Exemple #1
    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, prop_down, accum):
        # inputs: [inputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph] or
        # [inputs_fwd_graph] + [outputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph]

        # Args
        epsilon = self.forward_func.info.args["epsilon"]

        # Inputs
        x0 = inputs[0].data
        x1 = inputs[1].data
        dy = inputs[2].data
        # Outputs
        dx0 = outputs[0].data
        dx1 = outputs[1].data
        # Grads of inputs
        g_x0 = inputs[0].grad
        g_x1 = inputs[1].grad
        g_dy = inputs[2].grad
        # Grads of outputs
        g_dx0 = outputs[0].grad
        g_dx1 = outputs[1].grad

        # Computation
        if prop_down[2]:
            # Simply using " / dy" causes the numerical instability
            diff = x0 - x1
            mask = F.greater_scalar(F.abs(diff), epsilon)
            maskp = F.greater_scalar(diff, 0.0)
            maskn = 1.0 - maskp
            g_dy_ = (g_dx0 - g_dx1) * (maskp - maskn) * mask
            if accum[2]:
                g_dy += g_dy_
Exemple #2
def prelu_backward(inputs, base_axis=1):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]
    w0 = inputs[2]

    base_axis += x0.ndim * (base_axis < 0)
    m0 = F.greater_scalar(x0, 0)
    m1 = 1 - m0
    m0 = no_grad(m0)
    m1 = no_grad(m1)
    if w0.shape == ():  # shared
        reshape = [1 for i in range(len(x0.shape))]
        w0 = F.reshape(w0, reshape, inplace=False)
        dw0 = F.sum(dy * x0 * m1)
        reshape = [
            w0.shape[0] if i == base_axis else 1 for i in range(len(x0.shape))
        w0 = F.reshape(w0, reshape, inplace=False)
        raxes = [i for i in range(len(x0.shape)) if i != base_axis]
        dw0 = F.sum(dy * x0 * m1, raxes, keepdims=False)
    dx0 = dy * (m0 + w0 * m1)
    return dx0, dw0
Exemple #3
def celu_backward(inputs, alpha=1.0, axis=1):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]

    fstart, fstop, fstep = create_slice(dy.shape, axis, True)
    bstart, bstop, bstep = create_slice(dy.shape, axis, False)
    dy0 = F.slice(dy, fstart, fstop, fstep)
    dy1 = F.slice(dy, bstart, bstop, bstep)
    aep = alpha * F.exp(x0)
    aen = alpha * F.exp(-x0)

    m0 = F.greater_scalar(x0, 0)
    m1 = 1 - m0
    m0 = no_grad(m0)
    m1 = no_grad(m1)
    dx00 = dy0 * (m0 + aep * m1)
    dx01 = dy1 * (m1 + aen * m0)

    dx = dx00 - dx01
    return dx
def epsilon_insensitive_loss_backward(inputs, epsilon):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]
    x1 = inputs[2]
    d = x0 - x1
    m0 = F.greater_scalar(F.abs(d), epsilon)
    m1 = 1 - m0
    mg = F.greater(x0, x1)
    ml = 1 - mg
    m0 = no_grad(m0)
    mg = no_grad(mg)
    ml = no_grad(ml)
    t0 = m0 * mg
    t1 = -m0 * ml
    dx0 = dy * (t0 + t1)
    dx1 = -dx0
    return dx0, dx1
Exemple #5
def sigmas_coef(ctx, log_var0, log_var1):
    v0 = F.exp(log_var0)
    v1 = F.exp(log_var1)
    v0_g = F.greater_scalar(v0, 1.)
    v0_l = F.logical_not(v0_g)
    v1_g = F.greater_scalar(v1, 1.)
    v1_l = F.logical_not(v1_g)
    v0_g_and_v1_g = F.logical_and(v0_g, v1_g)
    v0_g_and_v1_l = F.logical_and(v0_g, v1_l)
    v0_l_and_v1_g = F.logical_and(v0_l, v1_g)
    v0_l_and_v1_l = F.logical_and(v0_l, v1_l)
    c = v0_g_and_v1_g \
        + v0_g_and_v1_l * v1 \
        + v0_l_and_v1_g / v0 \
        + v0_l_and_v1_l * v1 / v0
    return c
Exemple #6
def sigmas_coef(ctx, log_var0, log_var1):
    v0 = F.exp(log_var0)
    v1 = F.exp(log_var1)
    v0_g = F.greater_scalar(v0, 1.)
    v0_l = F.logical_not(v0_g)
    v1_g = F.greater_scalar(v1, 1.)
    v1_l = F.logical_not(v1_g)
    v0_g_and_v1_g = F.logical_and(v0_g, v1_g)
    v0_g_and_v1_l = F.logical_and(v0_g, v1_l)
    v0_l_and_v1_g = F.logical_and(v0_l, v1_g)
    v0_l_and_v1_l = F.logical_and(v0_l, v1_l)
    c = v0_g_and_v1_g \
        + v0_g_and_v1_l * v1 \
        + v0_l_and_v1_g / v0 \
        + v0_l_and_v1_l * v1 / v0
    return c
Exemple #7
    def ray_march(self, camloc, raydir, t0, t1, N, n_chunks, t_argmin=False):
        # Points computation
        BR, _ = t0.shape
        t0 = F.reshape(t0, (BR, 1, 1))
        t1 = F.reshape(t1, (BR, 1, 1))
        camloc = F.reshape(camloc, (BR, 1, 3))
        raydir = F.reshape(raydir, (BR, 1, 3))
        step = (t1 - t0) / (N - 1)
        intervals = F.reshape(F.arange(0, N), (1, N, 1))
        ts = t0 + step * intervals
        points = camloc + ts * raydir
        points = F.reshape(points, (BR * N, 3))

