Exemple #1
    def sub_order_update(self, symbols: str, callback, error_handler=None):
        Subscribe order changing event. If a order is created, canceled etc,
        server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called.

        :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt".
        :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update.
            example: def callback(order_update_event: 'OrderUpdateEvent'):
        :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen
                              between client and Huobi server
            example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException')
        :return:  No return
        symbol_list = symbols.split(",")
        check_should_not_none(callback, "callback")

        def subscription(connection):
            for val in symbol_list:

        self.trade_client_socket_sub.execute_subscribe_v2(subscription, callback, error_handler, is_trade=True)
Exemple #2
    def sub_trade_clearing(self, symbols: str, callback, error_handler=None):
        Subscribe trade clearing by symbol

        :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt".
                        "*" for all symbols
        :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update.
            example: def callback(price_depth_event: 'PriceDepthEvent'):
        :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen
                              between client and Huobi server
            example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException')

        :return:  No return
        check_should_not_none(symbols, "symbols")
        symbol_list = symbols.split(",")
        if "*" in symbol_list:
            symbol_list = ["*"]

        check_should_not_none(callback, "callback")

        def subscription(connection):
            for symbol in symbol_list:

        return self.trade_client_socket_sub.execute_subscribe_v2(subscription, callback, error_handler, is_trade=True)
Exemple #3
    def get_sub_user_deposit_history(self,
                                     sub_uid: 'int',
                                     currency: 'str' = None,
                                     start_time: 'int' = None,
                                     end_time: 'int' = None,
                                     sort: 'str' = None,
                                     limit: 'int' = None,
                                     from_id: 'int' = None):
        Parent get sub user depoist history.

        :param sub_uid: Sub user id. (mandatory)
        :param currency: Cryptocurrency.
        :param start_time: Farthest time
        :param end_time: Nearest time
        :param sort: Sorting order
        :param limit: Maximum number of items in one page
        :param from_id: First record Id in this query
        check_should_not_none(sub_uid, "sub_uid")

        params = {
            "subUid": sub_uid,
            "currency": currency,
            "startTime": start_time,
            "endTime": end_time,
            "sort": sort,
            "limit": limit,
            "fromId": from_id
        channel = "/v2/sub-user/query-deposit"

        return self.rest_api_sync_client.request_process(
            HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #4
    def create_order_param_check(symbol: str, account_id: int, order_type: OrderType, amount: float,
                                 price: float, source: str, client_order_id=None, stop_price=None, operator=None):
        check_should_not_none(account_id, "account_id")
        check_should_not_none(order_type, "order_type")
        check_should_not_none(amount, "amount")
        check_should_not_none(source, "source")

        if order_type == OrderType.SELL_LIMIT \
                or order_type == OrderType.BUY_LIMIT \
                or order_type == OrderType.BUY_LIMIT_MAKER \
                or order_type == OrderType.SELL_LIMIT_MAKER:
            check_should_not_none(price, "price")
        if order_type in [OrderType.SELL_MARKET, OrderType.BUY_MARKET]:
            price = None

        params = {
            "account-id": account_id,
            "amount": amount,
            "price": price,
            "symbol": symbol,
            "type": order_type,
            "source": source,
            "client-order-id": client_order_id,
            "stop-price": stop_price,
            "operator": operator

        return params
Exemple #5
    def get_open_orders(self, symbol: str, account_id: 'int', side: 'OrderSide' = None,
                        size: 'int' = None, from_id=None, direct=None) -> list:
        The request of get open orders.

        :param symbol: The symbol, like "btcusdt". (mandatory)
        :param account_id: account id (mandatory)
        :param side: The order side, buy or sell. If no side defined, will return all open orders of the account.
        :param size: The number of orders to return. Range is [1, 500]. (optional)
        :param direct: 1:prev  order by ID asc from from_id, 2:next order by ID desc from from_id
        :param from_id: start ID for search
        :return: The orders information.
        check_range(size, 1, 500, "size")
        check_should_not_none(account_id, "account_id")
        params = {
            "symbol": symbol,
            "account-id": account_id,
            "side": side,
            "size": size,
            "from": from_id,
            "direct": direct
        channel = "/v1/order/openOrders"

        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #6
 def cancel_orders(self, client_order_ids):
     check_should_not_none(client_order_ids, "clientOrderIds")
     channel = "/v2/algo-orders/cancellation"
     params = {
         "clientOrderIds": client_order_ids
     return self.rest_api_sync_client.request_process(HttpMethod.POST_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #7
    def req_order_detail(self, order_id: str, callback, client_req_id: str = None, error_handler=None):
        Subscribe candlestick/kline event. If the candlestick/kline is updated,
        server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called.

