def test_graph_more_than_2_outputs(seed, clear_buffer): count = 0 def func_hook(f): nonlocal count if == 'Split': count += 1 nn.clear_parameters() a = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.ones((10, ))) b = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.ones((10, ))) c = F.add2(a, b, inplace=True, outputs=[]) y = F.split(c, axis=0) nn.forward_all(y, function_pre_hook=func_hook) assert count == 1 res = [x.d for x in y] assert_allclose(res, [2.0] * 10) a = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.ones((10, ))) b = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.ones((10, ))) c = F.add2(a, b, inplace=True, outputs=[]) y = F.split(c, axis=0) for yy in y: yy.forward() res = [x.d for x in y] assert_allclose(res, [11.0] * 10)
def ref_fused_batch_normalization(x, beta, gamma, rmean, rvar, z, axes, decay_rate, eps, batch_stat, nonlinearity, output_stat): with nn.context_scope(cpu_context): xvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(x) betavar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(beta) gammavar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(gamma) rmeanvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(rmean) rvarvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(rvar) if z is not None: zvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(z) with nn.auto_forward(): bn = F.batch_normalization(xvar, betavar, gammavar, rmeanvar, rvarvar, axes, decay_rate, eps, batch_stat, output_stat) if z is None: if output_stat: y = bn[0] else: y = bn else: if output_stat: y = F.add2(bn[0], zvar) else: y = F.add2(bn, zvar) y = F.relu(y) rmean[:] = rmeanvar.d rvar[:] = rvarvar.d if output_stat: return y.d, bn[1].d, bn[2].d else: return y.d
def construct_cell(prev_layer, architecture, num_nodes, output_filter, scope, test): """ Constructing the cell, which consists of multiple nodes. The cell made by this function is either Conv cell or Reduction cell. layer_id is somewhere between [0, num_cells) the name of the incoming scope should be "w{}".format(layer_id), like "w2" at layer 2 so in the end scope name will be like w1_<node>_<ops> """ assert len(architecture) // 4 == num_nodes used_indices = set() local_used_weights = set() ops = { 0: depthwise_separable_conv3x3, 1: depthwise_separable_conv5x5, 2: average_pool, 3: max_pool, 4: identity } # 2 previous outputs to be fed as inputs layers = [prev_layer[-2], prev_layer[-1]] for node in range(num_nodes): ind = node # get ops id and input index one_node = architecture[4 * ind:4 * (ind + 1)] idx_1, ops_1, idx_2, ops_2 = one_node # store the node's index used as input used_indices.update({idx_1, idx_2}) scope_1 = "{0}_{1}_{2}".format(scope, node, ops_1) scope_2 = "{0}_{1}_{2}".format(scope, node, ops_2) # for each nodes, apply the operation and get its weights name h1 = ops[ops_1](layers[idx_1], output_filter, scope_1, test) local_used_weights.update(get_weights_name(scope_1, ops_1)) h2 = ops[ops_2](layers[idx_2], output_filter, scope_2, test) local_used_weights.update(get_weights_name(scope_2, ops_2)) # add them as output of that node h_add = F.add2(h1, h2) layers.append(h_add) # store each output temporarily all_indices = set(range(num_nodes + 2)) # all nodes in the cell # exclude nodes not used as others' input candidates = all_indices - used_indices h_out = layers[candidates.pop()] # randomly pop output for j in candidates: h_out = F.add2(h_out, layers[j]) # repeatedly sum up outputs return h_out, local_used_weights
