def talker(): pub = rospy.Publisher('/nubot1/nubotcontrol/velcmd', VelCmd, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): vec = VelCmd() vec.Vx = 50 vec.Vy = 0 vec.w = 0 pub.publish(vec) rate.sleep()
def pubNubotCtrl(self, x, y, yaw): angle = yaw velocity = math.hypot(x, y) if x != 0: alpha = math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x)) else: alpha = 0 dis_max = 2 dis_min = 0.3 velocity_max = 70 velocity_min = 50 angular_velocity_max = 2 angular_velocity_min = 0.5 angle_max = 144 angle_min = 20 angle_out = angle if velocity == 0: pass elif velocity > dis_max: velocity = velocity_max elif velocity < dis_min: velocity = velocity_min else: velocity = (velocity_max - velocity_min) * (math.cos( (((velocity - dis_min) / (dis_max - dis_min) - 1) * math.pi)) + 1) / 2 + velocity_min if angle == 0: pass elif abs(angle) > angle_max: angle_out = angular_velocity_max elif abs(angle) < angle_min: angle_out = angular_velocity_min else: angle_out = (angular_velocity_max - angular_velocity_min) * (math.cos( (((angle - angle_min) / (angle_max - angle_min) - 1) * math.pi)) + 1) / 2 + angular_velocity_min if angle < 0: angle_out = -angle_out x = velocity * math.cos(math.radians(alpha)) y = velocity * math.sin(math.radians(alpha)) yaw = angle_out vel = VelCmd() vel.Vx = x vel.Vy = y vel.w = yaw self.nubot_cmd_pub.publish(vel)
def talker(): pub = rospy.Publisher('/nubot1/nubotcontrol/velcmd', VelCmd, queue_size=10) #對 '...' 之Topic發送資料 10爲緩衝 發送形態爲VelCmd rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=True) #初始化ROS並初始化一個節點叫'talker' rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz #update rate of node while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #無窮迴圈 vec = VelCmd() vec.Vx = 50 vec.Vy = 0 vec.w = 0 pub.publish(vec) #publish()內資料 rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): self.RadHead2Ball = 0.0 self.RadHead = 0.0 self.BallPosX = 0.0 self.BallPosY = 0.0 self.kick_count = 0 self.vec = VelCmd()
def listener(): # In ROS, nodes are uniquely named. If two nodes with the same # name are launched, the previous one is kicked off. The # anonymous=True flag means that rospy will choose a unique # name for our 'listener' node so that multiple listeners can # run simultaneously. rospy.init_node('strategy_node', anonymous=True) #初始化一個節點,命名爲'strategy_node' vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/nubot1/nubotcontrol/velcmd', VelCmd, queue_size=10) #Publisher rospy.Subscriber("/nubot1/omnivision/OmniVisionInfo", OminiVisionInfo, callback) #Subscriber with call back # rospy.wait_for_service('/nubot1/BallHandle') call_Handle = rospy.ServiceProxy('/nubot1/BallHandle', BallHandle) # rospy.wait_for_service('/nubot1/Shoot') call_Shoot = rospy.ServiceProxy('/nubot1/Shoot', Shoot) # service rate = rospy.Rate(10) # resp1 = call_Shoot(1, 1) #cause 2 input in this Shoot case while not rospy.is_shutdown(): res = call_Handle(1) #start holding device print(turn(100)) #print(res) if not call_Handle(1).BallIsHolding: # BallIsHolding = 0 vec = VelCmd() vec.Vx = MaxSpd * math.cos(A2B) vec.Vy = MaxSpd * math.sin(A2B) vec.w = A2B vel_pub.publish(vec) else: #when it holds ball # if # vec.w = # y1 = # from GAFuzzy # vec.w = vec.w # 轉成踢球方向 from GAFuzzy call_Shoot(50, 1) # from GAFuzzy #rospy.spin() rate.sleep()