        # SDF computation
        sdf_points = []
        batch = (BR * N) // n_chunks
        for r in range(0, BR * N, batch):
            sdf_points.append(self.sdf(points[r:r + batch, :]))
        sdf_points = F.reshape(F.concatenate(*sdf_points, axis=0), (BR, N, 1)) if n_chunks != 1 else \
            F.reshape(sdf_points[0], (BR, N, 1))

        # t_argmin computation
        if t_argmin:
            idx_min = F.min(sdf_points, axis=1, keepdims=True, only_index=True)
            t_argmin = F.reshape(F.gather(ts, idx_min, axis=1, batch_dims=1),
                                 (BR, 1))
            return t_argmin

        # Intersection check
        points = F.reshape(points, (BR, N, 3))
        sdf_pos = F.greater_equal_scalar(sdf_points[:, :-1, :], 0)
        sdf_neg = F.less_equal_scalar(sdf_points[:, 1:, :], 0)
        mask_hit = sdf_pos * sdf_neg

        decreasing_consts = F.reshape(F.arange(N, 1, -1), (1, N - 1, 1))
        vals = mask_hit * decreasing_consts
        idx_max = F.max(vals, axis=1, only_index=True)

        points = points[:, :-1, :]
        x_hit = F.gather(points, idx_max, axis=1, batch_dims=1)
        x_hit = F.reshape(x_hit, (BR, 3))
        mask_hit = F.greater_scalar(F.sum(mask_hit, axis=1), 0)
        mask_hit = F.reshape(mask_hit, (BR, 1))

        x_hit_rm0 = x_hit
        step = F.reshape(step, (BR, 1))
        raydir = F.reshape(raydir, (BR, 3))
        x_hit_rm1 = x_hit_rm0 + step * raydir

        return x_hit_rm0, x_hit_rm1, mask_hit
Exemple #8
def maximum_scalar_backward(inputs, val=1.0):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]
    m0 = F.greater_scalar(x0, val)
    m0 = no_grad(m0)
    dx0 = dy * m0
    return dx0
Exemple #9
def loss_dis_real(logits, rec_imgs, part, img, lmd=1.0):
    # loss = 0.0

    # Hinge loss (following the official implementation)
    loss = F.mean(F.relu(0.2*F.rand(shape=logits.shape) + 0.8 - logits))

    # Reconstruction loss for rec_img_big (reconstructed from 8x8 features of the original image)
    # Reconstruction loss for rec_img_small (reconstructed from 8x8 features of the resized image)
    # Reconstruction loss for rec_img_part (reconstructed from a part of 16x16 features of the original image)
    if lmd > 0.0:
        # Ground-truth
        img_128 = F.interpolate(img, output_size=(128, 128))
        img_256 = F.interpolate(img, output_size=(256, 256))

        img_half = F.where(F.greater_scalar(
            part[0], 0.5), img_256[:, :, :128, :], img_256[:, :, 128:, :])
        img_part = F.where(F.greater_scalar(
            part[1], 0.5), img_half[:, :, :, :128], img_half[:, :, :, 128:])

