def create_cars(count=200): current_car_count = Car.objects().count() if current_car_count >= count: print("There are currently {:,} cars. Skipping create.") return [] count = count - current_car_count hp_factor = 660 mpg_factor = 21 liters_factor = 4 cars = [] print("Building cars...") for _ in range(0, count): model = random.choice(models) make = 'Ferrari' year = random.randint(1985, mileage = random.randint(0, 150000) mpg = int((mpg_factor + mpg_factor * random.random() / 4) * 10) / 10.0 horsepower = int(hp_factor + hp_factor * random.random() / 2) liters = int((liters_factor + liters_factor * random.random() / 2) * 100) / 100.0 engine = Engine(horsepower=horsepower, liters=liters, mpg=mpg) car = Car(model=model, make=make, year=year, engine=engine, mileage=mileage) cars.append(car) print("Saving cars...") Car.objects().insert(cars) return list(Car.objects())
def percent_cars_with_bad_service(): t0 = bad = Car.objects().filter(service_history__customer_rating__lte=1).count() dt = - t0 print("bad computed in {} ms, bad: {:,}".format(dt.total_seconds() * 1000, bad)) all_cars = Car.objects().count() percent = 100 * bad / max(all_cars, 1) return percent
def percent_cars_with_bad_service(): t0 = bad = Car.objects().filter(service_history__customers_rating__lte=1).count() dt = - t0 print('bad computed in {} ms, bad: {:,}'.format(dt.total_seconds() * 1000, bad)) all_cars = Car.objects().count() percent = 100 * bad / max(all_cars, 1) return percent
def service_car(): # vin = input("What is the VIN of the car to service? ") # car = Car.objects(vi_number=vin).first() # if not car: # print("Car with VIN {} not found!".format(vin)) # return # # service = ServiceHistory() # service.price = float(input("What is the price? ")) # service.description = input("What type of service is this? ") # service.customer_rating = int(input("How happy is our customer? [1-5] ")) # # car.service_history.append(service) # vin = input("What is the VIN of the car to service? ") service = ServiceHistory() service.price = float(input("What is the price? ")) service.description = input("What type of service is this? ") service.customer_rating = int(input("How happy is our customer? [1-5] ")) updated = Car.objects(vi_number=vin).update_one(push__service_history=service) if updated == 0: print("Car with VIN {} not found!".format(vin)) return
def service_car(): # vin = input("What is the VIN of the car to service? ") # car = Car.objects(vi_number=vin).first() # if not car: # print("Car with VIN {} not found!".format(vin)) # return # service = ServiceHistory() # service.price = float(input("What is the price? ")) # service.description = input("What type of service is this? ") # service.customer_rating = int(input("How happy is our customer? [1-5] ")) # car.service_history.append(service) # vin = input("What is the VIN of the car to service? ") service = ServiceHistory() service.price = float(input("What is the price? ")) service.description = input("What type of service is this? ") service.customer_rating = int(input("How happy is our customer? [1-5] ")) updated = Car.objects(vi_number=vin).update_one( push__service_history=service) if updated == 0: print("Car with VIN {} not found!".format(vin)) return
def service_car(): # vin = input('What is the vin of the car to service? ') # car = Car.objects().filter(vi_number=vin).first() # if not car: # print('Car with VIN {} not found'.format(vin)) # return # print('We will service '+ car.model) # service = ServiceHistory() # service.price = float(input('What is the price? ')) # service.description = input('What type of service is this? ') # service.customer_rating = int(input('How happy our costumer? [1-5]')) # car.service_history.append(service) # vin = input('What is the vin of the car to service? ') service = ServiceHistory() service.price = float(input('What is the price? ')) service.description = input('What type of service is this? ') service.customer_rating = int(input('How happy our costumer? [1-5] ')) updated = Car.objects(vi_number=vin).update_one( push__service_history=service) if updated == 0: print("Car with VIN {} not found!\n".format(vin)) return
def add_service_record(car_id, description, price, customer_rating): record = ServiceRecord(description=description, price=price, customer_rating=customer_rating) res = Car.objects(id=car_id).update_one(push__service_history=record) if res != 1: raise Exception("No car with id {}".format(car_id))
def list_cars(): cars = Car.objects().order_by("-year") for car in cars: print("{} -- {} with vin {} (year {})".format(car.make, car.model, car.vi_number, car.year)) print("{} of service records".format(len(car.service_history))) for s in car.service_history: print(" * ${:,.0f} {}".format(s.price, s.description)) print()
def list_cars(): cars = Car.objects().order_by("-year") for car in cars: print("{} -- {} with vin {} (year {})".format( car.make, car.model, car.vi_number, car.year)) print("{} of service records".format(len(car.service_history))) for s in car.service_history: print(" * ${:,.0f} {}".format(s.price, s.description)) print()
def list_cars(): cars = Car.objects().order_by('-year') for car in cars: print( f'{car.make} -- {car.model} with vin {car.vi_number} (year {car.year})' ) print(f'{len(car.service_history)} of service records\n') for s in car.service_history: print(' * ${:,.0f} {}'.format(s.price, s.description)) print()
def list_cars(): cars = Car.objects().order_by("-year") for car in cars: print( f"{car.make} -- {car.model} with vin {car.vi_number} year {car.year}" ) print(f"{len(car.service_history)}") for s in car.service_history: print(f" * ${s.price} {s.description}") print() print()
