Exemple #1
class Scene:
    def __init__(self):

    def update(self, nodes):
        current_time = rospy.Time.now()
        for node in nodes:
            node.last_update.data = current_time
            if node.parent not in self.__nodes:
                node.parent = self.root_id()
        return [n.id for n in nodes if n.name != "root"]

    def remove(self, ids):
        return ids

    def root_id(self):
        return self.__root_id

    def nodes(self):
        return self.__nodes

    def reset(self, root_id):
        self.__root_id = root_id
        if not hasattr(self, '__nodes'):
            node_ids = []
            self.__nodes = Nodes()
            node_ids = self.__nodes.ids()
        root = Node(id=self.__root_id, name="root")
        root.position.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
        return node_ids
Exemple #2
client = Nodes()
# client.create(**input)

# node = client.retrieveById('0cd16aed4e20f18b')
# for ent in node:
#    print ent, ': ', node[ent]
list = client.retrieveAll()
for node in list:
    for ent in node:
        print ent, ': ', node[ent]
update_input = {
    '_id': '0cd16aed4e20f18b',
    'nodeDisplay': 'TestNode3_modified',
    'nodeDescription': 'Test for Nodes Class',
    'nodeTags': ndtags,
    'nodeParents': ndparents,
    'nodeChildren': ndchildren,
    'nodeVotes': ndvotes,
    'nodeStatus': count,
    'nodeCreateAt': node['nodeCreateAt']
# nodeDisply is another attribute which can uniquely identify a node
# children = client.retrieveChild('0cd39ce2bd2095cb')
Exemple #3
class Graph(object):
    def __init__(self, data=None, **attr):
        # the init could be
        # graph = Graph(g) where g is a Graph
        # graph = Graph((v,e)) where v is Graph.v like and e is Graph.e like
        # graph = Graph(({},e)) for an edgelist with no specified nodes
        # others with classmethods like
        # Graph.from_adjacency_matrix(m)
        # Graph.from_adjacency_list(l)
        # should abstract the data here
        self._nodedata = {}  # empty node attribute dict
        self._adjacency = {}  # empty adjacency dict
        # the interface is n,e,a,data
        self.n = Nodes(self._nodedata, self._adjacency) # rename to self.nodes
        self.e = Edges(self._nodedata, self._adjacency) # rename to self.edges
        self.a = Adjacency(self._adjacency) # rename to self.adjacency
        self.data = {}   # dictionary for graph attributes
        # load with data
        if hasattr(data,'n') and not hasattr(data,'name'): # it is a new graph
            data = None
            nodes,edges = data # containers of edges and nodes
        except: # old style
            if data is not None:
                convert.to_networkx_graph(data, create_using=self)
        # load __init__ graph attribute keywords

    def s(self, nbunch):
        H = Subgraph(self, nbunch)
        return H

    # crazy use of call - get subgraph?
    def __call__(self, nbunch):
        return self.s(nbunch)

    # rewrite these in terms of new interface
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.n)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.n)

    def clear(self):
        self.name = ''

    def copy(self, with_data=True):
        if with_data:
            return deepcopy(self)
        G = self.__class__()
        return G

    def is_multigraph(self):
        """Return True if graph is a multigraph, False otherwise."""
        return False

    def is_directed(self):
        """Return True if graph is directed, False otherwise."""
        return False

    def order(self):
        return len(self.n)

    def size(self, weight=None):
        s = sum(d for v, d in self.n.degree(weight=weight))
        # If `weight` is None, the sum of the degrees is guaranteed to be
        # even, so we can perform integer division and hence return an
        # integer. Otherwise, the sum of the weighted degrees is not
        # guaranteed to be an integer, so we perform "real" division.
        return s // 2 if weight is None else s / 2

    def from_adjacency_matrix(self, matrix):
        import numpy as np
        try: # Python 3.x
            blurb = chr(1245) # just to trigger the exception
        except ValueError: # Python 2.6+
        if n!=m:
            raise nx.NetworkXError("Adjacency matrix is not square.",
            raise TypeError("Unknown numpy data type: %s"%dt)