        # Integrated perceptual loss
        loss = loss + lmd * \
            reconstruction_loss_lpips(rec_imgs, [img_128, img_part])

    return loss
Exemple #10
    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, prop_down, accum):
        # inputs: [inputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph] or
        # [inputs_fwd_graph] + [outputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph]

        # Args
        delta = self.forward_func.info.args["delta"]
        # Inputs
        x0 = inputs[0].data
        x1 = inputs[1].data
        dy = inputs[2].data
        # Outputs
        dx0 = outputs[0].data
        dx1 = outputs[1].data
        # Grads of inputs
        g_x0 = inputs[0].grad
        g_x1 = inputs[1].grad
        g_dy = inputs[2].grad
        # Grads of outputs
        g_dx0 = outputs[0].grad
        g_dx1 = outputs[1].grad

        # Computation
        if prop_down[0] or prop_down[1] or prop_down[2]:
            mask = F.less_scalar(F.abs(x0 - x1), delta)

        if prop_down[0]:
            if accum[0]:
                g_x0 += mask * 2 * dy * (g_dx0 - g_dx1)
                g_x0.copy_from(mask * 2 * dy * (g_dx0 - g_dx1))
        if prop_down[1]:
            if accum[1]:
                g_x1 += mask * 2 * dy * (g_dx1 - g_dx0)
                g_x1.copy_from(mask * 2 * dy * (g_dx1 - g_dx0))
        if prop_down[2]:
            # Simply using " / dy" causes the numerical instability
            diff = x0 - x1
            pmask = F.greater_scalar(diff, 0.0)
            nmask = (1.0 - pmask)
            omask = (1.0 - mask)
            g_dx_diff = g_dx0 - g_dx1
            g_dy_ = 2.0 * g_dx_diff * \
                (diff * mask + delta * omask * (pmask - nmask))
            if accum[2]:
                g_dy += g_dy_
Exemple #11
def relu_backward(inputs, inplace=False):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]
    x0 = get_output(x0, "ReLU")
    m0 = F.greater_scalar(x0, 0)  # result is same even if inplace or not
    m0 = no_grad(m0)
    dx0 = dy * m0
    return dx0
Exemple #12
def gaussian_log_likelihood(x, mean, logstd, orig_max_val=255):
    Compute the log-likelihood of a Gaussian distribution for given data `x`.

        x (nn.Variable): Target data. It is assumed that the values are ranged [-1, 1],
                         which are originally [0, orig_max_val].
        means (nn.Variable): Gaussian mean. Must be the same shape as x.
        logstd (nn.Variable): Gaussian log standard deviation. Must be the same shape as x.
        orig_max_val (int): The maximum value that x originally has before being rescaled.

        A log probabilies of x in nats.
    assert x.shape == mean.shape == logstd.shape
    centered_x = x - mean
    inv_std = F.exp(-logstd)
    half_bin = 1.0 / orig_max_val

    def clamp(val):
        # Here we don't need to clip max
        return F.clip_by_value(val, min=1e-12, max=1e8)

    # x + 0.5 (in original scale)
    plus_in = inv_std * (centered_x + half_bin)
    cdf_plus = approx_standard_normal_cdf(plus_in)
    log_cdf_plus = F.log(clamp(cdf_plus))

    # x - 0.5 (in original scale)
    minus_in = inv_std * (centered_x - half_bin)
    cdf_minus = approx_standard_normal_cdf(minus_in)
    log_one_minus_cdf_minus = F.log(clamp(1.0 - cdf_minus))

    log_cdf_delta = F.log(clamp(cdf_plus - cdf_minus))

    log_probs = F.where(
        F.less_scalar(x, -0.999),
        log_cdf_plus,  # Edge case for 0. It uses cdf for -inf as cdf_minus.
        F.where(F.greater_scalar(x, 0.999),
                # Edge case for orig_max_val. It uses cdf for +inf as cdf_plus.
                log_cdf_delta  # otherwise

