Exemple #1
def main() -> None:
    """Main function"""

        "Specify a file to load the nation list from. (Based on this script's directory)"
        "Nation name and password should be seperated with a single comma, no space."
    inputPath = input("File: ")

        "\nShould the passwords be interpreted as autologins keys (encrypted versions)? (y/n)"
    autologinInput = input("Interpret as autologins? ").lower()
    if autologinInput in ("yes", "y"):
        isAutologin = True
        print("Okay, will interpret as autologin keys.")
        isAutologin = False
        print("Okay, will interpret as regular passwords.")

        "\nEnter a file to generate autologin keys in, or enter nothing to not generate a file."
    outputPath = input("Autologin Output File: ")

    requester = nsapi.NSRequester(config.userAgent)

    # Collect nationlist
    nations = {}
    with open(nsapi.absolute_path(inputPath), "r") as file:
        for line in file:
            # Ignore empty lines
            if not line == "\n":
                # Split exactly once to allow passwords that contain commas
                nation, password = line.strip().split(",", maxsplit=1)
                nations[nation] = password

    output = autologin(requester, nations, isAutologin)

    # Summarize results
    for nation, result in output.items():
        if result:
            string = f"Successfully logged {nation} in. (Region: {result.region})"
            if result.wa:
                string += " (WA)"
            print(f"Failed to log in {nation}. Likely an incorrect password.")

    # Only generate output if desired
    if outputPath != "":
        with open(nsapi.absolute_path(outputPath), "w") as file:
            for nation, result in output.items():
                print(f"{nation},{result.autologin if result else None}",
Exemple #2
def main() -> None:
    """Main function for running this module"""

    # Setup API
    API = nsapi.NSRequester(config.userAgent)
    # Set endorser nation to check for
    nation = "kuriko"

    logging.info("Collecting data")
    logging.info("Current time is %s UTC", datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    region, unendorsed = unendorsed_nations(API, nation)

    logging.info("Formatting results")
    # Create output display strings
    header = f"{nation} has not endorsed the following WA Members in {region}:"
    nationURLs = "\n".join(
        # Increment step so that the list is 1-indexed
        f"{step+1}. https://www.nationstates.net/nation={name}"
        for step, name in enumerate(unendorsed)

    # Output unendorsed nations
    logging.info("Writing results")
    with open(nsapi.absolute_path("endorsements.txt"), "w") as f:
        # Header
        print(header, file=f)
        # Formatted nation urls
        print(nationURLs, file=f)

    logging.info("Current time is %s UTC", datetime.datetime.utcnow())
Exemple #3
def main() -> None:
    """Main function"""

    requester = nsapi.NSRequester(config.userAgent)
    with open(nsapi.absolute_path("delegacy.txt"), "w") as f:
        logging.info("Outputting to file.")
        print("Delegacy changes in the last twelve hours")
                    # In the text returned by NS api, nation names are enclosed by @@
                    # and region names by %%. @@(.*?)@@ is a regex pattern that matches
                    # anything surrounded by the @@, as well as the @@ @@. we pull the nation name
                    # by taking group 1 of the match (0 is the entire match).
                    # the nation name is a group because of the () surround the .*?
                    # .*? lazily matches any number of any characters
                    lambda match: f"https://www.nationstates.net/region={match.group(1)}",
                        lambda match: f"https://www.nationstates.net/nation={match.group(1)}",
                for happening in delegacy(requester)
Exemple #4
def main() -> None:
    """Main function"""

    requester = nsapi.NSRequester(config.userAgent)

    print("Specify the region you want to search for card farmers.")
    region = input("Region: ")

        "\nOptionally, provide a previous output file that indicates nations to not count."
        "(i.e. the script will only output nations not in the previous output, i.e. new farmers)."
    print("Or, press enter to not use a previous file.")
    previousPath = input("Previous Output File: ")

    print("\nEnter the name of the output file (defaults to `participants.txt`)")
    outputPath = nsapi.absolute_path(input("Output Path: "))

    # Load previous file if provided
    if previousPath:
        with open(nsapi.absolute_path(previousPath), "r") as f:
            # Each nation name is surrounded by [nation]...[/nation] tags
            # we remove the leading ones, and then split on the trailing ones
            # this leaves an extra empty element due to the trailing end tag at the end,
            # so that is removed with the slice. This process is done for each line,
            # creating a 2D iterator, which is then flattened using `a for b in c for a in b`
            # (the double for acts like a nested for loop)
            previous = {
                for nationLine in (
                    line.replace("[nation]", "").split("[/nation]")[:-1]
                    for line in f.readlines()
                for nation in nationLine

    participants = check_region(requester, region, previous)

    with open(outputPath, "w") as file:
        for participant in participants:
            print(f"[nation]{participant}[/nation]", file=file, end="")
        # Print a trailing newline
        print("", file=file)

    print(f"\nCollection complete. ({len(participants)} nations selected.)")
Exemple #5
def main() -> None:
    """Main function"""

