Exemple #1
"""This is a minimal demonstration of the nmesh.visual module.
   Creates a simple 2D mesh and visualises it as a solid with
   elements coloured by the metric:
   which =1 for an equilateral triangle.

   Author: James Kenny   Last modified: $Date$
import nmesh
import nmesh.visual as viz

# define a simple mesh and submit request to mesher
box = nmesh.box([0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0])
cone = nmesh.conic([3.0, 0.0], 1.0, [3.0, 4.0], 0.0)
bbox = [[-1., -1.], [7., 6.]]
mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[box, cone], a0=0.4, bounding_box=bbox)
mesh_info = mesh.tolists()

# visualise in MayaVi, using the ratio of inradius:circumradius
# as cell_data for a colour scale
myv = viz.solid_in2circ(mesh_info)

#viz.export_visualisation(myv, "exampleA.png")  # save a PNG
#viz.export_visualisation(myv, "exampleA.eps")  # save a .eps.gz
Exemple #2
"""Simple visualisation of a 3D mesh.

   Author: James Kenny   Last modified: $Date$
import nmesh
import nmesh.visual as viz

# define a simple mesh and submit request to mesher
box = nmesh.box([3.0, 0.0, 0.0], [4.0, 1.0, 1.0])
cone = nmesh.conic([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 0.0, [2.0, 0.0, 0.0], 2.0)
bbox = [[-4., -4., -4.0], [4., 4., 4.]]
mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects=[box, cone], bounding_box=bbox)
mesh_info = mesh.tolists()

# visualise in MayaVi, using the ratio of inradius:circumradius
# as cell_data for a colour scale
v = viz.solid_in2circ(mesh_info, order=1)
Exemple #3
"""Simple visualisation of a 3D mesh.

   Author: James Kenny   Last modified: $Date$
import nmesh
import nmesh.visual as viz

# define a simple mesh and submit request to mesher
box=nmesh.box( [3.0,0.0,0.0], [4.0,1.0,1.0] )
cone = nmesh.conic([0.0,0.0,0.0],0.0,[2.0,0.0,0.0],2.0)
bbox = [[-4.,-4.,-4.0],[4.,4.,4.]]
mesh = nmesh.mesh(objects = [box,cone], bounding_box=bbox)

# visualise in MayaVi, using the ratio of inradius:circumradius
# as cell_data for a colour scale
v = viz.solid_in2circ(mesh_info, order=1)
Exemple #4
"""This is a minimal demonstration of the nmesh.visual module.
   Creates a simple 2D mesh and visualises it as a solid with
   elements coloured by the metric:
   which =1 for an equilateral triangle.

   Author: James Kenny   Last modified: $Date$
import nmesh
import nmesh.visual as viz

# define a simple mesh and submit request to mesher
box=nmesh.box( [0.0,0.0], [1.0,1.0] )

# visualise in MayaVi, using the ratio of inradius:circumradius
# as cell_data for a colour scale
myv = viz.solid_in2circ(mesh_info)

#viz.export_visualisation(myv, "exampleA.png")  # save a PNG
#viz.export_visualisation(myv, "exampleA.eps")  # save a .eps.gz