    assert log_probs.shape == x.shape
    return log_probs
Exemple #13
def elu_backward(inputs, alpha=1.0):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]
    m0 = F.greater_scalar(x0, 0)
    m1 = 1 - m0
    m0 = no_grad(m0)
    m1 = no_grad(m1)
    dx = dy * (m0 + alpha * F.exp(x0) * m1)
    return dx
Exemple #14
def hard_sigmoid_backward(inputs):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]
    m0 = F.greater_scalar(x0, -2.5)
    m1 = F.less_scalar(x0, 2.5)
    m01 = m0 * m1
    m01 = no_grad(m01)
    dx0 = dy * 0.2 * m01
    return dx0
Exemple #15
def leaky_relu_backward(inputs, alpha=0.1, inplace=False):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]
    x0 = get_output(x0, "LeakyReLU") if inplace else x0
    m0 = F.greater_scalar(x0, 0)  # result is same even if inplace or not
    m1 = 1 - m0
    m0 = no_grad(m0)
    m1 = no_grad(m1)
    dx0 = dy * (m0 + alpha * m1)
    return dx0
Exemple #16
def lab2rgb(input):
    input_trans = F.split(input, axis=1)
    L, a, b = F.split(input, axis=1)
    y = (L + 16.0) / 116.0
    x = (a / 500.0) + y
    z = y - (b / 200.0)
    neg_mask = F.less_scalar(z, 0).apply(need_grad=False)
    z = z * F.logical_not(neg_mask)
    mask_Y = F.greater_scalar(y, 0.2068966).apply(need_grad=False)
    mask_X = F.greater_scalar(x, 0.2068966).apply(need_grad=False)
    mask_Z = F.greater_scalar(z, 0.2068966).apply(need_grad=False)
    Y_1 = (y ** 3) * mask_Y
    Y_2 = L / (116. * 7.787) * F.logical_not(mask_Y)
    var_Y = Y_1 + Y_2

    X_1 = (x ** 3) * mask_X
    X_2 = (x - 16. / 116.) / 7.787 * F.logical_not(mask_X)
    var_X = X_1 + X_2

    Z_1 = (z ** 3) * mask_Z
    Z_2 = (z - 16. / 116.) / 7.787 * F.logical_not(mask_Z)
    var_Z = Z_1 + Z_2

    X = 0.95047 * var_X
    Y = 1.00000 * var_Y
    Z = 1.08883 * var_Z

    var_R = X * 3.2406 + Y * -1.5372 + Z * -0.4986
    var_G = X * -0.9689 + Y * 1.8758 + Z * 0.0415
    var_B = X * 0.0557 + Y * -0.2040 + Z * 1.0570

    mask_R = F.greater_scalar(var_R, 0.0031308).apply(need_grad=False)
    n_mask_R = F.logical_not(mask_R)
    R_1 = (1.055 * (F.maximum2(var_R, n_mask_R) ** (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055) * mask_R
    R_2 = (12.92 * var_R) * n_mask_R
    var_R = R_1 + R_2

    mask_G = F.greater_scalar(var_G, 0.0031308).apply(need_grad=False)
    n_mask_G = F.logical_not(mask_G)
    G_1 = (1.055 * (F.maximum2(var_G, n_mask_G) ** (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055) * mask_G
    G_2 = (12.92 * var_G) * n_mask_G
    var_G = G_1 + G_2

    mask_B = F.greater_scalar(var_B, 0.0031308).apply(need_grad=False)
    n_mask_B = F.logical_not(mask_B)
    B_1 = (1.055 * (F.maximum2(var_B, n_mask_B) ** (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055) * mask_B
    B_2 = (12.92 * var_B) * n_mask_B
    var_B = B_1 + B_2
    return F.stack(var_R, var_G, var_B, axis=1)
Exemple #17
def secant(x0, x1, implicit_function, max_post_itr, eps=1e-16):
    f0 = implicit_function(x0)  # > 0
    f1 = implicit_function(x1)  # < 0

    for i in range(max_post_itr):
        nu = f0 * (x1 - x0)
        de = f1 - f0
        mask0 = F.greater_scalar(F.abs(de), eps)
        mask1 = 1 - mask0
        nu = mask0 * nu + mask1 * 0
        de = mask0 * de + mask1 * 1

        xm = x0 - nu / de
        fm = implicit_function(xm)

        mp = F.greater_equal_scalar(fm, 0)
        mn = 1 - mp
        x0 = mp * xm + mn * x0
        f0 = mp * fm + mn * f0
        x1 = mn * xm + mp * x1
        f1 = mn * fm + mp * f1
    return x0, x1
Exemple #18
    def unit_sphere_intersection(self, camloc, raydir):
        BR, _ = raydir.shape
        a = 1.0  # raydir is already normalized
        b = 2.0 * F.batch_matmul(F.reshape(camloc, (BR, 1, 3)),
                                 F.reshape(raydir, (BR, 3, 1)))
        c = F.batch_matmul(F.reshape(camloc, (BR, 1, 3)),
                           F.reshape(camloc, (BR, 3, 1))) - 1.0
        D = b**2 - 4 * a * c
        mask = F.reshape(F.greater_scalar(D, 0.0), (BR, 1))

        b = F.reshape(b, (BR, 1))
        D = F.reshape(D, (BR, 1))

