Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, plans_file, fold, output_folder=None, dataset_directory=None, batch_dice=True, stage=None,
              unpack_data=True, deterministic=True, fp16=False):
     super().__init__(plans_file, fold, output_folder, dataset_directory, batch_dice, stage, unpack_data,
                      deterministic, fp16)
     self.regions = get_brats_regions()
     self.regions_class_order = (1, 2, 3)
     self.loss = DC_and_BCE_loss({}, {'batch_dice': False, 'do_bg': True, 'smooth': 0})
def main():
    args = get_args()
    log_file = args.log_file
    preprocessed_data_dir = args.preprocessed_data_dir
    output_folder = args.postprocessed_data_dir
    ground_truths = args.label_data_dir
    output_dtype = dtype_map[args.output_dtype]
    num_threads_nifti_save = args.num_threads_nifti_save
    all_in_gpu = "None"
    force_separate_z = None
    interp_order = 3
    interp_order_z = 0

    if not os.path.exists(output_folder):

    # Load necessary metadata.
    print("Loading necessary metadata...")
    with open(os.path.join(preprocessed_data_dir, "preprocessed_files.pkl"),
              "rb") as f:
        preprocessed_files = pickle.load(f)
    dictionaries = []
    for preprocessed_file in preprocessed_files:
        with open(
                             preprocessed_file + ".pkl"), "rb") as f:
            dct = pickle.load(f)[1]

    # Load predictions from loadgen accuracy log.
    print("Loading loadgen accuracy log...")
    predictions = load_loadgen_log(log_file, output_dtype, dictionaries)

    # Save predictions
    # This runs in multiprocess
    print("Running postprocessing with multiple threads...")
    save_predictions_MLPerf(predictions, output_folder, preprocessed_files,
                            dictionaries, num_threads_nifti_save, all_in_gpu,
                            force_separate_z, interp_order, interp_order_z)

    # Run evaluation
    print("Running evaluation...")
    evaluate_regions(output_folder, ground_truths, get_brats_regions())

    # Load evaluation summary
    print("Loading evaluation summary...")
    with open(os.path.join(output_folder, "summary.csv")) as f:
        for line in f:
            words = line.split(",")
            if words[0] == "mean":
                whole = float(words[1])
                core = float(words[2])
                enhancing = float(words[3])
                mean = (whole + core + enhancing) / 3
                    "Accuracy: mean = {:.5f}, whole tumor = {:.4f}, tumor core = {:.4f}, enhancing tumor = {:.4f}"
                    .format(mean, whole, core, enhancing))

 def __init__(self, plans_file, fold, output_folder=None, dataset_directory=None, batch_dice=True, stage=None,
              unpack_data=True, deterministic=True, fp16=False):
     super().__init__(plans_file, fold, output_folder, dataset_directory, batch_dice, stage, unpack_data,
                      deterministic, fp16)
     self.validate_every = 1
     self.evaluation_regions = get_brats_regions()
     self.num_val_batches_per_epoch = 0 # we dont need this because this does not evaluate on full images
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, plans_file, fold, local_rank, output_folder=None, dataset_directory=None, batch_dice=True,
              unpack_data=True, deterministic=True, distribute_batch_size=False, fp16=False):
     super().__init__(plans_file, fold, local_rank, output_folder, dataset_directory, batch_dice, stage, unpack_data,
                      deterministic, distribute_batch_size, fp16)
     self.regions = get_brats_regions()
     self.regions_class_order = (1, 2, 3)
     self.loss = None
     self.ce_loss = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
Exemple #5
def collect_and_prepare(base_dir, num_processes = 12, clean=False):
    collect all cv_niftis, compute brats metrics, compute enh tumor thresholds and summarize in csv
    :param base_dir:
    out = join(base_dir, 'cv_results')
    out_pp = join(base_dir, 'cv_results_pp')
    experiments = subfolders(base_dir, join=False, prefix='nnUNetTrainer')
    regions = get_brats_regions()
    gt_dir = join(base_dir, 'gt_niftis')
    replace_with = 2

    failed = []
    successful = []
    for e in experiments:
            o = join(out, e)
            o_p = join(out_pp, e)
            collect_cv_niftis(join(base_dir, e), o)
            if clean or not isfile(join(o, 'summary.csv')):
                evaluate_regions(o, gt_dir, regions, num_processes)
            if clean or not isfile(join(o_p, 'threshold.pkl')):
                determine_brats_postprocessing(o, gt_dir, o_p, num_processes, thresholds=list(np.arange(0, 760, 10)), replace_with=replace_with)
            if clean or not isfile(join(o_p, 'summary.csv')):
                evaluate_regions(o_p, gt_dir, regions, num_processes)
        except Exception as ex:
            print("\nERROR\n", e, ex, "\n")