def propagate(h, edges, state_size=None, w_initializer=None, u_initializer1=None, u_initializer2=None, bias_initializer=None, edge_initializers=None): """ Propagate vertex representations Arguments: h -- the input vertex representations (nnabla.Variable with shape (|V|, D)) edges -- the dictionary that represents the graph edge ({label, [in, out]}) state_size -- (optional) the size of hidden state (h.shape[1] is used if this argument is None) w_initializer -- (optional) u_initializer1 -- (optional) u_initializer2 -- (optional) bias_initializer -- (optional) edge_initializers -- (optional) Return value - Return a variable with shape (|V|, D) """ if state_size is None: state_size = h.shape[1] h_size = h.shape[1] with nn.parameter_scope("activate"): a = activate(h, edges, state_size, bias_initializer=bias_initializer, edge_initializers=edge_initializers) with nn.parameter_scope("W_zr"): ws = PF.affine(a, (3, h_size), with_bias=False, w_init=w_initializer) (z1, r1, h_hat1) = split(ws, axis=1) with nn.parameter_scope("U_zr"): us = PF.affine(h, (2, state_size), with_bias=False, w_init=u_initializer1) (z2, r2) = split(us, axis=1) z = F.sigmoid(F.add2(z1, z2)) r = F.sigmoid(F.add2(r1, r2)) with nn.parameter_scope("U"): h_hat2 = PF.affine(F.mul2(r, h), state_size, with_bias=False, w_init=u_initializer2) h_hat = F.tanh(F.add2(h_hat1, h_hat2)) return F.add2(F.sub2(h, F.mul2(z, h)), F.mul2(z, h_hat))
def test_all_reduce_callback(seed, pack_size, division, comm_nccl_opts): if comm_nccl_opts is None: pytest.skip( "Communicator test is disabled. You can turn it on by an option `--test-communicator`." ) if len(comm_nccl_opts.devices) < 2: pytest.skip("Communicator test is disabled. Use more than 1 gpus.") comm = comm_nccl_opts.comm device_id = int(comm_nccl_opts.device_id) nn.set_default_context(comm_nccl_opts.ctx) nn.clear_parameters() x_data_list = [] num_layers = 20 rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) for l in range(num_layers): x_data = rng.rand(3, 4) x_data_list.append(x_data) # all_reduce_callback x_list1 = [] n1 = nn.Variable([3, 4]) n1.d = 0 for l in range(num_layers): x = nn.Variable([3, 4], need_grad=True) n1 = F.add2(n1, x) x.d = x_data_list[l] * (device_id + 1) x.g = 0 x_list1.append(x) n1.backward(clear_buffer=True, communicator_callbacks=comm.all_reduce_callback( [v.grad for v in x_list1], pack_size, division)) # Ref AllReduce x_list2 = [] n2 = nn.Variable([3, 4]) n2.d = 0 for l in range(num_layers): x = nn.Variable([3, 4], need_grad=True) n2 = F.add2(n2, x) x.d = x_data_list[l] * (device_id + 1) x.g = 0 x_list2.append(x) n2.backward(clear_buffer=True) comm.all_reduce([v.grad for v in x_list2], inplace=False, division=division) # Check for x, ref in zip(x_list1, x_list2): assert np.allclose(x.g, ref.g)
def bottleneck(x, ochannels, shortcut_type, stride, test, channel_last=False): def bn(h): axes = [3 if channel_last else 1] return PF.batch_normalization(h, axes=axes, batch_stat=not test) assert ochannels % 4 == 0 hchannels = ochannels / 4 with nn.parameter_scope("bottleneck1"): h = F.relu( bn( PF.convolution(x, hchannels, (1, 1), with_bias=False, channel_last=channel_last))) with nn.parameter_scope("bottleneck2"): h = F.relu( bn( PF.convolution(h, hchannels, (3, 3), pad=(1, 1), stride=stride, with_bias=False, channel_last=channel_last))) with nn.parameter_scope("bottleneck3"): h = bn( PF.convolution(h, ochannels, (1, 1), with_bias=False, channel_last=channel_last)) with nn.parameter_scope("bottleneck_s"): s = shortcut(x, ochannels, stride, shortcut_type, test, channel_last) return F.relu(F.add2(h, s))
def __call__(self, x, ochannels, stride): hchannels = self.get_bottleneck_channels(ochannels) cardinality = 32 if self.resnext else 1 stride1 = None if self.resnext else stride stride2 = stride if self.resnext else None with nn.parameter_scope("bottleneck1"): h = pf_convolution(x, hchannels, (1, 1), stride=stride1, **self.conv_opts)) with nn.parameter_scope("bottleneck2"): h = pf_convolution(h, hchannels, (3, 3), stride=stride2, group=cardinality, **self.conv_opts)) with nn.parameter_scope("bottleneck3"): h = pf_convolution(h, ochannels, (1, 1), **self.conv_opts) h =, no_relu=True) with nn.parameter_scope("se"): h = self.seblock(h) with nn.parameter_scope("bottleneck_s"): s = shortcut(x, ochannels, stride, self.shortcut_type, self.test, channel_last=self.channel_last) return F.relu(F.add2(h, s))
