Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, options=None, config_file=None):
        # If no options have been provided, create an empty dict
        if not options:
            options = {}

        if cfg.CONF.core_plugin is None:
            msg = _('Crd core_plugin not configured!')
            raise Exception(msg)

        # NOTE(jkoelker) Testing for the subclass with the __subclasshook__
        #                breaks tach monitoring. It has been removed
        #                intentianally to allow v2 plugins to be monitored
        #                for performance metrics.
        plugin_provider = cfg.CONF.core_plugin
        LOG.debug(_("Plugin location: %s"), plugin_provider)
        # If the plugin can't be found let them know gracefully
            LOG.info(_("Loading Plugin: %s"), plugin_provider)
            plugin_klass = importutils.import_class(plugin_provider)
        except ClassNotFound:
            LOG.exception(_("Error loading plugin"))
            raise Exception(_("Plugin not found.  You can install a "
                            "plugin with: pip install <plugin-name>\n"
                            "Example: pip install crd-sample-plugin"))
        self.plugin = plugin_klass()

        # core plugin as a part of plugin collection simplifies
        # checking extensions
        # TODO (enikanorov): make core plugin the same as
        # the rest of service plugins
        self.service_plugins = {constants.CORE: self.plugin}
        LOG.info(_("Loaded plugins %s"), str(self.service_plugins))
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, host, binary, topic, manager, report_interval=None,
                 periodic_interval=None, periodic_fuzzy_delay=None,
                 *args, **kwargs):

        self.binary = binary
        self.manager_class_name = manager
        manager_class = importutils.import_class(self.manager_class_name)
        self.manager = manager_class(host=host, *args, **kwargs)
        self.report_interval = report_interval
        self.periodic_interval = periodic_interval
        self.periodic_fuzzy_delay = periodic_fuzzy_delay
        self.saved_args, self.saved_kwargs = args, kwargs
        self.timers = []
        super(Service, self).__init__(host, topic, manager=self.manager)
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, host=None):
     super(DhcpAgent, self).__init__(host=host)
     self.needs_resync = False
     self.conf = cfg.CONF
     self.cache = NetworkCache()
     self.root_helper = config.get_root_helper(self.conf)
     self.dhcp_driver_cls = importutils.import_class(self.conf.dhcp_driver)
     ctx = context.get_admin_context_without_session()
     self.plugin_rpc = DhcpPluginApi(topics.PLUGIN,
                                     ctx, self.conf.use_namespaces)
     # create dhcp dir to store dhcp info
     dhcp_dir = os.path.dirname("/%s/dhcp/" % self.conf.state_path)
     if not os.path.isdir(dhcp_dir):
         os.makedirs(dhcp_dir, 0o755)
     self.dhcp_version = self.dhcp_driver_cls.check_version()
Exemple #4
    def _load_service_plugins(self):
        modconf = configparser.ConfigParser()
        confpath = cfg.CONF.config_file[0]
    	confpath = confpath.replace('nscs.conf', 'modules/')
    	confbase = os.path.dirname(confpath)
    	moduleconfs =  os.listdir(confbase)
    	paths = ''
    	for cnf in moduleconfs:
        	if re.search(r'(\.conf)$', cnf):
        		cnf = str(confpath+cnf)
        		service_plugin = str(modconf.get("DEFAULT","service_plugins"))
                	paths = paths+service_plugin+','
        plugin_providers = paths.split(',')        

        #plugin_providers = cfg.CONF.service_plugins
        LOG.debug(_("Loading service plugins: %s"), plugin_providers)
        for provider in plugin_providers:
            if provider == '':
                LOG.info(_("Loading Plugin: %s"), provider)
                plugin_class = importutils.import_class(provider)
            except ClassNotFound:
                LOG.exception(_("Error loading plugin"))
                raise Exception(_("Plugin not found."))
            plugin_inst = plugin_class()

            # only one implementation of svc_type allowed
            # specifying more than one plugin
            # for the same type is a fatal exception
            if plugin_inst.get_plugin_type() in self.service_plugins:
                raise Exception(_("Multiple plugins for service "
                                "%s were configured"),

            self.service_plugins[plugin_inst.get_plugin_type()] = plugin_inst

            LOG.debug(_("Successfully loaded %(type)s plugin. "
                        "Description: %(desc)s"),
                      {"type": plugin_inst.get_plugin_type(),
                       "desc": plugin_inst.get_plugin_description()})
Exemple #5
 def _load_driver(self, driver_provider):
     LOG.debug(_("Driver location: %s"), driver_provider)
     plugin_klass = importutils.import_class(driver_provider)
     return plugin_klass(self.conf)