Exemple #1
 def validate_abspath(self, value: str) -> None:
     if any([ntpath.isabs(value), posixpath.isabs(value)]):
         raise ValidationError(
             description="found an absolute path ({}), expected a filename".format(value),
Exemple #2
def absolute_win_path(val=ntpath.join('C:', ntpath.sep)):
    """Check for an absolute windows file path."""
    val = str(val)
    if ntpath.isabs(val) and ntpath.splitdrive(val)[0]:
        return val
    raise ValueError('%r is not a valid absolute path (should start with drive'
                     ' name like C:)' % val)
Exemple #3
def _abspath(root, value):
    # not all variables are paths: only absolutize if it looks like a relative path
    if root and \
        (value.startswith('./') or \
        ('/' in value and not (posixpath.isabs(value) or ntpath.isabs(value)))):
        value = os.path.join(root, value)
    return value
Exemple #4
def isabs(s):
    """Test whether a path is absolute"""
    if cosmo.kernel == 'nt' and '\\' in s:
        return ntpath.isabs(s)
    s = os.fspath(s)
    sep = _get_sep(s)
    return s.startswith(sep)
Exemple #5
    def resolver_backlink(self, link, linkTgt, bad_links):
        linkTgt_abs = absTgtpath(link, linkTgt)

        if not os.path.exists(linkTgt_abs):
            # Quietly skip

        path = os.path.dirname(link)
        if not os.path.isdir(path):

        tmp = path.split(os.sep)
        if not isPerson(tmp[-1]):

        tmp = linkTgt_abs.split(os.sep)
        if not isPerson(tmp[-1]):

        # Go to the linkTgt_abs directory and look for a link which has
        # path as its target
        if not findLinkTo(path, linkTgt_abs):
            clan, name = extractPersonName(path)
            # We can't determine sex here hence the 'p.'
            newLink = os.path.join(
                'p. %s %s' % (name.capitalize(), clan.capitalize()))

            # Make the new link relative if the original one was
            if not ntpath.isabs(linkTgt):
                path = os.path.relpath(path, os.path.dirname(newLink))

            bad_links.append(Backlink(link, linkTgt, newLink, path))
Exemple #6
    def windows_to_native(windows_path):
        Convert a (relative) Windows path to a native path.
        If windows_path is not a Windows path, the result is undefined.
        #>>> PathTools.windows_to_native("D:\\\\foo")
        #>>> PathTools.windows_to_native(".\\\\foo")

        #>>> PathTools.windows_to_native("D:\\\\foo")
        #ValueError on POSIX
        #>>> PathTools.windows_to_native("/foo")
        if os.path == posixpath:
            if ntpath.isabs(windows_path):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Cannot convert an absolute Windows path to POSIX: %s" %
            return windows_path.replace('\\', os.path.sep)
        elif os.path == ntpath:
            return windows_path
            raise NotImplementedError("Can only convert to posix or nt")
def abspath(path):
    if not isabs(path):
        if isinstance(path, unicode):
            cwd = os.getcwdu()
            cwd = os.getcwd()
        path = join(cwd, path)
    return normpath(path)
Exemple #8
 def get_top_srcdir(self, file):
     """Returns a normalized top_srcdir for the given file: if
     substs['top_srcdir'] is a relative path, it is relative to the
     topobjdir. Adjust it to be relative to the file path."""
     top_srcdir = self.substs["top_srcdir"]
     if posixpath.isabs(top_srcdir) or ntpath.isabs(top_srcdir):
         return top_srcdir
     return posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(self.get_depth(file), top_srcdir))
    def _is_absolute_path(self, path):
        if posixpath.isabs(path):
            return True

        if ntpath.isabs(path):
            return True

        return False
def abspath(path):
    if not isabs(path):
        if isinstance(path, unicode):
            cwd = os.getcwdu()
            cwd = os.getcwd()
        path = join(cwd, path)
    return normpath(path)
 def get_top_srcdir(self, file):
     '''Returns a normalized top_srcdir for the given file: if
     substs['top_srcdir'] is a relative path, it is relative to the
     topobjdir. Adjust it to be relative to the file path.'''
     top_srcdir = self.substs['top_srcdir']
     if posixpath.isabs(top_srcdir) or ntpath.isabs(top_srcdir):
         return top_srcdir
     return posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(self.get_depth(file), top_srcdir))
    def _is_absolute_path(self, path):
        if posixpath.isabs(path):
            return True

        if ntpath.isabs(path):
            return True

        return False
Exemple #13
def _is_abs(path):
    Check if path is absolute on any platform.