def res_block(res_input, res, inmaps, outmaps, block_scope='res_block'): """ Residual block for Discriminator """ name_scope = f'Discriminator/{block_scope}_{res}x{res}' out = conv_layer(res_input, inmaps, inmaps, kernel_size=3, name_scope=f'{name_scope}/Conv1') out = conv_layer(out, inmaps, outmaps, kernel_size=3, downsample=True, name_scope=f'{name_scope}/Conv2') skip = conv_layer(res_input, inmaps, outmaps, kernel_size=1, downsample=True, bias=False, act=F.identity, name_scope=f'{name_scope}/ConvSkip') out = F.mul_scalar(F.add2(out, skip), 1 / np.sqrt(2).astype(np.float32), inplace=False) return out
def _lstm_cell(self, name, n_hidden, x_in, h=None, c=None): if h is None: h = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array( np.zeros((self._batch_size, self._cols_size))) if c is None: c = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array( np.zeros((self._batch_size, n_hidden))) h = F.concatenate(h, x_in, axis=1) # LSTM_Concatenate -> cols_size * 2 with nn.parameter_scope(name + '_Affine'): # LSTM_Affine -> n_hidden h1 = PF.affine(h, (n_hidden, ), base_axis=1) with nn.parameter_scope(name + '_IGate'): # LSTM_IGate -> n_hidden h2 = PF.affine(h, (n_hidden, ), base_axis=1) with nn.parameter_scope(name + '_FGate'): # LSTM_FGate -> n_hidden h3 = PF.affine(h, (n_hidden, ), base_axis=1) with nn.parameter_scope(name + '_OGate'): # LSTM_OGate -> n_hidden h4 = PF.affine(h, (n_hidden, ), base_axis=1) h1 = F.tanh(h1) # LSTM_Tanh h2 = F.sigmoid(h2) # LSTM_Sigmoid h3 = F.sigmoid(h3) # LSTM_Sigmoid_2 h4 = F.sigmoid(h4) # LSTM_Sigmoid_3 h5 = F.mul2(h2, h1) # LSTM_Mul2 -> n_hidden h6 = F.mul2(h3, c) # LSTM_Mul2_2 -> n_hidden h7 = F.add2(h5, h6, inplace=True) # LSTM_Add2 -> n_hidden h8 = F.tanh(h7) # LSTM_Tanh_2 -> n_hidden h9 = F.mul2(h4, h8) # LSTM_Mul2_3 -> n_hidden c = h7 # LSTM_C h = h9 # LSTM_H return (h, c)
def LSTMCell(x, h2, h1): units = h1.shape[1] #first stack h2=hidden, h1= cell h2 = F.concatenate(h2, x, axis=1) h3 = PF.affine(h2, (units), name='Affine') h4 = PF.affine(h2, (units), name='InputGate') h5 = PF.affine(h2, (units), name='ForgetGate') h6 = PF.affine(h2, (units), name='OutputGate') h3 = F.tanh(h3) h4 = F.sigmoid(h4) h5 = F.sigmoid(h5) h6 = F.sigmoid(h6) h4 = F.mul2(h4, h3) h5 = F.mul2(h5, h1) h4 = F.add2(h4, h5, True) h7 = F.tanh(h4) h6 = F.mul2(h6, h7) return h6, h4 # hidden, cell
def stochastic_res_unit(x, scope_name, act=F.relu, dn=False, test=False): if not test: flag = np.random.randint(2) if flag: h = res_block(x, scope_name, act=act, dn=dn, test=test) h = F.add2(h, x) else: h = x else: h = res_block(x, scope_name, act=act, dn=dn, test=test) h = F.add2(h, x) h = act(h) # Maxpooling if dn: h = F.max_pooling(h, kernel=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2)) return h
def resblock_d(h, y, scopename, n_classes, maps, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), downsample=True, test=False, sn=True): """Residual block for discriminator""" s = h _, c, _, _ = h.shape assert maps // 2 == c or maps == c maps1 = c if maps // 2 == c else maps maps2 = maps with nn.parameter_scope(scopename): # LeakyRelu -> Conv with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"): #h = F.leaky_relu(h, 0.2, False) h = F.relu(h, False) h = convolution(h, maps1, kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, with_bias=True, sn=sn, test=test, init_scale=np.sqrt(2)) # LeakyRelu -> Conv -> Downsample with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"): #h = F.leaky_relu(h, 0.2, True) h = F.relu(h, True) h = convolution(h, maps2, kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, with_bias=True, sn=sn, test=test, init_scale=np.sqrt(2)) if downsample: h = F.average_pooling(h, kernel=(2, 2)) # Shortcut: Conv -> Downsample if c != maps2 or downsample: with nn.parameter_scope("shortcut"): s = convolution(s, maps2, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), stride=(1, 1), with_bias=True, sn=sn, test=test) if downsample: s = F.average_pooling(s, kernel=(2, 2)) return F.add2(h, s, True)
