Exemple #1
    def request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('headers', kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        api_versions.update_headers(kwargs["headers"], self.api_version)

        kwargs['headers']['wrs-header'] = 'true'

        # NOTE(dbelova): osprofiler_web.get_trace_id_headers does not add any
        # headers in case if osprofiler is not initialized.
        if osprofiler_web:

        # NOTE(jamielennox): The standard call raises errors from
        # keystoneauth1, where we need to raise the novaclient errors.
        raise_exc = kwargs.pop('raise_exc', True)
        with utils.record_time(self.times, self.timings, method, url):
            resp, body = super(SessionClient, self).request(url,

        # TODO(andreykurilin): uncomment this line, when we will be able to
        #   check only nova-related calls
        # api_versions.check_headers(resp, self.api_version)
        if raise_exc and resp.status_code >= 400:
            raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)

        return resp, body
 def test_api_version_is_not_null(self):
     api_version = api_versions.APIVersion("2.3")
     headers = {}
     api_versions.update_headers(headers, api_version)
         {"X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version": api_version.get_string()},
 def test_api_version_is_not_null(self):
     api_version = api_versions.APIVersion("2.3")
     headers = {}
     api_versions.update_headers(headers, api_version)
         {"X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version": api_version.get_string()},
    def request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('headers', kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        api_versions.update_headers(kwargs["headers"], self.api_version)

        # NOTE(dbelova): osprofiler_web.get_trace_id_headers does not add any
        # headers in case if osprofiler is not initialized.
        if osprofiler_web:

        # NOTE(jamielennox): The standard call raises errors from
        # keystoneauth1, where we need to raise the novaclient errors.
        raise_exc = kwargs.pop('raise_exc', True)
        with utils.record_time(self.times, self.timings, method, url):
            resp, body = super(SessionClient, self).request(url,

        # TODO(andreykurilin): uncomment this line, when we will be able to
        #   check only nova-related calls
        # api_versions.check_headers(resp, self.api_version)
        if raise_exc and resp.status_code >= 400:
            raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)

        return resp, body
    def request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('headers', kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        kwargs['headers']['User-Agent'] = self.USER_AGENT
        kwargs['headers']['Accept'] = 'application/json'
        if 'body' in kwargs:
            kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
            kwargs['data'] = json.dumps(kwargs['body'])
            del kwargs['body']
        api_versions.update_headers(kwargs["headers"], self.api_version)
        if self.timeout is not None:
            kwargs.setdefault('timeout', self.timeout)
        kwargs['verify'] = self.verify_cert

        self.http_log_req(method, url, kwargs)

        request_func = requests.request
        session = self._get_session(url)
        if session:
            request_func = session.request

        resp = request_func(

        # TODO(andreykurilin): uncomment this line, when we will be able to
        #   check only nova-related calls
        # api_versions.check_headers(resp, self.api_version)


        if resp.text:
            # TODO(dtroyer): verify the note below in a requests context
            # NOTE(alaski): Because force_exceptions_to_status_code=True
            # httplib2 returns a connection refused event as a 400 response.
            # To determine if it is a bad request or refused connection we need
            # to check the body.  httplib2 tests check for 'Connection refused'
            # or 'actively refused' in the body, so that's what we'll do.
            if resp.status_code == 400:
                if ('Connection refused' in resp.text or
                        'actively refused' in resp.text):
                    raise exceptions.ConnectionRefused(resp.text)
                body = json.loads(resp.text)
            except ValueError:
                body = None
            body = None

        self.last_request_id = (resp.headers.get('x-openstack-request-id')
                                if resp.headers else None)
        if resp.status_code >= 400:
            raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)

        return resp, body
 def test_api_version_is_gte_27(self):
     api_version = api_versions.APIVersion("2.27")
     headers = {}
     api_versions.update_headers(headers, api_version)
     self.assertIn('X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', headers)
     self.assertIn('OpenStack-API-Version', headers)
         '%s %s' % (api_versions.SERVICE_TYPE, api_version.get_string()),
 def test_api_version_is_gte_27(self):
     api_version = api_versions.APIVersion("2.27")
     headers = {}
     api_versions.update_headers(headers, api_version)
     self.assertIn('X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version', headers)
     self.assertIn('OpenStack-API-Version', headers)
     self.assertEqual('%s %s' % (api_versions.SERVICE_TYPE,
Exemple #8
    def request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('headers', kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        kwargs['headers']['User-Agent'] = self.USER_AGENT
        kwargs['headers']['Accept'] = 'application/json'
        if 'body' in kwargs:
            kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
            kwargs['data'] = json.dumps(kwargs.pop('body'))
        api_versions.update_headers(kwargs["headers"], self.api_version)
        if self.timeout is not None:
            kwargs.setdefault('timeout', self.timeout)
        kwargs['verify'] = self.verify_cert

