Exemple #1
def _write_data(data, fh, header, compression_level=None, index_order='F'):
    if index_order not in ['F', 'C']:
        raise NRRDError('Invalid index order')

    if header['encoding'] == 'raw':
        # Convert the data into a string
        raw_data = data.tostring(order=index_order)

        # Write the raw data directly to the file
    elif header['encoding'].lower() in ['ascii', 'text', 'txt']:
        # savetxt only works for 1D and 2D arrays, so reshape any > 2 dim arrays into one long 1D array
        if data.ndim > 2:
            np.savetxt(fh, data.ravel(order=index_order), '%.17g')
            np.savetxt(fh, data if index_order == 'C' else data.T, '%.17g')

        # Convert the data into a string
        raw_data = data.tostring(order=index_order)

        # Construct the compressor object based on encoding
        if header['encoding'] in ['gzip', 'gz']:
            compressobj = zlib.compressobj(compression_level, zlib.DEFLATED,
                                           zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16)
        elif header['encoding'] in ['bzip2', 'bz2']:
            compressobj = bz2.BZ2Compressor(compression_level)
            raise NRRDError('Unsupported encoding: "%s"' % header['encoding'])

        # Write the data in chunks (see _WRITE_CHUNKSIZE declaration for more information why)
        # Obtain the length of the data since we will be using it repeatedly, more efficient
        start_index = 0
        raw_data_len = len(raw_data)

        # Loop through the data and write it by chunk
        while start_index < raw_data_len:
            # End index is start index plus the chunk size
            # Set to the string length to read the remaining chunk at the end
            end_index = min(start_index + _WRITE_CHUNKSIZE, raw_data_len)

            # Write the compressed data

            start_index = end_index

        # Finish writing the data
Exemple #2
def _format_field_value(value, field_type):
    if field_type == 'int':
        return format_number(value)
    elif field_type == 'double':
        return format_number(value)
    elif field_type == 'string':
        return str(value)
    elif field_type == 'int list':
        return format_number_list(value)
    elif field_type == 'double list':
        return format_number_list(value)
    elif field_type == 'string list':
        return ' '.join(value)
    elif field_type == 'quoted string list':
        return ' '.join('"{0}"'.format(x) for x in value)
    elif field_type == 'int vector':
        return format_vector(value)
    elif field_type == 'double vector':
        return format_optional_vector(value)
    elif field_type == 'int matrix':
        return format_matrix(value)
    elif field_type == 'double matrix':
        return format_optional_matrix(value)
        raise NRRDError('Invalid field type given: %s' % field_type)
Exemple #3
def parse_matrix(x, dtype=None):
    """Parse NRRD matrix from string into (M,N) :class:`numpy.ndarray`.

    See :ref:`user-guide:int matrix` and :ref:`user-guide:double matrix` for more information on the format.

    x : :class:`str`
        String containing NRRD matrix
    dtype : data-type, optional
        Datatype to use for the resulting Numpy array. Datatype can be :class:`float`, :class:`int` or :obj:`None`. If
        :obj:`dtype` is :obj:`None`, then it will be automatically determined by checking any of the elements
        for fractional numbers. If found, then the matrix will be converted to :class:`float`, otherwise :class:`int`.
        Default is to automatically determine datatype.

    matrix : (M,N) :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Matrix that is parsed from the :obj:`x` string

    # Split input by spaces, convert each row into a vector and stack them vertically to get a matrix
    matrix = [parse_vector(x, dtype=float) for x in x.split()]

    # Get the size of each row vector and then remove duplicate sizes
    # There should be exactly one value in the matrix because all row sizes need to be the same
    if len(np.unique([len(x) for x in matrix])) != 1:
        raise NRRDError(
            'Matrix should have same number of elements in each row')

    matrix = np.vstack(matrix)

    # If using automatic datatype detection, then start by converting to float and determining if the number is whole
    # Truncate to integer if dtype is int also
    if dtype is None:
        matrix_trunc = matrix.astype(int)

        if np.all((matrix - matrix_trunc) == 0):
            matrix = matrix_trunc
    elif dtype == int:
        matrix = matrix.astype(int)
    elif dtype != float:
        raise NRRDError(
            'dtype should be None for automatic type detection, float or int')

    return matrix
Exemple #4
def parse_vector(x, dtype=None):
    """Parse NRRD vector from string into (N,) :class:`numpy.ndarray`.