def conv_lstm_cell(input_tensor, cur_state, n_filt, kernel_size): """ conv lstm cell definition """ def split(inp): _, channels, _, _ = inp.shape channels = channels / 4 return inp[:, :channels, :, :], inp[:, channels:2 * channels, :, :], \ inp[:, 2 * channels:3 * channels, :, :], \ inp[:, 3 * channels:4 * channels, :, :] h_cur, c_cur = cur_state # concatenate along channel axis combined = F.concatenate(*[input_tensor, h_cur], axis=1) combined_conv = conv2d(combined, 4 * n_filt, kernel_size, 1, kernel_size // 2, name='conv_lstm_cell') cc_i, cc_f, cc_o, cc_g = split(combined_conv) act_i = F.sigmoid(cc_i) act_f = F.sigmoid(cc_f) act_o = F.sigmoid(cc_o) act_g = F.tanh(cc_g) c_next = F.add2(act_f * c_cur, act_i * act_g) h_next = act_o * F.tanh(c_next) return h_next, c_next
def optblock_d(h, y, scopename, n_classes, maps, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), downsample=True, test=False, sn=True): """Optimized block for discriminator""" s = h _, c, _, _ = h.shape with nn.parameter_scope(scopename): # Conv with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"): h = convolution(h, maps, kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, with_bias=True, sn=sn, test=test, init_scale=np.sqrt(2)) # ReLU -> Conv with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"): #h = F.leaky_relu(h, 0.2, True) h = F.relu(h, True) h = convolution(h, maps, kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, with_bias=True, sn=sn, test=test, init_scale=np.sqrt(2)) if downsample: h = F.average_pooling(h, kernel=(2, 2)) # Shortcut: Conv -> Downsample with nn.parameter_scope("shortcut"): if downsample: s = F.average_pooling(s, kernel=(2, 2)) s = convolution(s, maps, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), stride=(1, 1), with_bias=True, sn=sn, test=test) return F.add2(h, s, True)
def apply_ops_and_connect(x, prev_layers, connect_pattern, ops, elem, output_filter, scope, test): """ execute the operation at the current layer. and if there is a skip connection with the previous layers, sum the whole values up. """ assert len(prev_layers) == len(connect_pattern) + 1 is_skip_connected = False # set as False initially. local_used_weights = set() # feeding previous output to the current layer. x = ops[elem](x, output_filter, scope, test) local_used_weights.update(get_weights_name(scope, elem)) for flag, prev_output in zip(connect_pattern, prev_layers[:-1]): # ignore the last variable stored in prev_layers[-1] # since that is the previous layer's output (which is already used as the input above) if flag == 1: # skip connection exists. is_skip_connected = True x = F.add2(x, prev_output) if is_skip_connected: with nn.parameter_scope(scope + "/skip"): x = PF.batch_normalization(x, batch_stat=not test) local_used_weights.update({ "{}/skip/bn/gamma".format(scope), "{}/skip/bn/beta".format(scope) }) return x, local_used_weights
def res_unit(x, scope_name, act=F.relu, dn=False, test=False): C = x.shape[1] with nn.parameter_scope(scope_name): # Conv -> BN -> Relu with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"): h = PF.convolution(x, C/2, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), with_bias=False) h = PF.batch_normalization(h, decay_rate=0.9, batch_stat=not test) h = act(h) # Conv -> BN -> Relu with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"): h = PF.convolution(h, C/2, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1), with_bias=False) h = PF.batch_normalization(h, decay_rate=0.9, batch_stat=not test) h = act(h) # Conv -> BN with nn.parameter_scope("conv3"): h = PF.convolution(h, C, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), with_bias=False) h = PF.batch_normalization(h, decay_rate=0.9, batch_stat=not test) # Residual -> Relu h = F.add2(h, x) h = act(h) # Maxpooling if dn: h = F.max_pooling(h, kernel=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2)) return h