        "Specify a json file to load the nation data from. (Based on this script's directory)"
    inputPath = input("File: ")

    print("Specify a json file to load old WA data from for comparison.")
    oldDataPath = input("Old Data File: ")

        "\nEnter a file to generate output in, or enter nothing to output to standard output."
    outputPath = input("Output File: ")

    requester = nsapi.NSRequester(config.userAgent)

    # Collect data
    with open(nsapi.absolute_path(inputPath), "r") as file:
        nations: t.Mapping[str, t.Collection[str]] = json.load(file)

    # collect current/old roster
    with open(nsapi.absolute_path(oldDataPath), "r") as file:
        current: t.Mapping[str, str] = json.load(file)

    output = check_roster(requester, nations)

    # compare
    changes = {
        nation: output[nation] if nation in output else Result(None)
        for nation, oldWA in current.items()
        if nation not in output or output[nation].wa != oldWA

    # Summarize results
    if outputPath != "":
        with open(nsapi.absolute_path(outputPath), "w") as file:
            print_output(file, changes)
        print_output(sys.stdout, changes)
Exemple #6
def main() -> None:
    """Main function"""

    # Create requester
    requester = nsapi.NSRequester(config.userAgent)

    print("Provide a data file to work through.")
        "Ideally, the file should be a csv-type text format, with each row in this format:"
        "e.g.: 'https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=926511/season=1,hn67,hn67_ii,aPassword"
        "Technically, only the 'card=num/season=num' part of the link is required."
        "Also, the password is only required for the first occurence of a nation."
        "If your password contains a comma (','), it should be enclosed with double quotes (\")."
        "The path to the file is relative to this script. If the file is in the same directory,"
    print("just enter the name (e.g. 'gifts.csv')")
    dataPath = input("Data file: ")

    print("\nInstead of saving your password in the file,"
          " you can alternatively provide an API autologin,")
    print("which is a encrypted by NationStates version.")
    print("Enter 'yes'/'y' to interpret the passwords as autologins,"
          " or 'no' (or anything else) to not.")
    autologinInput = input("Interpret password fields as autologin? ").lower()
    if autologinInput in ("yes", "y"):
        autologin = True
        print("Interpreting password field as autologins.")
        autologin = False

    # We save Nation objects so that they can all use the same Auth, i.e. pin
    nations: MutableMapping[str, nsapi.Nation] = {}

    with open(nsapi.absolute_path(dataPath), "r", newline="") as file:
        csvReader = csv.reader(file)
        for row in csvReader:
                # We need to prepare or find the nation object first (of the sender)
                nation = nsapi.clean_format(row[1])
                if nation not in nations:
                    nations[nation] = requester.nation(nation)
                    # Update the nation auth using given password (or autologin)
                    # Autologin is True if the passwords are actually autologins
                    if autologin:
                        nations[nation].auth = nsapi.Auth(password=row[3])
                # Now we can delegate to the function
                send_card(link=row[0], sender=nations[nation], receiver=row[2])
                print(f"Sent {row[0]} from {nation} to {row[2]}")
            # Broad error cause we want to catch anything, so the whole
            # program doesnt crash. logs the message
            except Exception as exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                print("Failed to send a card. Error:", exception)
Exemple #7
def main() -> None:
    """Main method"""

    # TODO add type checking into the arguments?
    # would possibly provide better error messages

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Count the issues answered by a set of nations.")

    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
        help="The possible modes, rerun with [mode] -h for more info.",

    datesParser = subparsers.add_parser("dates")

                             help="The start date, in YYYY-MM-DD format.")

    datesParser.add_argument("end", help="The end date, in YYYY-MM-DD format.")

        help="The month to use for a report. Defaults to month of end date.",

    monthParser = subparsers.add_parser("month")

        help=("The month to count across, in YYYY-MM format. "
              "Compares issue counts from YYYY-MM-01 to (MM+1)-01."),

    # monthParser.add_argument(
        help=("Create output in report mode. Produces a formatted file in "
              "Issue Payout Reports folder for the given month. "
              "The report is labelled using the month of the starting date, "
              "unless specified by month parameter."),

    # XKI Puppet List
    default_source = (

        help=("""URL or file name to retrieve nation list from. Expects either
            one or two nations seperated by a tab per line, where the second
            is interpreted as the puppetmaster. Defaults to the XKI puppets URL."""

        help="Makes the script source from a file instead of URL.",

        "File name to write (raw) output to. Outputs to stdout if not provided.",

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        args = parser.parse_args()
        inputString = input("Arguments (One line, -h for help): ")
        args = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(inputString))

    requester = nsapi.NSRequester(config.userAgent)

