Exemple #1
 def apply_strategy(self, values, constraints):
     Applies the simple spaces strategy.
     :param values: The array of values.
     :param constraints: the constraints put on the values.
     :return: The new values after the application of the algorithm.
     scores = Board.get_score(values)
     new_vals = list(values)
     if Utilities.all_blocks_present(
             values, constraints):  # only apply when all blocks are present
         taken_spots = [v != Board.Unknown for v in values
                        ]  # array to keep track of which spots are taken
         diffs = [c - s for s, c in zip(scores, constraints)
                  ]  # array to see how far each score still has to go
         score_positions = Utilities.get_positions_of_scores(values)
         for diff, (s_s, s_e) in zip(diffs, score_positions):
             for p in range(max(0, s_s - diff),
                            min(len(values), s_e + 1 + diff)):
                     p] = True  # set each possible spot where a cross could go to True
         for idx, t in enumerate(taken_spots):  # calculate the result
             if not t:
                 new_vals[idx] = Board.Empty
     return new_vals
Exemple #2
 def all_blocks_present(values, constraints):
     Check if we definitely know that all the separate blocks are there already.
     :param values: The array of values.
     :param constraints: The constraints put on the array of values.
     :return: True if all the blocks of scores are present, False if not or if we cannot know.
     scores = Board.get_score(values)
     if scores == constraints:  # simplest case where the scores are all done already
         return True
     if len(scores) == len(constraints):
         return not Utilities._blocks_may_join(values, scores, constraints)
     return False
Exemple #3
 def test_get_score(self):
     self.assertListEqual(Board.get_score([]), [])
     self.assertListEqual(Board.get_score([Board.Unknown]), [])
     self.assertListEqual(Board.get_score([Board.Empty]), [])
     self.assertListEqual(Board.get_score([Board.Cross]), [1])
             Board.Cross, Board.Empty, Board.Cross, Board.Cross,
         ]), [1, 2])
             [Board.Cross, Board.Cross, Board.Cross, Board.Cross]), [4])