Exemple #1
    def _create_logical_volume(self, size):
        """Creates a logical volume with a minimum size.

        :param size: size of the logical volume in bytes
        :returns: string -- the name of the new logical volume.
        :raises: PowerVMNoSpaceLeftOnVolumeGroup
        vgs = self.run_vios_command(self.command.lsvg())
        cmd = self.command.lsvg('%s -field vgname freepps -fmt :' %
                                ' '.join(vgs))
        output = self.run_vios_command(cmd)
        found_vg = None

        # If it's not a multiple of 1MB we get the next
        # multiple and use it as the megabyte_size.
        megabyte = 1024 * 1024
        if (size % megabyte) != 0:
            megabyte_size = int(size / megabyte) + 1
            megabyte_size = size / megabyte

        # Search for a volume group with enough free space for
        # the new logical volume.
        for vg in output:
            # Returned output example: 'rootvg:396 (25344 megabytes)'
            match = re.search(r'^(\w+):\d+\s\((\d+).+$', vg)
            if match is None:
            vg_name, avail_size = match.groups()
            if megabyte_size <= int(avail_size):
                found_vg = vg_name

        if not found_vg:
                _('Could not create logical volume. '
                  'No space left on any volume group.'))
            raise exception.PowerVMNoSpaceLeftOnVolumeGroup()

        cmd = self.command.mklv('%s %sB' % (found_vg, size / 512))
        lv_name = self.run_vios_command(cmd)[0]
        return lv_name
Exemple #2
 def fake_create_logical_volume(size):
     raise exception.PowerVMNoSpaceLeftOnVolumeGroup()