    See :ref:`user-guide:int vector` and :ref:`user-guide:double vector` for more information on the format.

    x : :class:`str`
        String containing NRRD vector
    dtype : data-type, optional
        Datatype to use for the resulting Numpy array. Datatype can be :class:`float`, :class:`int` or :obj:`None`. If
        :obj:`dtype` is :obj:`None`, then it will be automatically determined by checking any of the vector elements
        for fractional numbers. If found, then the vector will be converted to :class:`float`, otherwise :class:`int`.
        Default is to automatically determine datatype.

    vector : (N,) :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Vector that is parsed from the :obj:`x` string

    if x[0] != '(' or x[-1] != ')':
        raise NRRDError('Vector should be enclosed by parentheses.')

    # Always convert to float and then truncate to integer if desired
    # The reason why is parsing a floating point string to int will fail (i.e. int('25.1') will fail)
    vector = np.array([float(x) for x in x[1:-1].split(',')])

    # If using automatic datatype detection, then start by converting to float and determining if the number is whole
    # Truncate to integer if dtype is int also
    if dtype is None:
        vector_trunc = vector.astype(int)

        if np.all((vector - vector_trunc) == 0):
            vector = vector_trunc
    elif dtype == int:
        vector = vector.astype(int)
    elif dtype != float:
        raise NRRDError(
            'dtype should be None for automatic type detection, float or int')

    return vector
Exemple #5
def _write_data(data, fh, header, compression_level=None):
    if header['encoding'] == 'raw':
        # Convert the data into a string
        raw_data = data.tostring(order='F')

        # Write the raw data directly to the file
    elif header['encoding'].lower() in ['ascii', 'text', 'txt']:
        # savetxt only works for 1D and 2D arrays, so reshape any > 2 dim arrays into one long 1D array
        if data.ndim > 2:
            np.savetxt(fh, data.ravel(order='F'), '%.17g')
            np.savetxt(fh, data.T, '%.17g')
        # Convert the data into a string
        raw_data = data.tostring(order='F')

        # Construct the compressor object based on encoding
        if header['encoding'] in ['gzip', 'gz']:
            compressobj = zlib.compressobj(compression_level, zlib.DEFLATED,
                                           zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16)
        elif header['encoding'] in ['bzip2', 'bz2']:
            compressobj = bz2.BZ2Compressor(compression_level)
            raise NRRDError('Unsupported encoding: "%s"' % header['encoding'])

        # Write the data in chunks (see _WRITE_CHUNKSIZE declaration for more information why)
        start_index = 0

        # Loop through the data and write it by chunk
        while start_index < len(raw_data):
            # End index is start index plus the chunk size
            end_index = start_index + _WRITE_CHUNKSIZE

            # If the end index is past the data size, then clamp it to the data size
            if end_index > len(raw_data):
                end_index = len(raw_data)

            # Write the compressed data

            start_index = end_index

        # Finish writing the data
Exemple #6
def parse_optional_matrix(x):
    """Parse optional NRRD matrix from string into (M,N) :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`float`.

    Function parses optional NRRD matrix from string into an (M,N) :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`float`. This
    function works the same as :meth:`parse_matrix` except if a row vector in the matrix is none, the resulting row in
    the returned matrix will be all NaNs.

    See :ref:`user-guide:double matrix` for more information on the format.

    x : :class:`str`
        String containing NRRD matrix

    matrix : (M,N) :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`float`
        Matrix that is parsed from the :obj:`x` string

    # Split input by spaces to get each row and convert into a vector. The row can be 'none', in which case it will
    # return None
    matrix = [parse_optional_vector(x, dtype=float) for x in x.split()]

    # Get the size of each row vector, 0 if None
    sizes = np.array([0 if x is None else len(x) for x in matrix])

    # Get sizes of each row vector removing duplicate sizes
    # Since each row vector should be same size, the unique sizes should return one value for the row size or it may
    # return a second one (0) if there are None vectors
    unique_sizes = np.unique(sizes)

    if len(unique_sizes) != 1 and (len(unique_sizes) != 2
                                   or unique_sizes.min() != 0):
        raise NRRDError(
            'Matrix should have same number of elements in each row')

    # Create a vector row of NaN's that matches same size of remaining vector rows
    # Stack the vector rows together to create matrix
    nan_row = np.full((unique_sizes.max()), np.nan)
    matrix = np.vstack([nan_row if x is None else x for x in matrix])

    return matrix
Exemple #7
def parse_number_list(x, dtype=None):
    """Parse NRRD number list from string into (N,) :class:`numpy.ndarray`.