        D = mask * D
        D_sqrt = D**0.5
        t_start = -(b + D_sqrt) / (2 * a)
        t_finish = -(b - D_sqrt) / (2 * a)

        t_start = t_start * mask + self.t_near * (1 - mask)
        t_finish = t_finish * mask + self.t_far * (1 - mask)

        return t_start, t_finish, mask
def double_backward(g_dx0, g_db0, g_dg0, g_dz0,
                    dy, x0, b0, g0, rm, rv, y0, z0,
                    axes, decay_rate, eps, nonlinearity, batch_stat):
    # Factorized forward graph looks like
    # [x0, b0, g0, rm, rv] -> BN -> [u(, z0)] -> Add -> [v] -> ReLU -> [y]
    # Factorized backward graph looks like
    # [dy] -> d(ReLU) -> [dv] -> d(Add) -> [du(, dz0)] -> d(BN) -> [dx0, db0, dg0, drm, drv]

    # 1ST-ORDER
    # d(Avtivation)
    if nonlinearity == "relu":
        m0 = F.greater_scalar(y0, 0)
        m0 = no_grad(m0)
        dv = dy * m0
    elif nonlinearity == "":
        dv = dy
    # d(Add)
    du = dv

    # 2ND-ORDER
    # dd(BN)
    bn_double_backward = bn_double_backward_for_batch if batch_stat else \
    g_du, g_x0, g_b0, g_g0 = bn_double_backward(g_dx0, g_db0, g_dg0,
                                                du, x0, b0, g0, rm, rv,
                                                axes, decay_rate, eps)
    # dd(Add)
    g_dv = g_du
    if g_dz0:
        g_dv += g_dz0
    # dd(Activation)
    if nonlinearity == "relu":
        g_dy = g_dv * m0
    elif nonlinearity == "":
        g_dy = g_dv

    return g_dy, g_x0, g_b0, g_g0
Exemple #20
    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, prop_down, accum):
        # inputs: [inputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph] or
        # [inputs_fwd_graph] + [outputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph]

        # Args
        val = self.forward_func.info.args["val"]
        # Inputs
        x0 = inputs[0].data
        dy = inputs[1].data
        # Outputs
        dx0 = outputs[0].data
        # Grads of inputs
        g_x0 = inputs[0].grad
        g_dy = inputs[1].grad
        # Grads of outputs
        g_dx0 = outputs[0].grad

        # Computation
        if prop_down[1]:
            mask = F.greater_scalar(x0, val)
            if accum[1]:
                g_dy += g_dx0 * mask
                g_dy.copy_from(g_dx0 * mask)
Exemple #21
def main():


    # Prepare for CUDA.
    ctx = get_extension_context('cudnn', device_id=args.gpus)

    start_full_time = time.time()
    from iterator import data_iterator

    # Data list for sceneflow data set
    train_list = "./dataset/kitti_train.csv"
    test_list = "./dataset/kitti_test.csv"

    train = True
    validation = False

    # Set monitor path.
    monitor_path = './nnmonitor' + str(datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))

    img_left, img_right, disp_img = read_csv(train_list)
    img_left_test, img_right_test, disp_img_test = read_csv(test_list)
    train_samples = len(img_left)
    test_samples = len(img_left_test)
    train_size = int(len(img_left) / args.batchsize_train)
    test_size = int(len(img_left_test) / args.batchsize_test)