        :param order_id: order_id:
         symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt".
         interval: The candlestick/kline interval, MIN1, MIN5, DAY1 etc.
        :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update.
            example: def callback(candlestick_event: 'CandlestickEvent'):
        :param client_req_id: client request ID
        :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen
                              between client and Huobi server
            example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException')
        :return: No return
        check_should_not_none(order_id, "order_id")
        check_should_not_none(callback, "callback")

        def subscription(connection):
            connection.send(request_order_detail_channel(order_id, client_req_id))

        self.trade_client_socket.execute_subscribe_v1(subscription, callback, error_handler, is_trade=True)
Exemple #8
    def get_deposit_withdraw(self,
                             op_type: 'str',
                             currency: 'str' = None,
                             from_id: 'int' = None,
                             size: 'int' = None,
                             direct: 'str' = None) -> list:
        Get the withdraw records of an account.

        :param currency: The currency, like "btc". (optional)
        :param from_id: The beginning withdraw record id. (optional)
        :param op_type: deposit or withdraw, see defination DepositWithdraw (mandatory)
        :param size: The size of record. (optional)
        :param direct: "prev" is order by asc, "next" is order by desc, default as "prev"(optional)
        :return: The list of withdraw records.
        check_should_not_none(op_type, "operate type")

        params = {
            "currency": currency,
            "type": op_type,
            "from": from_id,
            "direct": direct,
            "size": size
        channel = "/v1/query/deposit-withdraw"

        return self.rest_api_sync_client.request_process(
            HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #9
    def get_order_by_client_order_id(self, client_order_id):
        check_should_not_none(client_order_id, "clientOrderId")

        params = {
            "clientOrderId": client_order_id,
        channel = "/v1/order/orders/getClientOrder"
        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #10
    def cancel_client_order(self, client_order_id) -> int:
        Request to cancel open orders.

        :param client_order_id: user defined unique order id
        check_should_not_none(client_order_id, "client-order-id")

        params = {
            "client-order-id": client_order_id
        channel = "/v1/order/orders/submitCancelClientOrder"

        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.POST_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #11
    def cancel_order(self, symbol, order_id):
        check_should_not_none(order_id, "order_id")

        params = {
            "order_id": order_id
        order_id = params["order_id"]

        def get_channel():
            path = "/v1/order/orders/{}/submitcancel"
            return path.format(order_id)

        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.POST_SIGN, get_channel(), params)
Exemple #12
    def create_order_param_check(symbol, account_id, order_side, order_type, stop_price, order_price,
                                 order_size, order_value, time_in_force, trailing_rate, client_order_id):
        check_should_not_none(account_id, "accountId")
        check_should_not_none(order_type, "orderType")
        check_should_not_none(order_side, "orderSide")

        if order_type == OrderType.SELL_LIMIT \
                or order_type == OrderType.BUY_LIMIT \
                or order_type == OrderType.BUY_LIMIT_MAKER \
                or order_type == OrderType.SELL_LIMIT_MAKER:
            check_should_not_none(order_price, "orderPrice")

        if time_in_force is not None:

        if order_type in [OrderType.SELL_MARKET, OrderType.BUY_MARKET]:
            order_price = None

        params = {
            "accountId": account_id,
            "symbol": symbol,
            "orderPrice": order_price,
            "orderSide": order_side,
            "orderSize": order_size,
            "orderValue": order_value,
            "timeInForce": time_in_force,
            "orderType": order_type,
            "clientOrderId": client_order_id,
            "stopPrice": stop_price,
            "trailingRate": trailing_rate

        return params
Exemple #13
    def get_account_deposit_address(self, currency: 'str') -> list:
        Get deposit address of corresponding chain, for a specific crypto currency (except IOTA)

        :param currency: The currency, like "btc". (optional)
        check_should_not_none(currency, "currency")

        params = {"currency": currency}
        channel = "/v2/account/deposit/address"

        return self.rest_api_sync_client.request_process(
            HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #14
    def post_etf_swap_in(self, etf_name: 'str', amount: 'int') -> None:
        Order creation or redemption of ETF.