    See :ref:`user-guide:int list` and :ref:`user-guide:double list` for more information on the format.

    x : :class:`str`
        String containing NRRD number list
    dtype : data-type, optional
        Datatype to use for the resulting Numpy array. Datatype can be :class:`float`, :class:`int` or :obj:`None`. If
        :obj:`dtype` is :obj:`None`, then it will be automatically determined by checking for fractional numbers. If
        found, then the string will be converted to :class:`float`, otherwise :class:`int`. Default is to automatically
        determine datatype.

    vector : (N,) :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Vector that is parsed from the :obj:`x` string

    # Always convert to float and then perform truncation to integer if necessary
    number_list = np.array([float(x) for x in x.split()])

    if dtype is None:
        number_list_trunc = number_list.astype(int)

        # If there is no difference between the truncated number list and the number list, then that means that the
        # number list was all integers and we can just return that
        if np.all((number_list - number_list_trunc) == 0):
            number_list = number_list_trunc
    elif dtype == int:
        number_list = number_list.astype(int)
    elif dtype != float:
        raise NRRDError(
            'dtype should be None for automatic type detection, float or int')

    return number_list
Exemple #8
def _format_field_value(value, field_type):
    if field_type == 'int':
        return format_number(value)
    elif field_type == 'double':
        return format_number(value)
    elif field_type == 'string':
        return str(value)
    elif field_type == 'int list':
        return format_number_list(value)
    elif field_type == 'double list':
        return format_number_list(value)
    elif field_type == 'string list':
        # TODO Handle cases where the user wants quotation marks around the items
        return ' '.join(value)
    elif field_type == 'int vector':
        return format_vector(value)
    elif field_type == 'double vector':
        return format_optional_vector(value)
    elif field_type == 'int matrix':
        return format_matrix(value)
    elif field_type == 'double matrix':
        return format_optional_matrix(value)
        raise NRRDError('Invalid field type given: %s' % field_type)
def write(filename,
    if header is None:
        header = {}

    # Infer a number of fields from the NumPy array and overwrite values in the header dictionary.
    # Get type string identifier from the NumPy datatype
    header['type'] = _TYPEMAP_NUMPY2NRRD[data.dtype.str[1:]]

    # If the datatype contains more than one byte and the encoding is not ASCII, then set the endian header value
    # based on the datatype's endianness. Otherwise, delete the endian field from the header if present
    if data.dtype.itemsize > 1 and header.get(
            'encoding', '').lower() not in ['ascii', 'text', 'txt']:
        header['endian'] = _NUMPY2NRRD_ENDIAN_MAP[data.dtype.str[:1]]
    elif 'endian' in header:
        del header['endian']

    # If space is specified in the header, then space dimension can not. See
    # http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html#space
    if 'space' in header.keys() and 'space dimension' in header.keys():
        del header['space dimension']

    # Update the dimension and sizes fields in the header based on the data. Since NRRD expects meta data to be in
    # Fortran order we are required to reverse the shape in the case of the array being in C order. E.g., data was read
    # using index_order='C'.
    header['dimension'] = data.ndim
    header['sizes'] = list(data.shape) if index_order == 'F' else list(

    # The default encoding is 'gzip'
    if 'encoding' not in header:
        header['encoding'] = 'gzip'

    # A bit of magic in handling options here.
    # If *.nhdr filename provided, this overrides `detached_header=False`
    # If *.nrrd filename provided AND detached_header=True, separate header and data files written.
    # If detached_header=True and data file is present, then write the files separately
    # For all other cases, header & data written to same file.
    if filename.endswith('.nhdr'):
        detached_header = True

        if 'data file' not in header:
            # Get the base filename without the extension
            base_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]

            # Get the appropriate data filename based on encoding, see here for information on the standard detached
            # filename: http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html#encoding
            if header['encoding'] == 'raw':
                data_filename = '%s.raw' % base_filename
            elif header['encoding'] in ['ASCII', 'ascii', 'text', 'txt']:
                data_filename = '%s.txt' % base_filename
            elif header['encoding'] in ['gzip', 'gz']:
                data_filename = '%s.raw.gz' % base_filename
            elif header['encoding'] in ['bzip2', 'bz2']:
                data_filename = '%s.raw.bz2' % base_filename
                raise NRRDError(
                    'Invalid encoding specification while writing NRRD file: %s'
                    % header['encoding'])

            header['data file'] = os.path.basename(data_filename) \
                if relative_data_path else os.path.abspath(data_filename)
            # TODO This will cause issues for relative data files because it will not save in the correct spot
            data_filename = header['data file']
    elif filename.endswith('.nrrd') and detached_header:
        data_filename = filename
        header['data file'] = os.path.basename(data_filename) \
            if relative_data_path else os.path.abspath(data_filename)
        filename = '%s.nhdr' % os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        # Write header & data as one file
        data_filename = filename
        detached_header = False

    with tf.gfile.GFile(filename, 'wb') as fh:
        fh.write(b'# This NRRD file was generated by pynrrd\n')
            b'# on ' +
            datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').encode('ascii') +
        fh.write(b'# Complete NRRD file format specification at:\n')
        fh.write(b'# http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html\n')

