Exemple #1
ZoneManager oversees all communications with child Zones.

import novaclient
import thread
import traceback

from datetime import datetime
from eventlet import greenpool

from nova import db
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging

flags.DEFINE_integer('zone_db_check_interval', 60,
                     'Seconds between getting fresh zone info from db.')
    'zone_failures_to_offline', 3,
    'Number of consecutive errors before marking zone offline')

class ZoneState(object):
    """Holds the state of all connected child zones."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.is_active = True
        self.name = None
        self.capabilities = None
        self.attempt = 0
        self.last_seen = datetime.min
        self.last_exception = None
        self.last_exception_time = None
Exemple #2
#    under the License.
Scheduler base class that all Schedulers should inherit from

import datetime

from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import rpc
from nova.compute import power_state

flags.DEFINE_integer('service_down_time', 60,
                     'maximum time since last checkin for up service')
flags.DECLARE('instances_path', 'nova.compute.manager')

class NoValidHost(exception.Error):
    """There is no valid host for the command."""

class WillNotSchedule(exception.Error):
    """The specified host is not up or doesn't exist."""

class Scheduler(object):
    """The base class that all Scheduler clases should inherit from."""
Exemple #3
It should be easy to create a replacement for this driver supporting
other backends by creating another class that exposes the same
public methods.

import functools
import sys

from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging

flags.DEFINE_integer('ldap_schema_version', 2,
                     'Current version of the LDAP schema')
flags.DEFINE_string('ldap_url', 'ldap://localhost',
                    'Point this at your ldap server')
flags.DEFINE_string('ldap_password', 'changeme', 'LDAP password')
flags.DEFINE_string('ldap_user_dn', 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com',
                    'DN of admin user')
flags.DEFINE_string('ldap_user_id_attribute', 'uid', 'Attribute to use as id')
flags.DEFINE_string('ldap_user_name_attribute', 'cn',
                    'Attribute to use as name')
flags.DEFINE_string('ldap_user_unit', 'Users', 'OID for Users')
flags.DEFINE_string('ldap_user_subtree', 'ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com',
                    'OU for Users')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('ldap_user_modify_only', False,
                    'Modify attributes for users instead of creating/deleting')
flags.DEFINE_string('ldap_project_subtree', 'ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com',
                    'OU for Projects')
Exemple #4
from nova import context
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import utils

                    'XVP conf template')
flags.DEFINE_string('console_xvp_conf', '/etc/xvp.conf',
                    'generated XVP conf file')
flags.DEFINE_string('console_xvp_pid', '/var/run/xvp.pid',
                    'XVP master process pid file')
flags.DEFINE_string('console_xvp_log', '/var/log/xvp.log', 'XVP log file')
flags.DEFINE_integer('console_xvp_multiplex_port', 5900,
                     "port for XVP to multiplex VNC connections on")

class XVPConsoleProxy(object):
    """Sets up XVP config, and manages xvp daemon"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.xvpconf_template = open(FLAGS.console_xvp_conf_template).read()
        self.host = FLAGS.host  # default, set by manager.
        super(XVPConsoleProxy, self).__init__()

    def console_type(self):
        return "vnc+xvp"

    def get_port(self, context):
Exemple #5
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.
"""Auth Components for Consoles."""

import os
import sys
import time

from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import manager
from nova import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.consoleauth')
flags.DEFINE_integer('console_token_ttl', 600,
                     'How many seconds before deleting tokens')
                    'Manager for console auth')

class ConsoleAuthManager(manager.Manager):
    """Manages token based authentication."""
    def __init__(self, scheduler_driver=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ConsoleAuthManager, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.tokens = {}

    def _delete_expired_tokens(self):
        now = time.time()
        to_delete = []
Exemple #6
from nova import datastore
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import rpc
from nova import utils
from nova import validate

flags.DEFINE_string('storage_dev', '/dev/sdb',
                    'Physical device to use for volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('volume_group', 'nova-volumes',
                    'Name for the VG that will contain exported volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('aoe_eth_dev', 'eth0',
                    'Which device to export the volumes on')
flags.DEFINE_string('storage_name', socket.gethostname(), 'name of this node')
flags.DEFINE_integer('shelf_id', utils.last_octet(utils.get_my_ip()),
                     'AoE shelf_id for this node')
flags.DEFINE_string('storage_availability_zone', 'nova',
                    'availability zone of this node')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('fake_storage', False,
                     'Should we make real storage volumes to attach?')