def show_poorly_serviced_cars(): level = int(input("What max level of satisfaction are we looking for? [1-5] ")) # { "service_history.customer_rating": {$lte: level} } cars = Car.objects(service_history__customer_rating__lte=level) for car in cars: print("{} -- {} with vin {} (year {})".format( car.make, car.model, car.vi_number, car.year)) print("{} of service records".format(len(car.service_history))) for s in car.service_history: print(" * Satisfaction: {} ${:,.0f} {}".format( s.customer_rating, s.price, s.description)) print()
def show_poorly_serviced_cars(): level = int( input("What max level of satisfaction are we looking for? [1-5] ")) # { "service_history.customer_rating": {$lte: level} } cars = Car.objects(service_history__customer_rating__lte=level) for car in cars: print("{} -- {} with vin {} (year {})".format(car.make, car.model, car.vi_number, car.year)) print("{} of service records".format(len(car.service_history))) for s in car.service_history: print(" * Satisfaction: {} ${:,.0f} {}".format( s.customer_rating, s.price, s.description)) print()
def service_car(): vin = input("What is the VIN of the car to service? ") service = ServiceHistory() service.price = float(input("What is the price of service? ")) service.description = input("What type of service is this? ") service.customer_rating = int(input("How happy is our customer? [1-5] ")) updated = Car.objects().filter(vi_number=vin).update_one( push__service_history=service) # it does update the doc, if # it finds it, will return 1, if not returns 0. if updated == 0: print("Car with VIN {} not found!".format(vin)) return
def show_poor_serviced_cars(): level = int( input('What max level of satisfaction are we looking for? [1-5] ')) # {'service_history.customres_reting': {$lte: level} } cars = Car.objects(service_history__customer_rating__lte=level) for car in cars: print() print( f'{car.make} -- {car.model} with vin {car.vi_number} (year {car.year})' ) print(f'{len(car.service_history)} of service records\n') for s in car.service_history: print(' * Stisfaction: {} ${:,.0f} {}\n'.format( s.customer_rating, s.price, s.description))
def main(): mongo_setup.init() print("Computing stats, this WILL take awhile...", flush=True) cars = list(Car.objects()) print("There are {:,} cars.".format(len(cars))) owners = list(Owner.objects()) print("There are {:,} owners.".format(len(owners))) owned_cars = sum((len(o.car_ids) for o in owners)) print("Each owner owns an average of {:.2f} cars.".format(owned_cars / len(owners))) service_histories = sum((len(c.service_history) for c in cars)) print("There are {:,} service histories.".format(service_histories)) print("Each car has an average of {:.2f} service records.".format(service_histories / len(cars)))
def main(): mongo_setup.init() print("Computing stats, this WILL take awhile...", flush=True) cars = list(Car.objects()) print("There are {:,} cars.".format(len(cars))) owners = list(Owner.objects()) print("There are {:,} owners.".format(len(owners))) owned_cars = sum((len(o.car_ids) for o in owners)) print("Each owner owns an average of {:.2f} cars.".format(owned_cars / len(owners))) service_histories = sum((len(c.service_history) for c in cars)) print("There are {:,} service histories.".format(service_histories)) print("Each car has an average of {:.2f} service records.".format( service_histories / len(cars)))
def find_car_by_id(car_id: bson.ObjectId) -> Car: car = Car.objects(id=car_id).first() Car.objects().filter(id=car_id).first() return car
def find_car_with_bad_service(limit=10) -> typing.List[Car]: cars = Car.objects(sevice_history__customer_rating__lte=1)[:limit] return list(cars)
def find_cars_by_make(make): car = Car.objects(make=make).first() return car
def find_cars_by_make(make) -> Car: car = Car.objects(make=make).first() return car
def find_cars_with_bad_service(limit=10) -> typing.List[Car]: cars = Car.objects(service_history__customer_rating__lt=4)[:limit] return list(cars)
def update_doc_versions(): for car in Car.objects(): car._mark_as_changed('vi_number')
return list(cars) timed( 'How many cars are owned by the 10,000th owner?', lambda: find_cars_by_owner( ) def find_owners_by_car(car_id): print(car_id) owners = Owner.objects(car_ids=car_id) return list(owners) car = Car.objects()[10000:10001][0] timed( 'How many owners own the 10,000th car?', lambda: find_owners_by_car( ) owner50k = Owner.objects()[50000:50001][0] timed( 'Find owner 50,000 by name?', lambda: Owner.objects( ) timed( 'Cars with expensive service?', lambda: Car.objects(service_history__price__gt=16800).count() )
def find_cars_by_owner(owner_id): the_owner = Owner.objects(id=owner_id).first() cars = Car.objects().filter(id__in=the_owner.car_ids) return list(cars)
t0 = func() dt = - t0 print("{} Time: {:,.3f} ms".format(msg, dt.total_seconds() * 1000.0), flush=True) mongo_setup.init() print("Time to ask some questions") timed('How many owners?', lambda: Owner.objects().filter().count()) timed('How many cars?', lambda: Car.objects().filter().count()) timed('Find the 10,000th owner?', lambda: Owner.objects().order_by('name')[10000:10001][0]) owner = Owner.objects().order_by('name')[10000:10001][0] def find_cars_by_owner(owner_id): the_owner = Owner.objects(id=owner_id).first() cars = Car.objects().filter(id__in=the_owner.car_ids) return list(cars) timed('How many cars are owned by the 10,000th owner?', lambda: find_cars_by_owner(