def res_unit(x, scope_name, rng, dn=False): C = x.shape[1] with nn.parameter_scope(scope_name): # Conv -> BN -> Nonlinear with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"): h = PF.convolution(x, C / 2, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), with_bias=False) h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test) h = act(h) # Conv -> BN -> Nonlinear with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"): h = PF.convolution(h, C / 2, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1), with_bias=False) h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test) h = act(h) # Conv -> BN with nn.parameter_scope("conv3"): h = PF.convolution(h, C, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), with_bias=False) h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test) # Residual -> Nonlinear h = act(F.add2(h, x, inplace=True)) # Maxpooling if dn: h = F.max_pooling(h, kernel=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2)) return h
def attn_block(x, name, num_heads=4, fix_parameters=False): """Multihead attention block""" B, C, H, W = x.shape with nn.parameter_scope(name): # Get query, key, value h = normalize(x, name="norm") # nin(3 * C) -> split is faster? q = nin(h, C, name="q") k = nin(h, C, name="k") v = nin(h, C, name="v") # Attention w = F.batch_matmul(F.reshape(q, (B * num_heads, -1, H * W)), F.reshape(k, (B * num_heads, -1, H * W)), transpose_a=True) w = F.mul_scalar(w, int(C)**(-0.5), inplace=True) assert w.shape == (B * num_heads, H * W, H * W) w = F.softmax(w, axis=-1) h = F.reshape(v, (B * num_heads, -1, H * W)) h = F.batch_matmul(h, w) h = F.reshape(h, (B, C, H, W)) # output projection h = nin(h, C, name='proj_out', zeroing_w=True) assert h.shape == x.shape return F.add2(h, x, inplace=True)
def resblock_g(h, y, scopename, n_classes, maps, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1), upsample=True, test=False, sn=True, coefs=[1.0]): """Residual block for generator""" s = h _, c, _, _ = h.shape with nn.parameter_scope(scopename): # BN -> Relu -> Upsample -> Conv with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"): h = CCBN(h, y, n_classes, test=test, coefs=coefs) h = F.relu(h, inplace=True) if upsample: h = F.unpooling(h, kernel=(2, 2)) h = convolution(h, maps, kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, with_bias=True, sn=sn, test=test, init_scale=np.sqrt(2)) # BN -> Relu -> Conv with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"): h = CCBN(h, y, n_classes, test=test, coefs=coefs) h = F.relu(h, inplace=True) h = convolution(h, maps, kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, with_bias=True, sn=sn, test=test, init_scale=np.sqrt(2)) # Shortcut: Upsample -> Conv if upsample: s = F.unpooling(s, kernel=(2, 2)) if c != maps or upsample: with nn.parameter_scope("shortcut"): s = convolution(s, maps, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0), stride=(1, 1), with_bias=True, sn=sn, test=test) return F.add2(h, s, True)
def unit(i, prefix): c1 = PF.convolution(i, 4, (3, 3), pad=(1, 1), name=prefix + '-c1') c2 = PF.convolution(F.relu(c1), 4, (3, 3), pad=(1, 1), name=prefix + '-c2') c = F.add2(c2, c1, inplace=True) return c
def model(img, sf): """ Define JSInet model """ with nn.parameter_scope('Network'): with nn.parameter_scope('local_contrast_enhancement'): ## ================= Local Contrast Enhancement Subnet ============================ ## ch = 64 b = guided_filter(img, 5, 0.01) n1 = conv_2d(b, ch, kernel=(3, 3), name='conv/0') for i in range(4): n1 = res_block(n1, ch, 'res_block/%d' % i) n1 = F.relu(n1, inplace=True) local_filter_2d = conv_2d( n1, (9**2) * (sf**2), kernel=(3, 3), name='conv_k') # [B, H, W, (9x9)*(sfxsf)] # dynamic 2D upsampling with 2D local filters pred_C = dyn_2d_up_operation(b, local_filter_2d, (9, 9), sf) # local contrast mask pred_C = 2 * F.sigmoid(pred_C) ## ================= Detail Restoration Subnet ============================ ## ch = 64 d = F.div2(img, b + 1e-15) with nn.parameter_scope('detail_restoration'): n3 = conv_2d(d, ch, kernel=(3, 3), name='conv/0') for i in range(4): n3 = res_block(n3, ch, 'res_block/%d' % i) if i == 0: d_feature = n3 n3 = F.relu(n3, inplace=True) # separable 1D filters dr_k_h = conv_2d(n3, 41 * sf**2, kernel=(3, 3), name='conv_k_h') dr_k_v = conv_2d(n3, 41 * sf**2, kernel=(3, 3), name='conv_k_v') # dynamic separable upsampling with with separable 1D local filters pred_D = dyn_sep_up_operation(d, dr_k_v, dr_k_h, 41, sf) ## ================= Image Reconstruction Subnet ============================ ## with nn.parameter_scope('image_reconstruction'): n4 = conv_2d(img, ch, kernel=(3, 3), name='conv/0') for i in range(4): if i == 1: n4 = F.concatenate(n4, d_feature, axis=3) n4 = res_block_concat(n4, ch, 'res_block/%d' % i) else: n4 = res_block(n4, ch, 'res_block/%d' % i) n4 = F.relu(n4, inplace=True) n4 = F.relu(conv_2d(n4, ch * sf * sf, kernel=(3, 3), name='conv/1'), inplace=True) # (1,100,170,1024) -> (1,100,170,4,4,64) -> (1,100,4,170,4,64) # pixel shuffle n4 = depth_to_space(n4, sf) pred_I = conv_2d(n4, 3, kernel=(3, 3), name='conv/2') pred = F.add2(pred_I, pred_D, inplace=True) * pred_C jsinet = namedtuple('jsinet', ['pred']) return jsinet(pred)
def network_LSTM(x, D, C, InputShape, HiddenSize, test=False): # Input_2:x -> 687 # Delya_in:D -> 100 # Cell_in:C -> 100 # Concatenate -> 787 h = F.concatenate(D, x, axis=1) # Affine -> 100 h1 = PF.affine(h, HiddenSize, name='Affine') # InputGate -> 100 h2 = PF.affine(h, HiddenSize, name='InputGate') # OutputGate -> 100 h3 = PF.affine(h, HiddenSize, name='OutputGate') # ForgetGate -> 100 h4 = PF.affine(h, HiddenSize, name='ForgetGate') # Sigmoid h1 = F.sigmoid(h1) # Sigmoid_2 h2 = F.sigmoid(h2) # Sigmoid_3 h3 = F.sigmoid(h3) # Sigmoid_4 h4 = F.sigmoid(h4) # Mul2 -> 100 h1 = F.mul2(h1, h2) # Mul2_3 -> 100 h4 = F.mul2(h4, C) # Add2 -> 100 h1 = F.add2(h1, h4, True) # Tanh h5 = F.tanh(h1) # Cell_out h6 = F.identity(h1) # Mul2_2 -> 100 h5 = F.mul2(h5, h3) # Dropout if not test: h5 = F.dropout(h5) # Output h5 = F.identity(h5) # Concatenate_2 -> 200 h5 = F.concatenate(h5, h6, axis=1) return h5
def res_unit(x, scope): C = x.shape[1] with nn.parameter_scope(scope): with nn.parameter_scope('conv1'): h = F.elu(bn(PF.convolution(x, C / 2, (1, 1), with_bias=False))) with nn.parameter_scope('conv2'): h = F.elu( bn(PF.convolution(h, C / 2, (3, 3), pad=(1, 1), with_bias=False))) with nn.parameter_scope('conv3'): h = bn(PF.convolution(h, C, (1, 1), with_bias=False)) return F.elu(F.add2(h, x, inplace=True))
def call(self, x, training=True): h = self.conv1(x) h = self.conv2(h) h = self.conv3(h) s = x if self.skip_by_conv: s = self.skip(s) h = F.relu(F.add2(h, s, inplace=True), inplace=True) return h
def loss_function(pred, aux_logits, label): """ Compute loss. """ if aux_logits is None: loss = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label)) else: loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label) loss_from_aux = F.softmax_cross_entropy(aux_logits, label) loss = F.mean(F.add2(loss, loss_from_aux)) return loss
def bn(self, h, z=None, no_relu=False): axes = [get_channel_axis(self.channel_last)] if no_relu: h = PF.batch_normalization(h, axes=axes, batch_stat=not self.test) if z is None: return h return F.add2(z, h) return PF.fused_batch_normalization(h, z, axes=axes, batch_stat=not self.test)
def compute_mel(self, wave): hp = self.hparams reals, imags = F.stft(wave, window_size=hp.win_length, stride=hp.hop_length, fft_size=hp.n_fft) linear = F.pow_scalar( F.add2(F.pow_scalar(reals, 2), F.pow_scalar(imags, 2)), 0.5) mels = F.batch_matmul(self.basis, linear) mels = F.log(F.clip_by_value(mels, 1e-5, np.inf)).apply(need_grad=False) return mels