# TODO(joshua) Index of volumes by project

def get_volume(volume_id):
    """ Returns a redis-backed volume object """
    volume_class = Volume
    if FLAGS.fake_storage:
        volume_class = FakeVolume
    if datastore.Redis.instance().sismember('volumes', volume_id):
        return volume_class(volume_id=volume_id)
Exemple #7
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import utils
from nova import wsgi
from nova.api.ec2 import apirequest
from nova.api.ec2 import ec2utils
from nova.auth import manager

LOG = logging.getLogger("nova.api")
flags.DEFINE_boolean('use_forwarded_for', False,
                     'Treat X-Forwarded-For as the canonical remote address. '
                     'Only enable this if you have a sanitizing proxy.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('lockout_attempts', 5,
                     'Number of failed auths before lockout.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('lockout_minutes', 15,
                     'Number of minutes to lockout if triggered.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('lockout_window', 15,
                     'Number of minutes for lockout window.')
flags.DEFINE_list('lockout_memcached_servers', None,
                  'Memcached servers or None for in process cache.')

class RequestLogging(wsgi.Middleware):
    """Access-Log akin logging for all EC2 API requests."""

    def __call__(self, req):
        start = utils.utcnow()
        rv = req.get_response(self.application)
Exemple #8

                    'URL for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.'
                    ' Required if connection_type=xenapi.')
                    'Username for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.'
                    ' Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
                    'Password for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.'
                    ' Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
                     'Maximum number of concurrent XenAPI connections.'
                     ' Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
                   'The interval used for polling of remote tasks '
                   '(Async.VM.start, etc). Used only if '
                   'The interval used for polling of coalescing vhds.'
                   '  Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
                     'Max number of times to poll for VHD to coalesce.'
                     '  Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
Exemple #9
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Support for mounting images with qemu-nbd"""

import os
import time

from nova import flags
from nova import utils
from nova.virt.disk import mount

flags.DEFINE_integer('timeout_nbd', 10,
                     'time to wait for a NBD device coming up')
flags.DEFINE_integer('max_nbd_devices', 16,
                     'maximum number of possible nbd devices')

class Mount(mount.Mount):
    """qemu-nbd support disk images."""
    mode = 'nbd'

    # NOTE(padraig): There are three issues with this nbd device handling
    #  1. max_nbd_devices should be inferred (#861504)
    #  2. We assume nothing else on the system uses nbd devices
    #  3. Multiple workers on a system can race against each other
    # A patch has been proposed in Nov 2011, to add add a -f option to
    # qemu-nbd, akin to losetup -f. One could test for this by running qemu-nbd
    # with just the -f option, where it will fail if not supported, or if there
Exemple #10
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger("nova.volume.driver")
flags.DEFINE_string('volume_group', 'nova-volumes',
                    'Name for the VG that will contain exported volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('aoe_eth_dev', 'eth0',
                    'Which device to export the volumes on')
flags.DEFINE_string('num_shell_tries', 3,
                    'number of times to attempt to run flakey shell commands')
flags.DEFINE_string('num_iscsi_scan_tries', 3,
                    'number of times to rescan iSCSI target to find volume')
flags.DEFINE_integer('num_shelves', 100, 'Number of vblade shelves')
flags.DEFINE_integer('blades_per_shelf', 16,
                     'Number of vblade blades per shelf')
flags.DEFINE_integer('iscsi_num_targets', 100,
                     'Number of iscsi target ids per host')
flags.DEFINE_string('iscsi_target_prefix', 'iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:',
                    'prefix for iscsi volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('iscsi_ip_prefix', '$my_ip',
                    'discover volumes on the ip that starts with this prefix')
flags.DEFINE_string('rbd_pool', 'rbd',
                    'the rbd pool in which volumes are stored')

class VolumeDriver(object):
    """Executes commands relating to Volumes."""
    def __init__(self,
Exemple #11
from nova import exception as excp
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova.network import linux_net
from nova.virt.libvirt import netutils
from nova import utils
from nova.virt.vif import VIFDriver
from quantum.client import Client
from quantum.common.wsgi import Serializer

LOG = logging.getLogger('quantum.plugins.cisco.nova.vifdirect')

flags.DEFINE_string('quantum_host', "",
                    'IP address of the quantum network service.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quantum_port', 9696,
                     'Listening port for Quantum network service')