    # Create data iterator.
    data_iterator_train = data_iterator(
        train_samples, args.batchsize_train, img_left, img_right, disp_img, train, shuffle=True, dataset=args.dataset)
    data_iterator_test = data_iterator(
        test_samples, args.batchsize_test, img_left_test, img_right_test, disp_img_test, validation, shuffle=False, dataset=args.dataset)
    # Set data size
    print(train_size, test_size)
    # Clrear patameters
    # Define data shape for training.
    var_left = nn.Variable(
        (args.batchsize_train, 3, args.crop_height, args.crop_width))
    var_right = nn.Variable(
        (args.batchsize_train, 3, args.crop_height, args.crop_width))
    var_disp = nn.Variable(
        (args.batchsize_train, 1, args.crop_height, args.crop_width))
    # Define data shape for testing.
    var_left_test = nn.Variable(
        (args.batchsize_test, 3, args.im_height, args.im_width))
    var_right_test = nn.Variable(
        (args.batchsize_test, 3, args.im_height, args.im_width))
    var_disp_test = nn.Variable(
        (args.batchsize_test, 1, args.im_height, args.im_width))
    if args.loadmodel is not None:
        # Loading CNN pretrained parameters.
    # === for Training ===
    # Definition of pred
    pred1, pred2, pred3 = psm_net(var_left, var_right, args.maxdisp, True)
    mask_train = F.greater_scalar(var_disp, 0)
    sum_mask = F.maximum_scalar(F.sum(mask_train), 1)
    print(sum_mask.d, "sum_mask_first")
    # Definition of loss
    loss = 0.5 * (0.5 * F.sum(F.huber_loss(pred1, var_disp)*mask_train)/(sum_mask) + 0.7 * F.sum(F.huber_loss(
        pred2, var_disp)*mask_train)/(sum_mask) + F.sum(F.huber_loss(pred3, var_disp)*mask_train)/(sum_mask))
    # === for Testing ===
    # Definition of pred
    pred_test = psm_net(var_left_test, var_right_test, args.maxdisp, False)
    var_gt = var_disp_test + F.less_equal_scalar(var_disp_test, 0) * -1
    var_pred = pred_test + F.less_equal_scalar(pred_test, 0) * -1
    E = F.abs(var_pred - var_gt)
    n_err = F.sum(F.logical_and(F.logical_and(F.greater_scalar(var_gt, 0.0), F.greater_scalar(E, 3.0)),
                                F.greater_scalar(F.div2(E, F.abs(var_gt)), 0.05)))
    n_total = F.sum(F.greater_scalar(var_gt, 0))
    test_loss = F.div2(n_err, n_total)
    # Prepare monitors.
    monitor = Monitor(monitor_path)
    monitor_train = MonitorSeries('Training loss', monitor, interval=1)
    monitor_test = MonitorSeries('Validation loss', monitor, interval=1)
    monitor_time_train = MonitorTimeElapsed(
        "Training time/epoch", monitor, interval=1)
    # Create a solver (parameter updater)
    solver = S.Adam(alpha=0.001, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999)
    # Set Parameters
    params = nn.get_parameters()
    params2 = nn.get_parameters(grad_only=False)
    for epoch in range(1, args.epochs+1):
        print('This is %d-th epoch' % (epoch))
        total_train_loss = 0
        index = 0
        lr = adjust_learning_rate(epoch)
        while index < train_size:
            # Get mini batch
            # Preprocess
            var_left.d, var_right.d, var_disp.d = data_iterator_train.next()
            # Initialize gradients
            # Backward execution
            # Update parameters by computed gradients
            print('Iter %d training loss = %.3f' % (index, loss.d))
            total_train_loss += loss.d
            index += 1
        train_error = total_train_loss/train_size
        print('epoch %d total training loss = %.3f' % (epoch, train_error))
        #  ## teting ##
        total_test_loss = 0
        max_acc = 0
        index_test = 0
        while index_test < test_size:
            var_left_test.d, var_right_test.d, var_disp_test.d = data_iterator_test.next()
            total_test_loss += test_loss.d
            print('Iter %d test loss = %.3f' % (index_test, test_loss.d*100))
            index_test += 1
        test_error = total_test_loss/test_size
        print('epoch %d total 3-px error in val = %.3f' %
              (epoch, test_error*100))
        if test_error > max_acc:
            max_acc = test_error*100
        print('MAX epoch %d total test error = %.3f' % (epoch, max_acc))
        # Pass validation loss to a monitor.
        monitor_test.add(epoch, test_error*100)
        # Pass training loss to a monitor.
        monitor_train.add(epoch, train_error)
        print('full training time = %.2f HR' %
              ((time.time() - start_full_time)/3600))
        # Save Parameter
        out_param_file = os.path.join(
            args.savemodel, 'psmnet_trained_param_' + str(epoch) + '.h5')
Exemple #22

