print("Is my Evernote API version up to date? ", str(version_ok))
if not version_ok:

note_store = client.get_note_store()

# List all of the tags in the user's account
all_tags = tags.get_all_tags(note_store)
print("Found ", len(all_tags), " tags:")
for tag in all_tags:
    print("  * ", tag.name)

# List all of the notebooks in the user's account
notebooks = notebooks.get_all_notebooks(note_store)
print("Found ", len(notebooks), " notebooks:")
for notebook in notebooks:
    print("  * ", notebook.name)

print("Creating a new note in the default notebook")

# To create a new note, simply create a new Note object and fill in
# attributes such as the note's title, notes content.
note = notes.initialize_note()
note.title = notes.set_title("Test note")

# To include an attachment such as an image in a note, first create a Resource