HOST = FLAGS.quantum_host
PORT = FLAGS.quantum_port
USE_SSL = False
TENANT_ID = 'nova'
TENANT_ID = 'nova'
CSCO_EXT_NAME = 'Cisco Nova Tenant'
ASSOCIATE_ACTION = '/associate_port'
DETACH_ACTION = '/detach_port'

class Libvirt802dot1QbhDriver(VIFDriver):
Exemple #12
from eventlet import greenpool

from nova import context
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import rpc
from nova import utils
from nova import version
from nova import wsgi

flags.DEFINE_integer('report_interval', 10,
                     'seconds between nodes reporting state to datastore',
flags.DEFINE_integer('periodic_interval', 60,
                     'seconds between running periodic tasks',
flags.DEFINE_string('ec2_listen', "",
                    'IP address for EC2 API to listen')
flags.DEFINE_integer('ec2_listen_port', 8773, 'port for ec2 api to listen')
flags.DEFINE_string('osapi_listen', "",
                    'IP address for OpenStack API to listen')
flags.DEFINE_integer('osapi_listen_port', 8774, 'port for os api to listen')
flags.DEFINE_string('api_paste_config', "api-paste.ini",
                    'File name for the paste.deploy config for nova-api')

class Service(object):
Exemple #13

import datetime
import traceback
import UserDict

from eventlet import greenpool
from novaclient import v1_1 as novaclient

from nova import db
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import utils

flags.DEFINE_integer('zone_db_check_interval', 60,
        'Seconds between getting fresh zone info from db.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('zone_failures_to_offline', 3,
        'Number of consecutive errors before marking zone offline')
flags.DEFINE_integer('reserved_host_disk_mb', 0,
        'Amount of disk in MB to reserve for host/dom0')
flags.DEFINE_integer('reserved_host_memory_mb', 512,
        'Amount of memory in MB to reserve for host/dom0')

class ZoneState(object):
    """Holds the state of all connected child zones."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.is_active = True
        self.name = None
        self.capabilities = None
        self.attempt = 0
Exemple #14
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from nova import flags


flags.DEFINE_integer('answer', 42, 'test flag')
Exemple #15
from nova import log as logging
from nova.utils import ssh_execute
from nova.volume.driver import ISCSIDriver

LOG = logging.getLogger("nova.volume.driver")
flags.DEFINE_boolean('san_thin_provision', 'true',
                     'Use thin provisioning for SAN volumes?')
flags.DEFINE_string('san_ip', '', 'IP address of SAN controller')
flags.DEFINE_string('san_login', 'admin', 'Username for SAN controller')
flags.DEFINE_string('san_password', '', 'Password for SAN controller')
flags.DEFINE_string('san_privatekey', '',
                    'Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication')
flags.DEFINE_string('san_clustername', '',
                    'Cluster name to use for creating volumes')
flags.DEFINE_integer('san_ssh_port', 22, 'SSH port to use with SAN')

class SanISCSIDriver(ISCSIDriver):
    """ Base class for SAN-style storage volumes

    A SAN-style storage value is 'different' because the volume controller
    probably won't run on it, so we need to access is over SSH or another
    remote protocol.
    def _build_iscsi_target_name(self, volume):
        return "%s%s" % (FLAGS.iscsi_target_prefix, volume['name'])

    # discover_volume is still OK
    # undiscover_volume is still OK
Exemple #16
import sqlite3
import time

from nova import vendor
import redis

from nova import flags
from nova import utils

flags.DEFINE_string('datastore_path', utils.abspath('../keeper'),
                    'where keys are stored on disk')
flags.DEFINE_string('redis_host', '',
                    'Host that redis is running on.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('redis_port', 6379,
                    'Port that redis is running on.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('redis_db', 0, 'Multiple DB keeps tests away')
flags.DEFINE_string('keeper_backend', 'redis',
                    'which backend to use for keeper')

class Redis(object):
    def __init__(self):
        if hasattr(self.__class__, '_instance'):
            raise Exception('Attempted to instantiate singleton')

    def instance(cls):
        if not hasattr(cls, '_instance'):
            inst = redis.Redis(host=FLAGS.redis_host, port=FLAGS.redis_port, db=FLAGS.redis_db)
            cls._instance = inst
Exemple #17
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging

LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.rpc')

flags.DEFINE_integer('rpc_thread_pool_size', 1024, 'Size of RPC thread pool')
flags.DEFINE_integer('rpc_conn_pool_size', 30, 'Size of RPC connection pool')

class RemoteError(exception.NovaException):
    """Signifies that a remote class has raised an exception.