def residual_block(res_blk_input, output_channels=64, scope='res_block'): """ define a residual block here with conv + relu + conv """ with nn.parameter_scope(scope): feats = conv2d(res_blk_input, output_channels, 3, 1, 1, name='conv1', init_method='kaiming_normal', scale=0.1) feats = F.relu(feats) feats = conv2d(feats, output_channels, 3, 1, 1, name='conv2', init_method='kaiming_normal', scale=0.1) feats = F.add2(feats, res_blk_input) return feats
def loss_function(pred, label, aux_logits=None, aux_weights=1.0): """ Compute loss. """ if aux_logits is None: loss = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label)) else: loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label) loss_from_aux = F.mul_scalar( F.softmax_cross_entropy(aux_logits, label), aux_weights) loss = F.mean(F.add2(loss, loss_from_aux)) return loss
def __init__(self, x, weight, bias, beta, gamma, rmean, rvar, z, base_axis, pad, stride, dilation, group, channel_last, decay_rate, eps, batch_stat, nonlinearity, nonlinearity_args, pad_mode, constant_value): from collections import OrderedDict inputs = OrderedDict() xvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(x) weightvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(weight) inputs['x'] = xvar inputs['weight'] = weightvar biasvar = None betavar = None gammavar = None rmeanvar = None rvarvar = None zvar = None if bias is not None: biasvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(bias) inputs['bias'] = biasvar if beta is not None: betavar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(beta) gammavar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(gamma) rmeanvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(rmean) rvarvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(rvar) inputs['beta'] = betavar inputs['gamma'] = gammavar inputs['rmean'] = rmeanvar inputs['rvar'] = rvarvar if z is not None: zvar = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(z) inputs['z'] = zvar spatial_dims = xvar.ndim - (base_axis + 1) assert (len(pad) == spatial_dims or len(pad) == 2 * spatial_dims) if len(pad) == spatial_dims: pad_width = tuple(p for _ in range(2) for p in pad) else: # if len(pad) == 2 * spatial_dims: pad_width = pad h = F.pad(xvar, pad_width, pad_mode, constant_value) conv_pad = (0,) * spatial_dims h = F.convolution(h, weightvar, biasvar, base_axis, conv_pad, stride, dilation, group, channel_last) if beta is not None: h = F.batch_normalization(h, betavar, gammavar, rmeanvar, rvarvar, [h.ndim - 1 if channel_last else base_axis], decay_rate, eps, batch_stat) if z is not None: h = F.add2(h, zvar) h = ref_activation(h, nonlinearity, nonlinearity_args) self.input_dict = inputs self.output = h
def test_clear_input_if_no_need_grad_branch1(self): x1 = nn.Variable([1, 5], need_grad=True) x2 = nn.Variable([1, 5], need_grad=True) x3 = nn.Variable([1, 5], need_grad=True) xx1 = F.identity(x1) xx2 = F.identity(x2) y1 = F.mul2(xx1, xx2) # (1) xx3 = F.identity(x3) y2 = F.add2(xx2, xx3) # (2) y3 = F.add2(y1, y2) # (3) answer = [] answer.append([False]) answer.append([False]) answer.append([False, False]) # (1) answer.append([False]) answer.append([False, True]) # (2) use xx2 in backward answer.append([True, True]) # (3) y3.forward(clear_no_need_grad=True) self.check_input_data_clear_called_flags(answer)
def __add__(self, other): """ Element-wise addition. Implements the addition operator expression ``A + B``, together with :func:`~nnabla.variable.__radd__` . When a scalar is specified for ``other``, this function performs an element-wise operation for all elements in ``self``. Args: other (float or ~nnabla.Variable): Internally calling :func:`~nnabla.functions.add2` or :func:`~nnabla.functions.add_scalar` according to the type. Returns: :class:`nnabla.Variable` """ import nnabla.functions as F if isinstance(other, Variable): return F.add2(self, other) return F.add_scalar(self, other)