    # Get input data
    if args.file:
        with open(nsapi.absolute_path(args.source)) as file:
            nations = [line.split("\t") for line in file.readlines()]
        text = requests.get(args.source).text
        nations = [line.split("\t") for line in text.split("\r\n")]

    # Convert to puppetmaster dicts
    # nation[1] is "" if no master, which is falsy
    # Clean the format of all the names
    puppets = {
        nsapi.clean_format(nation[0]): nsapi.clean_format(nation[1])
        if nation[1] else nsapi.clean_format(nation[0])
        for nation in nations

    # Convert dates to start and end date objects
    if args.sub == "dates":
        start = datetime.date.fromisoformat(args.start)
        end = datetime.date.fromisoformat(args.end)
        # Usually makes sense to have the 'month' (for reports) be the ending date if not provided
        if args.month:
            month = datetime.date.fromisoformat(args.month + "-01")
            month = end.replace(day=1)
    elif args.sub == "month":
        month = datetime.date.fromisoformat(args.month + "-01")
        # Last day of previous month, i.e. 08 -> 07-31
        start = month - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        # Last day of this month, i.e. 08 -> 08-31
        end = month.replace(
            day=calendar.monthrange(month.year, month.month)[1])

    logging.info("month: %s start: %s end: %s", month, start, end)

    counts = count_change(requester, puppets.keys(), start, end)
    changes = counts[0]

    # Collect puppetmaster counts
    collected_count = {puppetmaster: 0 for puppetmaster in puppets.values()}
    for puppet, change in changes.items():
        collected_count[puppets[puppet]] += change

    def write_output(file: t.TextIO) -> None:
        for puppetmaster, count in collected_count.items():
            print(f"{puppetmaster},{count}", file=file)

    # Write output
    if args.output is not None:
        with open(args.output, "w") as file:

    # Generate report if chosen.
    # Check the subcommand first, because if month
    # wasnt chosen, the .report attribute wont exist
    # this avoids any exception due to lazy eval
    # if args.sub == "month" and args.report:
    if args.report:
        report = generate_report(month, collected_count)
        # Check for output directory
        if not os.path.isdir(nsapi.absolute_path("IssuePayoutReports")):
        # Write the report
        with open(
                    # Format the month to always be 2-digit
        ) as f:
Exemple #8
            - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        # Replace the day with first day, and time with 0
        .replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0).timestamp()

    bound = lastMonth

output = input(
    "Enter the file name to generate output in (will override existing): ")

# check trades of each card
trades = []
for card in cards:
    for trade in requester.card(cardid=int(card["cardid"]),
                                    safe=False, sincetime=str(bound)):
        if (nsapi.clean_format(trade.buyer) in members
                or nsapi.clean_format(trade.seller) in members):
            trades.append((card, trade))

# display filtered trades
with open(nsapi.absolute_path(output), "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
    for card, trade in trades:
            f"{card['name']} "
            "(https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=926511/season=1/trades_history=1): "
            f"Sold from {trade.seller} to {trade.buyer}.",
Exemple #9
            - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        # Replace the day with first day, and time with 0
        .replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0).timestamp()

    bound = lastMonth

output = input(
    "Enter the file name to generate output in (will override existing): ")

# check trades of each card
trades = []
for card in cards:
    for trade in requester.card(cardid=int(card["cardid"]),
                                    safe=False, sincetime=str(bound)):
        if (nsapi.clean_format(trade.buyer) in members
                or nsapi.clean_format(trade.seller) in members):
            trades.append((card, trade))

# display filtered trades
with open(nsapi.absolute_path(output), "w") as file:
    for card, trade in trades:
            f"{card['name']} "
            "(https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=926511/season=1/trades_history=1): "
            f"Sold from {trade.seller} to {trade.buyer}.",
Exemple #10
# Pull target endorsement list
endorsers = set(requester.nation(target).shard("endorsements").split(","))

# Pull all nations in the region that are WA members
logging.info("Collecting %s WA Members", region)

# Pull all world wa nations
worldWA = set(requester.wa().shard("members").split(","))

# Pull all region nations
regionNations = set(requester.region(region).shard("nations").split(":"))

# Intersect wa members and region members
citizens = worldWA & regionNations

logging.info("Comparing WA Member list with target endorsers")
# Determine WA members who have not endorsed target
nonendorsers = citizens - endorsers

# Print output in formatted manner
logging.info("Outputting results\n")
with open(nsapi.absolute_path("endorsed.txt"), "w") as f:
    # Header
    print(f"The following WA Members of {region} have not endorsed {target}:",
    for step, nonendorser in enumerate(nonendorsers):
        # Increment step so that it is 1-based
        print(f"{step+1}. https://www.nationstates.net/nation={nonendorser}",
Exemple #11
def resolve_path(rarity: str) -> str:
    """Generates an absolute path using the rarity name"""
    return nsapi.absolute_path(f"{rarity}Cards.json")