def test_get_with_valid_index(self):
        """test normal get behaviour
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertEqual(note_app.get(0), "Note 0", msg="Incorrect get method")
Exemple #2
 def test_search_finds_matches(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     test.create("emeka is a boy")
     appOutput = ("showing results for emeka"
                  "Note ID: 0\nemeka is a boy\nBy Author test\n")
     with capture(, "emeka") as output:
         self.assertEqual(appOutput, output, msg="search() method does not find matches")
    def test_create_with_string2(self):
        """test if the notes list has the correct value
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertListEqual(note_app.notes, ["Note 0"],
                             msg="incorrect notes attribute after create")
    def test_create_with_string(self):
        """test whether adding a note works
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertEqual(len(note_app.notes), 1,
                         msg="notes not added correctly")
    def test_create_with_list(self):
        """test if a list can be used to create a note
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create([1, 2])

        self.assertListEqual(note_app.notes, [[1, 2]],
                             msg="incorrect notes attribute after create")
    def test_create_with_int(self):
        """test if an int can be added as a note
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")

        self.assertListEqual(note_app.notes, [1],
                             msg="incorrect notes attribute after create")
    def test_edit_with_bad_index(self):
        """test if edit recongnizes bad indexes
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertFalse(note_app.edit(10, "New Note 0"),
                         msg="edit was unsuccessful")
    def test_create_with_string2(self):
        """test if the notes list has the correct value
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertListEqual(note_app.notes, ["Note 0"],
                             msg="incorrect notes attribute after create")
    def test_create_with_int(self):
        """test if an int can be added as a note
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")

        self.assertListEqual(note_app.notes, [1],
                             msg="incorrect notes attribute after create")
    def test_edit_with_valid_parameters(self):
        """test for normal edit behaviour
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertTrue(note_app.edit(0, "New Note 0"),
                        msg="edit was unsuccessful")
    def test_edit_with_bad_index(self):
        """test if edit recongnizes bad indexes
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertFalse(note_app.edit(10, "New Note 0"),
                         msg="edit was unsuccessful")
    def test_get_with_non_int_index(self):
        """test get with bad parameters
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertEqual(note_app.get(""), None,
                         msg="string index should return None")
    def test_get_with_valid_index(self):
        """test normal get behaviour
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertEqual(note_app.get(0), "Note 0",
                         msg="Incorrect get method")
    def test_get_with_invalid_index(self):
        """test get with bad parameters
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertEqual(note_app.get(10), None,
                         msg="Invalid index should return None")
Exemple #15
 def test_get_with_nonexistent_index(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     test.create("emeka is a boy")
     appOutput = "The index you entered does not exist\n"
     with capture(test.get, 8) as output:
         self.assertEqual(appOutput, output, msg="get() method does not handle entry of invalid indices appropriately")
    def test_create_with_list(self):
        """test if a list can be used to create a note
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create([1, 2])

        self.assertListEqual(note_app.notes, [[1, 2]],
                             msg="incorrect notes attribute after create")
    def test_edit_with_valid_parameters(self):
        """test for normal edit behaviour
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

        self.assertTrue(note_app.edit(0, "New Note 0"),
                        msg="edit was unsuccessful")
    def test_create_with_string(self):
        """test whether adding a note works
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

                         msg="notes not added correctly")
    def test_get_with_non_int_index(self):
        """test get with bad parameters
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

                         msg="string index should return None")
    def test_edit_changes_with_tuple(self):
        """test if edit changes the right variable to the right
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")
        note_app.edit(0, (1, 2))

        self.assertEqual(note_app.notes[0], (1, 2), msg="edit value incorrect")
    def test_get_with_invalid_index(self):
        """test get with bad parameters
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")