        # Copy the options since dictionaries are mutable when passed as an argument
        # Thus, to prevent changes to the actual options, a copy is made
        # Empty ordered_options list is made (will be converted into dictionary)
        local_options = header.copy()
        ordered_options = []

        # Loop through field order and add the key/value if present
        # Remove the key/value from the local options so that we know not to add it again
        for field in _NRRD_FIELD_ORDER:
            if field in local_options:
                ordered_options.append((field, local_options[field]))
                del local_options[field]

        # Leftover items are assumed to be the custom field/value options
        # So get current size and any items past this index will be a custom value
        custom_field_start_index = len(ordered_options)

        # Add the leftover items to the end of the list and convert the options into a dictionary
        ordered_options = OrderedDict(ordered_options)

        for x, (field, value) in enumerate(ordered_options.items()):
            # Get the field_type based on field and then get corresponding
            # value as a str using _format_field_value
            field_type = _get_field_type(field, custom_field_map)
            value_str = _format_field_value(value, field_type)

            # Custom fields are written as key/value pairs with a := instead of : delimeter
            if x >= custom_field_start_index:
                fh.write(('%s:=%s\n' % (field, value_str)).encode('ascii'))
                fh.write(('%s: %s\n' % (field, value_str)).encode('ascii'))

        # Write the closing extra newline

        # If header & data in the same file is desired, write data in the file
        if not detached_header:

    # If detached header desired, write data to different file
    if detached_header:
        with tf.gfile.GFile(data_filename, 'wb') as data_fh:
Exemple #10
def write(filename,
    """Write :class:`numpy.ndarray` to NRRD file

    The :obj:`filename` parameter specifies the absolute or relative filename to write the NRRD file to. If the
    :obj:`filename` extension is .nhdr, then the :obj:`detached_header` parameter is set to true automatically. If the
    :obj:`detached_header` parameter is set to :obj:`True` and the :obj:`filename` ends in .nrrd, then the header file
    will have the same path and base name as the :obj:`filename` but with an extension of .nhdr. In all other cases,
    the header and data are saved in the same file.

    :obj:`header` is an optional parameter containing the fields and values to be added to the NRRD header.

    .. note::
            The following fields are automatically generated based on the :obj:`data` parameter ignoring these values
            in the :obj:`header`: 'type', 'endian', 'dimension', 'sizes'. In addition, the generated fields will be
            added to the given :obj:`header`. Thus, one can check the generated fields by viewing the passed

    .. note::
            The default encoding field used if not specified in :obj:`header` is 'gzip'.

    .. note::
            The :obj:`index_order` parameter must be consistent with the index order specified in :meth:`read`.
            Reading an NRRD file in C-order and then writing as Fortran-order or vice versa will result in the data
            being transposed in the NRRD file.

    See :ref:`user-guide:Writing NRRD files` for more information on writing NRRD files.

    filename : :class:`str`
        Filename of the NRRD file
    data : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Data to save to the NRRD file
    detached_header : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether the header and data should be saved in separate files. Defaults to :obj:`False`
    relative_data_path : :class:`bool`
        Whether the data filename in detached header is saved with a relative path or absolute path.
        This parameter is ignored if there is no detached header. Defaults to :obj:`True`
    custom_field_map : :class:`dict` (:class:`str`, :class:`str`), optional
        Dictionary used for parsing custom field types where the key is the custom field name and the value is a
        string identifying datatype for the custom field.
    compression_level : :class:`int`
        Integer between 1 to 9 specifying the compression level when using a compressed encoding (gzip or bzip). A value
        of :obj:`1` compresses the data the least amount and is the fastest, while a value of :obj:`9` compresses the
        data the most and is the slowest.
    index_order : {'C', 'F'}, optional
        Specifies the index order used for writing. Either 'C' (C-order) where the dimensions are ordered from
        slowest-varying to fastest-varying (e.g. (z, y, x)), or 'F' (Fortran-order) where the dimensions are ordered
        from fastest-varying to slowest-varying (e.g. (x, y, z)).