x = nn.Variable((batch_size, sentence_length))
t = nn.Variable((batch_size, sentence_length, 1))
with nn.parameter_scope('embedding'):
    h = PF.embed(x, vocab_size, embedding_size)
with nn.parameter_scope('rnn1'):
    h = simple_rnn(h, hidden_size, return_sequences=True)
with nn.parameter_scope('hidden'):
    h = time_distributed(PF.affine)(h, hidden_size)
with nn.parameter_scope('output'):
    y = time_distributed(PF.affine)(h, vocab_size)

mask = F.sum(F.greater_scalar(t, 0), axis=2)  # do not predict 'pad'.
# mask = F.sum(F.sign(t), axis=2) # do not predict 'pad'.
entropy = time_distributed_softmax_cross_entropy(y, t) * mask
count = F.sum(mask, axis=1)
loss = F.mean(F.div2(F.sum(entropy, axis=1), count))

# Create solver.
solver = S.Momentum(1e-2, momentum=0.9)

# Create monitor.
from nnabla.monitor import Monitor, MonitorSeries, MonitorTimeElapsed
monitor = Monitor('./tmp-rnnlm')
monitor_perplexity = MonitorSeries('perplexity', monitor, interval=1)
monitor_perplexity_valid = MonitorSeries('perplexity_valid',
Exemple #23
def srwu_coef(ctx, log_var):
    v = F.exp(log_var)
    v0_g = F.greater_scalar(v, 1.)
    v0_l = F.logical_not(v0_g)
    c = v0_g + v * v0_l
    return c
Exemple #24
def srwu_coef(ctx, log_var):
    v = F.exp(log_var)
    v0_g = F.greater_scalar(v, 1.)
    v0_l = F.logical_not(v0_g)
    c = v0_g + v * v0_l
    return c
Exemple #25
    def bidirectional_sphere_trace(self, camloc, raydir, t_start, t_finish):
        t_f = F.identity(t_start)
        x_f = camloc + t_f * raydir
        s_f = self.sdf(x_f)
        mask_hit_eps_f = 0 * F.identity(t_f)

        t_b = F.identity(t_finish)
        x_b = camloc + t_b * raydir
        s_b = self.sdf(x_b)
        mask_hit_eps_b = 0 * F.identity(t_b)

        for i in range(self.sphere_trace_itr - 1):
            # Forward direction
            mask_hit_eps_f_i = F.less_equal_scalar(F.abs(s_f), self.eps)
            mask_hit_eps_f += (1 - mask_hit_eps_f) * mask_hit_eps_f_i
            t_f += (1 - mask_hit_eps_f) * s_f
            x_f = camloc + t_f * raydir

            s_f_prev = F.identity(s_f)
            s_f = self.sdf(x_f)
            mask_pos_f_prev = (1 - mask_hit_eps_f) * \
                F.greater_scalar(s_f_prev, 0)
            mask_neg_f = (1 - mask_hit_eps_f) * F.less_scalar(s_f, 0)
            mask_revert_f = mask_pos_f_prev * mask_neg_f
            t_f -= mask_revert_f * s_f_prev
            s_f = mask_revert_f * s_f_prev + (1 - mask_revert_f) * s_f

            # Backward direction
            mask_hit_eps_b_i = F.less_equal_scalar(F.abs(s_b), self.eps)
            mask_hit_eps_b += (1 - mask_hit_eps_b) * mask_hit_eps_b_i
            t_b -= (1 - mask_hit_eps_b) * s_b
            x_b = camloc + t_b * raydir

            s_b_prev = F.identity(s_b)
            s_b = self.sdf(x_b)
            mask_pos_b_prev = (1 - mask_hit_eps_b) * \
                F.greater_scalar(s_b_prev, 0)
            mask_neg_b = (1 - mask_hit_eps_b) * F.less_scalar(s_b, 0)
            mask_revert_b = mask_pos_b_prev * mask_neg_b
            t_b += mask_revert_b * s_b_prev
            s_b = mask_revert_b * s_b_prev + (1 - mask_revert_b) * s_b

            ## print("s_f neg", np.sum(s_f.data < 0))
            ## print("s_b neg", np.sum(s_b.data < 0))

        # Fine grained start/finish points
        t_f0 = t_f
        t_f1 = t_f + mask_revert_f * s_f_prev
        x_hit_st0 = camloc + t_f0 * raydir
        ## x0, x1 = self.post_method(x_hit_st0, camloc + t_f1 * raydir)
        ## t_f0 = F.norm((x0 - camloc), axis=(x0.ndim - 1), keepdims=True)
        ## t_f1 = F.norm((x1 - camloc), axis=(x1.ndim - 1), keepdims=True)
        mask_hit_f1b = mask_revert_f * F.less(t_f1, t_b)
        t_b = t_f1 * mask_hit_f1b + t_b * (1 - mask_hit_f1b)