        :param etf_name: The symbol, currently only support hb10. (mandatory)
        :param amount: The amount to create or redemption. (mandatory)
        :return: No return
        check_should_not_none(amount, "amount")

        params = {"etf_name": etf_name, "amount": amount}
        channel = "/etf/swap/in"
        return self.rest_api_sync_client.request_process(
            HttpMethod.POST_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #15
    def get_account_withdraw_quota(self, currency: 'str') -> list:
        Get the withdraw quota for currencies

        :param currency: The currency, like "btc". (mandatory)
        check_should_not_none(currency, "currency")

        params = {
            "currency": currency,
        channel = "/v2/account/withdraw/quota"

        return self.rest_api_sync_client.request_process(
            HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #16
    def get_sub_user_deposit_address(self, sub_uid: 'int',
                                     currency: 'str') -> list:
        Parent get sub user deposit address

        :param sub_uid: Sub user id
        :param currency: Cryptocurrency, like "btc". (mandatory)

        check_should_not_none(sub_uid, "subUid")
        check_should_not_none(currency, "currency")
        params = {"subUid": sub_uid, "currency": currency}
        channel = "/v2/sub-user/deposit-address"

        return self.rest_api_sync_client.request_process(
            HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #17
    def get_order(self, order_id: int):
        Get the details of an order.

        :param order_id: The order id. (mandatory)
        :return: The information of order.
        check_should_not_none(order_id, "order_id")

        params = {
            "order_id": order_id,

        def get_channel():
            path = "/v1/order/orders/{}"
            return path.format(order_id)

        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, get_channel(), params)
Exemple #18
    def get_match_results_by_order_id(self, order_id: int) -> list:
        Get detail match results of an order.

        :param order_id: The order id. (mandatory)
        :return: The list of match result.
        check_should_not_none(order_id, "order_id")

        params = {
            "order_id": order_id

        def get_channel():
            path = "/v1/order/orders/{}/matchresults"
            return path.format(order_id)

        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, get_channel(), params)
Exemple #19
    def get_account_withdraw_address(self,
                                     currency: 'str',
                                     chain: 'str' = None,
                                     note: 'str' = None,
                                     limit: 'int' = 100,
                                     fromid: 'int' = None):
        check_should_not_none(currency, "currency")
        params = {
            "currency": currency,
            "chain": chain,
            "note": note,
            "limit": limit,
            "fromid": fromid

        channel = "/v2/account/withdraw/address"
        return self.rest_api_sync_client.request_process(
            HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #20
    def get_orders(self, symbol: str, order_state: OrderState, order_type: OrderType = None,
                   start_date: str = None, end_date: str = None, start_id: 'int' = None,
                   size: 'int' = None, direct=None) -> list:
        check_should_not_none(order_state, "order_state")
        start_date = format_date(start_date, "start_date")
        end_date = format_date(end_date, "end_date")

        params = {
            "symbol": symbol,
            "types": order_type,
            "start-date": start_date,
            "end-date": end_date,
            "from": start_id,
            "states": order_state,
            "size": size,
            "direct": direct
        channel = "/v1/order/orders"

        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.GET_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #21
    def cancel_orders(self, symbol, order_id_list):
        Submit cancel request for cancelling multiple orders.

        :param symbol: The symbol, like "btcusdt". (mandatory)
        :param order_id_list: The list of order id. the max size is 50. (mandatory)
        :return: No return
        check_should_not_none(order_id_list, "order_id_list")
        check_list(order_id_list, 1, 50, "order_id_list")

        string_list = list()
        for order_id in order_id_list:

        params = {
            "order-ids": string_list
        channel = "/v1/order/orders/batchcancel"
        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.POST_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #22
    def post_create_withdraw(self,
                             address: 'str',
                             amount: 'float',
                             currency: 'str',
                             fee: 'float',
                             chain: 'str' = None,
                             address_tag: 'str' = None) -> int:
        Submit a request to withdraw some asset from an account.

        :param address: The destination address of this withdraw. (mandatory)
        :param amount: The amount of currency to withdraw. (mandatory)
        :param currency: The crypto currency to withdraw. (mandatory)
        :param fee: The fee to pay with this withdraw. (mandatory)
        :param address_tag: A tag specified for this address. (optional)
        :param chain: set as "usdt" to withdraw USDT to OMNI, set as "trc20usdt" to withdraw USDT to TRX. (optional)
        :return: Withdraw id
        check_should_not_none(address, "address")
        check_should_not_none(amount, "amount")
        check_should_not_none(fee, "fee")

        params = {
            "currency": currency,
            "address": address,
            "amount": amount,
            "fee": fee,
            "chain": chain,
            "addr-tag": address_tag
        channel = "/v1/dw/withdraw/api/create"