                         msg="Invalid index should return None")
    def test_edit_changes_with_tuple(self):
        """test if edit changes the right variable to the right
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")
        note_app.edit(0, (1, 2))

        self.assertEqual(note_app.notes[0], (1, 2),
                         msg="edit value incorrect")
    def test_list(self):
        """Test the listing of notes
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")
        args = (0, note_app.notes[0],
        expected_out = "Note ID: {0}\n{1}\n\nBy Author {2}\n\n".format(*args)

        self.assertEqual(note_app.list(), expected_out,
                         msg="Listing of notes incorrect")
    def test_search(self):
        """Test if search returns the right output"""
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")
        out = "Showing results for search '{0}'\n\n".format("Note")
        args = (0, note_app.notes[0],
        out += "Note ID: {0}\n{1}\n\nBy Author {2}\n\n".format(*args)

        self.assertEqual("Note"), out,
                         msg="searching for a note returns incorrect value")
Exemple #25
 def test_list_five_notes_in_notes(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     test.create("emeka is a boy")
     test.create("chidi is fresh")
     test.create("i am fresh too")
     listoutput = ("Note ID: 0\nemeka is a boy\nBy Author test\n"
                  "Note ID: 1\nchidi is fresh\nBy Author test\n"
                  "Note ID: 2\ni am fresh too\nBy Author test\n"
     with capture(test.list) as output:
         self.assertEqual(listoutput, output, msg="The list method should print according to the specified format")
    def test_search(self):
        """Test if search returns the right output"""
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")
        out = "Showing results for search '{0}'\n\n".format("Note")
        args = (0, note_app.notes[0],
        out += "Note ID: {0}\n{1}\n\nBy Author {2}\n\n".format(*args)

                         msg="searching for a note returns incorrect value")
Exemple #27
 def test_list_notes_of_digits(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     appOutput = ("Note ID: 0\n1\nBy Author test\n"
                  "Note ID: 1\n2\nBy Author test\n"
                  "Note ID: 2\n3\nBy Author test\n"
     with capture(test.list) as output:
         self.assertEqual(appOutput, output, msg="List method doesn't handle a note list of only digits well")
    def test_list(self):
        """Test the listing of notes
        note_app = NotesApplication("Ben")
        note_app.create("Note 0")
        args = (0, note_app.notes[0],
        expected_out = "Note ID: {0}\n{1}\n\nBy Author {2}\n\n".format(*args)

                         msg="Listing of notes incorrect")
Exemple #29
 def test_get_note_from_end(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     test.create("emeka is boy")
     test.create("chidi is fresh")
     res  = test.get(3)
     self.assertEqual("chidi is fresh",res , msg="get() method does not return the right value at the last index")
Exemple #30
 def test_edit_note(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     test.create("emeka is a boy")
     test.create("ada is a girl")
     test.create("Real studio")
     appOutput = ("Note ID: 0\nemeka is boy\nBy Author Erika\n"
                  "Note ID: 1\nchidi is fresh\nBy Author Erika\n"
                  "Note ID: 2\nReal studio\nBy Author Erika\n"
     test.edit(1, "chidi is fresh")
     with capture(test.list) as output:
         self.assertEqual(appOutput, output, msg="edit() method does not edit note specified by index")
Exemple #31
 def test_get_note_from_begining(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     test.create("emeka is a boy")
     res = test.get(0)
     self.assertEqual("emeka is a boy", res, msg="get() method does not return the right value at 0 index")
Exemple #32
 def test_search_handles_non_matches(self):
     test = NotesApplication("Erika")
     test.create("emeka is a boy")
Exemple #33
 def test_create_two_notes(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     test.create("emeka is a boy")
     test.create("chidi is fresh")
     self.assertEqual(["emeka is a boy", "chidi is fresh"], test.note_name, 
                       msg="The create method should add multiple notes to the same 'notes' property")
Exemple #34
 def test_list_one_note_in_notes(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     test.create("emeka is a boy")
     listoutput = "Note ID: 0\nemeka is a boy\nBy Author test\n"
     with capture(test.list) as output:
         self.assertEqual(listoutput, output, msg="The list method should print according to the specified format")
Exemple #35
 def test_for_delete_note(self):
     test = NotesApplication('test')
     test.create('emeka is a boy')
     lenght = len(self.note_name)
     res = (test.delete(0))
Exemple #36
 def test_create_one_note(self):
     test = NotesApplication("test")
     test.create("emeka is a boy")
     self.assertEqual(["emeka is a boy"], test.note_name, msg="The class should have a create method adds its argument to a property called notes")