        # Reverse the opposite case
        mask_fb = F.less(t_f, t_b)
        t_f = t_f * mask_fb + t_start * (1 - mask_fb)
        t_b = t_b * mask_fb + t_finish * (1 - mask_fb)

        return x_hit_st0, t_f, t_b, mask_hit_eps_f
Exemple #26
def Discriminator(img, label="real", scope_name="Discriminator", ndf=64):
    with nn.parameter_scope(scope_name):
        if type(img) is not list:
            img_small = F.interpolate(img, output_size=(128, 128))
            img_small = img[1]
            img = img[0]

        def sn_w(w):
            return PF.spectral_norm(w, dim=0)

        # InitLayer: -> 256x256
        with nn.parameter_scope("init"):
            h = img
            if img.shape[2] == 1024:
                h = PF.convolution(h,
                                   ndf // 8, (4, 4),
                                   stride=(2, 2),
                                   pad=(1, 1),
                h = F.leaky_relu(h, 0.2)
                h = PF.convolution(h,
                                   ndf // 4, (4, 4),
                                   stride=(2, 2),
                                   pad=(1, 1),
                h = PF.batch_normalization(h)
                h = F.leaky_relu(h, 0.2)
            elif img.shape[2] == 512:
                h = PF.convolution(h,
                                   ndf // 4, (4, 4),
                                   stride=(2, 2),
                                   pad=(1, 1),
                h = F.leaky_relu(h, 0.2)
                h = PF.convolution(h,
                                   ndf // 4, (3, 3),
                                   pad=(1, 1),
                h = F.leaky_relu(h, 0.2)

        # Calc base features
        f_256 = h
        f_128 = DownsampleComp(f_256, ndf // 2, "down256->128")
        f_64 = DownsampleComp(f_128, ndf * 1, "down128->64")
        f_32 = DownsampleComp(f_64, ndf * 2, "down64->32")

        # Apply SLE
        f_32 = SLE(f_32, f_256, "sle256->32")
        f_16 = DownsampleComp(f_32, ndf * 4, "down32->16")
        f_16 = SLE(f_16, f_128, "sle128->16")
        f_8 = DownsampleComp(f_16, ndf * 16, "down16->8")
        f_8 = SLE(f_8, f_64, "sle64->8")

        # Conv + BN + LeakyRely + Conv -> logits (5x5)
        with nn.parameter_scope("last"):
            h = PF.convolution(f_8,
                               ndf * 16, (1, 1),
            h = PF.batch_normalization(h)
            h = F.leaky_relu(h, 0.2)
            logit_large = PF.convolution(h,
                                         1, (4, 4),

        # Another path: "down_from_small" in the official code
        with nn.parameter_scope("down_from_small"):
            h_s = PF.convolution(img_small,
                                 ndf // 2, (4, 4),
                                 stride=(2, 2),
                                 pad=(1, 1),
            h_s = F.leaky_relu(h_s, 0.2)
            h_s = Downsample(h_s, ndf * 1, "dfs64->32")
            h_s = Downsample(h_s, ndf * 2, "dfs32->16")
            h_s = Downsample(h_s, ndf * 4, "dfs16->8")
            fea_dec_small = h_s
            logit_small = PF.convolution(h_s,
                                         1, (4, 4),

        # Concatenate logits
        logits = F.concatenate(logit_large, logit_small, axis=1)

        # Reconstruct images
        rec_img_big = SimpleDecoder(f_8, "dec_big")
        rec_img_small = SimpleDecoder(fea_dec_small, "dec_small")
        part_ax2 = F.rand(shape=(img.shape[0], ))
        part_ax3 = F.rand(shape=(img.shape[0], ))
        f_16_ax2 = F.where(F.greater_scalar(part_ax2, 0.5), f_16[:, :, :8, :],
                           f_16[:, :, 8:, :])
        f_16_part = F.where(F.greater_scalar(part_ax3, 0.5),
                            f_16_ax2[:, :, :, :8], f_16_ax2[:, :, :, 8:])
        rec_img_part = SimpleDecoder(f_16_part, "dec_part")

    if label == "real":
        return logits, [rec_img_big, rec_img_small,
                        rec_img_part], [part_ax2, part_ax3]
        return logits