        return self.rest_api_sync_client.request_process(
            HttpMethod.POST_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #23
    def batch_create_order(self, order_config_list) -> int:
        Make an order in huobi.
        :param order_config_list: order config list, it can batch create orders, and each order config check as below
            : items as below
                : symbol: The symbol, like "btcusdt". (mandatory)
                : account_type: Account type. (mandatory)
                : order_type: The order type. (mandatory)
                : amount: The amount to buy (quote currency) or to sell (base currency). (mandatory)
                : price: The limit price of limit order, only needed for limit order.
                        (mandatory for buy-limit, sell-limit, buy-limit-maker and sell-limit-maker)
                : client_order_id: unique Id which is user defined and must be unique in recent 24 hours
                : stop_price: Price for auto sell to get the max benefit
                : operator: the condition for stop_price, value can be "gte" or "lte",
                            gte – greater than and equal (>=), lte – less than and equal (<=)
        :return: The order id.

        check_should_not_none(order_config_list, "order_config_list")
        check_list(order_config_list, 1, 10, "create order config list")

        new_config_list = list()
        for item in order_config_list:
            new_item = self.create_order_param_check(
                item.get("symbol", None),
                item.get("account_id", None),
                item.get("order_type", None),
                item.get("amount", None),
                item.get("price", None),
                item.get("source", None),
                item.get("client_order_id", None),
                item.get("stop-price", None),
                item.get("operator", None))


        channel = "/v1/order/batch-orders"

        return self.trade_client.request_process_post_batch(HttpMethod.POST_SIGN, channel, new_config_list)
Exemple #24
    def cancel_open_orders(self, account_id, symbols: str = None, side=None, size=None):
        Request to cancel open orders.

        :param account_id:  account_id
        :param symbols: The symbol, like "btcusdt".
        :param side: The order side, buy or sell. If no side defined, will cancel all open orders of the account.
        :param size: The number of orders to cancel. Range is [1, 100]. (optional)
        :return: Status of batch cancel result.
        check_should_not_none(account_id, "account_id")

        params = {
            "account-id": account_id,
            "symbol": symbols,
            "side": side,
            "size": size
        channel = "/v1/order/orders/batchCancelOpenOrders"

        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.POST_SIGN, channel, params)
Exemple #25
    def req_order_list(self, symbol: str, account_id: int, callback, order_states: str,
                       order_types: str = None, start_date: str = None, end_date: str = None, from_id=None,
                       direct=None, size=None, client_req_id: str = None, error_handler=None):
        request order list.

        :param client_req_id:  client_req_id:
        :param size:  size:
        :param direct:  direct:
        :param from_id:  from_id:
        :param end_date:  end_date:
        :param start_date:  start_date:
        :param account_id:  account_id:
        :param order_types:  order_types:
        :param symbol: The symbol, like "btcusdt".
        :param order_states: order status, can be one state or many state sepearted by comma,
                             such as "submitted,partial-filled,partial-canceled,filled,canceled,created"
        :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update.
            example: def callback(candlestick_event: 'CandlestickEvent'):
        :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen
                              between client and Huobi server
            example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException')
        :return: No return
        check_should_not_none(symbol, "symbol")
        check_should_not_none(order_states, "states")
        check_should_not_none(account_id, "account-d")
        check_should_not_none(callback, "callback")
        params = {
            "symbol": symbol,
            "account-id": account_id,
            "states": order_states,
            "types": order_types,
            "start-date": start_date,
            "end-date": end_date,
            "from": from_id,
            "direct": direct,
            "size": size,
            "client-req-id": client_req_id

        def subscription(connection):
            connection.send(request_order_list_channel(symbol=symbol, account_id=account_id,
                                                       states_str=order_states, client_req_id=client_req_id,

        self.trade_client_socket.execute_subscribe_v1(subscription, callback, error_handler, is_trade=True)
Exemple #26
    def transfer_between_futures_and_pro(self, currency: str, amount: 'float',
                                         transfer_type: TransferFuturesPro) -> int:
        Transfer Asset between Futures and Contract.

        :sub_uid: The target sub account uid to transfer to or from. (mandatory)
        :param currency: The crypto currency to transfer. (mandatory)
        :param amount: The amount of asset to transfer. (mandatory)
        :param transfer_type: The type of transfer, need be "futures-to-pro" or "pro-to-futures" (mandatory)
        :return: The order id.
        check_should_not_none(currency, "currency")
        check_should_not_none(amount, "amount")
        check_should_not_none(transfer_type, "transfer_type")
        params = {
            "currency": currency,
            "amount": amount,
            "type": transfer_type

        channel = "/v1/futures/transfer"

        return self.trade_client.request_process(HttpMethod.POST_SIGN, channel, params)