    Contains a string representation of the type of the original exception,
    the value of the original exception, and the traceback.  These are
    sent to the parent as a joined string so printing the exception
    contains all of the relevant info.

    message = _("Remote error: %(exc_type)s %(value)s\n%(traceback)s.")

    def __init__(self, exc_type=None, value=None, traceback=None):
        self.exc_type = exc_type
        self.value = value
        self.traceback = traceback
        super(RemoteError, self).__init__(**self.__dict__)
Exemple #18
from nova import context
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import rpc
from nova import test
from nova import service
from nova import manager
from nova import wsgi
from nova.compute import manager as compute_manager

flags.DEFINE_string("fake_manager", "nova.tests.test_service.FakeManager",
                    "Manager for testing")
flags.DEFINE_string("test_service_listen", None,
                    "Host to bind test service to")
flags.DEFINE_integer("test_service_listen_port", 0,
                     "Port number to bind test service to")

class FakeManager(manager.Manager):
    """Fake manager for tests"""
    def test_method(self):
        return 'manager'

class ExtendedService(service.Service):
    def test_method(self):
        return 'service'

class ServiceManagerTestCase(test.TestCase):
    """Test cases for Services"""
Exemple #19
import os
import tempfile
import time

from nova import context
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import utils

LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.compute.disk')
flags.DEFINE_integer('minimum_root_size', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 10,
                     'minimum size in bytes of root partition')
flags.DEFINE_integer('block_size', 1024 * 1024 * 256,
                     'block_size to use for dd')
                    'Template file for injected network')
flags.DEFINE_integer('timeout_nbd', 10,
                     'time to wait for a NBD device coming up')
flags.DEFINE_integer('max_nbd_devices', 16,
                     'maximum number of possible nbd devices')

def extend(image, size):
    """Increase image to size"""
    file_size = os.path.getsize(image)
    if file_size >= size:
Exemple #20
import json
import os
import tempfile

from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import utils
from nova.virt.disk import guestfs
from nova.virt.disk import loop
from nova.virt.disk import nbd

LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.compute.disk')
flags.DEFINE_integer('minimum_root_size', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 10,
                     'minimum size in bytes of root partition')
                    'Template file for injected network')
flags.DEFINE_list('img_handlers', ['loop', 'nbd', 'guestfs'],
                  'Order of methods used to mount disk images')

# NOTE(yamahata): DEFINE_list() doesn't work because the command may
#                 include ','. For example,
#                 mkfs.ext3 -O dir_index,extent -E stride=8,stripe-width=16
#                 --label %(fs_label)s %(target)s
#                 DEFINE_list() parses its argument by
#                 [s.strip() for s in argument.split(self._token)]
#                 where self._token = ','
#                 No escape nor exceptional handling for ','.
Exemple #21
#    a copy of the License at
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.
"""Quotas for instances, volumes, and floating ips."""

from nova import db
from nova import flags

flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_instances', 10,
                     'number of instances allowed per project')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_cores', 20,
                     'number of instance cores allowed per project')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_ram', 50 * 1024,
                     'megabytes of instance ram allowed per project')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_volumes', 10,
                     'number of volumes allowed per project')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_gigabytes', 1000,
                     'number of volume gigabytes allowed per project')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_floating_ips', 10,
                     'number of floating ips allowed per project')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_metadata_items', 128,
                     'number of metadata items allowed per instance')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_max_injected_files', 5,
                     'number of injected files allowed')
flags.DEFINE_integer('quota_max_injected_file_content_bytes', 10 * 1024,
Exemple #22
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova.scheduler import zone_aware_scheduler
from nova import utils
from nova import exception

LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.scheduler.least_cost')

                  'Which cost functions the LeastCostScheduler should use.')

