def _list_dir(self, dir_drive: str, dir_tail: str) -> List[str]: response: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]] try: response = self._s3_client.list_objects( Bucket=dir_drive, Prefix=dir_tail ) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc()) items: List[str] = [] for item in response.get("Contents", []): items.append(item["Key"]) while response.get("IsTruncated", False): marker = response.get("NextMarker") or items[-1] try: response = self._s3_client.list_objects( Bucket=dir_drive, Prefix=dir_tail, Marker=marker ) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc()) for item in response.get("Contents", []): items.append(item["Key"]) return items
def file_read(self, path: Path) -> bytes: parent_dir: MemoryDirectory try: parent_dir = self._get_dir(path.parent) return parent_dir.get_file(path.basename).contents except (NotADirectoryError, NotAFileError): raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def _remove(self, path: Path, is_dir: bool) -> None: tail_str: str = self._separator.join(path.tail) if is_dir and tail_str: tail_str += self._separator response: Dict[str, Union[bool, List[Dict[str, str]]]] = { "IsTruncated": True } while response.get("IsTruncated", False): contents = cast(List[Dict[str, str]], response.get("Contents", [])) marker = cast(str, response.get("NextMarker")) if not marker and contents: marker = contents[-1]["Key"] if not marker: marker = "" try: response = self._s3_client.list_objects(, Prefix=tail_str, Marker=marker, ) contents = cast(List[Dict[str, str]], response.get('Contents', [])) if contents: self._s3_client.delete_objects(, Delete={ 'Objects': [{ 'Key': f['Key'] } for f in contents if is_dir or f['Key'] == tail_str] }) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def file_write(self, path: Path, content: bytes) -> None: try: parent_path: str = self.path_to_string(path.parent) if not os.path.exists(parent_path): os.makedirs(parent_path) with open(self.path_to_string(path), "wb") as f: f.write(content) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def file_read(self, path: Path) -> bytes: prefix: str = self._separator.join(path.tail) try: data = BytesIO() self._s3_client.download_fileobj(, prefix, data) return except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def dir_list(self, path: Path) -> Iterable[FSObjectPath]: tail_str: str = self._separator.join(path.tail) if tail_str: tail_str += self._separator response: Dict[str, Union[bool, List[Dict[str, str]], str]] = { "IsTruncated": True } marker = "" while response.get("IsTruncated", False): try: response = self._s3_client.list_objects(, Prefix=tail_str, Delimiter=self._separator, Marker=marker) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc()) contents = cast(List[Dict[str, str]], response.get("Contents", [])) for item in contents: file_name: str = item["Key"] if file_name != tail_str: if file_name.endswith(self._separator): yield FSObjectPath( FSObjectType.DIR, Path(, *(file_name.split(self._separator)[:-1]))) else: yield FSObjectPath( FSObjectType.FILE, Path(, *file_name.split(self._separator))) for item in cast(List[Dict[str, str]], response.get("CommonPrefixes", [])): dir_name: str = item["Prefix"] yield FSObjectPath( FSObjectType.DIR, Path(, *(dir_name.split(self._separator)[:-1]))) marker = cast(str, response.get("NextMarker")) if not marker and contents: marker = contents[-1]["Key"] if not marker: marker = ""
def file_write(self, path: Path, content: bytes) -> None: try: dirs: Tuple[str, ...] = path.parent.tail acc_prefix: str = "" for dir_ in dirs: if acc_prefix: acc_prefix = self._separator.join((acc_prefix, dir_)) else: acc_prefix = dir_ self._s3_client.upload_fileobj(BytesIO(b""),, acc_prefix + self._separator) path_str: str = self.path_to_string(path) tail: str = path_str[path_str.find("/") + 1:] self._s3_client.upload_fileobj(BytesIO(content),, tail) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def file_set_perms(self, path: Path, policies: List[Policy]) -> None: """ Set ACL policies for the object. Check `norfs.fs.s3.s3_scopes` and `norfs.fs.s3.s3_perms` to understand how :class:`norfs.permissions.Scope` and :class:`norfs.permissions.Perm` map to S3 Grantees and Permissions. """ try: key = self._separator.join(path.tail) acl = self._s3_client.get_object_acl(, Key=key) grants = [] for policy in policies: if policy.scope == Scope.OWNER: grantee = acl['Owner'].copy() grantee['Type'] = 'CanonicalUser' else: grantee = s3_scopes.get(policy.scope) if all((p in policy.perms for p in _ALL_PERMS)): grants.append({ 'Grantee': grantee, 'Permission': 'FULL_CONTROL', }) else: for perm in policy.perms: permission = s3_perms.get(perm) if permission: grants.append({ 'Grantee': grantee, 'Permission': permission, }) self._s3_client.put_object_acl( AccessControlPolicy={ 'Grants': grants, 'Owner': acl['Owner'], },, Key=key, ) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def file_set_properties(self, path: Path, content_type: Optional[str] = None, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None: """ Set properties for the object. """ kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} if content_type: kwargs['ContentType'] = content_type kwargs['MetadataDirective'] = 'REPLACE' if tags: kwargs['Tagging'] = urlencode(tags) kwargs['TaggingDirective'] = 'REPLACE' if metadata: kwargs['Metadata'] = metadata kwargs['MetadataDirective'] = 'REPLACE' key: str = self._separator.join(path.tail) try: acl = self._s3_client.get_object_acl(, Key=key) self._s3_client.copy_object(Key=key,, CopySource={ "Bucket":, "Key": key }, **kwargs) self._s3_client.put_object_acl( AccessControlPolicy={ 'Grants': acl['Grants'], 'Owner': acl['Owner'], },, Key=key, ) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def remove(self) -> None: """ Tries to remove self from the file system. On failure it raises a :class:`norfs.fs.base.FileSystemOperationError` """ raise FileSystemOperationError(f"Cannot remove {str(self)}")
def file_remove(self, path: Path) -> None: try: os.remove(self.path_to_string(path)) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def file_read(self, path: Path) -> bytes: try: with open(self.path_to_string(path), "rb") as f: return except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def dir_remove(self, path: Path) -> None: try: shutil.rmtree(self.path_to_string(path)) except Exception: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def dir_remove(self, path: Path) -> None: try: current_dir: MemoryDirectory = self._get_dir(path.parent) current_dir.remove_dir(path.basename) except NotADirectoryError: raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())
def file_remove(self, path: Path) -> None: try: parent_dir: MemoryDirectory = self._get_dir(path.parent) parent_dir.remove_file(path.basename) except (NotADirectoryError, NotAFileError): raise FileSystemOperationError(traceback.format_exc())