    :param str path: Path to validate.

    :returns bool: True is absolute on any platform, False otherwise.
    return posixpath.isabs(path) or ntpath.isabs(path)
Exemple #14
def abspath(path):
    """Return the absolute version of a path"""
    if not isabs(path):
        if isinstance(path, unicode):
            cwd = os.getcwdu()
            cwd = os.getcwd()
        path = join(cwd, path)
    return normpath(path)
Exemple #15
def abspath(path):
    """Return the absolute version of a path"""
    if not isabs(path):
        if isinstance(path, unicode):
            cwd = os.getcwdu()
            cwd = os.getcwd()
        path = join(cwd, path)
    return normpath(path)
Exemple #16
def _is_abs(path):
    Check if path is absolute on any platform.

    :param str path: Path to validate.

    :returns bool: True is absolute on any platform, False otherwise.
    return posixpath.isabs(path) or ntpath.isabs(path)
Exemple #17
    def __normalize(cls, path, expand_user=False):
        if expand_user:
            path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        drive, path = ntpath.splitdrive(path)
        if drive and not ntpath.isabs(path):
            raise ValueError('relative paths with drives not supported')

        drive = drive.replace('\\', '/')
        path, isdir = cls.__normpath(path)
        return drive, path, isdir
Exemple #18
def join(a, *p):
    path = a
    for b in p:
        if isabs(b):
            path = b
        if path == '' or path[-1:] in '/\\:':
            path = path + b
        path = path + '/' + b

    return path
def join(a, *p):
    path = a
    for b in p:
        if isabs(b):
            path = b
        elif path == '' or path[-1:] in '/\\:':
            path = path + b
            path = path + '/' + b
    return path
Exemple #20
def join(a, *p):
    """Join two or more pathname components, inserting sep as needed"""
    path = a
    for b in p:
        if isabs(b):
            path = b
        elif path == '' or path[-1:] in '/\\:':
            path = path + b
            path = path + '/' + b
    return path
Exemple #21
def join(a, *p):
    """Join two or more pathname components, inserting sep as needed"""
    path = a
    for b in p:
        if isabs(b):
            path = b
        elif path == '' or path[-1:] in '/\\:':
            path = path + b
            path = path + '/' + b
    return path
Exemple #22
def path2posixPath(absPathString):
    print('ERORR: This function was not tested yet!')
    # absPathString must be absolute path.
    if ntpath.isabs(absPathString):  # is windows
        tempPath = PureWindowsPath(pathString)
        tempPath = Path(tempPath)
    if posixpath.isabs(absPathString):  # is linux/mac
        tempPath = PurePosixPath(pathString)
        tempPath = Path(tempPath)

    return str(tempPath)
Exemple #23
def readlink_f(linkName):  # resolve links and return absolute path
    '''Read link target. This returns an absolute path'''
    if linkName.endswith(INTERNET_SCUT_SUFFIX):
        return readlink_url(linkName)  # always absolute
    elif linkName.endswith(WINDOWS_SCUT_SUFFIX):
        tgt = readlink_scut(linkName)
        if not ntpath.isabs(tgt):
            linkName = os.path.abspath(linkName)
            pth = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(linkName), tgt)
        return pth
    elif os.path.islink(linkName):
        return os.path.realpath(linkName)  # realpath ensures an absolute path
    raise ValueError("Can't read link target")
    def validate_abspath(self, value: str) -> None:
        err = ValidationError(
            f"found an absolute path ({value}), expected a filename",

        if self._is_universal() or self._is_windows():
            if ntpath.isabs(value):
                raise err

        if posixpath.isabs(value):
            raise err
Exemple #25
def _is_current_platform_abspath(path):
    Check if the path is an obsolute path for the current platform.

    :param str path: Path to validate.

    :returns bool: True if absolute for this platform, False otherwise.
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        # ntpath likes to consider a path starting with / to be absolute,
        # but it is not!
        return ntpath.isabs(path) and not posixpath.isabs(path)
        return posixpath.isabs(path)
Exemple #26
def _is_current_platform_abspath(path):
    Check if the path is an obsolute path for the current platform.

    :param str path: Path to validate.

    :returns bool: True if absolute for this platform, False otherwise.
    if is_windows():
        # ntpath likes to consider a path starting with / to be absolute,
        # but it is not!
        return ntpath.isabs(path) and not posixpath.isabs(path)
        return posixpath.isabs(path)
def join(a, *p):
    """Join two or more pathname components, inserting sep as needed.