# TODO(sirp): Once we have enough of these rules, we can break them out into a
# cost_functions.py file (perhaps in a least_cost_scheduler directory)
flags.DEFINE_integer('noop_cost_fn_weight', 1,
                     'How much weight to give the noop cost function')

def noop_cost_fn(host):
    """Return a pre-weight cost of 1 for each host"""
    return 1

flags.DEFINE_integer('compute_fill_first_cost_fn_weight', 1,
                     'How much weight to give the fill-first cost function')

def compute_fill_first_cost_fn(host):
    """Prefer hosts that have less ram available, filter_hosts will exclude
    hosts that don't have enough ram"""
    hostname, caps = host
Exemple #23
from nova import context
from nova import db
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import rpc
from nova import utils
from nova import version
from nova import wsgi

LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.service')

                     'seconds between nodes reporting state to datastore',
                     'seconds between running periodic tasks',
flags.DEFINE_string('ec2_listen', "",
                    'IP address for EC2 API to listen')
flags.DEFINE_integer('ec2_listen_port', 8773, 'port for ec2 api to listen')
flags.DEFINE_string('osapi_compute_listen', "",
                    'IP address for OpenStack API to listen')
flags.DEFINE_integer('osapi_compute_listen_port', 8774,
                     'list port for osapi compute')
flags.DEFINE_string('metadata_manager', 'nova.api.manager.MetadataManager',
                    'OpenStack metadata service manager')
flags.DEFINE_string('metadata_listen', "",
Exemple #24
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import utils
from nova.volume import iscsi
from nova.volume import volume_types

LOG = logging.getLogger("nova.volume.driver")
flags.DEFINE_string('volume_group', 'nova-volumes',
                    'Name for the VG that will contain exported volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('num_shell_tries', 3,
                    'number of times to attempt to run flakey shell commands')
flags.DEFINE_string('num_iscsi_scan_tries', 3,
                    'number of times to rescan iSCSI target to find volume')
flags.DEFINE_integer('iscsi_num_targets', 100,
                     'Number of iscsi target ids per host')
flags.DEFINE_string('iscsi_target_prefix', 'iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:',
                    'prefix for iscsi volumes')
flags.DEFINE_string('iscsi_ip_address', '$my_ip', 'use this ip for iscsi')
flags.DEFINE_integer('iscsi_port', 3260,
                     'The port that the iSCSI daemon is listening on')
flags.DEFINE_string('rbd_pool', 'rbd',
                    'the rbd pool in which volumes are stored')

class VolumeDriver(object):
    """Executes commands relating to Volumes."""
    def __init__(self, execute=utils.execute, *args, **kwargs):
        # NOTE(vish): db is set by Manager
        self.db = None
Exemple #25
import sys

from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import version
from nova import wsgi
from nova.vnc import auth
from nova.vnc import proxy

LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.vncproxy')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_wwwroot', '/var/lib/nova/noVNC/',
                    'Full path to noVNC directory')
flags.DEFINE_boolean('vnc_debug', False,
                     'Enable debugging features, like token bypassing')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vncproxy_port', 6080,
                     'Port that the VNC proxy should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_host', '',
                    'Address that the VNC proxy should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vncproxy_flash_socket_policy_port', 843,
                     'Port that the socket policy listener should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_flash_socket_policy_host', '',
                    'Address that the socket policy listener should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_integer('vnc_token_ttl', 300,
                     'How many seconds before deleting tokens')
flags.DEFINE_string('vncproxy_manager', 'nova.vnc.auth.VNCProxyAuthManager',
                    'Manager for vncproxy auth')

def get_wsgi_server():
    LOG.audit(_("Starting nova-vncproxy node (version %s)"),
Exemple #26
    """Return the absolute path to scipt in the bin directory."""
    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '../../../bin', script))

flags.DEFINE_string('dhcpbridge_flagfile', '/etc/nova/nova-dhcpbridge.conf',
                    'location of flagfile for dhcpbridge')
flags.DEFINE_string('networks_path', '$state_path/networks',
                    'Location to keep network config files')
flags.DEFINE_string('public_interface', 'eth0',
                    'Interface for public IP addresses')
flags.DEFINE_string('dhcpbridge', _bin_file('nova-dhcpbridge'),
                    'location of nova-dhcpbridge')
flags.DEFINE_string('routing_source_ip', '$my_ip', 'Public IP of network host')
flags.DEFINE_string('input_chain', 'INPUT', 'chain to add nova_input to')
flags.DEFINE_integer('dhcp_lease_time', 120, 'Lifetime of a DHCP lease')
flags.DEFINE_string('dns_server', None,
                    'if set, uses specific dns server for dnsmasq')
flags.DEFINE_string('dmz_cidr', '',
                    'dmz range that should be accepted')
flags.DEFINE_string('dnsmasq_config_file', "",
                    'Override the default dnsmasq settings with this file')
                    'Driver used to create ethernet devices.')
flags.DEFINE_string('linuxnet_ovs_integration_bridge', 'br-int',
                    'Name of Open vSwitch bridge used with linuxnet')
flags.DEFINE_bool('send_arp_for_ha', False,
                  'send gratuitous ARPs for HA setup')
    'use_single_default_gateway', False,
Exemple #27
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.
Simple Scheduler