def __init__(self, team): self.sac_cal = sac_calculate() self.a = [] self.s = [] self.r = 0.0 self.done = False self.avg_arr = np.zeros(64) = team self.RadHead2Ball = 0.0 self.RadHead = 0.0 self.NunbotAPosX = 0.0 self.NunbotAPosY = 0.0 self.NunbotBPosX = 0.0 self.BallPosX = 0.0 self.BallPosY = 0.0 self.GoalX = 900.0 self.GoalY = 0.0 self.StartX = -900.0 self.StartY = 0.0 self.kick_count = 0 self.kick_num = 0 self.score = 0 self.RadTurn = 0.0 self.Steal = False self.dis2start = 0.0 self.dis2goal = 0.0 self.vec = VelCmd() self.A_info = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) self.game_count = 2 self.A_z = 0.0 self.B_z = 0.0 self.HowEnd = 0 self.B_dis = 0.0 self.ep_rwd = 0 self.is_kick = False self.ready2restart = True self.list_rate = list(np.zeros(128)) self.milestone=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] self.step_milestone=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] self.milestone_idx =0 self.is_in = False self.is_out = False self.is_steal = False self.is_fly = False self.is_stealorfly = False self.real_resart = True self.step_count = 0 self.LeftAng = 0 self.Dis2Ball = 0
def __init__(self, team): = team self.RadHead2Ball = 0.0 self.RadHead = 0.0 self.NunbotAPosX = 0.0 self.NunbotAPosY = 0.0 self.BallPosX = 0.0 self.BallPosY = 0.0 self.GoalX = 900.0 self.GoalY = 0.0 self.StartX = 0.0 self.StartY = 0.0 self.kick_count = 0 self.kick_num = 0 self.score = 0 self.RadTurn = 0.0 self.Steal = False self.dis2start = 0.0 self.dis2goal = 0.0 self.vec = VelCmd() self.A_info = [0] self.game_count = 2
def Pub_Cmdvel(self, vec, action_dim=1): velcmd = VelCmd() if (action_dim == 1): r""" vec vec value vec ang yaw 0 """ velcmd.Vx, velcmd.Vy = self.Calculate_Vel(vec[:2]) velcmd.w = vec[2] else: r""" vec vec_x vec_y yaw """ velcmd.Vx = vec[0] velcmd.Vy = vec[1] velcmd.w = vec[2] self.pub_cmdvel.publish(velcmd)
def Pub_Cmdvel(self,vec,action_dim = 1): velcmd = VelCmd() if(self.a_info == 'angle'): velcmd.Vx,velcmd.Vy = self.Calculate_Vel(vec[:2]) velcmd.w = vec[2] elif(self.a_info == 'scalar_ang'): velcmd.Vx,velcmd.Vy = self.Calculate_Vel(vec[:2]) velcmd.w = vec[2] elif(self.a_info == 'linear'): velcmd.Vx = vec[0] velcmd.Vy = vec[1] velcmd.w = 0 elif(self.a_info == 'linear_yaw'): velcmd.Vx = vec[0] velcmd.Vy = vec[1] velcmd.w = vec[2] self.pub_cmdvel.publish(velcmd)
status = (status + 1) % 15 elif key==' ': try: shoot_client_ = rospy.ServiceProxy('Shoot',Shoot) rsp = shoot_client_(1,1) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logwarn("Service call failed: %s"%e) else: x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 th = 0 if (key == '\x03'): break cmd = VelCmd() cmd.Vx = -y*speed*200 cmd.Vy = x*speed*200 cmd.w = th*turn*50 if cmd.Vx==0 and cmd.Vy==0 and cmd.w==0: cmd.stop_ = True else: cmd.stop_ = False cmd_pub_.publish(cmd) #rospy.loginfo("V: %d %d %d", cmd.Vx, cmd.Vy, cmd.w) #print("V: %d %d %d" % (cmd.Vx,cmd.Vy,cmd.w)) except Exception as e: print(e)
def RobotCtrl(self, x, y, yaw): msg = VelCmd() msg.Vx = x msg.Vy = y msg.w = yaw self.cmdvel_pub.publish(msg)
def Pub_Cmdvel(self, vec): velcmd = VelCmd() velcmd.Vx = vec[0] velcmd.Vy = vec[1] velcmd.w = vec[2] self.pub_cmdvel.publish(velcmd)