    # we are interested in the mean (nan is 1) column
    with open(join(base_dir, 'cv_summary.csv'), 'w') as f:
        for e in successful:
            expected_nopp = join(out, e, 'summary.csv')
            expected_pp = join(out, out_pp, e, 'summary.csv')
            if isfile(expected_nopp):
                res = np.loadtxt(expected_nopp, dtype=str, skiprows=0, delimiter=',')[-2]
                as_numeric = [float(i) for i in res[1:]]
                f.write(e + '_noPP,')
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[0])
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[1])
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[2])
                f.write("%0.4f\n" % np.mean(as_numeric))
            if isfile(expected_pp):
                res = np.loadtxt(expected_pp, dtype=str, skiprows=0, delimiter=',')[-2]
                as_numeric = [float(i) for i in res[1:]]
                f.write(e + '_PP,')
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[0])
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[1])
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[2])
                f.write("%0.4f\n" % np.mean(as_numeric))

    # this just crawls the folders and evaluates what it finds
    with open(join(base_dir, 'cv_summary2.csv'), 'w') as f:
        for folder in ['cv_results', 'cv_results_pp']:
            for ex in subdirs(join(base_dir, folder), join=False):
                print(folder, ex)
                expected = join(base_dir, folder, ex, 'summary.csv')
                if clean or not isfile(expected):
                    evaluate_regions(join(base_dir, folder, ex), gt_dir, regions, num_processes)
                if isfile(expected):
                    res = np.loadtxt(expected, dtype=str, skiprows=0, delimiter=',')[-2]
                    as_numeric = [float(i) for i in res[1:]]
                    f.write('%s__%s,' % (folder, ex))
                    f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[0])
                    f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[1])
                    f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[2])
                    f.write("%0.4f\n" % np.mean(as_numeric))

        for e in successful:
            expected_nopp = join(out, e, 'summary.csv')
            expected_pp = join(out, out_pp, e, 'summary.csv')
            if isfile(expected_nopp):
                res = np.loadtxt(expected_nopp, dtype=str, skiprows=0, delimiter=',')[-2]
                as_numeric = [float(i) for i in res[1:]]
                f.write(e + '_noPP,')
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[0])
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[1])
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[2])
                f.write("%0.4f\n" % np.mean(as_numeric))
            if isfile(expected_pp):
                res = np.loadtxt(expected_pp, dtype=str, skiprows=0, delimiter=',')[-2]
                as_numeric = [float(i) for i in res[1:]]
                f.write(e + '_PP,')
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[0])
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[1])
                f.write("%0.4f," % as_numeric[2])
                f.write("%0.4f\n" % np.mean(as_numeric))

    # apply threshold to val set
    expected_num_cases = 125
    missing_valset = []
    has_val_pred = []
    for e in successful:
        if isdir(join(base_dir, 'predVal', e)):
            currdir = join(base_dir, 'predVal', e)
            files = subfiles(currdir, suffix='.nii.gz', join=False)
            if len(files) != expected_num_cases:
                print(e, 'prediction not done, found %d files, expected %s' % (len(files), expected_num_cases))
            output_folder = join(base_dir, 'predVal_PP', e)
            threshold = load_pickle(join(out_pp, e, 'threshold.pkl'))[2]
            if threshold > 1000: threshold = 750  # don't make it too big!
            apply_threshold_to_folder(currdir, output_folder, threshold, replace_with, num_processes)
            print(e, 'has no valset predictions')

    # 'nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA3_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5_15fold' needs special treatment
    e = 'nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA3_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5'
    currdir = join(base_dir, 'predVal', 'nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA3_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5_15fold')
    output_folder = join(base_dir, 'predVal_PP', 'nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA3_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5_15fold')
    threshold = load_pickle(join(out_pp, e, 'threshold.pkl'))[2]
    if threshold > 1000: threshold = 750  # don't make it too big!
    apply_threshold_to_folder(currdir, output_folder, threshold, replace_with, num_processes)