    See Also
    :meth:`read`, :meth:`read_header`, :meth:`read_data`

    if header is None:
        header = {}

    # Infer a number of fields from the NumPy array and overwrite values in the header dictionary.
    # Get type string identifier from the NumPy datatype
    header['type'] = _TYPEMAP_NUMPY2NRRD[data.dtype.str[1:]]

    # If the datatype contains more than one byte and the encoding is not ASCII, then set the endian header value
    # based on the datatype's endianness. Otherwise, delete the endian field from the header if present
    if data.dtype.itemsize > 1 and header.get(
            'encoding', '').lower() not in ['ascii', 'text', 'txt']:
        header['endian'] = _NUMPY2NRRD_ENDIAN_MAP[data.dtype.str[:1]]
    elif 'endian' in header:
        del header['endian']

    # If space is specified in the header, then space dimension can not. See
    # http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html#space
    if 'space' in header.keys() and 'space dimension' in header.keys():
        del header['space dimension']

    # Update the dimension and sizes fields in the header based on the data. Since NRRD expects meta data to be in
    # Fortran order we are required to reverse the shape in the case of the array being in C order. E.g., data was read
    # using index_order='C'.
    header['dimension'] = data.ndim
    header['sizes'] = list(data.shape) if index_order == 'F' else list(

    # The default encoding is 'gzip'
    if 'encoding' not in header:
        header['encoding'] = 'gzip'

    # A bit of magic in handling options here.
    # If *.nhdr filename provided, this overrides `detached_header=False`
    # If *.nrrd filename provided AND detached_header=True, separate header and data files written.
    # If detached_header=True and data file is present, then write the files separately
    # For all other cases, header & data written to same file.
    if filename.endswith('.nhdr'):
        detached_header = True

        if 'data file' not in header:
            # Get the base filename without the extension
            base_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]

            # Get the appropriate data filename based on encoding, see here for information on the standard detached
            # filename: http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html#encoding
            if header['encoding'] == 'raw':
                data_filename = '%s.raw' % base_filename
            elif header['encoding'] in ['ASCII', 'ascii', 'text', 'txt']:
                data_filename = '%s.txt' % base_filename
            elif header['encoding'] in ['gzip', 'gz']:
                data_filename = '%s.raw.gz' % base_filename
            elif header['encoding'] in ['bzip2', 'bz2']:
                data_filename = '%s.raw.bz2' % base_filename
                raise NRRDError(
                    'Invalid encoding specification while writing NRRD file: %s'
                    % header['encoding'])

            header['data file'] = os.path.basename(data_filename) \
                if relative_data_path else os.path.abspath(data_filename)
            # TODO This will cause issues for relative data files because it will not save in the correct spot
            data_filename = header['data file']
    elif filename.endswith('.nrrd') and detached_header:
        data_filename = filename
        header['data file'] = os.path.basename(data_filename) \
            if relative_data_path else os.path.abspath(data_filename)
        filename = '%s.nhdr' % os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        # Write header & data as one file
        data_filename = filename
        detached_header = False

    with open(filename, 'wb') as fh:
        fh.write(b'# This NRRD file was generated by pynrrd\n')
            b'# on ' +
            datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').encode('ascii') +
        fh.write(b'# Complete NRRD file format specification at:\n')
        fh.write(b'# http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html\n')

        # Copy the options since dictionaries are mutable when passed as an argument
        # Thus, to prevent changes to the actual options, a copy is made
        # Empty ordered_options list is made (will be converted into dictionary)
        local_options = header.copy()
        ordered_options = []

        # Loop through field order and add the key/value if present
        # Remove the key/value from the local options so that we know not to add it again
        for field in _NRRD_FIELD_ORDER:
            if field in local_options:
                ordered_options.append((field, local_options[field]))
                del local_options[field]

        # Leftover items are assumed to be the custom field/value options
        # So get current size and any items past this index will be a custom value
        custom_field_start_index = len(ordered_options)

        # Add the leftover items to the end of the list and convert the options into a dictionary
        ordered_options = OrderedDict(ordered_options)

        for x, (field, value) in enumerate(ordered_options.items()):
            # Get the field_type based on field and then get corresponding
            # value as a str using _format_field_value
            field_type = _get_field_type(field, custom_field_map)
            value_str = _format_field_value(value, field_type)

            # Custom fields are written as key/value pairs with a := instead of : delimeter
            if x >= custom_field_start_index:
                fh.write(('%s:=%s\n' % (field, value_str)).encode('ascii'))
                fh.write(('%s: %s\n' % (field, value_str)).encode('ascii'))

        # Write the closing extra newline

        # If header & data in the same file is desired, write data in the file
        if not detached_header:

    # If detached header desired, write data to different file
    if detached_header:
        with open(data_filename, 'wb') as data_fh: