining_actions:
            logger.error("No actions left to construct current node: %s", current_node)
            raise ParsingError("Incomplete action sequence")
        left_side, right_side = remaining_actions.pop(0)
        if left_side != current_node.label():
            logger.error("Current node: %s", current_node)
            logger.error("Next action: %s -> %s", left_side, right_side)
            logger.error("Remaining actions were: %s", remaining_actions)
            raise ParsingError("Current node does not match next action")
        if right_side[0] == '[':
            # This is a non-terminal expansion, with more than one child node.
            for child_type in right_side[1:-1].split(', '):
                if child_type.startswith("'lambda"):
                    # We need to special-case the handling of lambda here, because it's handled a
                    # bit weirdly in the action sequence.  This is stripping off the single quotes
                    # around something like `'lambda x'`.
                    child_type = child_type[1:-1]
                child_node = Tree(child_type, [])
                current_node.append(child_node)  # you add a child to an nltk.Tree with `append`
                if not self.is_terminal(child_type):
                    remaining_actions = self._construct_node_from_actions(child_node,
        elif self.is_terminal(right_side):
            # The current node is a pre-terminal; we'll add a single terminal child.  We need to
            # check first for whether we need to add a (var _) around the terminal node, though.
            if add_var_function and right_side in self._lambda_variables:
                right_side = f"(var {right_side})"
            if add_var_function and right_side == 'var':
                raise ParsingError('add_var_function was true, but action sequence already had var')
            current_node.append(Tree(right_side, []))  # you add a child to an nltk.Tree with `append`
            # The only way this can happen is if you have a unary non-terminal production rule.
            # That is almost certainly not what you want with this kind of grammar, so we'll crash.
            # If you really do want this, open a PR with a valid use case.
            raise ParsingError(f"Found a unary production rule: {left_side} -> {right_side}. "
                               "Are you sure you want a unary production rule in your grammar?")
        return remaining_actions
def stem_id_words_tree(tree:Tree, idparents, stem=False, strtok=None):
    if stem is True:
        assert(len(tree) == 0)  # should be leaf
    if len(tree) == 0:
        if stem is True:
            if re.match(r"'([^']+)'", tree.label()):
                pas = re.match(r"'([^']+)'", tree.label()).group(1)
                pas = strtok(pas)
                return [Tree("str", pas)]
                return [tree]
            return [tree]
        tostem = tree.label() in idparents
        children = [stem_id_words_tree(k, idparents, stem=tostem, strtok=strtok)
                    for k in tree]
        children = [a for b in children for a in b]
        return [Tree(tree.label(), children)]
Exemple #19
 def normalize_tree(self, x: Tree):
     # sort tree children alphabetically
     anonstrs, children = [], []
     rets = [self.normalize_tree(child) for child in x]
     if x.label() in self.orderless:
         rets = sorted(rets, key=lambda x: x[0])
     if len(rets) > 0:
         anonstrs, children = zip(*rets)
         anonstrs, children = list(anonstrs), list(children)
     if re.match(self.entitypattern, x.label()):
         anonret = "@ENT@"
     elif re.match(self.variablepattern, x.label()):
         anonret = "@VAR@"
         anonret = x.label()
     if len(anonstrs) > 0:
         anonret = f"({anonret} {' '.join(anonstrs)})"
     ret = Tree(x.label(), children=children)
     return anonret, ret
def tree_get_ner(t: nltk.Tree) -> list:
    ner = []
    label = t.label()

    if label != 'S':
        ner = [(' '.join(l for (l, _) in t.leaves()), label)]

    for branch in t:
        if type(branch) == nltk.Tree:
            ner += tree_get_ner(branch)

    return ner
Exemple #21
 def simplify_tree(t: Tree):
     if t.label() == "call":
         assert (len(t[0]) == 0)
         # if not t[0].label().startswith("SW."):
         #     print(t)
         # assert(t[0].label().startswith("SW."))
         del t[0]
     elif t.label() == "string":
         afterstring.update(set([tc.label() for tc in t]))
         assert (len(t) == 1)
         assert (len(t[0]) == 0)
         del t[0]
     if t.label().startswith(
         t.set_label("SW:" + t.label(
     if t.label() == "SW:getProperty":
         assert (len(t) == 2)
         ret = simplify_tree(t[1])
         return ret
     elif t.label() == "SW:singleton":
         assert (len(t) == 1)
         assert (len(t[0]) == 0)
         return t[0]
     elif t.label() == "SW:ensureNumericProperty":
         assert (len(t) == 1)
         return simplify_tree(t[0])
     elif t.label() == "SW:ensureNumericEntity":
         assert (len(t) == 1)
         return simplify_tree(t[0])
     elif t.label() == "SW:aggregate":
         assert (len(t) == 2)
         ret = simplify_tree(t[0])
         assert (ret.label() in ["arg:avg", "arg:sum"])
         assert (len(ret) == 0)
         return ret
         t[:] = [simplify_tree(tc) for tc in t]
         return t
Exemple #22
    def _build_hierplane_tree(self, tree: Tree, index: int,
                              is_root: bool) -> JsonDict:
        Recursively builds a JSON dictionary from an NLTK ``Tree`` suitable for
        rendering trees using the `Hierplane library<https://allenai.github.io/hierplane/>`.

        tree : ``Tree``, required.
            The tree to convert into Hierplane JSON.
        index : int, required.
            The character index into the tree, used for creating spans.
        is_root : bool
            An indicator which allows us to add the outer Hierplane JSON which
            is required for rendering.

        A JSON dictionary render-able by Hierplane for the given tree.
        children = []
        for child in tree:
            if isinstance(child, Tree):
                # If the child is a tree, it has children,
                # as NLTK leaves are just strings.
                    self._build_hierplane_tree(child, index, is_root=False))
                # We're at a leaf, so add the length of
                # the word to the character index.
                index += len(child)

        label = tree.label()
        span = " ".join(tree.leaves())
        hierplane_node = {
            "word": span,
            "nodeType": label,
            "attributes": [label],
            "link": label
        if children:
            hierplane_node["children"] = children
        # TODO(Mark): Figure out how to span highlighting to the leaves.
        if is_root:
            hierplane_node = {
                "linkNameToLabel": LINK_TO_LABEL,
                "nodeTypeToStyle": NODE_TYPE_TO_STYLE,
                "text": span,
                "root": hierplane_node
        return hierplane_node
Exemple #23
    def convert_adv_neg(self, t: nltk.Tree):

        except AttributeError:
            # print(t)

        if t.label() in ["AdvP"]:
            phrase = t

                if phrase[0].label() == "Adv" and \
                   phrase[0][0] == 'not':
                    #t = nltk.ParentedTree.convert(t)
                #print("swallow hard!")

        for child in t:
Exemple #24
def updateGrammar(Tree):
    if len(Tree) == 1:
        label = parse(Tree)
        symbols[Tree.label()] += 1
        if label in dynamic_grammar:
            dynamic_grammar[label] += 1
            dynamic_grammar[label] = 1

    left = Tree[0]
    right = Tree[1]
    selfLabel = '%s -> %s %s' % (Tree.label(), left.label(), right.label())
    symbols[Tree.label()] += 1
    if selfLabel in dynamic_grammar:
        dynamic_grammar[selfLabel] += 1
        dynamic_grammar[selfLabel] = 1

def find_chunk(tree: nltk.Tree,
               target: str,
               res: List[nltk.Tree] = None) -> nltk.Tree:
    """Find and return a target chunk."""
    res = res if res is not None else []
    if tree.label() == target:

    for subtree in tree:
        if type(subtree) == nltk.tree.Tree:
            find_chunk(subtree, target, res)

    return res
Exemple #26
 def extract_label(tree: nltk.Tree, label: str = 'PERSON') -> List[str]:
     nltk parses sentence as nested tree structure. Function iteratively searches for a tree labeled as >label<.
     As of
     https://gist.github.com/onyxfish/322906?fbclid=IwAR0Qt7gGkrDDCeozS2Thd3qBjx_mgClqGI7GhcmQsONtIuqiB81KkXHWaxk .
     entity_names = []
     if hasattr(tree, 'label') and tree.label:
         if tree.label() == label:
             entity_names.append(' '.join([child[0] for child in tree]))
             for child in tree:
     return entity_names
    def _build_hierplane_tree(self, tree: Tree, index: int, is_root: bool) -> JsonDict:
        Recursively builds a JSON dictionary from an NLTK ``Tree`` suitable for
        rendering trees using the `Hierplane library<https://allenai.github.io/hierplane/>`.

        tree : ``Tree``, required.
            The tree to convert into Hierplane JSON.
        index : int, required.
            The character index into the tree, used for creating spans.
        is_root : bool
            An indicator which allows us to add the outer Hierplane JSON which
            is required for rendering.

        A JSON dictionary render-able by Hierplane for the given tree.
        children = []
        for child in tree:
            if isinstance(child, Tree):
                # If the child is a tree, it has children,
                # as NLTK leaves are just strings.
                children.append(self._build_hierplane_tree(child, index, is_root=False))
                # We're at a leaf, so add the length of
                # the word to the character index.
                index += len(child)

        label = tree.label()
        span = " ".join(tree.leaves())
        hierplane_node = {
                "word": span,
                "nodeType": label,
                "attributes": [label],
                "link": label
        if children:
            hierplane_node["children"] = children
        # TODO(Mark): Figure out how to span highlighting to the leaves.
        if is_root:
            hierplane_node = {
                    "linkNameToLabel": LINK_TO_LABEL,
                    "nodeTypeToStyle": NODE_TYPE_TO_STYLE,
                    "text": span,
                    "root": hierplane_node
        return hierplane_node
Exemple #28
def _recursive_get_labels(node: Tree, i, pos_labels: list, cst_labels: list):
    if isinstance(node[0], str):
        # preleaf node
        word = node[0]
        j = i + len(word)
        span = i, j
        pos = node.label()
        pos_label = pos, span
        return j
        # constituent node
        child_j = i
        for child in node:
            child_j = _recursive_get_labels(node=child,
        j = child_j
        span = i, child_j
        cst = node.label()
        cst_label = cst, span
        return j
Exemple #29
def nltk_tree_to_logical_form(tree: Tree) -> str:
    Given an ``nltk.Tree`` representing the syntax tree that generates a logical form, this method
    produces the actual (lisp-like) logical form, with all of the non-terminal symbols converted
    into the correct number of parentheses.
    # nltk.Tree actually inherits from `list`, so you use `len()` to get the number of children.
    # We're going to be explicit about checking length, instead of using `if tree:`, just to avoid
    # any funny business nltk might have done (e.g., it's really odd if `if tree:` evaluates to
    # `False` if there's a single leaf node with no children).
    if len(tree) == 0:  # pylint: disable=len-as-condition
        return tree.label()
    if len(tree) == 1:
        return tree[0].label()
    return '(' + ' '.join(nltk_tree_to_logical_form(child) for child in tree) + ')'
Exemple #30
    def convert_adv_deg(self, t: nltk.Tree):

        # RB - Adverb
        # RBR - Adverb, comparative
        # RBS - Adverb, superlative

        except AttributeError:
            # print(t)

        if t.label() in ["ADJP", "ADVP"]:
            phrase = t

                if phrase[0].label() == "RB" and \
                   phrase[1].label() in ["RB", "JJ"]:
                    #t = nltk.ParentedTree.convert(t)
                    adv = phrase[0]
                    if adv[0] in ["too", "very"]:
                        if len(t) > 1:
                            if adv.right_sibling().label() in ["RB", "JJ"]:
                                deg = nltk.ParentedTree("Deg", [adv[0]])
                                t.insert(0, deg)

                                t = nltk.ParentedTree.convert(t)
                                parent = t.parent()
                                parent = nltk.ParentedTree.convert(parent)
                #print("swallow hard!")

        for child in t:
Exemple #31
    def transform(self, node, new_tree):
        if isinstance(node, Tree):
            new_node = None

            if self.is_x_over_x(node):
                node = Tree(node.label, [node[0]])

            new_children = []
            for child in node:
                new_child = self.transform(child, new_tree)
                new_node = Tree(node.label(), new_children)

            return new_node

        return node
Exemple #32
def nltk_tree_to_logical_form(tree: Tree) -> str:
    Given an ``nltk.Tree`` representing the syntax tree that generates a logical form, this method
    produces the actual (lisp-like) logical form, with all of the non-terminal symbols converted
    into the correct number of parentheses.
    # nltk.Tree actually inherits from `list`, so you use `len()` to get the number of children.
    # We're going to be explicit about checking length, instead of using `if tree:`, just to avoid
    # any funny business nltk might have done (e.g., it's really odd if `if tree:` evaluates to
    # `False` if there's a single leaf node with no children).
    if len(tree) == 0:  # pylint: disable=len-as-condition
        return tree.label()
    if len(tree) == 1:
        return tree[0].label()
    return '(' + ' '.join(nltk_tree_to_logical_form(child)
                          for child in tree) + ')'
Exemple #33
    def _construct_node_from_actions(
            self, current_node: Tree,
            remaining_actions: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
        Given a current node in the logical form tree, and a list of actions in an action sequence,
        this method fills in the children of the current node from the action sequence, then
        returns whatever actions are left.

        For example, we could get a node with type ``c``, and an action sequence that begins with
        ``c -> [<r,c>, r]``.  This method will add two children to the input node, consuming
        actions from the action sequence for nodes of type ``<r,c>`` (and all of its children,
        recursively) and ``r`` (and all of its children, recursively).  This method assumes that
        action sequences are produced `depth-first`, so all actions for the subtree under ``<r,c>``
        appear before actions for the subtree under ``r``.  If there are any actions in the action
        sequence after the ``<r,c>`` and ``r`` subtrees have terminated in leaf nodes, they will be
        if not remaining_actions:
            logger.error("No actions left to construct current node: %s",
            raise ParsingError("Incomplete action sequence")
        left_side, right_side = remaining_actions.pop(0)
        if left_side != current_node.label():
            logger.error("Current node: %s", current_node)
            logger.error("Next action: %s -> %s", left_side, right_side)
            logger.error("Remaining actions were: %s", remaining_actions)
            raise ParsingError("Current node does not match next action")
        if right_side[0] == '[':
            # This is a non-terminal expansion, with more than one child node.
            for child_type in right_side[1:-1].split(', '):
                child_node = Tree(child_type, [])
                )  # you add a child to an nltk.Tree with `append`
                # For now, we assume that all children in a list like this are non-terminals, so we
                # recurse on them.  I'm pretty sure that will always be true for the way our
                # grammar induction works.  We can revisit this later if we need to.
                remaining_actions = self._construct_node_from_actions(
                    child_node, remaining_actions)
            # The current node is a pre-terminal; we'll add a single terminal child.  By
            # construction, the right-hand side of our production rules are only ever terminal
            # productions or lists of non-terminals.
                     []))  # you add a child to an nltk.Tree with `append`
        return remaining_actions
Exemple #34
    def _construct_node_from_actions(self,
                                     current_node: Tree,
                                     remaining_actions: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
        Given a current node in the logical form tree, and a list of actions in an action sequence,
        this method fills in the children of the current node from the action sequence, then
        returns whatever actions are left.

        For example, we could get a node with type ``c``, and an action sequence that begins with
        ``c -> [<r,c>, r]``.  This method will add two children to the input node, consuming
        actions from the action sequence for nodes of type ``<r,c>`` (and all of its children,
        recursively) and ``r`` (and all of its children, recursively).  This method assumes that
        action sequences are produced `depth-first`, so all actions for the subtree under ``<r,c>``
        appear before actions for the subtree under ``r``.  If there are any actions in the action
        sequence after the ``<r,c>`` and ``r`` subtrees have terminated in leaf nodes, they will be
        if not remaining_actions:
            logger.error("No actions left to construct current node: %s", current_node)
            raise ParsingError("Incomplete action sequence")
        left_side, right_side = remaining_actions.pop(0)
        if left_side != current_node.label():
            logger.error("Current node: %s", current_node)
            logger.error("Next action: %s -> %s", left_side, right_side)
            logger.error("Remaining actions were: %s", remaining_actions)
            raise ParsingError("Current node does not match next action")
        if right_side[0] == '[':
            # This is a non-terminal expansion, with more than one child node.
            for child_type in right_side[1:-1].split(', '):
                child_node = Tree(child_type, [])
                current_node.append(child_node)  # you add a child to an nltk.Tree with `append`
                # For now, we assume that all children in a list like this are non-terminals, so we
                # recurse on them.  I'm pretty sure that will always be true for the way our
                # grammar induction works.  We can revisit this later if we need to.
                remaining_actions = self._construct_node_from_actions(child_node, remaining_actions)
            # The current node is a pre-terminal; we'll add a single terminal child.  By
            # construction, the right-hand side of our production rules are only ever terminal
            # productions or lists of non-terminals.
            current_node.append(Tree(right_side, []))  # you add a child to an nltk.Tree with `append`
        return remaining_actions
 def convert(tree: Tree) -> Node:
     root = StanfordNode(tree.label())
     for child in tree: root.append(child if isinstance(child, str) else StanfordParser.convert(child))
     return root
Exemple #36
def FindNode(lab:str, tree:Tree) -> Tree:
    if tree.label()[TYPE] == lab:
        return tree
    for t in tree:
        if isinstance(t, Tree):
            return FindNode(lab, t)