        # Make sure we get even the isolated nodes of the graph.
        nodes = range(n)
        # Get a list of all the entries in the matrix with nonzero entries. These
        # coordinates will become the edges in the graph.
        edges = zip(*(np.asarray(matrix).nonzero()))
        # handle numpy constructed data type
        if python_type is 'void':
        # Sort the fields by their offset, then by dtype, then by name.
            fields = sorted((offset, dtype, name) for name, (dtype, offset) in
            triples = ((u, v, {name: kind_to_python_type[dtype.kind](val)
                               for (_, dtype, name), val in zip(fields, matrix[u, v])})
                       for u, v in edges)
        else:  # basic data type
            triples = ((u, v, dict(weight=python_type(matrix[u, v])))
                       for u, v in edges)
        graph = self((nodes, triples))
        return graph

    def from_adjacency_list(self, adjlist):
        nodes = range(len(adjlist))
        edges = [(node,n) for node,nbrlist in enumerate(adjlist) for n in nbrlist]
        return self((nodes,edges))
Exemple #4
class Graph(object):
    def __init__(self, data=None, **attr):
        # the init could be
        # graph = Graph(g) where g is a Graph
        # graph = Graph((v,e)) where v is Graph.v like and e is Graph.e like
        # graph = Graph(({},e)) for an edgelist with no specified nodes
        # others with classmethods like
        # Graph.from_adjacency_matrix(m)
        # Graph.from_adjacency_list(l)
        # should abstract the data here
        self._nodedata = {}  # empty node attribute dict
        self._adjacency = {}  # empty adjacency dict
        # the interface is n,e,a,data
        self.n = Nodes(self._nodedata, self._adjacency)  # rename to self.nodes
        self.e = Edges(self._nodedata, self._adjacency)  # rename to self.edges
        self.a = Adjacency(self._adjacency)  # rename to self.adjacency
        self.data = {}  # dictionary for graph attributes
        # load with data
        if hasattr(data, "n") and not hasattr(data, "name"):  # it is a new graph
            data = None
            nodes, edges = data  # containers of edges and nodes
        except:  # old style
            if data is not None:
                convert.to_networkx_graph(data, create_using=self)
        # load __init__ graph attribute keywords

    def s(self, nbunch):
        H = Subgraph(self, nbunch)
        return H

    # crazy use of call - get subgraph?
    def __call__(self, nbunch):
        return self.s(nbunch)

    # rewrite these in terms of new interface
    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.n)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.n)

    def clear(self):
        self.name = ""

    def copy(self, with_data=True):
        if with_data:
            return deepcopy(self)
        G = self.__class__()
        return G

    def is_multigraph(self):
        """Return True if graph is a multigraph, False otherwise."""
        return False

    def is_directed(self):
        """Return True if graph is directed, False otherwise."""
        return False

    def order(self):
        return len(self.n)

    def size(self, weight=None):
        s = sum(d for v, d in self.n.degree(weight=weight))
        # If `weight` is None, the sum of the degrees is guaranteed to be
        # even, so we can perform integer division and hence return an
        # integer. Otherwise, the sum of the weighted degrees is not
        # guaranteed to be an integer, so we perform "real" division.
        return s // 2 if weight is None else s / 2

    def from_adjacency_matrix(self, matrix):
        import numpy as np

        kind_to_python_type = {"f": float, "i": int, "u": int, "b": bool, "c": complex, "S": str, "V": "void"}
        try:  # Python 3.x
            blurb = chr(1245)  # just to trigger the exception
            kind_to_python_type["U"] = str
        except ValueError:  # Python 2.6+
            kind_to_python_type["U"] = unicode
        n, m = matrix.shape
        if n != m:
            raise nx.NetworkXError("Adjacency matrix is not square.", "nx,ny=%s" % (matrix.shape,))
        dt = matrix.dtype
            python_type = kind_to_python_type[dt.kind]
            raise TypeError("Unknown numpy data type: %s" % dt)

        # Make sure we get even the isolated nodes of the graph.
        nodes = range(n)
        # Get a list of all the entries in the matrix with nonzero entries. These
        # coordinates will become the edges in the graph.
        edges = zip(*(np.asarray(matrix).nonzero()))
        # handle numpy constructed data type
        if python_type is "void":
            # Sort the fields by their offset, then by dtype, then by name.
            fields = sorted((offset, dtype, name) for name, (dtype, offset) in matrix.dtype.fields.items())
            triples = (
                    {name: kind_to_python_type[dtype.kind](val) for (_, dtype, name), val in zip(fields, matrix[u, v])},
                for u, v in edges
        else:  # basic data type
            triples = ((u, v, dict(weight=python_type(matrix[u, v]))) for u, v in edges)
        graph = self((nodes, triples))
        return graph

    def from_adjacency_list(self, adjlist):
        nodes = range(len(adjlist))
        edges = [(node, n) for node, nbrlist in enumerate(adjlist) for n in nbrlist]
        return self((nodes, edges))