    # 'nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA3_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5_15fold' needs special treatment
    e = 'nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA4_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5'
    currdir = join(base_dir, 'predVal', 'nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA4_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5_15fold')
    output_folder = join(base_dir, 'predVal_PP', 'nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA4_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5_15fold')
    threshold = load_pickle(join(out_pp, e, 'threshold.pkl'))[2]
    if threshold > 1000: threshold = 750  # don't make it too big!
    apply_threshold_to_folder(currdir, output_folder, threshold, replace_with, num_processes)

    # convert val set to brats labels for submission
    output_converted = join(base_dir, 'converted_valSet')

    for source in ['predVal', 'predVal_PP']:
        for e in has_val_pred + ['nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA3_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5_15fold', 'nnUNetTrainerV2BraTSRegions_DA4_BN__nnUNetPlansv2.1_bs5_15fold']:
            expected_source_folder = join(base_dir, source, e)
            if not isdir(expected_source_folder):
                print(e, 'has no', source)
                raise RuntimeError()
            files = subfiles(expected_source_folder, suffix='.nii.gz', join=False)
            if len(files) != expected_num_cases:
                print(e, 'prediction not done, found %d files, expected %s' % (len(files), expected_num_cases))
            target_folder = join(output_converted, source, e)
            convert_labels_back_to_BraTS_2018_2019_convention(expected_source_folder, target_folder)

Exemple #6
    def run(self):
        print("Run inference for accuracy")
        setup(self.args.data_location, self.args.input_graph)

        graph = tf.Graph()
        with graph.as_default():
            graph_def = tf.compat.v1.GraphDef()
            with open(self.args.input_graph, "rb") as f:
            output_graph = optimize_for_inference(
                graph_def, [INPUTS], [OUTPUTS],
                dtypes.float32.as_datatype_enum, False)
            tf.import_graph_def(output_graph, name="")

        input_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('input:0')
        output_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('Identity:0')

        config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto()
        config.intra_op_parallelism_threads = self.args.num_intra_threads
        config.inter_op_parallelism_threads = self.args.num_inter_threads
        config.graph_options.rewrite_options.auto_mixed_precision_mkl = rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig.ON

        sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(graph=graph, config=config)
        if (self.args.accuracy_only):
            print("Inference with real data")
            preprocessed_data_dir = "build/preprocessed_data"
            with open(
                                 "preprocessed_files.pkl"), "rb") as f:
                preprocessed_files = pickle.load(f)

            dictionaries = []
            for preprocessed_file in preprocessed_files:
                with open(
                                     preprocessed_file + ".pkl"), "rb") as f:
                    dct = pickle.load(f)[1]

            count = len(preprocessed_files)
            predictions = [None] * count
            validation_indices = list(range(0, count))
            print("Found {:d} preprocessed files".format(count))
            loaded_files = {}
            batch_size = self.args.batch_size
            # Get the number of steps based on batch size
            steps = count  #math.ceil(count/batch_size)
            for i in range(steps):
                print("Iteration {} ...".format(i))
                test_data_index = validation_indices[
                    i]  #validation_indices[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]
                file_name = preprocessed_files[test_data_index]
                with open(
                                     "{:}.pkl".format(file_name)), "rb") as f:
                    data = pickle.load(f)[0]
                predictions[i] = sess.run(
                    feed_dict={input_tensor: data[np.newaxis,

            output_folder = "build/postprocessed_data"
            output_files = preprocessed_files
            # Post Process
            postprocess_output(predictions, dictionaries, validation_indices,
                               output_folder, output_files)

            ground_truths = "build/raw_data/nnUNet_raw_data/Task043_BraTS2019/labelsTr"
            # Run evaluation
            print("Running evaluation...")
            evaluate_regions(output_folder, ground_truths, get_brats_regions())
            # Load evaluation summary
            print("Loading evaluation summary...")
            with open(os.path.join(output_folder, "summary.csv")) as f:
                for line in f:
                    words = line.split(",")
                    if words[0] == "mean":
                        whole = float(words[1])
                        core = float(words[2])
                        enhancing = float(words[3])
                        mean = (whole + core + enhancing) / 3
                            "Accuracy: mean = {:.5f}, whole tumor = {:.4f}, tumor core = {:.4f}, enhancing tumor = {:.4f}"
                            .format(mean, whole, core, enhancing))