from nova import db
from nova import flags
from nova import exception
from nova.scheduler import driver
from nova.scheduler import chance

flags.DEFINE_integer("max_cores", 16,
                     "maximum number of instance cores to allow per host")
flags.DEFINE_integer("max_gigabytes", 10000,
                     "maximum number of volume gigabytes to allow per host")
flags.DEFINE_integer("max_networks", 1000,
                     "maximum number of networks to allow per host")
flags.DEFINE_string('default_schedule_zone', None,
                    'zone to use when user doesnt specify one')

class SimpleScheduler(chance.ChanceScheduler):
    """Implements Naive Scheduler that tries to find least loaded host."""
    def _schedule_instance(self, context, instance_opts, *_args, **_kwargs):
        """Picks a host that is up and has the fewest running instances."""
        elevated = context.elevated()

        availability_zone = instance_opts.get('availability_zone')
Exemple #28
import eventlet.greenio
import eventlet.wsgi

from nova import context
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova import rpc
from nova import version
from nova import wsgi

LOG = logging.getLogger('nova.xvpvncproxy')

flags.DECLARE('consoleauth_topic', 'nova.consoleauth')
flags.DEFINE_integer('xvpvncproxy_port', 6081,
                     'Port that the XCP VNC proxy should bind to')
flags.DEFINE_string('xvpvncproxy_host', '',
                     'Address that the XCP VNC proxy should bind to')

class XCPVNCProxy(object):
    """Class to use the xvp auth protocol to proxy instance vnc consoles."""

    def one_way_proxy(self, source, dest):
        """Proxy tcp connection from source to dest."""
        while True:
                d = source.recv(32384)
            except Exception as e:
                d = None
Exemple #29
import nova.image
from nova.image import glance as glance_image_service
from nova import log as logging
from nova import utils
from nova.compute import instance_types
from nova.compute import power_state
from nova.virt import disk
from nova.virt import images
from nova.virt.xenapi import HelperBase
from nova.virt.xenapi.volume_utils import StorageError

LOG = logging.getLogger("nova.virt.xenapi.vm_utils")

flags.DEFINE_string('default_os_type', 'linux', 'Default OS type')
flags.DEFINE_integer('block_device_creation_timeout', 10,
                     'time to wait for a block device to be created')
flags.DEFINE_integer('max_kernel_ramdisk_size', 16 * 1024 * 1024,
                     'maximum size in bytes of kernel or ramdisk images')

    'Halted': power_state.SHUTDOWN,
    'Running': power_state.RUNNING,
    'Paused': power_state.PAUSED,
    'Suspended': power_state.SUSPENDED,
    'Crashed': power_state.CRASHED

KERNEL_DIR = '/boot/guest'
Exemple #30
    'xenapi_connection_password', None,
    'Password for connection to XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform.'
    ' Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
    'xenapi_task_poll_interval', 0.5,
    'The interval used for polling of remote tasks '
    '(Async.VM.start, etc). Used only if '
flags.DEFINE_string('xenapi_image_service', 'glance',
                    'Where to get VM images: glance or objectstore.')
    'xenapi_vhd_coalesce_poll_interval', 5.0,
    'The interval used for polling of coalescing vhds.'
    '  Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
    'xenapi_vhd_coalesce_max_attempts', 5,
    'Max number of times to poll for VHD to coalesce.'
    '  Used only if connection_type=xenapi.')
flags.DEFINE_string('xenapi_sr_base_path', '/var/run/sr-mount',
                    'Base path to the storage repository')
flags.DEFINE_string('target_host', None, 'iSCSI Target Host')
flags.DEFINE_string('target_port', '3260', 'iSCSI Target Port, 3260 Default')
flags.DEFINE_string('iqn_prefix', 'iqn.2010-10.org.openstack', 'IQN Prefix')
# NOTE(sirp): This is a work-around for a bug in Ubuntu Maverick, when we pull
# support for it, we should remove this
    'xenapi_remap_vbd_dev', False, 'Used to enable the remapping of VBD dev '
    '(Works around an issue in Ubuntu Maverick)')
    'xenapi_remap_vbd_dev_prefix', 'sd', 'Specify prefix to remap VBD dev to '
    '(ex. /dev/xvdb -> /dev/sdb)')