    Also replaces all altsep chars with sep in the returned string
    to make it consistent."""
    path = a
    for b in p:
        if isabs(b):
            path = b
        elif path == '' or path[-1:] in '/\\:':
            path = path + b
            path = path + '/' + b
    return path.replace(altsep, sep)
Exemple #28
def resolve_file_path(file_path, current_dir, datapath):
    file_path = file_path.lstrip("\\")
    if ntpath.isabs(file_path):
        return file_path

    file_path = file_path.replace("\\", os.sep)

    relpath_base = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(datapath), file_path)
    # paths that contain directories are always relative to the data path
    if os.path.exists(relpath_base) or os.sep in file_path:
        return relpath_base

    relpath_ls3 = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(current_dir), file_path)
    return relpath_ls3 if os.path.exists(relpath_ls3) else relpath_base
Exemple #29
    def validate_abspath(self, value: PathType) -> None:
        value = str(value)
        is_posix_abs = posixpath.isabs(value)
        is_nt_abs = ntpath.isabs(value)
        err_object = ValidationError(
            ("an invalid absolute file path ({}) for the platform ({}).".
             format(value, self.platform.value) +
             " to avoid the error, specify an appropriate platform correspond"
             + " with the path format, or 'auto'."),

        if self._is_universal() and any([is_posix_abs, is_nt_abs]):
            raise err_object

        if any([self._is_windows(), self._is_universal()
                ]) and posixpath.isabs(value):
            raise err_object

        drive, _tail = ntpath.splitdrive(value)
        if not self._is_windows() and drive and ntpath.isabs(value):
            raise err_object
Exemple #30
def drive_path(path):
    split absolute paths from nt, osx, or linux into (drive, path) tuple
    path = path.replace(ntpath.sep, '/')
    drive, path = ntpath.splitdrive(path)
    if ntpath.isabs(path):
        split = path.split('/', 3)
        if split[1] in ('Volumes', 'media', 'mnt'):
            drive = split[2]
            path = '/' + split[3]
        elif split[1] in ('Users', 'home'):
            drive = drive or split[1]
            raise ValueError, split[1]
    drive = DRIVES.get(drive, drive)
    return drive, path
Exemple #31
    def __init__(self, file_prefix):
        # Determine what type of path it is
        # Ntpath includes posixpaths, so be sure to test
        # posix first :P
        if posixpath.isabs(file_prefix):
            self.working_directory = "/"
            self.emulated_path_module = posixpath
        elif ntpath.isabs(file_prefix):
            self.working_directory, _ = ntpath.splitdrive(file_prefix)
            self.emulated_path_module = ntpath
            raise ZelosException((f"Path {file_prefix} is not an absolute "
                                  "filepath of any system I know of."))

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.added_files = {}
        self.mounted_folders = defaultdict(list)
Exemple #32
    def resolver(self, link, linkTgt, bad_links):
        lnk = Link(link, linkTgt)

        origTgt_abs = absTgtpath(lnk.link, lnk.linkTgt)

        if os.path.exists(origTgt_abs):
            # Link exists: check that it is pointing to something
            # within (under) the tree
            if origTgt_abs.find(self.treeRoot) != 0:

        tgt = lnk.linkTgt
        newTgt = tryRebaseLink(tgt, self.treeRoot, validClans=self.clans)
        # If the link can't be rebased then there's no further 'fixes' we can do
        if newTgt is None:

        # See if we've actually changed the link at all
        newTgt = os.path.normpath(newTgt)
        if newTgt != origTgt_abs:
            lnk.status += STATUS_REBASED

        tgt = newTgt  # abs path

        if not os.path.exists(tgt):
            newTgt = self.tryGenGap(lnk.link, tgt)
            if newTgt is not None:
                tgt = newTgt
                lnk.status += STATUS_GENGAP

        if os.path.exists(tgt):
            lnk.status += STATUS_OK

        # If the original link was relative then make the revised one too
        if not ntpath.isabs(lnk.linkTgt):
            tgt = os.path.relpath(tgt, os.path.dirname(lnk.link))

        if tgt != lnk.linkTgt:
            lnk.revisedLinkTgt = tgt

def _resolve_link(path):
    """Internal helper function.  Takes a path and follows symlinks
    until we either arrive at something that isn't a symlink, or
    encounter a path we've seen before (meaning that there's a loop).
    paths_seen = []
    while islink(path):
        if path in paths_seen:
            # Already seen this path, so we must have a symlink loop
            return None
        # Resolve where the link points to
        resolved = os.readlink(path)
        if not isabs(resolved):
            dir = dirname(path)
            path = normpath(join(dir, resolved))
            path = normpath(resolved)
    return path
Exemple #34
def ntpath_to_mingwpath(path):
    if os.path is not ntpath:
        return path
    if isinstance(path,pathlib.PureWindowsPath):
      path = str(path)

