] for f in cambsources: if not os.path.exists(f): raise Exception( "At least one of CAMB code file: '%s' is not found. Download and extract to camb/" % f) try: os.mkdir('src') except: pass generatePyCamb.main() f2py.run_main([ '-m', '_pycamb', '-h', '--overwrite-signature', 'src/py_camb_wrap.pyf', 'src/py_camb_wrap.f90', 'skip:', 'makeparameters', ':' ]) setup( name="pycamb", version="0.1", author="Joe Zuntz", author_email="*****@*****.**", description= "python binding of camb, you need sign agreement and obtain camb source code to build this. Thus we can not GPL this code.", url="http://github.com/rainwoodman/#", download_url="http://web.phys.cmu.edu/~yfeng1/#", zip_safe=False, install_requires=['numpy'], requires=['numpy'], packages=['pycamb'],
'halofit.f90', 'lensing.f90', 'SeparableBispectrum.F90', 'cmbmain.f90', 'camb.f90', ]] for f in cambsources: if not os.path.exists(f): raise Exception("At least one of CAMB code file: '%s' is not found. Download and extract to camb/" % f) try: os.mkdir('src') except: pass generatePyCamb.main() f2py.run_main(['-m', '_pycamb', '-h', '--overwrite-signature', 'src/py_camb_wrap.pyf', 'src/py_camb_wrap.f90', 'skip:', 'makeparameters', ':']) setup(name="pycamb", version="0.1", author="Joe Zuntz", author_email="*****@*****.**", description="python binding of camb, you need sign agreement and obtain camb source code to build this. Thus we can not GPL this code.", url="http://github.com/rainwoodman/#", download_url="http://web.phys.cmu.edu/~yfeng1/#", zip_safe=False, install_requires=['numpy'], requires=['numpy'], packages = [ 'pycamb' ], package_dir = {'pycamb': 'src'}, data_files = [('pycamb/camb', ['camb/HighLExtrapTemplate_lenspotentialCls.dat'])], scripts = [], ext_modules = [
'equations.f90', 'halofit_ppf.f90', 'lensing.f90', 'SeparableBispectrum.F90', 'cmbmain.f90', 'camb.f90', ]] for f in cambsources: if not os.path.exists('camb/Makefile'): raise Exception("At least one of CAMB code file: '%s' is not found. Download and extract to camb/" % f) makeparametersf90() f2py.run_main(['--debug-capi', '-m', '_pycamb', '-h', '--overwrite-signature', 'src/pycamb_main.pyf', 'src/pycamb_main.f90', 'camb/constants.f90']) setup(name="pycamb", version="0.2", author="Joe Zuntz", author_email="*****@*****.**", description="python binding of camb, you need sign agreement and obtain camb source code to build this. Thus we can not GPL this code.", url="http://github.com/rainwoodman/#", download_url="http://web.phys.cmu.edu/~yfeng1/#", zip_safe=False, install_requires=['numpy'], requires=['numpy'], packages = [ 'pycamb' ], package_dir = {'pycamb': 'src'}, data_files = [('pycamb/camb', ['camb/HighLExtrapTemplate_lenspotentialCls.dat'])], scripts = [],