        self.http_log_req(method, url, kwargs)

        request_func = requests.request
        session = self._get_session(url)
        if session:
            request_func = session.request

        resp = request_func(

        # TODO(andreykurilin): uncomment this line, when we will be able to
        #   check only nova-related calls
        # api_versions.check_headers(resp, self.api_version)


        if resp.text:
            # TODO(dtroyer): verify the note below in a requests context
            # NOTE(alaski): Because force_exceptions_to_status_code=True
            # httplib2 returns a connection refused event as a 400 response.
            # To determine if it is a bad request or refused connection we need
            # to check the body.  httplib2 tests check for 'Connection refused'
            # or 'actively refused' in the body, so that's what we'll do.
            if resp.status_code == 400:
                if ('Connection refused' in resp.text or
                        'actively refused' in resp.text):
                    raise exceptions.ConnectionRefused(resp.text)
                body = json.loads(resp.text)
            except ValueError:
                body = None
            body = None

        self.last_request_id = (resp.headers.get('x-openstack-request-id')
                                if resp.headers else None)
        if resp.status_code >= 400:
            raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)

        return resp, body
    def request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('headers', kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        api_versions.update_headers(kwargs["headers"], self.api_version)
        # NOTE(jamielennox): The standard call raises errors from
        # keystoneclient, where we need to raise the novaclient errors.
        raise_exc = kwargs.pop('raise_exc', True)
        with utils.record_time(self.times, self.timings, method, url):
            resp, body = super(SessionClient, self).request(url,
        if raise_exc and resp.status_code >= 400:
            raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)

        return resp, body
    def request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('headers', kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        api_versions.update_headers(kwargs["headers"], self.api_version)
        # NOTE(jamielennox): The standard call raises errors from
        # keystoneclient, where we need to raise the novaclient errors.
        raise_exc = kwargs.pop('raise_exc', True)
        with utils.record_time(self.times, self.timings, method, url):
            resp, body = super(SessionClient, self).request(url,
        if raise_exc and resp.status_code >= 400:
            raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)

        return resp, body
Exemple #11
    def request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('headers', kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        api_versions.update_headers(kwargs["headers"], self.api_version)
        # NOTE(jamielennox): The standard call raises errors from
        # keystoneauth1, where we need to raise the novaclient errors.
        raise_exc = kwargs.pop('raise_exc', True)
        with utils.record_time(self.times, self.timings, method, url):
            resp, body = super(SessionClient, self).request(url,
        # TODO(andreykurilin): uncomment this line, when we will be able to
        #   check only nova-related calls
        # api_versions.check_headers(resp, self.api_version)
        if raise_exc and resp.status_code >= 400:
            raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)

        return resp, body
Exemple #12
    def request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('headers', kwargs.get('headers', {}))
        api_versions.update_headers(kwargs["headers"], self.api_version)
        # NOTE(jamielennox): The standard call raises errors from
        # keystoneauth1, where we need to raise the novaclient errors.
        raise_exc = kwargs.pop('raise_exc', True)
        with utils.record_time(self.times, self.timings, method, url):
            resp, body = super(SessionClient, self).request(url,

        # if service name is None then use service_type for logging
        service = self.service_name or self.service_type
        _log_request_id(self.logger, resp, service)

        # TODO(andreykurilin): uncomment this line, when we will be able to
        #   check only nova-related calls
        # api_versions.check_headers(resp, self.api_version)
        if raise_exc and resp.status_code >= 400:
            raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)

        return resp, body
 def test_api_version_is_major(self):
     headers = {}
     api_versions.update_headers(headers, api_versions.APIVersion("7.0"))
     self.assertEqual({}, headers)
 def test_api_version_is_null(self):
     headers = {}
     api_versions.update_headers(headers, api_versions.APIVersion())
     self.assertEqual({}, headers)
 def test_api_version_is_major(self):
     headers = {}
     api_versions.update_headers(headers, api_versions.APIVersion("7.0"))
     self.assertEqual({}, headers)
 def test_api_version_is_null(self):
     headers = {}
     api_versions.update_headers(headers, api_versions.APIVersion())
     self.assertEqual({}, headers)