Exemple #1
def opened_tdms_file():
    """ Allow re-use of an opened TDMS file
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values
    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        with TdmsFile.open(temp_file.file) as tdms_file:
            yield tdms_file, expected_data
Exemple #2
def test_indexing_channel_with_ellipsis():
    """ Test indexing into a channel with ellipsis returns all data
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values
    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        with TdmsFile.open(temp_file.file) as tdms_file:
            for ((group, channel), expected_channel_data) in expected_data.items():
                channel_object = tdms_file[group][channel]
                compare_arrays(channel_object[...], expected_channel_data)
Exemple #3
def test_indexing_channel_with_integer(index):
    """ Test indexing into a channel with an integer index
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values
    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        with TdmsFile.open(temp_file.file) as tdms_file:
            for ((group, channel), expected_channel_data) in expected_data.items():
                channel_object = tdms_file[group][channel]
                assert channel_object[index] == expected_channel_data[index]
Exemple #4
def test_indexing_channel_after_read_data():
    """ Test indexing into a channel after reading all data
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values
    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        tdms_file = TdmsFile.read(temp_file.file)
    for ((group, channel), expected_channel_data) in expected_data.items():
        channel_object = tdms_file[group][channel]
        assert channel_object[0] == expected_channel_data[0]
        compare_arrays(channel_object[:], expected_channel_data)
Exemple #5
def test_indexing_channel_with_invalid_integer_raises_error(index):
    """ Test indexing into a channel with an invalid integer index
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values
    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        with TdmsFile.open(temp_file.file) as tdms_file:
            for ((group, channel), expected_channel_data) in expected_data.items():
                channel_object = tdms_file[group][channel]
                with pytest.raises(IndexError):
                    _ = channel_object[index]
Exemple #6
def test_indexing_channel_with_invalid_type_raises_error(index):
    """ Test indexing into a channel with an invalid index type
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values
    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        with TdmsFile.open(temp_file.file) as tdms_file:
            for ((group, channel), expected_channel_data) in expected_data.items():
                channel_object = tdms_file[group][channel]
                with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
                    _ = channel_object[index]
                assert "Invalid index type" in str(exc_info.value)
Exemple #7
def test_indexing_channel_with_zero_step_raises_error():
    """ Test indexing into a channel with a slice with zero step size raises an error
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values
    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        with TdmsFile.open(temp_file.file) as tdms_file:
            for ((group, channel), expected_channel_data) in expected_data.items():
                channel_object = tdms_file[group][channel]
                with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
                    _ = channel_object[::0]
                assert str(exc_info.value) == "Step size cannot be zero"
Exemple #8
def test_iterate_channel_data_in_read_mode():
    """Test iterating over channel data after reading all data
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values

    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        tdms_file = TdmsFile.read(temp_file.file)
        for ((group, channel), expected_channel_data) in expected_data.items():
            actual_data = []
            for value in tdms_file[group][channel]:
            compare_arrays(actual_data, expected_channel_data)
Exemple #9
def test_indexing_channel_with_integer_and_caching():
    """ Test indexing into a channel with an integer index, reusing the same file to test caching
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values
    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        with TdmsFile.open(temp_file.file) as tdms_file:
            for ((group, channel), expected_channel_data) in expected_data.items():
                channel_object = tdms_file[group][channel]
                values = []
                for i in range(len(channel_object)):
                compare_arrays(values, expected_channel_data)
Exemple #10
def test_iterate_file_and_groups():
    """ Test iterating over TdmsFile and TdmsGroup uses key values
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values

    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        tdms_file = TdmsFile.read(temp_file.file)
        for group_name in tdms_file:
            group = tdms_file[group_name]
            for channel_name in group:
                channel = group[channel_name]
                expected_channel_data = expected_data[(group_name, channel_name)]
                compare_arrays(channel.data, expected_channel_data)
Exemple #11
def test_streaming_to_hdf(tmp_path):
    """ Test conversion of channel data to HDF when streaming data from disk
    test_file, expected_data = scenarios.chunked_segment().values

    with test_file.get_tempfile() as temp_file:
        with TdmsFile.open(temp_file.file) as tdms_file:
            h5_path = tmp_path / 'h5_streaming_data_test.h5'
            h5 = tdms_file.as_hdf(h5_path)

    for ((group, channel), expected_data) in expected_data.items():
        h5_channel = h5[group][channel]
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(h5_channel[...], expected_data)