    if len(path) >= 2 and path[0].isalpha() and path[1] == ':':
      return '/' + path[0].lower() + path[2:].replace('\\', '/')

    return path

    assert ntpath.isabs(path)
    drive,path = ntpath.splitdrive(path)
    parts = path.split('\\')[1:]

    if drive:
        parts =  ['/' + drive[:-1].lower()] + parts

    result = posixpath.join(*parts)
    return result
def realpath(filename):
    """Return the canonical path of the specified filename, eliminating any
symbolic links encountered in the path."""
    if isabs(filename):
        bits = ['/'] + filename.split('/')[1:]
        bits = [''] + filename.split('/')

    for i in range(2, len(bits) + 1):
        component = join(*bits[0:i])
        # Resolve symbolic links.
        if islink(component):
            resolved = _resolve_link(component)
            if resolved is None:
                # Infinite loop -- return original component + rest of the path
                return abspath(join(*([component] + bits[i:])))
                newpath = join(*([resolved] + bits[i:]))
                return realpath(newpath)

    return abspath(filename)
Exemple #36
    def directory(self, value):
        def _mkdir(_directory):
            if not _directory.endswith(_slash): _directory += _slash
            if checks.pathExists(_directory):
                if checks.isDir(_directory):
                    self.DIRECTORY = _directory
                    self.TEMPFILE_OBJECT = None

                    err = "Path '{V}' exists but is not a directory. ".format(
                    raise ValueError(err)

            else:  # Does NOT exist
                    self.DIRECTORY = _directory
                except OSError as e:
                    err = "Unable to make temporary directory path '{V}' ({E})".format(
                        V=str(value), E=str(e))
                    raise OSError(err)

        USAGE = "The 'directory' attribute must be a full path ending in a directory marker (slash) to an existing directory or a new directory to be created. I.e. '/dir1/dir2/'."
        value = str(value)
        if value == 'mkdtemp':
            self.TEMPFILE_OBJECT = tempfile.mkdtemp('.tmpdir')
            self.DIRECTORY = self.TEMPFILE_OBJECT + _slash

        if ntpath.isabs(value):
            raise PropertyNotValidValueError(stack()[0][3],
Exemple #37
 def ntpath(path):
     assert not ntpath.isabs(path)
     assert not posixpath.isabs(path)
     return path.replace("/", "\\")
Exemple #38
 def __init__(self, path, filename):
     if filename and ntpath.isabs(filename):
         self.path, self.filename = ntpath.split(filename)
         self.filename = filename
         self.path = path
Exemple #39
import ntpath

file = "/my/little/pony"

print "isabs", "=>", ntpath.isabs(file)
print "dirname", "=>", ntpath.dirname(file)
print "basename", "=>", ntpath.basename(file)
print "normpath", "=>", ntpath.normpath(file)
print "split", "=>", ntpath.split(file)
print "join", "=>", ntpath.join(file, "zorba")

## isabs => 1
## dirname => /my/little
## basename => pony
## normpath => \my\little\pony
## split => ('/my/little', 'pony')
## join => /my/little/pony\zorba
Exemple #40
def path_is_abs(path):
    if path_is_win(path):
        return ntpath.isabs(path)
        return posixpath.isabs(path)
Exemple #41
 def _replace_sep(path, from_sep, to_sep):
     assert not ntpath.isabs(path)
     assert not posixpath.isabs(path)
     return path.replace(from_sep, to_sep)
Exemple #42
def isabs_anywhere(filename):
    """Is `filename` an absolute path on any OS?"""
    return ntpath.isabs(filename) or posixpath.isabs(filename)
def abspath(path):
    """Return the absolute version of a path"""
    if not isabs(path):
        path = join(os.getcwd(), path)
    return normpath(path)
Exemple #44
def isabs_anywhere(filename):
    """Is `filename` an absolute path on any OS?"""
    return ntpath.isabs(filename) or posixpath.isabs(filename)
Exemple #45
 def __init__(self, path, filename):
     if filename and ntpath.isabs(filename):
         self.path, self.filename = ntpath.split(filename)
         self.filename = filename
         self.path = path
Exemple #46
 def ntpath(path):
     assert not ntpath.isabs(path)
     assert not posixpath.isabs(path)
     return path.replace('/', '\\')
def abspath(path):
    if not isabs(path):
        path = join(os.getcwd(), path)
    return normpath(path)